Friday, March 25, 2005

All the phony news that fits

The Prowler:
It's Rathergate all over again, and the same vigilant entities that brought about to the collapse of CBS News could now also cause heads to roll among Democratic Senate leadership staffers and further shame multiple news organizations that would appear to have fallen for another document hoax.
Republican leadership staffers now believe the document was generated out of the Democratic opposition research office set up recently by Sen. Harry Reid, and distributed to some Democratic Senate staffers claiming it was a GOP document, in the hope -- or more likely expectation -- that it would then be leaked by those Democrats to reporters. In fact, the New York Times stated that it was Democratic staffers who were distributing the "talking points" document.
The NYT can congratulate themselves for dodging this bullet, but ABC and the rest of the talking heads who transmitted it ought to be ashamed of their stupidity. We know they won't get worked up over their bias. And did you think they would be quick to issue corrections? Well, they're in good company - Air America's new star, Jerry Springer, took time out from his busy transgender lesbian mudwrestling schedule to blather about "the memo".

UPDATE: Fred Barnes in The Weekly Standard - The ABCs of Media Bias.