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Saturday, December 11, 2004 Do you blame the pimp or the whore? BOUGHT AND PAID FOR 'Now it's our party," reads the typi cally arrogant e-mail, referring to the Democrats, from to its supporters: "We bought it, we own it and now we're going to take it back."
Funny how that worked out Exodus as Dutch middle class seek new life Escaping the stress of clogged roads, street violence and loss of faith in Holland's once celebrated way of life, the Dutch middle classes are leaving the country in droves for the first time in living memory.Hmm, that sounds familiar! But lots of luck with Canada and New Zealand.
Friday, December 10, 2004 Everyone loves to talk about the weather! 'Climate Witnesses' Testify About Warming As scientists debate whether global warming is affecting Earth, "climate witnesses" told a U.N. environmental conference Friday they are already feeling the heat of the changing weather patterns they say are drastically affecting the way of life from the Himalayas to the South Pacific.Around here it was real cold early last week, but today it was real warm, but it's supposed to get colder tonight. When do we sacrifice the virgin? My thanks to the United Nations for maintaining the high standards for which it is justly famous. Why not toss Kofi's kid a few bucks to fly around and investigate?
I love puzzles! This one is a toughie though: Suppose that a big corporation headquartered in New York City were the center of the largest embezzlement scheme in world history ($21 billion), which enriched big oil companies, foreign dictators, terrorists, and its own employees. Further, suppose that the corporation's own union had declared its lack of confidence in the corporation's management, because of endemic corruption, and because of senior management's lax attitude towards sexual abuse, including coercive sex with underage girls.No peeking at the answer. And it isn't just Denver, of course. Here's another one: Which of the following recent news stories is the odd one out:Here's a hint: No one is ever asked to resign for wrongdoing at the United Nations.But it's not all bad news - Annan's one virtue: He weakens the U.N.
Wake up and smell Kofi We're not supposed to notice the aroma Kofi Annan is the perfect expression of the United Nations: soft, suave, urbane, and a magnet for incompetence and corruption.And he didn't break his sting of failure, incompetence, and mendacity. The usual suspects are closing ranks behind Mr. Annan. The 191 ambassadors to the U.N., terrified at the thought that any Lilliputian should be deprived of his sweet life in America on someone else's dime, gave Mr. Annan a standing ovation this week when he presented his "blueprint for U.N. reform" to the General Assembly. There was no appreciation of the irony of the moment, with the presentation of institutional reform by the man who may be in desperate need of personal reform himself.
Nothing like the party of the people In Washington State, Democrats dust off old rule Even if Republican Dino Rossi wins the hand recount of the state’s extraordinary governor’s race, a never-before-used provision in the state constitution could allow the Democrat-controlled Legislature to hand the election to Democrat Christine Gregoire.Why bother even letting the proles vote for governor?
Thursday, December 09, 2004 If there is anything more ridiculous than the United Nations ... It's the weenies at Ted Turner's United Nations Foundation. Hey Ted, have you come up with the billion bucks yet? That ought to get their banner ad to pop up above a few more times.
More gas from the fever swamp MoveOn to Democratic Party: 'We Own It' WASHINGTON - Liberal powerhouse MoveOn has a message for the "professional election losers" who run the Democratic Party: "We bought it, we own it, we're going to take it back."I'm sure it was just an oversight that they forgot to mention George Soros.
Today's Hoot! ![]() TED KENNEDY GIVES FREE DRIVING LESSONS TO POOR TEENS! Super-compassionate liberal Senator Ted Kennedy is one of the richest politicians in America, but he's quietly giving back -- by teaching poor inner-city teens to drive, free of charge!(Hat tip to FR where some "greatest hits" are recalled.)
Always nice to know Rodger alerts us how not to have a Blue Christmas, only he doesn't quite phrase it that way. If I may suggest a personal nonfavorite, the executives at Price Club/Costco are a particularly obnoxious crew of leftoids and well deserving of your nonsupport.
Her Heinous better be careful with that centrism stuff Hillary, you've got some 'fessing up to do: Activists in the bluest district in the bluest city of probably the bluest state in the nation believe they've earned the right to deliver a blunt message to Hillary Clinton: Senator, we in this liberal enclave see red every time we hear that you are the Democrats' main hope to reclaim the White House in 2008.When was the last time an Upper West Sider found his/her/its butt without a roadmap? On the other hand - Give her hell, moonbats!
Wednesday, December 08, 2004 The Rev. Al does the Hanky Panky And the Village Voice has the details. Frankly, there's too much dysfunction to summarize easily, but you'll get the idea from this: Ironically, with all of this intrigue circulating just beneath the surface, Sharpton has made himself into some sort of national religious figure, asking on Meet the Press just a week ago: "All of us are talking about whether God is on our side. Are we really on God's side?" He and Jerry Falwell have squared off four times on national television—immediately before and after the election—as the embodiment of the moral values of their respective parties.As the rest of the article reveals, Rev. Al does have a favorite charity - himself.
Chinese farmers don't have to worry about the goverment seizing their land for development Because they don't own it SANCHAWAN, China - For five months, Gao Lading and other angry farmers had occupied the walled compound of the Communist Party's village office. They had pitched tents, eaten rice and sweet potatoes, and waited.Good thing they don't get to vote or icky stuff like that.
Biscuits and Gravy - Dec. 8, 2004 Marines saved 'em from Qaeda When the Jihadis burst into the U.S. Consulate in Saudi Arabia, guns blazing and screaming, "Where are the Americans!," the diplomats quickly fled to a panic room.Meanwhile there's another battle zone around Washington D.C. Prince George's County fire officials said yesterday that two Marine Corps cars recently were set on fire, which makes at least 10 vehicles set ablaze near military recruiting stations during the past 15 days.Unfortunately you can't shoot 'em if you catch 'em. Michael Moore: Democrats need to embrace Hollywood "Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story."That's a shock - they've been spinning tall tales for years. Ding Dong, the Witch is Gone! And all we have is a crappy AP report that makes it seem Mary Frances Berry was "even handed." Who says they're stupid bureaucrats at the United Nations? Congressional investigators are examining whether the former head of the U.N. oil-for-food program laundered profits from shady oil deals with Saddam Hussein through family businesses in Cyprus to make it look as if his newfound wealth was coming from an "inheritance."Here's another United Nations poser Most people would say countries that tolerate slavery should be ineligible for membership on the U.N. Commission on Human Rights. Same goes for those guilty of crimes against humanity.Same goes for the UN as a whole, but the folks at Foggy Bottom don't seem to realize it. But not to worry, Kofi Annan is on the case! - Annan Opens First Islamophobia Seminar
Tuesday, December 07, 2004 It's a tautology French Offensive We always knew that we would strike a few nerves with Our Oldest Enemy: A History of America's Disastrous Relationship with France. We certainly never expected anything but a negative review from the New York Times let alone from a hotshot French intellectual like Bernard-Henri Levy.More Gallic hilarity by following the link. But Mark Twain gets the last word.
Good news is breaking out all over! Dead in toilet for 2 days. No it isn't the moonbats at Democrat Underbelly, it's the UK's National Health Service: A WOMAN died in a hospital toilet — and was not found for TWO DAYS.I want some of that there HillaryCare! On a more spiritual note: "A Buddhist monk decided to break his lifelong vow of celibacy with a prostitute - but picked up an undercover police officer instead."I'm sure he was just looking for someone to relieve his Karmic burden.
Fun with technology! Tired of looking through your webcam at piles of steaming volcanic rock? ![]() You could always hit the bar instead! (Mildly NSFW). That's a horrible joke - wrong in so many ways, and I absolutely can't condone that sort of humor. I was reminded of it when I stumbled across this horrible, horrible, website that a lot of the guys deployed over here seem to get a kick out of. Whatever you do, don't visit it! From what I've heard it's just wrong. In fact, that's why I've never visited that site, honest Mrs. G!
Everybody's doing it! House Republicans say Annan should resign over oil-for-food scandal and, brace yourself, the Democratic Leadership Council agrees: The secretary general should place this critical mission ahead of his personal interests, and step aside. Given his own lack of credibility on the oil-for-food program, this step is the price Annan must pay to help restore the U.N.'s credibility, and to salvage his legacy as secretary general.In case you aren't familiar with the DLC, it's the organization of "moderate" Democrats. We haven't heard from them much since Bubba took off for the big city and left the moonbats in charge.
Monday, December 06, 2004 Iranian Hijinks Alert! (Via Best of the Web) Al-Jazeera’s Psyops The Al-Jazeera network’s recent insult of the Iranian nation was totally unacceptable.Yadda, yadda But the actions of the network gradually revealed the fact that Al-Jazeera officials, on the orders of Zionist agents, are trying to divide Islamic countries and tarnish the image of Islam.When jihadist wingnuts fall out, we all have fun! Which reminds me, I wonder if this was the cartoon in question? ![]() Nah, probably not. Hmm, how about this one? ![]() That's funny too, but the laugh's on us. For now.
The United Nations is the gift that keeps on giving Turn your head and Kofi: The United Nations' "Oil-for-Food" program, which began in 1996, permitted Saddam Hussein to sell oil, provided that the revenue went for food, medicine and other necessities. It was a deal between the world's largest bureaucracy and one of the planet's most crooked and ruthless dictators. What could possibly go wrong?Lots more by following the link including fun with the Minneapolis (Red) Star Tribune: The Tribune assigns an air of untouchable altruism to the United Nations, which, to them, is a noble body working toward the betterment of mankind, so they've earned the right to the occasional colossal blunder or not-so-accidental dereliction. In other words, they're a lot like the newspaper business.By the way, the author, Doug Powers, now has his own blog.
Be still my heart! Two set for civil rights panel President Bush will appoint two new members to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights this week, possibly as early as today, and replace panel Chairman Mary Frances Berry.He finally got rid of the odious Mary Frances Berry, wingnut extraordinaire! Don't let the garage door hit your wide load on the way out, Mary! The White House has insisted over the past two weeks that those terms expired last night at midnight, and that the new commissioners would be appointed promptly. Ms. Berry and Mr. Reynoso have said that their terms end Jan. 21.That's par for the course with ole Mary. Send in the U.S. Marshals and evict her! (More details here.) On the other hand, maybe she has a lot of shredding to catch up on: The move comes as the commission, formed in 1957 and operating with a $9 million annual budget, is the subject of an investigation by the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution. The review is seeking information on, among other things, the financial operations of the commission.Forget the eviction. How about a "perp walk"?
This will have the usual suspects twitching Fox Will Become Main News Source For Clear Channel: News Corp.'s Fox News has reached an agreement to become the primary news provider to radio giant Clear Channel Communications Inc.
Nobody told me it was Kofi Annan Appreciation Day! But the all the usual suspects chimed in to make it a festive occasion. The New York Times allows as how "Oil for Food" was a big rip-off, but there were other big Saddam frauds going on because it was "the responsibility of member nations to adhere to sanctions imposed by the Security Council" and they didn't do it. Somehow that doesn't strike me as an affirmative defense. The Minneapolis (Red) Star Tribune chimed in and attacked Sen. Norm Coleman in a juvenile rant that demonstrates why they are the envy of the other high school newspapers in Minnesota. Then there's the Boston Globe's Thomas Oliphant: NOW THAT virtually all of official conservatism and the Republican legislative juggernaut have opened up on UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, with President Bush's winking acquiescence, it's time to explore a simple question: Just what is it that the guy has done? The answer is nada. It turns out there is no evidence that he did anything while the notorious and corrupted oil-for-food humanitarian program was operating in Iraq during the 1990s and beyond.Er, Tom, that's exactly the problem. Kofi Annan presided over the biggest financial fraud in human history. And he did nada. There was also more sad news for Kofi fans today - Annan's son used UN link to lobby for business: The son of Kofi Annan, the United Nations Secretary-General, lobbied for business contacts at gatherings of UN officials on behalf of a company in the same year as it won an oil-for-food programme deal, it has emerged.$500 per day? Ole Kojo doesn't travel light, I guess. Not to worry, though. The bureaucrats at the UN have a secret plan! THE United Nations — desperately in need of some positive spin — is considering a ploy to steal some of the Norwegian Nobel thunder by launching its own annual peace prize. It doesn't hurt that the highly politicized Nobel Peace Prize has been bestowed to such unpeaceful types as Yasser Arafat and appeasers like Jimmy Carter.The UN is going to do better? Bwahahaha! "The United Nations peace prize would be announced each year with the fanfare of a Live Aid-like concert, to be broadcast on a youth channel like MTV," said one source.Sure, that'll help! In the face of widespread corruption in Iraq's oil-for-food program, weapons proliferation and terrorism, it strikes one as both tone-deaf and feckless of them even to have that on the table."They haven't got even a whiff of a clue. But then we knew that.
A hot time in the Great White North! A hockey mom allegedly displays her 'assets' at an 11-year old hockey game: The president of the Greater Toronto Hockey League says he's "aghast" over an alleged incident at a hockey game in Mississauga where an irate mother of an 11-year-old minor hockey player apparently taunted parents and fans of opposing players by lifting her blouse, revealing her bra and shaking her breasts "from side to side."Cabin fever started early this year.
Sunday, December 05, 2004 Hmm, that's a new one! Fund-Raiser Said Motive for Flu Shot Sale MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - A woman who allegedly sold flu shots then fled when her credentials were questioned was giving people the real vaccine, and was trying to raise money for her daughter's school fund-raiser, her ex-husband said.Back to peddling candy bars, I guess.
Biscuits and Gravy - Dec. 5, 2004 Belmont Club The Franco-American alliance is quite robust and likely to last a long time. The French have always been there when they needed us.Steve Martin It does strike me as ironic that the song has become the standard reference work on the subject of King Tut. Many of the lines in the song are now believed to be fact. In this article I should - as a serious scholar - set the record straight:Maureen Dowd's Holiday Blues - Modo is cranky for all the usual reasons including Michael Douglas: It might be exacerbated by the stress I feel when I think of all the money I've spent on lavishing boyfriends with presents over the years, guys who are now living with other women who are enjoying my lovingly picked out presents which I'm no doubt still paying for in credit card interest charges.But here's something to cheer her up In certain lucky locales, America's marketers and shock jocks are ministering to this spiritual deficit with an innovative enhancement program called "The Breast Christmas Ever." Female seekers enter radio promotion contests and the winners get free breast augmentations. Banish Scrooge with a boob job. Is this a great country or what?The Democrats' Marketing Mistake Next to President Bush, few things anger liberals more than Wal-Mart and Detroit's Big Three automakers. The liberal intelligentsia views Wal-Mart as the most frightening force in corporate America because it maintains a non-union workforce. The Big Three are scorned because they make trucks and SUVs that consume copious amounts of gasoline. Liberals believe America would be a much better country if more of us drove Toyota Priuses to Whole Foods each week instead of hopping into Ford F-150s to get our groceries at Wal-Mart.Actually the leftoids want the proles to live in towering big-city apartment complexes where they won't need cars as they'll be able to pick up everything they need from little shoppes and the weekly Gaia ceremony in the courtyard. But I digress. But there will be "culture" And then the crowning moment: Vanity Fair's Youngest Hollywood issue, which displayed on its cover nine underaged vixens in various states of get-up-and-go, along with a headline proclaiming: "It's TOTALLY Raining Teens: And it's, like, so a major moment in pop culture."And they get cranky when the proles ignore the cultural pearls strewn before them It's terribly unfair to draw conclusions from one story in a foreign newspaper, but it's so much fun. The London Independent is warning Britons that Americans are really as value-crazed as they fear. Why, it's gotten to the point where they're refusing to pay money to see interminable movies about bisexual military leaders!
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