Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It sure is a puzzle

Bless Debra Burlingame's heart. Why is she not being championed by the media as one grieving a lost loved one. Doesn't she have the same "moral authority" to speak out about the war on terror, or at the very least the memorial at Ground Zero?
Lorie links to this post at Ankle Biting Pundits:
Showing a fervor not seen since Augusta National Golf Course refused to admit women, The New York Times editorial board once again takes aim at the courageous Deborah Burlingame, and her refusal to let a small minority of politically correct, anti-war Bush-haters turn Ground Zero into a "Why They Hate Us" memorial.

By our count this is the third editorial in just over a month slamming the efforts of Ms. Burlingame...
Read the rest, it'll get your heart started this AM. Maybe if she blamed the Jooz? Yeah, that would do it.