After weeks of telling everyone that "good boys don't do that," Nebraska Senator Ben "Dover" Nelson couldn't drop his pants fast enough after Harry Reid flashed some serious cash at him:
Why the change of heart?
It appears that the current health care bill’s plan to insure about 30 million uninsured Americans includes a provision to move a good portion of them onto the Medicaid rolls. Needless to say, that’s quite the unfunded mandate to force upon the budgets of our already cash-strapped states.
But there’s one state that today was guaranteed immunity from such a budget-annihilating burden -- Nebraska. While 49 other states will be forced to scramble and cut and tax and reappropriate in order to meet the new mandates, Nelson’s home state won’t.
That’s because Nelson sold his vote for Reid’s assurance that the feds will pay 100% of any new Nebraska Medicaid costs -- forever.
And that leaves non-Nebraskan taxpayers picking up the tab – forever.
Gosh, that's even more lucrative than a few night stands with Tiger Woods!
But hold on a sec! What about other round-heeled Democrat Senators from conservative states who rolled over for Harry without any such largesse? I bet they are steaming now and thinking about how they could all of a sudden play hard to get too. Maybe they could call up the National Enquirer and offer to sell all their photos and phone messages unless Reid and Obama come up with some piles of cash for them too?
(Hat tip: photo from Ace)