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Saturday, May 28, 2005 Don't show up naked at a pepper spray fight BANK EXEC BUSTED FOR EXPOSING HIS ASSETS: A JPMorgan Chase sales exec wore nothing but a condom when he jumped from behind a tree on a popular New Jersey biking and hiking trail - but he didn't realize the woman he'd exposed himself to was an off-duty police officer, authorities said yesterday.That'll make you feel limp! It's much ado about very little, insisted Kelly's lawyer, Brian Neary.Undoubtedly a literal description of his "assets," but since he travels a lot, the cops are checking to see who else may have seen more of him than they wanted. "The evidence will show him [Kelly] in the park and exposed but will not show that he had the intent to sexually assault this woman," Neary told reporters.All dressed up and no place to go.
Friday, May 27, 2005 Ok, who slipped the LSD in the Senate Republicans' punch? We all know that Lincoln Chafee and John McCain are spacey RINOs, but what else can explain the freakouts by George Voinovich, Lindsey Graham, Sam Brownback, and John Thune? Guys, here's a little something to help you down from the bad trip: think about who got you into that rarified D.C. atmosphere in the first place. There, now are you feeling better?
Thursday, May 26, 2005 It's a joke right? My favorite snap of Jacques and Gerhard won the "prestigious" Georges Bendrihem Prize. I'll be dipped! The judges probably were.
The neverending story of Deano Howard Dean probes his ventral orifice: They also find that Dean was pulling numbers out of his ass, presumably to make more room for his head...
Yet another crack Senator ![]() Weepy Voinovich Begs for 'No' Vote on Bolton: The thought that John Bolton might be confirmed as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations brought one Republican senator to the brink of tears on Wednesday.I guess it wasn't "very, very" important enough for George to grace the hearings with his awesome presence. I'll spare you a further reprise of his sniveling as it is nearly impossible to discern anything specific in the touchy-feelie morass, but the general idea seems to be that he's all blubbery that John Bolton might represent the USA in the UN and not vice versa. It's a wonder that they let George out without a nanny.
BOHICA ![]() Peggy Noonan provides some laughs in Mr. Narcissus Goes to Washington and as usual they're on us: It's springtime, love is in the air, and 14 senators are gazing at the mirror.The folks back home mostly hold their noses at election time and vote for the one that smells least. About now, these clowns are pretty ripe and things look to be getting even more aromatic - SOCIAL SECURITY COMPROMISE?: In other words, Republicans would give Democrats almost everything they want and get virtually nothing in return. Sounds like the kind of plan John McCain and other Senate "mavericks" will enthusiastically support.In terms the "folks" understand, the compromise is to flush more money down the toilet. Someone call Newsweek! (Hat tip: Graphic from a poster on FR. For those unfamiliar with the BOHICA acronym, a moment's Googling will reveal all.)
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Kinda sounds like terrorists to me (Via SondraK) Anti-illegals activists threatened: Hispanic group suggests food workers might taint food at Vegas summit: A radical anti-American group working for the establishment of a separate Hispanic nation in the southwest U.S. has threatened attendees of an anti-illegal immigration conference in Las Vegas planned for this weekend, saying Mexican food workers might cause "Montezuma's Revenge" among those they serve.Intentionally rather than through poor sanitation, I guess. A news release from La Voz de Aztlan – which sees its struggle for a separate state with Los Angeles as its capital as similar to that of the Palestinians in the Middle East – announces that leaders of the "USA Anti-Mexican Movement" – Aztlan's own term – will be meeting this weekend in Las Vegas.Too bad the wiseguys don't still run Las Vegas.
And speaking of asshats Ole Senator McVain is being slipstreamed by Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina - I give you 'Mini-Mac'.
He's wheelin' and dealin'! Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, who earlier this week brokered a deal over judicial nominees to protect the rights of Democrats in the Senate, today announced a compromise with DNC Chairman Howard Dean which would effectively give Democrats the White House for three of the next five presidential terms.It's Scrappleface. At least until Johnnie thinks of it. (Graphic hat tip: reagan_fanatic)
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 Dishonest or delusional? It's so hard to decide! Mark Steyn on the latest meme of the EUwankers: The Eurovision Song Contest is not always a reliable guide to the broader political currents coursing through the Continent. One recalls the 1990 finals in Zagreb, when the charming hostess, Helga Vlahovic, presented her own fair country as the perfect Eurometaphor: "Yugoslavia is very much like an orchestra," she cooed. "The string section and the wood section all sit together." Alas, barely were the words out of her mouth before the wood section was torching the string section's dressing rooms, and the hills were alive only with the ancient siren songs of ethnic cleansing and genital severing. Lurching into its final movement, Yugoslavia was no longer the orchestra, only the pits.Hmm, I've heard that somewhere before. Yeah, it was from the German tykes visiting France. And the Dutch MEPs and their scary TV commercials: It is difficult to tell what is fuelling the growing Dutch opposition to the Constitution: it could be a general discontent with the way Dutch and European politics are going; it could be the now officially acknowledged miscalculation over the euro; it could be the shambles of the Eurovision song contest (is that not a perennial problem?).No word on body odor and herpes and the socks that go missing in the dryer. Finally, a word of caution from the Steyn article: However the French and Dutch votes go, it seems unlikely that the EU's rulers will allow anything as footling as the will of the people to derail the project at this late stage. In Euro-referendums, there's only one correct answer; it's just that sometimes you have to have two votes before the people figure out which one it is.Sometimes the pesky little people just don't know what's good for them.
Today's Hoot! From the Great White North, Paul Albers provides Pass The Popcorn, Belinda Is On!: I was amused by how many people expected me to join in the weeping and wailing over the defection of Belinda Stronach. I was so pleased with the news that I sent her a thank you note. I enjoy having time prove me right.Just like in the States, the Canadian media loves a phony conservative. More by following the link including the amusing prospect of Bimbo Belinda struggling through a Question Period.
Hold my pint and watch this! Two hurt in mock light sabre duel: Two Star Wars fans are in a critical condition in hospital after apparently trying to make light sabres by filling fluorescent light tubes with petrol.Usually women have more sense. Also there's no direct word in the article on whether spirituous liquors were involved, but one has to wonder why else one would pour gasoline in a flourescent tube, light it, and wave it around. However, there was no doubt on that point in Lost cigarette leads to bizarre accident: A 38-year-old Winthrop, Ark. man was hospitalized after jumping out the passenger window of a vehicle traveling an estimated 55 to 60 mph to retrieve his cigarette late Saturday, an official said.Ya think?
Same old Lurch Joan Vennochi in the Boston Globe (!) astounds with The caveat emperor: AT THIS POINT it comes as no surprise. John Kerry is releasing all his military records -- but then again, he isn't.If Lurch gave a straight answer to anything, I'd be calling the Guniness Book of World Records. Several e-mails later, Wade conveyed the following information: On Friday, May 20, Kerry obtained a copy of Form 180 and signed it. ''The next step is to send it to the Navy, which will happen in the next few days. The Navy will then send out the records," e-mailed Wade. Kerry first said he would sign Form 180 when pressed by Tim Russert during a Jan. 30 appearance on ''Meet the Press."He's a real flash, fer sure! But I'm not holding my breath. Six months after Kerry's loss to George W. Bush, it feels somewhat gratuitous to point out how hard it can be to get a clear, straight answer from Kerry on this and other matters. But as long as the Massachusetts senator is thinking about another presidential run, the candor gap remains on the table, because he puts it there.No excrement, Sherlock. The campaign waged against him by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth arouses Kerry's greatest passion. ''What they said was untrue," he said. He considered, but decided against, filing suit against the group, which alleged that he did not deserve his Vietnam military honors.C'mon in, Lurch! The water's fine. Actually, I'm not expecting much from his file since he apparently wrote his own after action reports, but a few snarky fitness reports would be amusing.
Monday, May 23, 2005 Some things never change ![]() Ralph Neas is still in charge of Federal judge selection I'd rant a little but Patterico has already taken care of it. And how about ole John McCain? First campaign finance "reform" and now this. Maybe he's going to challenge Hillary for the Democrat nomination?
Sunday, May 22, 2005 Some things you just can't make up Nelson sunk by PC raiding party: ADMIRAL NELSON saw off the mighty Franco-Spanish fleet at the battle of Trafalgar but 200 years on, he has been sunk by a wave of political correctness.Sheesh, why don't they just have a wine and cheese party? With doilies. “It seems remarkable that we are not saying this is Britain versus France in this re-enactment. Surely 200 years on, we can afford to gloat a bit. Not even the French can try and get snooty about this.”Of course they can, but why are French dignitaries attending a bicentenary celebration of the Battle of Trafalgar in the first place?
Tooday's Hoot! Yeah, it's Greenie propaganda but I got a laugh out of the Store Wars parody Flash video anyway. (Hat tip: FR)
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