Thursday, August 26, 2004

Lurch's Band of Brothers

From Jessica's Well:

From Mark Steyn:
"The story now is not John Kerry's weird secret-agent fantasies but the media's willingness to act as elite guardians of them. They're his real "band of brothers," happy to fish him out of their water, even if their credibility sinks in the process."
UPDATE: Favorite comment on this so far was on a BBS somewhere I can't relocate now:
"CNN took the picture."
And while we're on the subject, check out Belmont's Club The Man Who Went to Sea about a Time magazine "article" on Najaf:
I had started to parse the account in terms of the five journalistic "W"s before I realized I was looking at a pure specimen of the kind of writing that was once popular in the 1920s and 30s. Something that might have been written by Lincoln Steffens or Mao Tse Tung when he penned "In Memory of Norman Bethune". Philip Robertson's account in Time Magazine may or may not tell the truth, but it is a perfect example of the yawning gap that has opened up between sections of the Mainstream Media and its Internet critics. Although sports and city news seem as much as before, the coverage of the war on terrorism and the Presidential election has become, as much as the space between forces in Najaf, an informational no-man's-land. The conflict has become so polarizing that people are reverting to type, even archetype, so that Lincoln Steffens rides again. The accounts of the siege of the Imam Ali shrine begin to read like a play within a play and the coverage a story in itself. However things turn out, the relationship between the media and its readers will never return to its former nature.
Hey, not to worry! Most of 'em just aren't "allowed" to wear American flag pins. Not that they would.