Saturday, September 20, 2003

We certainly wouldn't want that!
Montgomery County, Maryland is at it again:
Politicians in Montgomery County, Md., struck yet another blow against U.S. immigration law on Tuesday, as the county council voted unanimously to permit illegal immigrants to obtain public services using ID cards issued by foreign consulates, such as Mexico's fraud-plagued matricula consular. County Executive Doug Duncan praised the council's vote. According to Mr. Duncan, illegals have been unable to fully participate in the American dream because they couldn't produce valid identification.
Earth to Duncan, Earth to Duncan - sheesh, why bother? Here's an airbrain that thinks that the American dream is obtaining public services and that any illegal alien who shows up deserves carte blanche. I just wish it was only the Montgomery County taxpayers that were funding his delusion.

And then there's this from California where Gray Davis donned his sequinned hot pants and gave illegal aliens driver's licenses:
Housepainter Carlos Ponce Rodriguez has been driving to work for three years without a license.

Rodriguez doesn't want to be a scofflaw. But because he lacks immigration papers, he can't get a license.
Something so richly ironic must be bad for my diet. Deborah Kong, AP Minority Issues Writer is responsible for that blather.

UPDATE: And while we're at it, there's already a petition campaign for a referendum to overturn the driver's license law. That's swell and they ought to include the free tuition for illegal aliens law as well. But another ho on the stroll with Gray piped up:
"They are working and paying taxes. And when you send a message out that Latinos are not good people, you send a message to Republicans that might act on them," California Democratic Party Spokesman Bob Mulholland said.
Where to start? How about illegal aliens consume much more in public services than they pay in taxes; "Latinos" are not universally illegal aliens and vice versa; and illegal aliens are like all people - they range from the good to the bad. But they are illegal and our wide open borders are a burden that the taxpayers shouldn't have to shoulder. As for the comment about Republicans, Bobby is fuzzier than usual, but it sounds like he's playing a dubious race card. No wonder he's Democrat party spokesman.