Wednesday, October 23, 2002

All the Usual Suspects
James Taranto weighs in with MSNBC Smears Charles Johnson: has a feature called Weblog Central, apparently written by someone named Will Femia. On Friday Femia cited LGF in his "Best of Blogs" feature. But then on Sunday, Femia posted an update, saying he'd heard from LGF critics who object, in Femia's words, to "the fact that LGF has, over time, increased its focus on militant Islam and terrorism." Femia updated his original description of LGF to say the following:
This site is the focus of considerable controversy for its focus (and particularly the focus of the constituents in its comments section) on Islamic culture and dogma as the source of Islamic terror. As a popular, active, and well presented site, it is worth checking out, but some may find its content hateful or even racist.
This is an outrageous smear. The accusation of "racism" doesn't even make sense; is anyone stupid enough to think Islam is a race? And while there's plenty of hate on LGF, Charles Johnson isn't the source of it. He is simply documenting the murderously hateful ideology of radical Islam. It makes no more sense to call Johnson "hateful" than it would make to call the Anti-Defamation League anti-Semitic.
The apologists have their knickers tightly knotted over the fact that Little Green Footballs exposes the frothing rants of the radical Islamofascists to a little daylight, so they cry racism.

Sounds familiar.