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Saturday, October 30, 2004 Who let Crazy Uncle Wally out? I knew Karl Rove would get blamed: But I didn't think it would be that old, senile bastard Walter Cronkite:Cronkite: "I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing." Wally is probably just confusing it with one of his greatest hits. From: binny@toraboradeathcave.comMore details of the nefarious plot by following the link.
The full Osama Yomama transcript! INDC Journal: "In addition, the infidel George Bush is outsourcing America's future with tax cuts to the wealthy. Where are the 1.6 million jobs? The infidel Bush is the first infidel since the infidel Herbert Hoover to lose jobs! Awake from your slumber, America! The infidel John Kerry has a plan. You can do better, Insha'Allah!"More by following the link. Looks like some other folks are finding missing portions of the transcript as well! Update: And this: John Kerry has been gaining in the polls every day since Oct. 21, and George Bush has been going down every day.Ooops! That was "war hero" Senator Tom Harkin.
Hard cheese for wingnuts? From a reader at The Corner - Osama admits it: And now, perhaps, Reuters will stop referring to Al Qaeda as the group the Bush administration "claims" is responsible for 9/11. But I won't hold my breath.I was thinking the same for the "9/11 was a Jewish/Mossad/CIA/Neocon/Bush plot" crowd, but he's right - it won't even be a speed bump for the moonbats.
Biscuits and gravy John "I released all my records" Kerry: Brokaw: Someone has analyzed the President's military aptitude tests and yours, and concluded that he has a higher IQ than you do. Silent Running: It seems from his invitation to us to surrender that he's a big fan of Michael Moore. That DVD of "Farenheit 9/11" got through to Waziristan I see... Belmont Club: It is important to notice what he has stopped saying in this speech. He has stopped talking about the restoration of the Global Caliphate. There is no more mention of the return of Andalusia. There is no more anticipation that Islam will sweep the world. He is no longer boasting that Americans run at the slightest wounds; that they are more cowardly than the Russians. He is not talking about future operations to swathe the world in fire but dwelling on past glories. He is basically saying if you leave us alone we will leave you alone. Though it is couched in his customary orbicular phraseology he is basically asking for time out. Captain Ed: CNN reports that John Kerry waited all of about 15 nanoseconds to use the new Osama bin Laden videotape to boost his political fortunes, even after he claimed that all Americans were united in their determination to defeat terrorism Bill Maher still has the hots for jihadis: Maher says some of the stuff in the bin Laden tape "I swear to God could have come out of the Democratic National Committee or a Kerry speech." Maher starts to read; Gen Wes Clark interrupts -- sensibly -- and doesn't want to seem by silence to be agreeing with that. Maher reads some of bin Laden's statements and the audience -- amazingly -- applauds! Maher: "Sometimes you can agree with an evil person. I mean, Hitler was a vegetarian." What the F has become of us? A studio audience is applauding a mass murderer?
It's not the Onion! But it could be. ![]() Coin From an ‘Alien Civilization’: Al-JOUF, 29 October 2004 — A Saudi newspaper yesterday reported the discovery of what it called a rare coin with unique features that belonged to an ancient civilization. The paper said the coin had an inscription in an unknown language that was not English. It described the coin as having a palm tree with eight branches, a woman sunbathing, a ship and a castle with a dome. Sheesh! But I have even worse news, fellas! It's obviously a charm from a charm bracelet (notice the little eyelets?) and Puerto Rico uses US currency. Hat tip: Silent Running.
Friday, October 29, 2004 Looks real to me! ![]() Except for Mikey's left hand, that is. I think he's got his arm up the puppet's butt and is working the jaws. (Hat tip: Registered)
Hot times at the United Nations! It's not just about greasy lying bureacrats with bad teeth! There's apparently a lot of steam just under the surface - UN's Annan in new scandal after clearing sex harassment official: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was embroiled in a new scandal after it emerged that he cleared a top official of sexual harassment despite an internal enquiry which backed the victim's claims.More details and more hijinks by following the link. Now I understand all the rumors about Bill Clinton wanting to be Secretary General!
Biscuits and gravy Jonah Goldberg: But my favorite response was when he was asked if we'd have gone to war with Iraq if he'd been president, and he shot back confidently, "You bet we might have." Appearing on "Hairball", Evan Thomas, Ass. Editor, Newsweek: THOMAS: Well, we know from a lot of the polls that at least half the country doesn‘t believe a thing that we say. George Neumayr: About the reaction to Rather's use of forged documents, Brokaw said, "I think there were people just lying in the Internet bushes, waiting to strike, and I think that particular episode gave them a big opportunity." This is a very childish line of reasoning, akin to a juvenile delinquent complaining about the existence of cops. A big surprise: France will be always on the side of the Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat, French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier declared Thursday. Michael Moore was on BBC TV last night. What a smug fat git...: (BBC "story" with video is here) "Question Time" is a BBC political panel based discussion show. Generally it's has a left wing biased, conservative bashing forum (what else? it's the BBC) and the audience (participating) always seems to be made up of shifty lefty angry militant types. You get the picture? Good.
Thursday, October 28, 2004 What better reason to vote for President Bush could you ask for? George Soros at the National Press Club: Asked what he will do if George W. Bush wins another term, Soros lamented, “I shall go into some kind of monastery."Now, that I'd like to see! Actually, Number 1 is more likely to buy the monastery. But the comedy doesn't stop there: Competing for attention at the National Press Club was a contingent from the National Legal and Policy Center that has been shadowing Soros during his recent appearances in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida.That Blofeld! He's sure a card! More billionaire bloviations by following the link. UPDATE: On another religious note, Rodger shows us what happens when George Soros gets to Hell.
There's plenty of time for more! The Ten Worst Media Distortions of Campaign 2004. With video. Update: While hardly one of the top 10, Spoons alerts us to a classic.
Calling all SPECTRE members! ![]() I liked the George Soros quote in the previous post so much, that I thought I'd create a "suitable for framing" version for all SPECTRE members.
Biscuits and gravy Ann Coulter: White liberals have been indulging their fantasies of violence against conservatives lately – physically attacking conservatives, ransacking Bush-Cheney headquarters (though not any NRA headquarters, I note). The white wife of vice presidential candidate John Edwards recently warned of riots unless Kerry is elected. Protein Wisdom: Andrew Sullivan is single-handedly responsible for my coining a shiny new catch phrase: “Who the f*ck cares what Andrew Sullivan thinks?" SondraK: let him eat party cakes The Primary Main Objective: New South Park Tonight Rachel Ehrenfeld and Shawn Macomber: “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble,” Soros once wrote. When asked to elaborate on that passage by The Independent, Soros said, “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of God, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
Bubba's near death experience! ![]() I had death visions during op, Bill says: An unconscious Bill Clinton was tormented during heart surgery by chilling images of death until they were swept away by the faces of his wife and daughter, bathed in pools of light.You don't think he spiffed it up a bit for public consumption, do you?
Wednesday, October 27, 2004 I'm grumpy! But not too grumpy. It'll be an interesting litmus test to see who gets a big sad on if the greasy thug actually kicks the bucket. Update: Michelle Malkin has more.
Today's Hoot! There's lots of photo fun about Lurch's serial "exaggerations" in CAMPAIGN RESPONDS TO DOUBTS: KERRY "IS THE REAL DEAL": In response to lingering charges that their candidate has made numerous false personal claims, inside sources in the Kerry Campaign said he "is the real deal" and will soon present "photographic proof of his every word." They said Kerry is tired of the continuing questioning of his honesty and has ordered the release of photographs from his personal family album that will "backup his words and silence his critics once and for all."It's hard to pick one to show but given recent news, I'm kind of partial to him meeting with foreign leaders: ![]() Hmm, I guess the laugh's on us.
"Sorry, Guys - You are Willing Accomplices" Balloon Juice: Why would you want to get in touch with the Kerry campaign? Because I had planned to vote for you in the general election, but because of Kerry's behavior the past two days, I decided to tell all Democrats to go to hell. When I heard Kerry saying 'soldiers are being fired upon by the weapons left unguarded,' trying to pimp a bullsh*t story for political advantage, I almost had a minor stroke.Around here we still have Democrats that would give Lurch and Teresa coronaries, but much as I like 'em, that's what I tell 'em too. As for the Lurchster: He's the sort of REMF who'd be criticizing the troops for throwing candy wrappers in the desert if he thought it would be good for a minute on the evening snooze. (Hat tip for the fetching photo: smith288)
More Nurturing from Wide Load Liz Edwards! "For too long, Republican-fueled hate has kept gays fearful and in the closet, often with tragic consequences," she explained. "For example, even today gay men are frequently locked in loveless marriages of convenience, for no other reason than to provide a flimsy facade to society."Ruh Oh! Actually it's Iowahawk, but he has the smarminess just right. And while you're there, check out More October Surprises Found.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004 Mohamed ElBaradei, the Prince of Al KaKa ![]() I guess he didn't blow his Oil-for-Food bucks on dental work! He's from the UN, he's just here to help! Himself.
Trouble on the trail! ![]() This kind of thing... ![]() leads to this... ![]() and this! (Hat tip for the last one: TruBluKentuckian)
It's a start OHIO: BLACKWELL STIFF-ARMS FOREIGN OBSERVERS: The Cincinnati Enquirer reports that a group of foreign election observers said Monday they've been given the stiff-arm by Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell. They are miffed, but Blackwell's spokesman said that it is the law that only a few groups are allowed inside polling places, including poll workers, voters, vote challengers, witnesses and police. Anyone else must stay at least 100 feet away from the entrance.It should obviously be amended so that "foreign observers" must stay 3000 miles from the entrance.
Traitor John ![]() Art Moore at WorldNetDaily and Thomas Lipscomb at The NY Sun have the details. It's not like this is a surprise, is it? The only surprise is that the Democrat party is so bereft of decency, but we've all gotten used to that.
Who knew journalism was a brown collar job? ![]()
Update: NZ Bear has a rollup - NYT's October Surprise Collapses.
Monday, October 25, 2004 Liz Edwards says: Thugs R Us! ![]() I guess that's what happens when you spend your spare time at the Democratic Underbelly, eh Liz? I'm seriously reconsidering my support for Empress Teresa. I mean, admittedly she's a flighty rich wingnut, but Liz has that weighty "olgalisque" look so important to success in Politburo circles. She'll also fit right in with the Soros crowd since she brings back fond memories of Irma Bunt: ![]() What's not to like?
"Is John Kerry a sociopath?" That's what Roger Simon asks in Christmas in Cambodia All Over Again. Well, if he isn't, he sure has a vivid imagination. ![]() (I owe someone a credit for the photo.)
Base Appeal Alert! ![]() An unphotoshopped selection of Lurch goodness. From left to right: 1. Reminds me of the old joke - "Your mama is so tough that she doesn't take the Marlboro out of her mouth as she tells the State Trooper to kiss her ass." 2. I've never seen Lurch look so spiffy and animated! 3. Ah yes: Bobby Dupree, 26, a resident of Milwaukee, along with other Kerry supporters, shout at a group of Bush supporters across the street after Dupree and others emerged from a Rev. Al Sharpton speech in downtown Milwaukee Saturday Oct. 23, 2004Al must be slowing down - in the old days he used to start riots.
Down at the outhouse things were piling up! And at a furious rate, since John Kerry seems to be completely full of crap. Michelle Malkin does the honors: This weekend the story was Kerry's lies about what he did as an anti-war activist following the Vietnam war.More by following the link. Er, maybe it's time for another sports photo-op, Lurch!
Sunday, October 24, 2004 Lurch gets in on the illegal action too! ![]() Nedra Pickler for the AP: Kerry gave a more partisan speech earlier Sunday at the nearby Mount Hermon African Methodist Episcopal Church where he painted the election as a choice between a man of the people or one of the powerful.Empress Teresa was in the audience to remind the folks which candidate fits which description.
Remember Ted! No tail while on the trail! Today, Teddy Kennedy took his campaign for Lurch to Sunday services at the Mount Airy Church of God in Christ in Philadelphia: ![]() ![]() Good question, ladies: Airy Church of God in Christ (sic) congregation members Daron Patterson, 91, right, and Verlinzia Maiden holding their Jon Kerry fans listen to Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., speaks from the pulpit during morning church service at Mount (sic) in Philadelphia Sunday, Oct. 24, 2004. Kennedy stumping for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., urged the congregation to vote for Kerry.Of course, that completely violates the church's tax exempt status, but Donks don't seem to worry about that much. Particularly with black churches where an IRS investigation can always be answered with cries of racism. Of course, sometimes there is a dubious fiction that the event is apolitical. Cut to the local Rev: "I can't tell you who to vote for," E.C. Morris Sr. told his congregation after Kennedy finished speaking Sunday. "But I can tell you what my mamma told me last week: Stay out the Bushes."I hope ole E.C. wasn't the brightest kid in the family.
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