Tuesday, August 26, 2003

That must be it!
Over in Germany that is - Bad Feng Shui Blamed for MPs Lacking Ideas:
BERLIN (Reuters) - If German politicians lack ideas for reforming the country's struggling healthcare and pensions systems, they can now blame an adverse flow of energy in their workplace.

The German parliament's glass dome, a Berlin landmark, makes for bad feng shui, according to an expert in the Chinese art of positioning objects, buildings and furniture.

"The energy is downright sucked out of MPs' heads by the glass dome," feng shui adviser Wilhelm Wuschko told the mass-circulation daily Bild Saturday.
And I thought it was just because there were so many leftoids hanging about!

So what's the solution?
To keep the energy inside, the dome should be coated with a protective foil, he said.
A giant tin foil beanie! What a plan - it'll defeat those CIA mind control rays too.