Monday, January 19, 2004

It just gets better

James Taranto notes some more Burpelson moments:
More Wesley weirdness:, an official campaign Web site, features a series of very strange online surveys. "What is the best Democratic ticket for '04? asks one--and of the 10 choices offered, Clark heads the ticket in only four of them. Four more have Clark as No. 2 on the ticket, and two of them (Dean/Edwards and Edwards/Dean) shut out Clark entirely. The most popular ticket, garnering more than a third of the votes, is Kucinich for president, Clark for veep.

Another poll asks "Would Lyndon LaRouche make a good Treasury secretary?" Only 40% say no, though the results are perhaps inconclusive, since only five people have cast votes in the poll.
Lyndon LaRouche for Treasury secretary? Don't tell the Queen, she'll be pissed!

But thinking of Lyndon, I was reminded of this post by Jonah Goldberg at The Corner:
One of our "Iowa guys" writes:
Jay and Jonah:

I thought you might be interested in this Dean GOTV tactic. I compared notes with a friend (both of us live in Des Moines), and the same thing happened to him:

Dean campaign calls, identifies itself and asks if I have a candidate selected for the caucus.

I say only: I will not be supporting the Governor. My friend identifies himself as an Edwards supporter.

Within an hour, I get a call from St. Louis (Gephardt's home district) and some guy tells me why he is supporting Dean. My friend gets TWO calls from Dean supporters in North Carolina (Edward's home state) with the reasons why they support Dean. (He's the only one who get beat Bush, blah, blah, blah).

Good evidence of the Dean campaign's organizational efforts which will be key to beating Gephardt's traditional labor support.
My question is who do they get to call you if you tell them you are for LaRouche?