Friday, February 13, 2004

How the other half lives

In Today's Page Six gossip column in the NY Daily News:
THAT was some hen party at Marlo Thomas' Park Avenue pad the other night promoting Marie Wilson and Eve Ensler's White House Project, aimed at electing more women. Imagine dozens of women chanting, "Vote with your vagina!"
I'm trying hard to, but that doesn't happen much around here.
One participant was standing in the foyer and noticed a large Picasso drawing of a nude woman, legs akimbo. "I thought, 'This is perfect.' Not only are they screaming 'vagina!' - there's one staring at me."
That either.
Also on hand: Tina Brown, Katie Ford, Jane Rosenthal and Cosmo editrix Kate White.
The doyennes of "style". Nothing like a class act.