Friday, August 09, 2002

Euroweenie Alert! I Really Mean It!
The Guardian tickles its readers with Monthly Viagra ration perks up Eurocrats :
The long list of perks enjoyed by Eurocrats is already the stuff of legend: outrageously low tax rates, chauffeur-driven BMWs, three-hour lunch breaks and, for MEPs, their own in-office showers.

But to the undoubted horror and bemusement of Eurosceptics, the officials in Brussels everyone loves to hate have just been given another "fringe benefit" to perk them up: a cut-price monthly ration of Viagra.

"We can claim for Viagra but only for so much," a spokesman from the European commission conceded yesterday. "However, I haven't felt the need to claim any myself."

But for those officials from the commission, the EU's council of ministers and the European parliament who do suffer from erectile dysfunction, financial help is at hand.
Too bad there isn't a pill for stiffening backbones too.