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Saturday, October 23, 2004 Today's Hoot! The Unabrewer wins the prize, but I'm hard pressed to avoid quoting the whole thing. Here's just the punchline: I'd settle for him chasing them with the same energy he put into boinking rich widows.I'm easier - I'd settle for him chasing them with the same energy he put into writing his after-action reports.
Off his meds again MSNBC's O'Donnell's eyes bugged out, he kept on yelling "lesbian, lesbian, lesbian" like a madman. The transcript tidies up and refers to this as "crosstalk". Indeed. More from Michelle Malkin and Hoystory. But there's good news for Larry! He's sweeping the field in Polipundit's Liberal Meltdown Contest!
Friday, October 22, 2004 It's FriDAY, so let's parTAY! ![]() The beloved Empress exhibits the common touch! ![]() Ruh Oh! (Originals via Drudge) I also kinda like this one too, but it's not really desirable for work.
They aren't making them any smarter ![]() The Smoking Gun has the details. I really like the deal with the sheets.
It's a hootenanny! ![]() Sing it, Lurch! Captain Ed provides the world premiere of the "Mekong Delta Blues," written and performed by the Sons of the Blogosphere. Be there or be square!
Who would Lurch sell out first? (Via Betsy's Page) Charles Krauthammer - Kerry's false plan for peace: The mere appearance of a Europhilic fresh face is unlikely to so thrill the allies that French troops will start marching down the streets of Baghdad. Therefore, you can believe that Kerry is just being cynical in pledging to bring in the allies, knowing that he has no way of doing it. Or you can believe, as I do, that he means it.In case you've forgotten: Do not be fooled by the euphemism ``peace process.'' We know what ``peace process" meant during the eight years Berger served in the Clinton White House -- a White House to which Yasser Arafat was invited more often than any leader on the planet. It meant believing Arafat's deceptions about peace while letting him get away with the most virulent incitement to and unrelenting support of terrorism. It meant constant pressure on Israel to make one territorial concession after another -- in return for nothing. Worse than nothing: Arafat ultimately launched a vicious terror war that killed a thousand Israeli innocents.When I hear "peace process," I reach for my holster. But was Bubba really that bad? After all, he made Arafat wait in the Rose Garden while he had a Lewinsky.
Thursday, October 21, 2004 Ssssh! Be vewy, vewy quiet!
McCurry said Kerry is simply doing the things he loves in the final days of the campaign. Asked if it will include windsurfing, McCurry smiled. "It's too cold this time of year," he said.Sure, Mike! We believe ya! But the biggest laughs are in the pool press report that Drudge is carrying. Sample: things had been slow in the goosing department, but then the nimrods spotted a flock: There were so many shots in the course of 15 seconds that it was impossible to count the number. Certainly, everybody unloaded their guns and possibly even reloaded (Assuming they were not using some sort of large-capacity assault weapons, which would be thoroughly illegal. But we'll never know.). Yeehaw! Maybe Yosemite Sam would be a better comparison! Anyhow, after all the birdshot had landed, the Lurchster did a "walk by" of the photographers. All in all it sure was a manly man photo-op! One odd point in the AP article, though: Kerry returned after a two-hour hunting trip wearing a camouflage jacket and carrying a 12-gauge shotgun, but someone else carried the bird he said he shot.Indeed:
Thanks, pals! In the UK Telegraph - British intervention in poll backfires: Dan Harkins, a political activist in the vital swing state of Ohio, was excited when he first heard that the Guardian newspaper was recruiting readers to write to voters in his state in the hopes of giving foreigners a voice in the American election.Some samples: Terry Brown had received a letter from a Scottish Guardian reader. The navy veteran and retired lorry builder was "offended" as he read the polite note, from Nicola Smith of West Lothian, with its denunciation of the Iraq war as a "farce", and closing plea to remove from power "the parties responsible for this war".Smooth move, Ex-Lax. Less happily, Mr Evans concluded that another Bush victory would so anger the world that Americans would have to "put on a Canadian accent when travelling abroad". His tone so alarmed Ms Coale, a Kerry voter, that she feared the letter came from terrorists. "With so much going on today, you wonder about some of these groups," she said.They are terrorists, the limp-wristed kind. Follow the link for more, including a snap of the local paper's headline, Butt out Brits, voters say.
Pols Gone Wild! POWELL IV BOOZE BASH A POLITICAL HANGOVER: ALBANY — Harlem Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV, accused by two women earlier this year of alcohol-related sexual assaults, is holding a "tequila shots" fund-raiser next week with contributors asked, "How many can you do?"How many what can you do?
Wednesday, October 20, 2004 Time for Plan B! ![]() Why not just say the Empress had a problem with her medications? First she opens her yap and vigorously inserts an appendage: In an interview published Wednesday in USA Today, the newspaper asked the wife of Democratic candidate John Kerry if she would be different from Laura Bush as a first lady.After her handlers stopped wailing, she distributes an apology: "I had forgotten that Mrs. Bush had worked as a school teacher and librarian, and there couldn't be a more important job than teaching our children. Awww! But that swell sentiment still manages to offend women who work at home. But not to worry, Lurch fans! If Plan B doesn't work, there's always Plan C: ![]()
Pond Scum Best of the Web: Is the U.N. Worth Dying For?Once a traitor, always a traitor.
It's nuance boy again! ![]() Supersize it at Sacred Cow Burgers. More drivel from Lurch's interview with Rolling Stone here. One of the highlights is that he says the Swift Boat Vets are "completely discredited". He was interviewed in Cambodia wearing a magic hat and carrying a Chinese assault rifle.
Lurch keeps trying the Hail Mary! ![]() David Brooks in the NY Times - Kerry Off the Leash: Let's review the string of heavy-handed assaults from the Kerry-Edwards campaign.Brooks offer theories about why Lurch is making desperation mode plays, but I think a more interesting question is "Why now?" Usually the whacky stuff gets trotted out a few days before the election when there isn't enough time to laugh it off. But since I joined many across the nation and dropped by the county seat to cast my "no excuse absentee ballot" today, I'm thinking that maybe Lurch's handlers feel they can't wait.
We missed the big SPECTRE meeting! ![]() But I guess we weren't invited - Billionaires Secretly Met in Aspen to Defeat Bush: In the days following the Democratic National Convention in Boston this past August, several billionaire Democratic activists secretly met at the famed Aspen Institute in Colorado.The report from Nicholas Lemann isn't online. Details of the meeting remain sketchy, but the magazine described the Aspen conference this way: "Five billionaires joined half a dozen liberal leaders in a lengthy conversation about the future of progressive politics in America."Those SPECTRE meetings are always so cool! All kinds of weirdos sitting around the table! The Aspen meeting was supposed to have been a top secret within Democratic Party circles.I'm sure the Masons will appreciate the comparison, Sweets. Apparently the leader of the secret cabal is billionaire Peter B. Lewis, chairman of the Cleveland, Ohio-based insurance company Progressive Corporation.George lets Peter pretend he's the leader, because of all the drugs he's ingested. Like another attendee, wealthy financier George Soros, Lewis has poured millions into Democratic 527 groups, including Americans Coming Together and once Number 1 and his minions were all around the table? "The billionaires spent much of the time moaning the superior powers of the GOP," the magazine said, and the group even needed some cheerleading from Harold Ickes, a former top aide to Bill Clinton who is involved in the 527 efforts.Those pesky peasants! There was disagreement about some of the issues and policy positions the group should take.Number 1 doesn't tolerate distractions! He's also a man of action: The magazine said Soros had planned to keep a low profile in the closing months of the election, but suddenly changed course this summer when he decided to "jettison the strategy in favor of waging his own media-grabbing political campaign."Sure, that'll work! The leadership of SPECTRE is clearly in good hands. George is even a wit: More than that, he sees Bush as the face man for a secret cabal. "Bush was just chosen as a figurehead, an acceptable face for a sinister group," Soros told The New Yorker, adding, "Cheney is the Capo." But only a half-wit. Can you imagine the Mainstream Media headlines if there were a group of Republican billionaires having a clandestine clambake to plot defeat for the Donks?
It had to happen! ![]() The Silky Pony groomingfest video has been set to music by Aaron over at Free Will. As a bonus, the music is from John Kerry and the Electras! Be still, my heart.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004 It's a twofer! Bush Secret Plan to Draft Elderly Revealed: "If George W. Bush wins this election, I warn you that he will kill two birds with one stone," said John Forbes Kerry, the Democrat presidential candidate. "He'll bail out Social Security by sending our nation's grandparents to the front lines in Iraq to die in the wrong war."It's ScrappleFace, of course, but heck, as long as Lurch is lying - why not go full pork?
Someone let her out again! Heinz Kerry faults Bush on climate pact: “The planet can’t take it, and we try to make sense of it,” said Heinz Kerry, a longtime environmental advocate and wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.Say what? “There was a time when Republicans and Democrats were across the aisle on many issues,” said Heinz Kerry, whose first husband was the late Republican U.S. Sen. John Heinz of Pennsylvania.Someone took the aisle? Heinz Kerry called President Bush’s decision not to sign on to the Kyoto Protocol, an international compact for reducing atmospheric pollution - “a huge diplomatic blunder.”She must be unfamiliar with Senate Resolution 98 from the 105th Congress: Declares that the United States should not be a signatory to any protocol to, or other agreement regarding, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992, at negotiations in Kyoto in December 1997 or thereafter which would: (1) mandate new commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the Annex 1 Parties, unless the protocol or other agreement also mandates new specific scheduled commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for Developing Country Parties within the same compliance period; or (2) result in serious harm to the U.S. economy.It passed the Senate 95-0 and her hubby voted for it. But I digress - back to the Empress: “I think this president should have joined this effort” even if it is imperfect, said Heinz Kerry. “Without that we have no leverage and no right.”What! No cute fluffy bunnies? Paging the Lurch campaign - get the guys in the white coats rolling!
Ruh Oh! Kerry Extols Heterosexual Daughter: Refers to Alexandra as "Bona Fide Missile-Twister"And while you're there, don't forget to check out Steve's cookbook.
It must one of those high brow programs! BBC ticked off over bleeping blunder: It's the sort of on-air ****-up that inevitably ends up as television entertainment. A BBC1 show devoted to exposing embarrassing on-screen mistakes supplied one itself by showing subtitles of the foul language it had bleeped out.I can't wait for it to show up on PBS!
I guess Flipper is against them now, but he used to be for them Kerry crosses two police picket lines ORLANDO, Fla. -- Last summer, John F. Kerry refused to cross a police picket line and address the US Conference of Mayors meeting in Boston. Last night he rode in a motorcade that crossed two Florida police picket lines en route to a get-out-the-vote rally in vote-rich Orlando.Don't get between Michael Moore and the buffet or Lurch and some voters!
Soon to be a TV commercial shown at 2AM! Chadster has some fun with Kofi's latest bloviations: ![]() (follow the link to supersize) Hey, I wonder if that's Kim Newsom bait he's holding!
It's too early for this too (Via Public Interest) The Sun stuns with Fergie to strip for charity. It's likely not safe for work, depending on where you work I suppose. But there is a petition to "Keep 'em on Fergie!"
It's too early in the morning for this kind of stuff! (Via SondraK) Cut to the videotape - The Silence of the Domes: "For a guy who's been known derisively to the Bush crowd as the Breck girl," observes Shearer, vice presidential candidate John Edwards seems "way too interested in his hair."He certainly has the hair toss down pat!
Monday, October 18, 2004 Maybe she's Amish? Powerline reveals that Teresa Heinz Kerry is actually a legal resident of Pennsylvania and couldn't even vote for the Lurchster in his last Senate race. Click through to see the phony excuses why the reason isn't that the tax rate is half of that in Massachusetts.
Here's good news! Criminal Probe Eyes Kofi's Son. It's not as good as if it were Pops, but it's OK: I hope it has a happy ending! Still, U.N. critics say the news that the son of the secretary-general is now being investigated has created a political crisis inside the world body's headquarters.Yeah, that's part of the ending I had in mind. More details by following the link, but: The younger Annan, a Ghana native who now lives in Nigeria, could not be reached for comment.Undoubtedly the proper spot for him. I'm expecting an email any day!
I thought their act seemed familiar! CadetHappy: Over $2 trillion in new spending without raising taxes? Protect the U.S. from terrorists through U.N. resolutions? Welcome to . . . ![]() Supersize it by following the link and check out the rest of the site for more goodness.
He's Alive! ![]() Artiste Stanley Crouch opines in the NY Daily News: Now is a good time to observe that John Kerry is beginning to come alive. It has been startling.Sheesh, with friends like Stanley, who needs enemies? Anyhow, Stanley is amazed at the revitalized Lurch. I suspect his column is an odd variant of the "Comeback Kid" spin, but maybe the proximity of Halloween has provided Lurch with a jolt to his electrodes.
Sunday, October 17, 2004 Chirac, Schroeder, and Kerry Duck Hunting Video! World Exclusive! Must Credit Country Store! Sources reveal that the Kerry campaign's duck hunting photo-op, supposedly scheduled for next week, has already been filmed with Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder joining John Kerry on the hunt with the footage soon to appear in a campaign commercial! Production problems have delayed the airing, but rough cuts of the video are revealed publically for the first time here (Windows Media). Breaking hard!
Today's Hoot! Ruh Oh! OPERATION GUARDIAN GUERRILLA UPDATE: Having launched a unilateral attack on Clark County, Ohio, The Guardian now finds itself facing an unexpected uprising from insurgents loyal to their tyrannical president.Based on the comments, the rumored Doomsday Devices are impacting all over the Guardian offices.
More poseur photo-op fun too! Lurch's Ohio "supporters" gave him another shotgun, but this time they got it right - it's not the type he voted to ban, like the last time. On the other hand, it's undoubtedly stashed in someone else's closet just like the last one. ![]() Then since he was on a roll, the Lurchster dropped by a local grocery store to buy an Ohio hunting license. Hey, maybe he's going to take time out from the campaign to get his "16 point" buck! ![]() Hmmm, go for it, Lurch! That would be the ultimate photo-op and you've got just the vehicle to take it home to the little lady! ![]() Once again, I'll quote Stop the Bleating: John Kerry, I dare you to produce a hunting license with your name on it, dated 2003 or earlier, from any state. I'll even settle for a photo of you standing over a deer carcass with a gun in your hand, smiling. But forgive me if I don't hold my breath.It's not that Lurch lies, it's that he does it so often and so badly. UPDATE: Bummer - it's going to be another bird busting photo-op! From the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch: In Buchanan, a tiny Pike County village, Kerry stopped at the Village Grocery and asked owners Paul and Debra McKnight, "Can I get me a hunting license here?"Puhleeze! He plunked down $140 in cash for a nonresident Ohio hunting license so he can go duck hunting in the Mahoning Valley when he returns to the state Thursday.I guess the base is less chagrined by him blasting Daffy and Donald than Bambi. It'll sure be interesting to see how many photographers he can fit into a duck blind at the crack of dawn. At the Wakefield rally, Kerry was given a 12-gauge shotgun and told the crowd he would "balance the rights and responsibilities" of gun owners.Translation: "If I'm elected, they're screwed!"
Fall Photo-op Fun! ![]() Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry holds up the pumpkin he chose at the Garringer Family Pumpkin Patch in Jeffersonville, Ohio October 16, 2004, part of a day-long campaign bus trip through Ohio. Let's say you're a Presidential candidate and your handlers tell you that you have to have a photo-op picking out a Halloween pumpkin like you're actually going to carve a Jack-O-Lantern and put it in the window of one of your mansions or maybe the campaign bus. What size and shape would you choose? Well, at least there was time to select a personal gift for Teresa. (Hat tip: Iowa Presidential Watch for the Hello Weenie.)
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