Sunday, August 04, 2002

Tin Foil Cynthia Alert
Jim Wooten in an opinion piece from the AJC, tells how Republicans can help boot McKinney, by voting against her in the Democratic primary:
Republicans in DeKalb County's 4th Congressional District do not matter. They don't count. They're there, but as filler.

In congressional races, their perdition for the next 10 years is to be represented by a liberal Democrat. They can vent, write letters, pout or drop out, but in redistricting Democrats guaranteed that the 4th District of Georgia will send a Democrat, certainly a liberal and most likely a black, to Congress. Get used to marginalization.

That said, they don't really have to put up with a liberal Democrat who's also contemptuous of them, who concocts fantasies about the president starting wars to enrich his friends.

While they don't matter in November, they can matter in August.


They could matter in the 4th Congressional District race in the Democratic primary, where incumbent U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney is being challenged by Judge Denise Majette. A poll last week by an Internet political news service, Marketing Workshop, reveals a race far closer than pundits suspected. The two are neck-and-neck -- a sure indication that serious race-baiting is in the cards, irrespective of the fact that both are black and philosophically compatible. McKinney will go incendiary, a tactic that usually works.

That was a factor in keeping the more moderate former DeKalb CEO Liane Levetan from challenging, fearing that a race would deteriorate into anti-Semitism and harm black-Jewish relations, as in the 1996 campaign against John Mitnick, whom McKinney's father called a "racist Jew."


Republicans in November have no chance of electing a conservative in the 4th District race. Democrats in the General Assembly have stacked the deck. But they can choose the more moderate of the liberal Democrats.
A consumation devoutly to be wished.