Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fred Thompson spanks the news hen

The worst part of the presidential candidate debates is that they are universally moderated by libtard journalists who not only can't find their butts with both hands but want to demonstrate against all odds how clever they are. Tonight's Republican debate may well be the canonical example:

HERE WE WERE on Wednesday, a nation of political junkies gathered around our televisions to watch the candidates debate each other one last time, and we had as a moderator one Carolyn Washburn, the editor of the Des Moines Register. I don't mean to go all East-coast-elitist on you; I'm sure there are people in Iowa who could capably moderate a presidential debate. Unfortunately, and obviously, Carolyn Washburn is not one of them.

The bulk of the post-debate analysis will probably focus on how maladroit Washburn was at the job. She did the impossible--she moderated the last Iowa debate between the Republican candidates before caucuses and yet saw to it that none of the candidates engaged each other. In other words, the moderator ensured that the debate would be as lively as a 12 part PBS series on "How Grass Grows." A personal aside to the Des Moines Register--"boring" is not synonymous with "serious."

The problems went beyond Washburn's lack of mad moderating skillz. From the outset, Washburn announced that the candidates would not be discussing either Iraq or immigration. Swell! It's the biggest debate of the season, so let's take the two biggest issues off the table. For what it's worth, Washburn brought all the charm to her assignment of a latter-day Nurse Ratched.

At some point, the political parties will have to begin to wonder why they entrust such a critical part of our president-choosing process to people like Carolyn Washburn, people who obviously aren't up to the task.

The best part was when Fred Thompson told Nurse Ratched what she could do with her loaded "raise your hand" question about global warming:

By the way, it is a little hard to see in the clip but that was Huckabee, Giuliani, Romney, and McCain who had their hands in the air agreeing that global warming was the American taxpayer's burden. How's the Kool-Aid, boys? Real tasty?