Wednesday, October 15, 2003

It's tin foil beanie time, kids!

Anne Applebaum goes to the Frankfurt book fair:
It was also hard not to notice how much the chatter about books in Germany reveals nowadays about the mood in Germany. As in the United States, many of the books that have recently found their way to the top of German bestseller lists concern Sept. 11, 2001. Unlike those in the United States, many of them also argue that the Bush administration was responsible for Sept. 11. One book, by a former German government minister, argues that the planes that hit the World Trade Center may have been secretly steered from the ground. Another -- translated from the French and titled "The Appalling Lie" -- says that the Pentagon was never hit by a plane at all but was instead deliberately blown up with a bomb. Germany's establishment press has studiously debunked these theories, to little avail: Recently, an opinion poll showed that one in five Germans believe them.
I'd be laughing harder, but the difference between these wingnuts and the Democrat presidential candidates is only a matter of degree.

Follow the link for Anne's main point - "According to another opinion poll, more than a third of the Germans now think of themselves as "victims" of the Second World War ...".