Wednesday, July 03, 2002

ICC again: Zev Chafets gives the International Criminal Court (sic) both barrels of 00 buck in the New York Daily News.

On the other hand, the hand wringers on the Boston Globe editorial board are sobbing that "When President Bush decided in May to unsign the Treaty of Rome creating an International Criminal Court in The Hague to try individuals for war crimes, he chose to point the world's sole superpower right at a craggy protuberance marked Isolation Reef. " They apparently haven't noticed that China, India, Russia, and Japan have the same misgivings about the kangaroo court. Perhaps the Globites should worry about their own protuberances.

And pride of place goes to Kenneth Nichols for the first Press Release providing notice of intention to charge the USA with "War Crimes" before the court. Mr. Nichols also apparently intends to burn his passport and give up his US citizenship to become a stateless person. Ken, don't let the door slap you on the ass on your way out.

And Ken, since you're planning to be stateless, why don't you move in with the court itself? They're building a 300,000 sq. foot palace in the Hague and I am sure they can allocate a closet to you while you work on your briefs.