Tuesday, June 17, 2003

It's those wacky artists again!
Yesterday it was "poo on sticks", today it's Setting Ancient Nefertiti Bust on Bronze Nude Touches off a Tussle:
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - They were together only a few hours. But that brief union of a celebrated, 3,000-year-old bust of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti with a modern bronze nude body touched off a furor.

Some Egyptians are calling the art project at Berlin's Egyptian Museum an insult to their culture and demanding the return of the ancient bust, charging it isn't safe in German hands.

The museum director, Dietrich Wildung, answers that his museum's most famous piece was never at risk and defends the videotaping of Nefertiti's head on a nude torso as a legitimate artistic experiment.

The tape is now part of an installation by two Hungarian artists at the Venice Biennale, one of the world's most prestigious contemporary art festivals.
Sorry to disappoint, but the only picture I can find is this, which is a real snoozer. As a substitute, try this.