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Saturday, March 13, 2004 John Ellis Says It All 3/11 Europe is in now. That's what 3/11 means. They thought they could straddle it, let the storm blow by. But it just blew up in Madrid and every member state of the EU understands that Madrid is Rome is Berlin is Amsterdam is Paris is London is New York.And the appeasement crowd can go pound sand.
It's not a problem, it's an opportunity! Great flying carp! Fish a threat to boaters, skiers Remember these Asian fish species: silver carp and bighead carp.Yeehaw! I'd be tempted to say you need someone in the bow with a baseball bat, but these suckers are big. One fisherman was running up behind an island over here at 15 (to) 20 miles an hour, and about a 40-pounder jumped out and hit him right in the chest," said commercial fisherman Ronny Hopkins of Compliance Fish and Caviar in Livingston County, Ky. "He was down for two weeks. If he hadn't been sitting in a tractor seat with a solid back, it would have knocked him out of the boat."Hmmm, why not think of it like skeet shooting? Pull!
Today's Hoot David Brooks regales us with The Boston Fog Machine: The 1990's were a confusing decade. The certainties of the cold war were gone and new threats appeared. It fell to one man, John Kerry, the Human Nebula, to bring fog out of the darkness, opacity out of the confusion, bewilderment out of the void.Ole Lurch sure is nuanced!
Friday, March 12, 2004 Maybe he hears them talking to him inside his head? Kerry fails to back up foreign 'endorsements' Sen. John Kerry refuses to provide any information to support his assertion earlier this week that he has met with foreign leaders who beseeched him to prevail over President Bush in November's election.Actually, that's real generous to the Botox Boy. It turns out that on one of Lurch's rare visits to the site of his day job in Washington D.C., the New Zealand Foreign Minister was in town the same day in meetings at the State Department. On Monday, Mr. Kerry told reporters in Florida that he'd met with foreign leaders who privately endorsed him.Bwahahaha. You could always try "he can't remember," Steph! Mr. Kerry has made other claims during the campaign and then refused to back them up, including statements that Mr. Bush delayed the deal with Libya to give up its weapons of mass destruction program for political reasons.This is better than Kuku and the orbital mind control lasers! But Botox Boy as Austin Powers? Hmm, rearranging the letters in "JOHN KERRY" does spell "HORNY JERK". And speaking of the rare occasions when Botox Boy shows up at his day job, he was there yesterday to pal around with the other Donk Senators in a photo op. Here's a snap. Does that look like the bar scene is Star Wars or what?
Support for Spain Glenn Reynolds has the information for flowers for the Spanish Embassy in Washington, D.C. There will also be a memorial service there today. An email of condolence would be nice as well. Mark Steyn sums it up best in an online column which quotes from an article he wrote after the Bali bombing in 2002: Sure it might be the homegrown thugs of the ETA instead of the Islamofascists, but it doesn't make any difference. You can't live with rabid dogs. Kill 'em all.The Independent's Robert Fisk thinks the Aussies were targeted for a more specific reason - blowback for being too cosy with the Great Satan: "The French have already paid a price for their initial support for Mr Bush. ...And now Spaniards. "We are not fighting so that you will offer us something. We are fighting to eliminate you." And by "you", they mean not just arrogant Texan cowboys, but any pluralist society - whether a relaxed tourist resort like Bali or a modern Muslim nation like Turkey or - come to that, one day down the road - a cynical swamp of appeasement like France.
Thursday, March 11, 2004 Look what's under this rock! Ex-Congressional Aide Charged With Spying A former journalist and congressional press secretary was arrested Thursday on charges she acted as an Iraqi spy before and after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, accepting $10,000 for her work, prosecutors said Thursday.Ole Carol's always been a bit short in the memory department. More than a half dozen FBI agents could be seen searching Lindauer's residence in Takoma Park, a city known for its liberal views. Her neighbors recalled her as friendly.Sounds like a perfect job description! The full indictment is at The Smoking Gun. When this first broke, it was just "an American woman," but then the crew on FR went to work. Aside from being a member of a variety of leftoid "peace" organizations, Susie was most recently a spokesman for Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Outer Space) where she showed up spreading the good vibes to permit noncitizen security screeners to retain their jobs at San Francisco airport. She was also notable for trying to horn in on the Lockerbie terror bombing with a story that Libya didn't really do it. Hey, she could always try the illegal war defense. Isn't that what John Kerry claimed when he lead the VVAW delegation to Paris to UPDATE: Newsday/AP keeps updating the story at the first link so it has now picked up a lot of the background info. It also has some words from Brainiac: "I'm an anti-war activist and I'm innocent," Lindauer told WBAL-TV as she was led to a car outside the Baltimore FBI office. "I did more to stop terrorism in this country than anybody else. I have done good things for this country. I worked to get weapons inspectors back to Iraq when everyone else said it was impossible. I'm very proud and I'll stand by my achievements."See, I knew she would try the Kerry defense. My understanding is that hanging isn't on the table. Too bad.
We're from the UN. We're here to help. Ourselves. Claudia Rossett has the latest on the scandal in the unlamented United Nations' Oil for And speaking of bloated bureaucrats, there's always Benon Sevan, the big UN cheese at Oil for Bureaucrats. If you like forensic accounting of financial swindles, you'll love Therese Raphael's article today in the WSJ on Bevon's entry on Saddam's payroll. Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we put the UN in charge of the world's oceans? When I first heard of the LOST (Law Of the Sea Treaty), it sounded like a bad plot for a science-fiction movie.Be still my heart! And the best part is that everything wet will be run by a crack United Nations Authority that has already been set up with a headquarters in Jamaica. Maybe Kojo needs a little fun in the sun! The only real question is why the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress are playing along with this farce.
Apropos of the post immediately below A reader suggests that I shouldn't be so grumpy about the upper crust offering to straighten out us little people: ![]() because if they didn't, we'd never have campaign scenes like: ![]() (Second photo is from Allah.)
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 Noblesse Oblige Alert! The guiding principle of today's Democrat party seems to be that a collection of trust fund babies should tell us little people what to do because, well, they're better than we are. Yeah, I know there are the Hollywierdos, the union thugs, and the race baiters along for the ride, but the storyline is that it's the idle rich folks like John and Teresa Kerry who will uplift us petit bourgeois types and make us do the right thing despite our selfish inclinations. After all, they know best. I don't rightly care what the silver spoon crowd believes in its heart of hearts, but it's always mildly amusing when this meme surfaces from their brown nosers in the press. The other day I mentioned a Deutsche Welle article whose author waxed ecstatic that While Bush has had limited foreign travel experience -- when he was 21 he listed his only foreign travel as a vacation trip to Scotland -- Kerry attended a Swiss boarding school and when he receives envoys from Paris in Washington, he chats with them in fluent French. His wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, was born in Mozambique, studied in South Africa and Switzerland and is fluent in five languages herself.Of course, they failed to mention ole Jawnee regularly vacations in France: Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Johnny to his French friends, is much loved in the Brittany seaside town of St. Briac best known for its golf and harbor.Woohoo, we're talking impeccable credentials here. Maybe if Jawnee got elected, he would have a "French White House" during the summer instead of some dusty place inhabited by the hoi polloi like Crawford, Texas. But if you want to really tap into this kind of stuff, you need to check this gusher about Teresa: "I realize both through the work I'm doing and everything that's happening in the world and in our own country, we have to put ourselves forth, and that it's going to take all of our effort to really improve the country," Heinz Kerry said in a recent interview with The Associated Press.Maybe she wants to redecorate! That's not to say Teresa (pronounced teh-RAY'-zah) was immediately warm to the idea of Kerry running for the White House, which inevitably has taken her away from her full-time work on environmental, health care and women's issues as head of the $1.2 billion Heinz Foundation endowment.TehRAYzah's full time work seems to be passing out her dead husband's dough to left wing wackos like the Tides Foundation, but I digress. Isn't it swell that she took time out from her busy schedule to help out us little people? "She's in touch with so many important issues that are associated with this country: the environment, human rights, dealings with issues of poverty and race, and so forth, all of which she's quite conversant in and passionate about," said Bill Strickland, a longtime friend of the Heinzes and president and CEO of Manchester Bidwell Corp., a job training center in Pittsburgh.And she cares about us!
More Flipflop News! ![]() Kerry Slams Russia and France (in 1997) Every time I look up from the keyboard there’s a new story about John Kerry’s mind-boggling hypocrisy making the rounds.He didn't think much of the UN, either. Hmm, it would be a sight easier if we just tracked the issues where Jawnee doesn't change his position all the time.
I guess he won't be shooting any more 69 year old guys in wheelchairs Achille Lauro Hijacker Abbas Dies Abul Abbas, the Palestinian mastermind of the 1985 hijacking of the Achille Lauro passenger ship in which an American tourist was killed, has died in U.S. custody in Iraq, Palestinian and U.S. officials said Tuesday.Take it away, Jen: Tell Satan to throw some more wood on the barbie 'cause Abu's coming down!
Retard meets his petard! White Champion of 'Diversity' Rages at Loss to Black Oops. It seems that supposedly liberal supporters of what they call "affirmative action" have second thoughts when they're the victims of it.Where's my violin? I feel a big sad coming on.
More on the Wingnut Billionaires' Campaign Fund Democrats forming parallel campaign Led by veterans of presidential and congressional campaigns, a coalition of Democratic Party interest groups, armed with millions of dollars in soft money, is rapidly constructing an unprecedented political operation designed to supplement the activities of Sen. John F. Kerry's campaign in the effort to defeat President Bush.Why bother? It's because of "campaign finance reform." This parallel Democratic campaign, already under legal challenge, grows out of changes in campaign finance laws. Those changes prohibit the national party committees from raising and spending soft money -- large, unregulated contributions -- on behalf of their presidential candidates. The Democrats have taken the expertise they developed in past campaigns and applied it to the new, separate operation. By law, coalition members cannot coordinate with the campaign of Kerry (Mass.), the presumptive Democratic candidate.Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Say no more. And where are they getting the dough? All the usual wealthy wingnuts: The Democratic 527 organizations have drawn support from some wealthy liberals determined to defeat Bush. They include financier George Soros and his wife, Susan Weber Soros, who gave $5 million to ACT and $1.46 million to; Peter B. Lewis, CEO of the Progressive Corp., who gave $3 million to ACT and $500,000 to MoveOn; and Linda Pritzker, of the Hyatt hotel family, and her Sustainable World Corp., who gave $4 million to the joint fundraising committee.If it were Republicans doing this, we would be hearing about the tyranny of the wealthy plutocrats evading the campaign finance laws until the cows come home. As it stands now, the Republican war chest is made up of many small contributions although as the article relates, if the Federal Election Commission doesn't stamp out these shenanigans, they plan to start their own "separate" organizations to keep up. Oh yeah, who were the big backers of "campaign finance reform?" George Soros and the Democrats. Are they simply crooks or is their position just nuanced?
Good ole Traitor John! (part 2) Retired Admiral, former Vietnam POW, and former Senator Jeremiah Denton weighs in with Who's Kerry? Knowing that I served in the U.S. Senate with John Kerry and that, like him, I am a veteran of the Vietnam War, many people have asked me what I think of him, particularly now that he's the apparent presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.That's what it looks like to me too. So I was not surprised when his subsequent overall voting pattern in the Senate was consistently detrimental to our national security.Does a skunk smell? Considering his demonstrated popularity during the Democratic primaries, I earnestly hope the American people will soberly consider Kerry's qualifications for the presidency in light of his position and record on both our cultural war at home and on national security issues.The fact is that the Democrat party at the national level has been taken over by USA loathing leftists of the most pernicious type. The good news is that they don't have the Soviet Union and China to ally themselves with anymore. The bad news is that they will pal around with any Third World thug they can find.
Tuesday, March 09, 2004 Brainiac spotted working for the AP! (Via Best of the Web) U.S. Marines Say They Killed Haiti Gunman: The marchers ended up on the vast Champs de Mars plaza in front of the National Palace and chanted that Aristide stand trial for alleged corruption and killings committed by his armed militants.Indeed and now he's dead. That's what I call a gunman who shoots at Marines.
Good ole Traitor John! But it isn't some sort of bizarre M*A*S*H remake because this time he has the "little woman" along - (Mrs.) Kerry's Cash Connection: To hear some folks tell it, families of the 9/11 victims have risen en masse to denounce President Bush for using brief images from Ground Zero in his campaign commercials.What a nice batch of pond scum! But that's only fitting because Teresa says her late husband's bucks are only going to the Tides Foundation to help the environment in Pennsylvania. Sure Terry, they would be my first choice for that too! But money is fungible - and the Tides Foundation has a lot more than greening the earth on its plate.I have a few stronger words. But wait, there's more: Despite denials that the Kerry campaign criticized the Bush ads, the Kerry camp did reach out (to) family members of people killed on 9/11 whom they knew were supporters of Kerry and asked if they'd be willing to denounce the ads publicly. Those people were given the names of assignment editors at cable news channels and network news outlets, as well as talking points for them to use if they were interviewed.It's just like old times!. Like when Jawnee came back from Vietnam and stabbed his buddies in the back. If you're a 3rd world thug regime, you've got a friend in Jawnee. And Terry. How sadly predictable. The only amazing thing was the way the lap dogs in the press started howling over this. Actually, that's sadly predictable too.
He's back And already kicking butt: Overheard in the men's room immediately following a Fort Lauderdale fundraiser, at which the Junior Senator from Massachusetts waxed internationalist:
I'll see your pander and raise you one! First it was Jawnee pining to be the nation's "2nd black president". Now we find out that Teresa's black friends call her African American: First lady wannabe Teresa Heinz Kerry once insisted that her black friends think of her as African American and often refer to her in conversation using the term, a phrase almost universally employed by blacks in America to describe their race.Hmm, didn't James Taranto get all sorts of nasty email for saying Teresa was "African-American"? Maybe it's because he used that pesky hyphen!
Maybe it's one of them Pander Bears! ![]() On a visit to Florida, Kerry Shifts His Views on Arafat: John Kerry says he no longer considers Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to be a statesman, but rather "an outlaw to the peace process" in the Middle East who has been rightly shuffled aside.Anyone who thought Arafat ever was a statesman is delusional. But Jawnee, your new position sounds confrontational, unilateral, and likely to be pooh-poohed by the Euroweenies! In fact it kind of reminds me of: The Bush administration has ruled out dealing with Arafat, a veteran Palestinian activist, claiming he is tainted with terror against Israel, a close U.S. ally. In peace process, the administration has dealt only with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other senior Palestinian officials appointed by Arafat.Stay tuned for the news that Jawnee has been investigating his family tree and discovered that he's actually from Texas.
Monday, March 08, 2004 It's way too early for this stuff! Andrew Stuttaford is on a roll at The Corner. Kicking off is First they came for the cigarettes: Nebraska Governor Mike Johanns declares March ‘caffeine awareness month.’ Caffeine can, Nebraskans are warned, lead to headaches, jitteriness, irritability, difficulties in concentration, mood swings and other maladies. If this proclamation is any way typical of his activities, the same might be said of Gov. Johanns.Make a move on my coffee and I'm going for my holster! Then there's a 7-11 dining review (not suitable for a first date) and good news from the EU: In view of accession of ten new Member States on 1 May 2004, appropriate arrangements have to be made to ensure sufficient supply of bananas to consumers in the new Member States."Next thing you know, they'll be having 5 year plans! And saving the best for last, he links to an article about the liberal bias at Duke University: Much to the dismay of the Duke administration, the DCU (Duke Conservative Union - ed.) has provoked its ritual annual contretemps, this time by publishing an advertisement revealing that registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a whopping 142-to-8 margin among university deans as well as faculty members of eight liberal arts departments. The numbers apparently startled some alumni-donors, which provoked President Keohane to publish a soothing article declaring that the near monopoly Democrats enjoy in the humanities, of course, in no way implies any insincerity regarding her oft-stated commitment to intellectual diversity.President Keohane sounds like a real pip. I wonder if she was born being able to come up with concepts like a "relaxed and thoughtful session" or she learned it somewhere? But it's been that way on campus for years, so the only surprise is when they pretend it really isn't so: Professors and administrators, caught off guard by the sudden publicity of the DCU ad, scrambled to downplay or disregard the findings. President Keohane led the charge to dismiss the survey’s saliency by claiming in her article that political party affiliation is unimportant because professors would never, ever allow their personal political views to enter the classroom. She declared there is “ample evidence” that this is the case—apparently she was so overwhelmed with the abundance of evidence that she felt relieved of the need actually to cite any. President Keohane’s faithful favorite, Duke VP John Burness, dutifully followed the party line, declaring that he is “struck repeatedly” by the shocking success professors have in removing their personal politics from the classroom.These two ought to hit the comedy circuit! Although Johnny might not want to give anyone any ideas by saying "struck repeatedly." Let’s pretend for a moment that entire programs like Women’s Studies and African and African-American Studies were not established specifically to propagate left-wing social and historical theories in the classroom. If we are to believe that professors never politicize the classroom, then we can expect to find a general agreement among professors that this is the case. It is illuminating, then, to read the January 24 New York Times editorial column by Connecticut College Professor Rhonda Garelick in which the author bemoans her students’ resistance to her repeated attempts to instill in them “‘wakeful’ political literacy,” “feminist awareness,” and “literacy in sexual politics.” She finds it inexplicable that her introduction of “contemporary politics into classroom discussions,” such as the Iraq war, only provokes “paralysis and anxiety, plus some disgruntlement over my deviation from the syllabus.” This is indeed a real headscratcher, but perhaps the problem lies in the fact that Professor Garelick teaches French literature, and her recalcitrant students may, for some bizarre reason, have failed to grasp the colossal impact the Iraq war has had on the allegories underlying Les Miserables.Indeed. Hit the full link for the really humorous part where the Duke professors weigh in. At a guess, I'd say they couldn't find their butts with a roadmap.
Sunday, March 07, 2004 Apparently IQ's dropped while I was away Although it may not be apparent to Northerners, it's spring planting time along the border of "God, Guts, and Guns" country so I have a variety of chores that have cut down on the blogging. But it's nice to see that there are no worries about the national asshat crop this year. I'll let Terpsboy lead off the ball with When "progressives" are in charge. Here's my fave: One member of the University Planning Committee voiced concern when the UoP announced mandatory "racism seminars" for all their students. She said she felt mandatory seminars were unconstitutional and said she had "deep regard for the individual and my desire to protect the freedoms of all members of society." A university administrator sent the note back to the committee member with the word "individual" circled and in the margin had written, "This is a RED FLAG phrase today, which is considered by many to be RACIST. Arguments that champion the individual over the group ultimately privileges[sic] the individuals who belong to the largest or dominant group."Who knew? Much more rich nutty goodness by following the link. Then over at Powerline, they have John Kerry's interview with the SF Chronicle editorial board. You have to read the whole thing to get the full effect, but the punchline was: So Kerry was "misled" because he believed that Bush didn't mean what Bush said. Talk about your dirty tricks...Hey, for Kerry it is - he never means what he says. And to get an early start on tax season - Why do Russians have the flat tax but we don't? Now that Geroge Soros got his "Campaign Finance Reform" bill passed, we have all the dingleberries he has funded, like, running campaign ads with unlimited soft money. Ooops, my mistake, they aren't campaign ads because they aren't "coordinated" with any candidate's national campaign. From a MoveOn missive to the minions that I received: Dear MoveOn member,I won't quote the whole thing, but you get the idea. I'd hate to see what "coordinated" would be. Not surprisingly, the GOP is all over this. Stay tuned for the whines about "chilling effects". And saving the best for last, I see the usual suspects trotted out a few relatives of 9/11 victims who are having a big sad that President Bush's campaign ads had the audacity to mention 9/11. No word on what alternative reality they hail from where 9/11 isn't part of this year's campaign. If you look long enough you can always find some wingnuts, so I'm not too surprised; but it is kind of neat they are the poster children of a "peace" organization sponsored by Lurch's spouse with her dead husband's dough (UPDATE: More here). What was truly disgusting though, was the incredible pandering of the news media who would have us common folk think these people were ordinary citizens instead of delusional pond scum.
How about some frogs' legs? Jacques Chirac's best revenge? Johnny Kerry Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Johnny to his French friends, is much loved in the Brittany seaside town of St. Briac best known for its golf and harbor."Johnnny" makes it sound like Nebraska. How about "Jawnee"? Francois, a bar keeper there, said, "We see him every summer -- he is Chirac's revenge against America."Them Frenchies sure know how to fight dirty! Kerry has been a visitor to St. Briac for many years. It's where his father met his mother, one of the wealthy Forbes daughters, when they were both in art school. John Forbes Kerry was their masterpiece!And quite a masterpiece he is, too.
Where do we sign up? Will Killington start national trend? WHOEVER SAID imitation is the sincerest form of flattery never received a request from a whole town smack dab in the middle of another state to become part of his family. No, what Killington, Vt., did Tuesday is surely the highest form of flattery — for New Hampshire.I'd be a tad picky about who I let in, if I were you. New Hampshire could be choosy: Yes to Tahoe, N.H. No to Newark, N.H.That's the spirit! And be real careful with those leftoid college towns like Berkeley and Ithaca. To heck with the folks who don’t understand New Hampshire’s “Live Free or Die” attitude. On a reporting trip to Howard Dean’s last major New Hampshire campaign rally, held at Phillips Exeter Academy the eve of the primary, I met a young Dean press aide who used to work at The Washington Post and who was astounded that Granite Staters care so much about taxes.Indeed.
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