Saturday, May 17, 2003

It's so hard to choose!
From the Enemy of the Week Column at the American Prowler - Tough Love:
First Bill Bennett, now a former JKF intern falls victim to privacy looters. What did Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. know, and when did he know it? They called her Mimi, back when she was 19 as part of a White House jobs program that taught typing to recent graduates of New England private schools too penurious to prepare its young women for secretarial work. Mimi currently figures in Robert Dallek's new biography of John F. Kennedy, though who's to say its portrait is definitive? On the one hand we learn that JFK was the sickliest human being in America, carrying inside him more emasculating steroids and meds than the entire NFL; on the other, we're told he had a bigger appetite for women than the rampaging Red Army of 1945. He remains a paradox.
Or better yet, so Blumenthalian. To those in the dark, that's a reference to the leading expositor of Democratic-Leninism, or, if you prefer, Marxism-Clintonism or BillHill-Centralism. He's now published a memoir of the Clinton Glory that most liberal reviewers of sane or even insane disposition are finding an embarrassment of sycophantic and posturing riches. Its subtext: Sid loved Bill more than Monica ever could. He just wasn't as attractive.
Now to solve the nation's most pressing problem. What is to be done with Howell Raines? We warned him not to marry into the former Polish nomenklatura, but he didn't listen. Now he has more diversity than anyone growing up in Alabama ever dreamed off, including a Polish daughter of a Polish friend of his new Polish wife who stands accused of providing incriminating photographs from the Times portfolio to inventive scribe Jayson Blair. This could make a Flannery O'Connor story.
In case the last reference is a tad obscure, check out Times Gal: I Didn't Aid Beau Blair:
The gal pal of disgraced ex-New York Times reporter Jayson Blair said she had no role in helping him in his deception.

"I was in no way aware nor did I assist Jayson in anything that contributed to his current problems," said Zuza Glowacka, a 23-year-old clerk who was a temp for The Times.
Glowacka's mom, Ewa Zadrzynska, was a close friend of Krystyna Stachowiak, the wife of Times executive editor Howell Raines.
It's all in the family!