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Saturday, April 17, 2004 Big news from war crimes guy! Kerry Plays a Fierce Defense: An angry John Kerry yesterday raged that the White House has a "twisted sense of ethics and morality" as he faced new TV ads that accuse him of voting against U.S. troops in Iraq.Hmm, they must have left the North Vietnamese flag on the bus. And I hope that when he got testy, he didn't commit any war crimes! Kerry got livid after Team Bush went national with an ad that paints Kerry as "wrong on defense" for voting against $87 billion to help rebuild Iraq and buy body armor for U.S. troops - even though he voted for the Iraq war.Bwahaha! You can see why Lurch would have his panties in a twist. But then it might really be something else: Kerry furiously ripped into Vice President Dick Cheney and Bush political adviser Karl Rove because they didn't serve in the military as he did.But he promises a new military decoration if he gets elected: ![]() Bzzzt, thanks for playing!
Fidel and his little thugs Remember yesterday's story about Cuban thugs roughing up an NGO representative at the UN in Geneva? Well, it turns out they have been making a habit of it - U.S. to file protest over activist attack: "There has been a series of incidents and intimidation," said Mr. Williamson, the U.S. deputy ambassador to the United Nations who leads the U.S. delegation at the session.Actually the standard for UN diplomats is pretty low and I never hold my breath waiting for the UN to do anything about anything. On the other hand, it would really be a shame if some "Islamic terrorists" made a "mistake" and blew up the Cuban delegation by "accident" with a remote control bomb.
Oh Puhleeze! In an article about Lurch's faulty tax return, the Boston Herald provides this tidbit: The mix-up comes amid a controversy over a decision by Kerry's wife, who files separately from her husband, not to make public her tax returns.We all know that MoveOn and the other "uncoordinated" groups are bogus, but this would be a new low. The candidates wife takes time off from the campaign trail to throw down some of her millions on "issue ads" but they're "uncoordinated" don't you know. I wonder what "family honor" Teresa could possibly be referring to? I thought there was no honor among thieves.
Friday, April 16, 2004 Oopsie! Kerry Files Amended Tax Return, Pays More Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) has filed an amended 2003 federal income tax return to reflect that he had to pay $11,577 more in taxes. His campaign said Friday that the initial underpayment was due to an accounting error.The 28 percent rate is the capital gains rate for collectibles. You'd think a big art investor like Lurch would have his accountants well trained in all the nuances.
Sounds like my kind of folks! Rich Lowry at NRO: Americans hungry for a mistake-proof party uncompromisingly resolute on national security now have found one — the pre-9/11 Democrats. Created in hindsight and forged in recrimination, the pre-9/11 Democrats are unwilling to let any obstacle stand in the way of their defense of the American homeland. Who knew contemporary Democrats could so readily combine the toughest aspects of J. Edgar Hoover and Douglas MacArthur?Yeehaw! Put the hammer down! Hmmm, this sounds too good to be true. If this seems out of character, there is a reason. The image of the pre-9/11 Democrats created during the past several weeks is a fantasy, the opportunistic canard of a party only willing to be hardheaded in retrospect and when it serves the cause of damaging Bush. The actual pre-9/11 Democrats have a strong resemblance to the post-9/11 Democrats — hostile to necessary law-enforcement powers, allergic to military force, politically correct on any question touching ethnicity and obsessed with not alienating any international actor who can remotely be considered an ally.You mean they are just fooling? Who'd have thunk it?
C'mon Teresa, let the little people have a look! GOP Plays the Teresa $$ Card There was new GOP pressure on Democrat John Kerry to release the tax returns of his mega-rich $525 million wife Teresa yesterday after it was learned that Kerry once said a politician who refuses to release tax returns can't be trusted.Sounds right to me, Lurch. So where's the little lady's returns? Drudge has been all over this and there's all sorts of juicy possibilities. The interesting part to me is how a once nearly broke Lurch now seems be the owner of significant assets that he can cash in to fund his presidential campaign. No one is violating campaign finance laws over there are they? And what other political groups is she financing besides Lurch and the Tides Foundation? And speaking of Teresa, try to restrain your gag reflex while viewing this Cindy Adams column: I FIRST met the lady who could be our next first lady nose-to-nose. Flat out on the ground. Teresa Heinz Kerry arrived at my home for lunch, was welcomed by my two Yorkies, and went down on all fours.Awwwww! When Mrs. Kerry subsequently rose, she saw a New York Post photographer. She'd been up since six, gone non-stop, was heading to a Newsweek shoot and it was raining. A nifty lady who can go with the flow, she sat down at my dressing table, grabbed my hairbrush, blow dryer, roller and comb, then helped herself to my powder, blusher and brushes.Ewwwww! I guess they haven't heard of hygiene over in Mozambique! More than you want to know by following the link.
Break out the barf bags! ![]() Click the photo for the "story". Rush Limbaugh says it's all part of a plan to make Her Heinous the VP nominee and take the microscope off that wingnut moneybags, Teresa. But I think it's more hormonal than that: ![]() Ruh Oh! It looks like love! Quoting The American Spectator (scroll down): Presumptive presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry took his presumptive vice-presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton out for a test drive on Wednesday. And boy did everyone have fun.Woohoo! But here's a tip for Lurch - don't go for any evening walks in Ft. Marcy Park! You may have two vixens gunning for you!
Where do they think they are? Havana? (Via Instapundit) Oxblog reports on Castro's thugs beating up a member of a nongovernmental organization at the United Nations in Geneva. Seems the goons were in a frenzy after failing to stop a United Nations Human Rights Commission vote that criticized Cuba's human rights record. Which, of course, is a minor miracle considering the sleazy types that are members of the UN and the "Human Rights Commission." And speaking of Castro and his sock puppets, there's always Oliver Stone's video lip lock on the old rogue's nether region ("Looking for Fidel") that aired on HBO on the 14th. Ann Louise Bardach interviews Ollie and makes us glad he wasn't around to do a documentary on Stalin's show trials. Virgina Postrel points us to a review by Glenn Garvin that is even more hilarious: Oliver Stone's latest round of pattycake with Fidel Castro, resembles nothing so much as one of those old the-land-that-time-forgot movies, with a couple of lumbering stop-action dinosaurs wrestling harmlessly in front of a crowd of natives that's trying hard not to look bored while it waits for evolution to take its course.Bwahaha! At times, it's hard to tell who is less lucid, Stone or Castro.Dang! Lula is going to be pissed! Castro, meanwhile, suffers through some seriously senior moments. What are we to make of this impromptu little speech? ''Today, with a computer and a dozen compact disks, you can hold all the literature ever written,'' he tells Stone. ``So many things have changed. I do not know why the world has been making so much progress to end up in this. I am so sorry for the younger generation.''Must have been all those 5 hour speeches in the hot sun.
Thursday, April 15, 2004 Nothing like campaign finance reform FEC unlikely to act this year on tax-exempt groups: WASHINGTON — Federal regulators signaled Wednesday that they are unlikely to curb Democratic-allied independent political groups in time to affect this year's presidential election.The FEC mostly never does anything and then only after the election. Wednesday's developments come just two weeks after the Republican Party indirectly expressed its own doubts that the FEC will act to curb the outside groups.I doubt a court is going to do anything either. Predictably, it's time to start up the equivalent Republican groups. And in related news - Nation's Gun Lobby Creating News Company: WASHINGTON - The nation's gun lobby is creating an "NRA news" company that will produce a daily talk show for the Internet, buy a radio station and seek a television deal to spread its gun-rights message nationwide.Indeed. I hope Senators McCain and Feingold are real proud of their accomplishment.
It's tin foil beret time! France's US envoy slams "racist campaign" against French over Iraq war France's ambassador to the United States denounced what he called a "racist campaign" against the French waged by US media and fueled by the Pentagon since the start of war in Iraq.A vast conspiracy fer sure! The envoy said the campaign of disinformation included "lies from the Pentagon," but said it ended quickly after he lodged a complaint with US Secretary of State Colin Powell last year.Dang! No one told me the fun was over! ![]() (Hat tip: LGF)
Fun with Jaime! Dick Morris says Gorelick U.S. Official Most Responsible for 9/11. Mark Levin gives a concrete example in Millennial Mistake. Nope says Gorelick, the statute of limitations has expired. Andrew McCarthy at NRO - The Appearance of Impropriety: Chairman Kean should understand his business before he tells America to butt out of itBut there's some fun in the deal as the Washington Prowler reports in Gorelicks Her Wounds: It shouldn't come as a big surprise that 9/11 commission member Jamie Gorelick has hidden agendas and conflicts of interest out the whazoo. After all, she's an old Clinton Administration hand.And there's a whole new crop: According to an associate of hers at the D.C. power litigation shop of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, Gorelick has made no secret to friends and associates that she has been speaking regularly with people who prepped her former boss at the Department of Justice, Janet Reno.It's sure swell of her to want to help the old crank. Of course, then there are her own statements too: What set 9/11 commission staffers' off was the bomb dropped by Attorney General John Ashcroft, when he detailed the newly declassified memo that further buttressed the legal wall that forbade criminal investigators from sharing intelligence with the intelligence agencies. That memo, written by Gorelick when she was at DOJ, had not been requested by the 9/11 commission, because they didn't know about it.Aw c'mon fellas. She can figure out some way to quit. How about an attack of the vapors? Keep those cards and letters going to your local newspapers, folks!
The laugh's on us! But then it usually is. Michael Smerconish at NRO - Listen to Lehman: Richard Ben-Veniste and Bob Kerrey received the lion's share of media attention paid to last week's 9/11 Commission hearing with Condoleezza Rice, thanks to their generally intemperate questioning style. But while Ben-Veniste and Kerrey played to the cameras, it was their colleague, John Lehman, who was breaking new ground with the national-security adviser, but few noticed.It probably still is in force. We wouldn't want to offend any terrorists, would we?
"I know nussing! Let's just move on!" The NY Post is a tad bemused by the continued presence of Janet Reno's butt girl, Jaime Gorelick, on the 9/11 commission - National Discgrace, Contd.: House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner has demanded the resignation of Jamie Gorelick as a member of the federal 9/11 Commission.Real good question. And what was Commission Chairman Tom Kean's response to calls for Gorelick's dismissal or resignation?That's kinda what I was thinking too. Thanks Tom for pretending to have a set. But wait, there's more: As it turns out, the memo is just the tip of the iceberg concerning Gorelick's questionable fitness as a member of the panel.There's a pleasing thought. So what does this wannabe have to say for herself? - Gorelick: I won't quit Sept. 11 commission Jamie Gorelick – the former deputy attorney general under President Clinton and current 9-11 Commission member under fire for alleged conflict of interest – is rejecting calls that she step down from her position and become a witness.Kinda like you, eh Jaime? When asked specifically by CNN's Wolf Blitzer if she wrote the "memorandum in '95 that helped establish the so-called walls between the FBI and CIA," Gorelick distanced herself from the matter:Criminal attorney's first ploy: the defendant didn't do it! Criminal attorney's second ploy: if the defendant did do it, it was legal anyhow! National Review has a copy of Gorelick's memo online. It's a tad scarey to think that Jaime is contending that the Justice Department generated memos from her that she didn't know about setting important policy for the FBI and CIA. Identity theft must be rampant. And, Jaime, while the "wall" was in statute, your memo made it worse. Cut to the document: "These procedures, which go beyond what is legally required, will prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that [federal law] is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation"Bzzzt, thanks for playing! The only thing moving on should be Jaime's wide load. Get this clown off the commission.
Good news for wingnut collectors! The Wacky World of French Intellectuals: Whence comes the phenomenon known as fundamentalist Islam or Islamism? Some French analysts from a range of disciplines (international affairs, Orientalism, security studies, journalism) have come to an agreement: it comes from. . . the United States. Despite the inherent implausibility of viewing a movement engaged in a sustained attack on Americans as a diabolical U.S. plot, this argument has considerable persuasive power. It presents Islamism as an American attempt to retard progress in Muslim countries and divide them from their natural allies in Europe.Plenty of similar gems by following the link.
Err America Snooze! Yesterday's flurry on Drudge and elsewhere about the whacky crew at Err America and some "underfunded checks" have been borne out by a Chicago Tribune story. Note the dignified description of events that Err America has posted: So now everyone’s saying we’re going down the dumper in Chicago and Los Angeles, but what they don’t tell you is that we’re still on in Portland. And we OWN Portland. And let’s not forget Riverside and Plattsburgh.Be still my heart! So cool your jets. Air America Radio isn’t dead, we’re in court and we’re going to slam Liu’s head in a car door. Another metaphor.Classy! I wonder ole Al Franken wrote it? It's a lot like comedy only a lot less funny.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004 Hot Media Buzz! Err America, the leftoid gabfest radio network is having a few problems this morning in LA and Chicago where they are now off the air. Drudge has his siren up with a story about bounced checks and the Freepers are updating their dead pool. It's too early for that - the wingnuts can probably get And speaking of folks whose 15 mintues are definitely up, how about pro blogger Wonkette, aka Anal Marie Cox? AOS HQ reports Breaking News: Wonkette Announces New "Morning Zoo" Format: W A S H I N G T O N -- In what is being called a "innovation" in the blogosphere, Anna Marie Cox and her promoter Nick Denton have announced that the mildly-popular Wonkette blog will be switching to the "Morning Zoo" format so popular in radio during the 1980s.Don't spoil it for her regular fans, Nick!
Now here's an interesting tax return Having just paid my annual tribute to the powers and principalities, I was interested to hear that John Kerry released his 2003 return and (finally) his returns from 1999-2002. And what a year the long faced fellow had in 2003! See John Kerry’s Bright Financial Picture: Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's largest single source of income in 2003 came from the sale of his half-interest in a painting by a 17th-century Dutch artist, according to tax returns released Tuesday by the Kerry campaign.Ain't that a pip? I wonder how much I could get for my "Elvis on Velvet" or "Dogs Playing Cards"? I wonder how Lurch came to be part owner of a fancy painting? The return says Kerry acquired his half of the painting for $500,000 in May 1996 and sold his portion in March 2003 for $675,000.Just the kind of investment one should make with over 3 times one's annual salary! Hmm, it kinda makes you wonder who he bought it from and who actually coughed up the cash? Maybe he got a low interest loan from a pal? I wonder who that might be? The return does not say who owned the other half of the painting, which sold in 2003 for a total of $1,350,000, but it was presumably Kerry's multimillionaire heiress wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry. The two file separate tax returns, and the campaign did not release any information about Mrs. Kerry's income or taxes.So did Teresa just buy back Lurch's half or did they actually sell it? And why isn't the candidate's wife releasing her returns too? But here's the part I like best: In all, taking into account losses from investments, Kerry reported a total 2003 income of $395,338. His total federal tax bill was $90,575. He had $27,277 of that withheld from his paychecks and paid the rest, $63,298, with his tax return.I wonder how the lad avoided a heap of underpayment penalties? Maybe he took in most of the loot in the 4th quarter - you know, about the time that he was seriously running for President? That certainly was fortunate!
Skimming the pond scum NY Post - Scandal of Dems Who Put Politics Above Truth Now there is no doubt that the Democratic attack dogs on the national 9/11 commission are embarked on a partisan mission: To defeat George W. Bush in November. They want this more than they want the United States to win the war on terror.Indeed. Then there's the Teresa Kerry funded Jersey Girls, known at your local big media outlet as The A fair number of the Americans not working in the media may, on the other hand, by now be experiencing Jersey Girls Fatigue--or taking a hard look at the pronouncements of the widows. Statements like that of Monica Gabrielle, for example (not one of the Jersey Girls, though an activist of similar persuasion), who declared that she could discern no attempt to lessen the casualties on Sept. 11. What can one make of such a description of the day that saw firefighters by the hundreds lose their lives in valiant attempts to bring people to safety from the burning floors of the World Trade Center--that saw deeds like that of Morgan Stanley's security chief, Rick Rescorla, who escorted 2,700 employees safely out of the South Tower, before he finally lost his own life?They're enjoying their 15 minutes too much to care. And then there's the puzzling case of 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick: For those of us who were in the trenches of the struggle against militant Islam beginning in the early 1990s, it is jarring to hear, of all people, Jamie Gorelick - now a member of the 9/11 Commission - hectoring government officials about their asserted failure to perceive how essential it is that the right pieces of intelligence get into the right hands.And even more galling for the Donks, it was John Ashcroft who pointed it out: Attorney General John Ashcroft turned the tables on the 9/11 commission yesterday, blaming legal restrictions, including a memo written by one of commission's own members, for barring investigators from sharing information that might have stopped the terror attacks.Exactly why is she on the commission? And why doesn't she resign now? Andrew McCarthy has more on the whole "wall" business going back to 1978 when the whiners in Congress and Jimmy Carter decided to cripple CIA and FBI intelligence and counterintelligence operations although Gorelick did her best to "enhance" it.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004 Sounds pretty good ... and pretty bad This Sunday, the Raleigh News and Observer ran a cluster of articles about Brazilian farming - Who feeds the world? You might think it's us; try Brazil. Cheap land, cheap labor, minimal government interference, and no ecoweenies. What's not to like? It's worth a read, even if you aren't much interested in agriculture. The only real question is when the "socialists" currently running Brazil via their support in the pesthole urban areas drag the whole thing down. And speaking of which - Rio de Janeiro state plans to wall off slums: The government of Rio de Janeiro state yesterday proposed to build a wall around its sprawling favelas in an effort to help control rampant crime in the picture postcard city.Must have been a hot time in the old town.
Stand back, folks! He may hurt himself! Patting himself on the back, that is. The NY Times gives us a progress report on Bubba Clinton's much delayed memoirs - Timing of Clinton Memoir Is Everything, for Kerry As Bill Clinton seeks to finish his memoirs, leading Democrats are voicing concern that the book could overshadow Senator John Kerry's presidential campaign, diverting attention to Mr. Clinton's outsize legacy of scandal and achievement.I must have missed the achievement part. Many Democrats said they wanted the book published as far as possible before the election and, certainly, before the Democratic National Convention in late July. They fear that the book will embolden Mr. Clinton's foes to turn out and vote for President Bush.Wasn't the latter when the fat girl showed up with the pizza and wanted to show Bubba her thong? Anyhow, I don't think the Donks have much to worry about - who could wade through 800 pages of self-indulgent reminiscences by the big bloviator?
Ralphie likes the old tunes best! Nader tells youths to brace for draft: Presidential candidate Ralph Nader this weekend warned his constituents that a military draft is pending, and asked younger voters to prepare.And Ralphie just wanted to help, right? How come no Islamic wingnut ever musses Ralphie's hair? And speaking of old tunes, how about Creating a New Army of Patriots? As part of his 100 day plan to change America, John Kerry will propose a comprehensive service plan that includes requiring mandatory service for high school students and four years of college tuition in exchange for two years of national service.Don't worry though, peaceniks! Although Lurch isn't real clear on the concept, it seems to mostly involve singing Kumbaya around the campfire, if having a campfire isn't ecologically unsound. It'll fill all the usual suspects with nostalgia for the good ole days.
Monday, April 12, 2004 Today's Hoots Yep, it's plural. From ScrappleFace - Bush Failed to Stop al Qaeda During Clinton Years (heck, I failed to stop the Islamic whackjobs during the Carter Years) and August 6 PDB Reveals CIA Agents Rely On 'TV News': (2004-04-12) -- After careful analysis, the now-famous President's Daily Brief (PDB) memo from August 6, 2001 seems to reveal that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency relies heavily on a previously-unknown intelligence source, code-named 'TV News.'And for the really tough cases they call out Joe "Secret Squirrel" Wilson for a bout of tea drinking.
Another big honking surprise Iran, Hezbollah Aid Crazed Cleric Iran's Revolutionary Guards and the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah are secretly providing outlawed Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr with money, training and logistical support for his violent campaign against U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq, The Post has learned.Dang, those 25 Hellfire missiles went off course and landed on the Iranian embassy! But save a few for the yapping dogs at al-Jazeera.
Google Bomb Hijinks! Esoteric Diatribe gets some ink for the Waffles Google bomb - Kerry gets served up with 'waffles'
Sunday, April 11, 2004 I've got to confess! I knew! And I didn't do much about it! Yep. I've known since 1977 that Islamic wingnuts might hijack an aircraft and try to kill a bunch of people in a big building. And I didn't do a thing about it other than not vote for the party that likes to suck up to goons.
I'm so surprised! On Friday - 88 held as illegal immigrants after LA-to-Newark flight NEWARK, N.J. - Acting on a tip that a plane carrying scores of illegal aliens was heading to Newark Liberty International Airport, federal agents detained 88 people, all Latin American immigrants who had flown here from Los Angeles.Full employment for immigration lawyers! Continental Airlines flight 1803 from Los Angeles landed at Newark early Thursday. Continental spokesman Rahsaan Johnson said the flight had 200 passengers aboard. He said passengers are not required to show proof of citizenship before boarding domestic flights.But they do have to show photo ID. So c'mon Rahsaan, what did they use? Federal authorities have conducted similar enforcement actions at Los Angeles International Airport for years, but the number of passengers detained Thursday was "unusual" for a single flight, an airport spokeswoman said.An "issue"? It's a monumental disgrace. But wait, there's more! And catch the nuance since it's from the NY Times - More Travelers Are Detained at Newark. Those pesky travelers! Federal agents detained 42 people suspected of being illegal immigrants and arrested four others yesterday at Newark Liberty International Airport in the second crackdown in three days on people from Latin countries arriving in Newark from Los Angeles, the authorities said.Raise questions about the "policy"? Heck with the "policy," what about airline security and border protection?
They finally noticed! It's that Mark Morford loon again - 3 Staffers Suspended Over SF Gate Column:, the Web site of The San Francisco Chronicle, suspended three staffers for a column that the site's boss said was "grotesquely outside the standards that we have."Follow the link for what moonbat Morford did this time, but frankly it seems pretty mild compared to his usual screeds about his sex toy collection. Don't let the garage door hit ya on the butt, Mark! UPDATE: Giving the article another read, it occurs to me that if I felt inclined to feel sympathy for anyone at the Chronicle, it would be for the two unfortunate editors who got suspended without pay. Can you imagine having to edit Morford's bizarre rantings week after week because some clueless suit thinks he's "edgy" and then one day the big cheese falls off the crapper in shock because he sees a column that is "grotesquely outside the standards that we have." Er, how could he tell? They must be some interesting standards if what Morford was doing before fit right in. And it being San Francisco, I'm sure there will be a protest demonstration to reinstate ole Markie. Hopefully, with lots of pictures.
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