Let's have Herr Ed for dinner!
From the UK - They eat domestic solipeds, don’t they?
Eurospeak for "horses", just in case you were wondering, and from today it becomes law of the land that every horse should be the proud owner of a passport, courtesy of our government-over-the-water in Brussels.Pray tell, how could they conceivably need passports?
To mark this occasion, the Daily Telegraph runs a piece in today’s edition, pointing out the penalty for disobeying the diktats of our masters, with the headline: "Horse owners face jail over passports".
The reason for this delicious piece of nonsense – to use an unfortunate phrase – is that the EU wants to keep track of medication administered to horses in case they subsequently end up in the food chain...I'd like a Black Beauty Burger please!
Thus are our masters in Brussels to be assuaged - and all because they eat domestic solipeds.