Illinois Democrats promise not to buy votes:
Democratic leaders in one Illinois county have begun making very clear what other politicians might consider obvious: Party money should not be used to buy votes.
Er, we're talking Illinois and the Democrat party here.
The Democratic Party in St. Clair County has sent out reminders to precinct committeemen that party money can't be used to influence votes.
The refresher course on democracy follows the June convictions of five East St. Louis politicians for vote buying. Prosecutors said they had helped distribute more than $70,000 received by city Democratic precinct committeemen just before the 2004 election from the county Democratic organization.
Looks like the rates have gone up. It used to just be a pack of smokes or a half pint of cheap hooch. Of course, smokes and booze have gone up too.
The committeemen were recently sent a one-page letter from St. Clair County Democratic Central Committee Chairman Robert Sprague saying that money from the county committee should be used only to pay to help get the vote out.
Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. That's what the goodies are for - getting out the vote.
Precinct leaders should "keep a record of all expenses" and "under no circumstances" use party money to pay for votes, the letter says.
Now they'll be sure to record them as "refreshment expenses."