Thursday, May 06, 2004

It's Official!

The leftoid talking points, that is. The New York Times has decreed that Donald Rumsfeld Should Go.

Hmm, let's see the lineup. Nancy "Limousine Liberal" Pelosi, Tom "Cornfed Wingnut" Harkin, John "War Criminal" Kerry, the Congressional Black Caucus, and assorted media dung beetles. Around here, that collection and a buck will get you coffee. Not particularly good coffee either. It also makes one wonder if these loons have the faintest clue as to what a real "atrocity" is.

I'm sure it will be a swell show tomorrow when a cast of clueless losers frothingly castigates an incredibly successful Secretary of Defense for some troop shenanigans that the military was already on top of. Stand back folks! Teddy might have a coronary! If anyone should be resigning, it's these disgusting "America Last" bottom feeders.