Thursday, October 10, 2002

Humorless Idiotarian Alert!
(Via Free Republic) In a letter to the editor of the Haverford - Bryn Mawr Bi-College News, Jennifer Zachary-Higgins shares:
Dear Editor,

I would like to express my grave discontent with the humor section of the newspaper. The Last Word serves no purpose to the campus community and succeeds only in making a mockery of all that is true and good in the world.

Allow me to explain. Right now, across the world, there are literally millions, if not billions, of people out there who struggle each day just to survive. Many nations of the world are constantly suffering from famines, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters. Some, like those in Yugoslavia and Iraq, suffer not from natural disasters but from unjustifiable intervention by the United States. And, as if I have not made my point already, there are those within our very borders who never know if there will be food on the table in a week.

Yet, the Last Word is concerned with none of these things. Instead, it merely makes a mockery of all those people, especially myself, who try to correct those problems, by trying (unsuccessfully) to make us laugh and distract us from our important work.

Well, I’m not laughing. And I’d bet, that if you actually took a poll of the Haverford and Bryn Mawr students, you would find I am part of a silent majority. That is why I ask that David Langlieb stop his immoral page and replace it one that is more productive, one that attempts to address the challenging issues of the modern world.

Jennifer Zachary-Higgins, BMC ‘05
I nominate ole Jen for Commissar: "No laffink Comrades! It's a betrayal of the proletariat!"

Her knickers must have been further twisted by Bryn Mawr to Build a Parking Space and Lamp In Front of D.C. Deemed “Too Phallic” For Public Decency.