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Saturday, November 20, 2004 I didn't get an invite to the Bubbathon! But then neither did a lot of other people including some close Clinton friends! So I thought that to honor The Bent One, I'd have my own display of photos of the Clintons. Maybe I should open a museum! Or at least a gift shop! (While I touched up some of the snaps, none are original to me. Many can be supersized by clicking on them.)
Friday, November 19, 2004 A Wet Time at the Bubbathon George Neumayr - Reigning Like a Dog: God sent his rain down on the just and unjust at Bill Clinton's presidential library opening on Thursday -- a celebration of his "glorified house trailer," as Clinton put it, quoting a British publication's description of the architectural monstrosity next to the Arkansas river. Looking unwell and spent from his heart surgery, Clinton spoke of "red and blue" coming together, though there was little red apart from the color of ponchos in the audience at what looked like a rained-out U2 concert. It was an event held in the South but it might as well have been held in Hollywood. The press regarded it as a moment of great American majesty, but it smacked of the depressing cultural shabbiness that Clinton's Fleetwood Mac inauguration augured. The 1970s America that Clinton's events always epitomize is so devoid of distinctively American high culture that it has to outsource cultural performances to foreign rockers like Bono.Then they did the barking version of Jingle Bells.
Today's Biscuits and Gravy Bill 'Captain Queeg' Clinton Threatens Peter Jennings Jordan's Queen Noor at an Arkansas Comfort Inn!. Kevin Spacey too! (But not together.) Radio host calls Rice 'Aunt Jemima'. Madison, Wisconsin, where else? (Besides Berkeley, Ithaca, ....) Trashing Condi Rice: Now you can see the intolerance of the left. Their message is simple: minorities are good as long as they know their place. And the place for minorities is in the Democratic Party and on the liberal side of the political fence. Stray from the designated minority path and you get what Condi Rice is getting now.Mad cow removed from party! Baghdad Jim McDermott claims wiretapping is a 1st Amendment right Join Friends of Hillary and receive a free bumper sticker. I'll pass, but maybe Hugh Jorgasm would like one. And last but not least - Blues brother leads police on chase at airport (Elvis was there too): Police in Crystal, Minn., found themselves living a scene right out of a movie when they got in a car chase at Crystal Airport (MIC) with a man dressed as Jake Blues, John Belushi's character in the 1980 movie "The Blues Brothers."
Thursday, November 18, 2004 Poor baby! Drops Ted Rall's Cartoons: is no longer running the cartoons of hard-hitting liberal Ted Rall.They misspelled disgusting guttersnipe. You can view the expected load of whining from the little twinkie by following the link. Gosh, I hope the doggie door didn't hit him on the butt on his way out!
Who knew the Frenchies had such a sense of humor? The photo is forgettable, but the folks at Agence France-Presse must have worked overtime on the caption: A British hooligan in the streets of Belgium. The typical Briton is polite, witty and phlegmatic, but lacks a certain style and has a dental hygiene issue while having an occasional drinking problemMeanwhile in related news - Chirac urges fairer world order: French President Jacques Chirac has called for a sounder and fairer international order based on a reformed and strengthened United Nations.Gosh! That's sure a surprise! (Image credit: Iowa Presidential Watch)
At least he didn't put the massage on his MasterCard Braying ass Bob Beckel ("Dedicated to the unrelenting pursuit and exposure of the right") was Walter Mondale's campaign manager in 1984 and left the field of that disaster to become a media talking head of the leftoid persuasion. Last night he was on Hannity and Colmes trying to defend the abuse of Condoleeza Rice by the usual suspects. Ann Coulter kicked his butt: COULTER: I notice these liberals want to talk about anything under the sun, Bill Clinton, Pat Robertson, but not liberal attacks on Condoleeza Rice. Dick Clarke, the flamboyant opponent of the Bush administration, came out with a book earlier this year claiming that Condoleeza Rice, when he talked to her about Al Qaeda, her face showed that she was perplexed, as if she had never heard of Al Qaeda before. Can you imagine somebody saying that about Wolfowitz?More shouting-head hijinks by following the link, but what's up with the Pat Robertson stuff? Well, earlier Bob had tried to play the Donk "faith" card: BECKEL: Let me first say something here for the sake of this. Ann, I find it, my faith says to forgive you and I will here. But I really wish you would think about the words you used, because they’re very painful. You all invoke God, like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. You know what? In the Bible it says we’re to care for one another, we’re to take care of those who are the meek and the poor, we’re to lift them up, we’re to forgive our enemies, we’re to turn the other cheek. I don’t know anywhere in the Bible where the Lord ever said that the Lord would come down on the side of, as Pat Robertson said, on the side of George Bush. The truth of the matter is that Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, and frankly Ann you, are taking some of the most incredibly important symbols to us, God, race, and what you’re doing, and what Robertson--I’ll say this not about you but about Robertson--he is a con man, and he has prostituted himself. He does not know the Scriptures and he has abandoned his love for the Lord Jesus Christ to love secular things.Is that kewl or what? Especially since ole Bob is prominently featured over at The Smoking Gun in another case of prostitution: Meet Maryam Massihi. The 21-year-old hooker recently stole political consultant Bob Beckel's heart--at least for a few hours, at $300 per. Then Massihi (who used the names Tiffany and Cindy professionally) and her cohorts allegedly tried to extort $50,000 in hush money from the Democratic heavyweight (he ran Walter Mondale's 1984 presidential campaign). Beckel's recent run-in with Massihi & Co. is detailed in this search warrant affidavit filed August 23 in Alexandria, Virginia's Circuit Court. Beckel discovered his young consort via the Internet (Massihi's electronic come-on is below) and paid her by check, which proved helpful when cops began probing who was trying to shake down the 53-year-old Beckel.There's six pages worth of fun, but I liked the part where Bob offered to send her a vague "hello" while he was on the air. Oh yeah, her pimp had a Cadillac Escalade with license plate "SOPAFLY". It doesn't get any better than this!
Catfish and Hush Puppies Time for a hearty lunch! Line of the Day: Clinton Library Unzips! Organisers worried about smell of horse dung at MTV Europe Awards - as well they should be. Professor "Inadvertantly" Approves Crime as Class Project. Since it was political, it's "dog bites man" news, but the hard part is figuring why it was a "German Studies" class. Bill Gates drowning in spam - "Microsoft founder and chairman gets 4 million e-mails a day, making him world's most spammed person." A new mad cow case in Canada - with a fetching snap of the cow. Your Tax Dollars at Work: The U.N. discovers the cause of anti-Semitism: Jews.
Today's the big day! And we're already having fun! The Washington Post editorializes THE LAST THING we want to do is dampen the festivities in Little Rock, where the Clinton Presidential Center is opening today, but does anybody remember Marc Rich? He's the fugitive financier who was pardoned by President Bill Clinton on his way out of office -- after Mr. Rich's ex-wife, songwriter Denise Rich, gave $450,000 to the foundation raising money for this very same library.Heck, they have to have a lot of loot to put up all those displays with political diatribes! Besides, I tend to think of it like an endorsement contract. All the big celebs have them! Meanwhile, Bubba himself is getting a tad defensive: Bill Clinton insisted yesterday that he never "disgraced this country" or "lied to the American people about my job."The NY Post has more: NO BLUE dress, no hug, no cigar. Welcome to the sanitized "scandal" exhibit at Bill Clinton's $165 million presidential library, which officially opens today in Little Rock.Who cut out the naughty bits? And the fun has just started! (Photo credit: unknown)
Wednesday, November 17, 2004 Listen up! (Via LGF) They're Called Security Rounds: Let me be very clear about this issue. I have looked around the web, and many people get this concept, but there are some stragglers. Here is your situation Marine. You just took fire from unlawful combatants shooting from a religious building attempting to use the sanctuary status of their position as protection. But you're in Fallujah now, and the Marine Corps has decided that they're not playing that game this time. That was Najaf. So you set the mosque on fire and you hose down the terrorists with small arms, launch some AT-4s (Rockets), some 40MM grenades into the building and things quiet down. So you run over there, and find some tangos wounded and pretending to be dead. You are aware that suicide martyrdom is like really popular with these kind of idiots, and like taking some Marines with them would be really cool. So you can either risk your life and your fireteam's lives by having them cover you while you bend down and search a guy that you think is pretending to be dead for some reason. Also, you don't know who or what is in the next room, and you're already speaking english to each other and its loud because your hearing is poor from shooting people for several days. So you know that there are many other rooms to enter, and that if anyone is still alive in those rooms, they know that Americans are in the mosque. Meanwhile (3 seconds later), you still have this terrorist that was just shooting at you from a mosque playing possum. What do you do?More by following the link. I'm continually amazed by the whiners that think this is a game of beanbag. It's like the folks who want to ban dodge ball are now going to tell us how to fight terrorists.
More singlewide fun! Glenn Beck has a snap of the new Clinton Presidential Library that more thoroughly emphasizes the singlewide properties than the architect's rendering I posted previously. Click the picture for the full sized original. And yes, that is an old railroad bridge next to it. One tends to wonder what genius thought up the design, but this Newsweek puff piece tells us that a lot of it is due to Bubba himself. He claims it's "the bridge to the 21st century." Bwahaha! (Hat tip: SondraK)
Biscuits and Gravy What a gig!: It must be nice to be Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations. You’re from Ghana, a country with an annual gross domestic product per capita of approximately $2,200, and yet you have a world-class educational background after attending college in Minnesota, graduate school in Geneva, and a Masters program at MIT. You make $227,253 per year simply for blathering against the United States and Israel, and writing perturbed letters to homicidal dictators. You get to pretend moral superiority while providing aid and comfort to terrorists. Plus you get to eat in the finest restaurants in New York.Return of 'Slick Willie': LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — It's started all over again. The calls from visiting journalists. The requests for television interviews. The grand opening of the Clinton Library and Nostalgia Bazaar has brought 'em all out again, like the furies."Country Joe" looks like a retired shoe salesman: Country Joe McDonald stood in the Gazebo near Whyte Avenue, strummed his flat-top guitar and sang an antiwar protest song.Sounds like the plan has some flaws: A woman who wrote books about ways to profit from government loopholes was charged Tuesday with stealing almost $83,000 from Social Security.Europe doesn't believe in democracy: It may sound apocalyptic, but I do believe that the democratic experiment in continental Europe, begun just over 200 years or so ago, is coming to a close.I'm surprised he remembered where it was: On his first day back in the Senate since losing the presidential election, Sen. John F. Kerry hunkered down for hours in his aptly labeled hideaway office in the U.S. Capitol and spurned questions about how he was adjusting.ENEMY PROPAGANDA: Get set for another round of America- bashing — this time over charges that a U.S. Marine shot to death an apparently disarmed, wounded terrorist inside a mosque in Fallujah.Get the Kyoto wankers some fire extinguishers: The recent surge in levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which made front-page headlines around the world last month, may have been caused in part by smouldering peat bogs in Borneo.The legacy of Reed Irvine: The passing of Reed Irvine on Nov. 16, 2004, comes at a time when his war against the Big Media has achieved some notable successes. In the 35 years since he founded Accuracy in Media, the Big Media have lost much of their stature and do not seem so big anymore.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004 It had to happen The latest from the Lads from Lagos as reported by The Register: This mail may not be surprising to you if you have been following current events in the international media with reference to the Middle East and Palestine in particular.
You absolutely cannot make this stuff up BERKELEY: Carts stay cool as city takes heat on storage policy / When the homeless lose or abandon stuff, it gets frozen: Berkeley tolerates its homeless people, and takes good care of their stuff when they abandon it in shopping carts.More than you want to know about the whole subject by following the link. I realize that applying logic to this might lead to madness, but I'm curious - has anyone ever dropped by to pick up their stuff? The article doesn't provide any statistics but does have an anecdote: A homeless man who lost his cart holding blankets and new shoes a month ago, when he left it to go to Oakland to face charges of public intoxication, said Monday that he did not know about the storage program.
You have issues? I have answers! Lindsey K. Anderson, the music critic for the Michigan State University State News, regales us with Thank you, supporters of President Bush, for four years of tyranny: I would like to thank the 51 percent of American voters who re-elected President Bush.They sang Louie, Louie? At the end, the Janis Joplin-esque woman of the group started to sing, "You're a Grand Old Flag."She was a fat drunk? If you're unfamiliar with the lyrics, they are as follows: "... And forever in peace may you wave. You're the emblem of/The land I love/The home of the free and the brave.""Music critic" discovers George M. Cohan! I couldn't sing along. In fact, I was short from bursting into tears.So that explains her size! This land is not free. This land is not peaceful. This land is led by a tyrant. And thank you, America, for voting him back into office. Based on the unintentional irony, I'd guess ole Linsey is likely a music major too. Now, while I can't help her out with any Dr. Schooler-style hypnotherapy, I think that despite that waistline crack, she really just needs some comfort food. How about this? Hardee's introduces new mega-calorie Monster Thickburger: As many fast-food chains are catering to the health-conscious, Hardee's is introducing the biggest and thickest of its Thickburgers - one with enough calories to make Ronald McDonald blush.Why don't you wrap a lip lock on that, Lindsey? Here's a $1 off coupon to help.
Get your party duds on, it's time for a hoedown! As I have mentioned previously, this Thursday is the big opening of the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock. Now, The Prowler reports (skip past the rumor that Hillary will run for Governor of New York in 2006): The Clinton Library is spending some of its hard-earned corporate donations to fly down more than 170 former Clinton White House staffers to the Little Rock dedication ceremonies. Not all of the 170 are going entirely gratis, however. Only about 50 of Clinton's closest advisers are making the three-day trip cost-free. The library will pick up all expenses for those special few, excluding incidentals.And don't worry about them having to stay at Motel 6. Yesterday Sean Hannity reported that the bigs will be staying at the Peabody Hotel, which until its recent refurbishment was named the Excelsior and was most famous for ... (er, how to say this?). It was most famous for being the place where Bill Clinton offered to introduce Paula Jones to Mr. Trouser Snake. I wonder if they have a brass plaque on the suite commemorating the event?
And a good time was had by all AWARD-SHOW STABBING : Pandemonium broke out during the taping of Vibe magazine's award show last night, when a man was stabbed during the ceremony, sending stars fleeing from the mayhem in their limos.That's one way to spice up those boring award shows! The violence broke out as rapper Dr. Dre rose to accept the Vibe Legend Award from presenters Quincy Jones and Snoop Dogg, a witness at the Santa Monica event told The Post.Frankly, it's a like a news report from Mars. Who are these people and why do they have entourages? To fight with the other entourages? Knight and Dr. Dre feuded a decade ago about the direction of Death Row, a label founded by Knight that launched the careers of rappers like Snoop Dogg and the late Tupac Shakur, who was murdered in a rap feud.Whew! That's good news! The after-party at a nearby hotel was canceled.Bummer!
Monday, November 15, 2004 If they are passing out bouquets for the last election... These guys deserve a bunch - 'The Last Mission': "The last mission of Vietnam War veterans ended on Nov. 3, at 2:08 p.m. Eastern Time, when John Kerry conceded the presidential race to George W. Bush," announced James Warner, a lawyer who was a Marine pilot in Vietnam and spent five years and five months in Hanoi as a prisoner of war. On Saturday night, Mr. Warner gave a "debriefing" on the role that two controversial groups of veterans played in raising doubts about John Kerry's fitness to serve as commander in chief. His audience consisted of attendees at Restoration Weekend, an annual gathering of political activists organized by David Horowitz, a former left-wing radical who fought to undermine the Vietnam War effort as an editor of Ramparts magazine, but who has now changed sides and become a leading conservative writer.Sweet.
It just keeps on getting better First post-therapy Kerry supporter speaks out publicly: Soon to be an annoying TV commercial, I'm sure. “I wasn’t sleeping,” Karen told the Boca Raton News in an interview. “I was very devastated and very astonished that people would re-elect this president. I was moody about the war and economic issues. I felt very unsettled and fearful. I thought, ‘Oh no, what will happen for four years?’”Ruh oh! A Schooler client for seven years, dating back to her divorce, Karen said the doctor helped her realize it had been unhealthy for her to expect Kerry to win.Karen sounds like a cash cow. “One woman I treated the other day said the election triggered other issues in her life,” Schooler said. “Stuff she had been working on for a long time became worse. That’s pretty common in trauma cases: A small thing like an election triggers longstanding mental problems.”He said it, not me. In addition to Schooler’s one-shot hypnotherapy, more than 30 people have called the non-profit American Health Association at 561-361-9091 to sign up for free support group therapy.Bwahaha! And likely before the election too, but I guess I'm just one of the spoilsports: Since the Boca News broke the election therapy story on Monday, Gordon said he had been flooded by calls from Republicans who don’t take the trauma seriously. However, he said he received a phone call Friday afternoon from FOX News commentator Bill O’Reilly and expects to defend his diagnosis on The O’Reilly Factor next week.I wonder if they would like some Brie with their whine?
It's bacon and eggs this morning "This is For the Americans of Blackwater" A bad election for old media I had a theory in the 1980s that you could cover the presidential campaign from five rooms -- the two rooms in which the candidates' morning meetings were held and the three rooms, all on the West Side of Manhattan, in which the network producers and anchors decided what would run on the 6:30 newscasts. The interaction between the people in those five rooms pretty much determined what the voters would learn about the candidates and the campaigns.'Power Talk!' – How the Information Revolution Defeated John Kerry The crusade resulted in a call for Siegel to testify before Congress, an experience he describes as "humbling." A glowering Sen. John Glenn, for instance, inadvertently paid tribute to the effectiveness of his efforts, telling Siegel at the beginning of his interrogation, "So you're the guy who sent me a lifetime supply of teabags."Validation by Defeat A small but significant, because articulate, sliver of the Democratic Party seems to relish interpreting the party's defeat as validation. This preening faction reasons as follows: the re-election of George W. Bush proves that 51 percent of the electorate are homophobic, gun-obsessed, economically suicidal, antiscience, theocratic dunces. Therefore to be rejected by them is to have one's intellectual and moral superiority affirmed. Keith Olbermann warns against conspiracy theories (no, really) Keith Olbermann, who since the election has made the average democratundergorund moonbat look like a nobel laureate, is now warning people not to believe every conspiracy theory they read on the internet.Kofi's continuing coverup The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations will hold a hearing this afternoon examining how Saddam Hussein abused the United Nations Oil for Food program. The panel is likely to hear testimony showing that earlier estimates that the Iraqi dictator stole approximately $10 billion from the program substantially underestimate the extent of the thievery. The Oil for Food program, which operated from 1996-2003, was supposed to be using these funds to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people.The Senator vs. the U.N. "In seeing what is happening at the UN," Coleman told me, "I am more troubled today than ever. I see a sinkhole of corruption." The United Nations and its secretary general are in a world of trouble.
Sunday, November 14, 2004 Biscuits and Gravy Maureen Dowd, the high school princess, has the vapors yet again: You'd think the one good thing about merging church and state would be that politics would be suffused with glistening Christian sentiments like "love thy neighbor," "turn the other cheek," "good will toward men," "blessed be the peacemakers" and "judge not lest you be judged."Glenn Beck helps poor MoDo out: It is important to reach out to Kerry voters after the election and give them an important message... [Let the video play a while - ed.]The usual suspects at the Boston Globe do a vast Kerry post mortem. You can tell the level of "reporting" from: The line was the brainstorm of former US senator Max Cleland of Georgia. A close friend and Vietnam veteran who had lost both legs and his right arm in combat...I guess they count grenade handling accidents on the way to a beer party as combat. On the other hand, they provide a new Lurch excuse story for our collections: On the afternoon of Aug. 9, John F. Kerry stood on the lip of the Grand Canyon, about to make one of the biggest mistakes of his three-year quest for the presidency. A stiff wind was blowing across the canyon, and Kerry, whose hearing was damaged by gun blasts in Vietnam, had trouble understanding some of the questions being thrown his way. But he pressed on, coughing from the pollen blowing on the breeze.Ryan Lizza does a better job (Via Kaus): It's that time again for Democrats. Kerry aides and party strategists have thrown themselves into their quadrennial post-campaign ritual of recriminations. Old scabs are being picked. Scores are being settled. Clintonites point fingers at the Kennedy wing. Longtime Kerry aides throw accusations of disloyalty at the Clintonites. Staffers from the Democratic National Committee lob bombs at staffers from the campaign. Policy wonks gripe about inept political consultants. Kerry aides who traveled on the campaign plane snipe at the aides who were based in Washington. Democrats, out of power and out of jobs, are doing what they do best: turning on one another.Oil-for-Food Official May Have Blocked Inquiries: Benon Sevan, the official accused of improperly receiving lucrative rights to purchase oil from Saddam Hussein's government while he was running the U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq, discouraged his staff from probing allegations of corruption and helped block efforts by the U.N. anti-corruption unit to assess where the program was vulnerable to abuse, according to senior U.N. officials.'We have let things slip, and let extremists live under our noses': The Netherlands, with its reputation for liberalism, tolerance and freedom of speech, has never been so divided. Since the murder of the filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a radical Muslim a fortnight ago, the country's 30-year-old experiment in tolerant multi-culturalism has begun to fail. [Since? Begun? - ed.]She's kidding, right?: Mindy McAdams, a University of Florida journalism professor, applauded bloggers' efforts but urged them to adhere to ethical standards held by mainstream journalists.And in related news: Jayson Blair, the diminutive ex-journalist who shook up the mighty New York Times when his serial plagiarism was revealed last year, has all but evaporated from public view.
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