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Saturday, March 05, 2005 Ruh Roh! Niger cancels 'free-slave' event The government of Niger has cancelled at the last minute a special ceremony during which at least 7,000 slaves were to be granted their freedom.Maybe they heard Jesse Jackson was on his way over to demand reparations? Anyhow, I'm just glad that the goverment of Niger contributes its wisdom to the deliberations of the United Nations. Maybe Justice Kennedy could pick up some legal pointers too!
Friday, March 04, 2005 Chilling effects alert! The usual suspects who are always whining about "chilling effects" are trying to get Boston Globe technology correspondent Hiawatha Bray fired: Democrats heaped criticism on The Boston Globe yesterday for failing to more aggressively punish technology reporter Hiawatha Bray, who criticized Sen. John F. Kerry's campaign in Internet postings as he covered the race.Sheesh, he's a technology reporter posting in his personal blog. And someone please get an ice pack for Max Cleland before his brain explodes. Here's an earlier article with some background: A Boston Globe reporter who covered aspects of the presidential campaign was rebuked by his editors after criticizing Sen. John F. Kerry [related, bio] and promoting President Bush [related, bio] on Internet Web logs.Ah, George Soros' butt boys. I thought they were busy outing gays. Bray, who did not return calls yesterday, wrote a handful of technology-related stories for the Globe - including an August story about hackers altering the online cover of an anti-Kerry book by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group.And the problem is what, exactly? Two weeks later, Bray posted an item under his own name on a blog hosted by the San Jose Mercury News dismissing Kerry's strategy of promoting his Vietnam service record as ``moronic.''Not an uncommon opinion on all sides of the spectrum. Bray promoted many of the Swift Boat attacks on Kerry - some of which were proven false.Must have misspelled "alleged false." Sounds like the author thinks John Kerry was wearing his magic hat in Cambodia on Christmas Eve. He questioned his own paper's work, dismissing probes of Bush's National Guard service as ``innuendo.''Proven right again - just ask Dan Rather. And in another Web forum after the election, Bray identified himself as a ``Bush supporter'' and said he's ``feeling pretty good now.''Gosh, they actually found a reporter who supported Bush! That'll never do! The Globe statement said editors learned of the postings in November. Since then, Baron said, Bray hasn't posted politically related items and has not written about either Bush or Kerry.Sounds like an equitable resolution according to the Globe's rules. But not for the moonbats who don't care what reporters do if they are leftoids. Bray's blog is apparently at but the archives don't seem to be working.
Thursday, March 03, 2005 Guess Who! "There's still Iran and North Korea, don't forget. There's still hope for the rest of us." There's sure no pond scum shortage.
On the road again. Spinning tall tales with their friends. Democrats launch counter-Bush road trip: The Democrats' battle for the hearts and minds - and wallets - of voters worried about Social Security hits the road Friday, with its first stop at a New York City college.Ya think? They must have convinced the President because ScrappleFace reports Bush Flip-Flops on Social Security, No Reform Needed: I was wrong," Mr. Bush said, "In fact, things are going so well with Social Security that today I propose to put members of Congress on the same terrific plan enjoyed by the rest of our citizens. Since it ain't broke yet and there's no crisis yet, I know they'll embrace this equal opportunity proposal. Who could vote against it?"Actually, he should propose it.
A headline writer's dream Breast for sale: $14,000 and rising: Giving new meaning to the term "big news," a famous stripper is selling an oversized breast on eBay.Ok, who wants to examine the evidence? Place your bids here.
"Out of the mouth of babes..." Or loonies - Gadhafi says the UN should abolish the Security Council. I'd ask "Why stop there?", but let's hear what the besheeted one has to say: Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was quoted as saying yesterday that the United Nations must scrap the Security Council and give its powers to the General Assembly, if it ever hopes to become a truly democratic organisation.I love the way these dictators are always worrying about democracy. In a full-page advertisement in The Guardian newspaper, Gadhafi called the UN Security Council "an ugly, forceful, and horrible instrument of dictatorship - an executioner's whip with no appeal against its judgment, even if its judgment is unfair, biased and harmful."And I thought it was mostly a bunch of fussy ninnies! But catch this: The world is better represented by the 191-member UN General Assembly, but "it has no powers, no responsibilities and no respect," said Ghadafi.What better place than Manhattan to pad the ole expense account? Countries such as Germany, Japan, India and Brazil are also trying to become permanent members of an expanded Security Council.Now yer talkin', Mo! The prospect of the thugs jumping off the gravy train is amusing, but I'm not holding my breath.
McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance "Reform" - What a joke! And, as usual, the joke's on us - The coming crackdown on blogging Bradley Smith says that the freewheeling days of political blogging and online punditry are over.Sheesh, not this pseudo campaign finance reform crap again! In 2002, the FEC exempted the Internet by a 4-2 vote, but U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly last fall overturned that decision. "The commission's exclusion of Internet communications from the coordinated communications regulation severely undermines" the campaign finance law's purposes, Kollar-Kotelly wrote.I love a bizarre regulatory process, don't you? Senators McCain and Feingold have argued that we have to regulate the Internet, that we have to regulate e-mail. They sued us in court over this and they won.Not to mention McCain and Feingold who still can't find their butts with a roadmap. Read the full interview by following the link, but my favorite part is: What rules will apply to the Internet that did not before?How about a link to my least favorite politician's website? Click on Empress Teresa's picture at the the top of the sidebar to see what I mean. Funny, she hasn't updated "her" blog since last April! Update: Instapundit and Michelle Malkin weigh in.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005 The Pearcy's are even freakier than we thought EXCLUSIVE: Former Renter Of Pearcy House Speaks Out [EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS] Can you say landlords from hell? I knew you could!
Ssssh! Don't tip the marks! Spain's foreign minister got all sticky over his EU fantasy yesterday and couldn't keep his mouth shut. Unfortunately, The Sun was listening: BRITAIN’S days as an independent country will soon be over, Spain’s foreign minister boasted yesterday.Indeed. More juicy musings by following the link, and this: Shadow Foreign Secretary Michael Ancram said last night: “Yet again a senior European politician has dared to tell the truth about the constitution, a truth Mr Blair is anxious to hide.”Ruh Oh! But if the suckers are scared off in the UK, the Euros have a secret plan - EU diehards 'ready to gang up' on Britain: Plans have been drawn up to create an ad-hoc "core" of countries determined to pursue closer integration, in case Britain rejects the draft treaty establishing a European constitution, it was claimed yesterday.All the usual wussies. I would have thought they had enough to keep them busy at home, but perhaps I can't comprehend the bureaucratic majesty of their plans. Anyhow, one of the pro-EU folks in the UK says not to worry: But Mr Grant dismissed talk of Britain being thrown out of the EU in the event of a No vote. "Nobody wants to kick us out, we have the best soldiers, the best diplomats, and one of the best performing economies in Europe."Er, "best" doesn't seem to have high value in the halls of the European Union.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005 The Kumbaya Crowd on the Supreme Court Strikes Again Europe confirms Supreme Court's disdain for American policy outcomes, high Court finds The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the practice of executing individuals for crimes they committed below the age of 18 is a violation of the Eighth Amendment. Justice Kennedy wrote for the 5-4 majority (Chief Justice Rehnquist heard the case, and thus voted even though there was no "tie" without him).Cut to Findlaw and Justice O'Connor for some details of the unruly tyke in this case: Christopher Simmons' murder of Shirley Crook was premeditated, wanton, and cruel in the extreme. Well before he committed this crime, Simmons declared that he wanted to kill someone. On several occasions, he discussed with two friends (ages 15 and 16) his plan to burglarize a house and to murder the victim by tying the victim up and pushing him from a bridge. Simmons said they could " 'get away with it' " because they were minors. Brief for Petitioners 3. In accord with this plan, Simmons and his 15-year-old accomplice broke into Mrs. Crook's home in the middle of the night, forced her from her bed, bound her, and drove her to a state park. There, they walked her to a railroad trestle spanning a river, "hog-tied" her with electrical cable, bound her face completely with duct tape, and pushed her, still alive, from the trestle. She drowned in the water below.Justice Scalia puts the hammer down on these ninnies: In urging approval of a constitution that gave life-tenured judges the power to nullify laws enacted by the people's representatives, Alexander Hamilton assured the citizens of New York that there was little risk in this, since "[t]he judiciary ... ha[s] neither FORCE nor WILL but merely judgment." The Federalist No. 78, p. 465 (C. Rossiter ed. 1961). But Hamilton had in mind a traditional judiciary, "bound down by strict rules and precedents which serve to define and point out their duty in every particular case that comes before them." Id., at 471. Bound down, indeed. What a mockery today's opinion makes of Hamilton's expectation, announcing the Court's conclusion that the meaning of our Constitution has changed over the past 15 years--not, mind you, that this Court's decision 15 years ago was wrong, but that the Constitution has changed.I must have missed the news! The Court reaches this implausible result by purporting to advert, not to the original meaning of the Eighth Amendment, but to "the evolving standards of decency," ante, at 6 (internal quotation marks omitted), of our national society. It then finds, on the flimsiest of grounds, that a national consensus which could not be perceived in our people's laws barely 15 years ago now solidly exists. Worse still, the Court says in so many words that what our people's laws say about the issue does not, in the last analysis, matter: "[I]n the end our own judgment will be brought to bear on the question of the acceptability of the death penalty under the Eighth Amendment." Ante, at 9 (internal quotation marks omitted). The Court thus proclaims itself sole arbiter of our Nation's moral standards--and in the course of discharging that awesome responsibility purports to take guidance from the views of foreign courts and legislatures. Because I do not believe that the meaning of our Eighth Amendment, any more than the meaning of other provisions of our Constitution, should be determined by the subjective views of five Members of this Court and like-minded foreigners, I dissent.What our legislatures decide must obviously be inferior to the sensitive ones and their foreign pals. Sheesh, I can hear the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves. Oh yeah - here are some more tykes whose death sentences the sensitive ones revoked: LOUISIANA:How about a law compelling Supreme Court weenies to witness the autopsies of a few victims?
More Paul Martin Fun I had my laugh at the expense of Canadian PM Paul Martin already, now Gary Dunford has a whack in PM confused - in general: "General, this is Prime Minister Dithers," begins the PM. "Prime minister of Canada, the fly-over country? Northern neighbour? Under NORAD's missile shield, but not part of it?"Just call him the macho man. More by following the link.
Monday, February 28, 2005 Some folks must have a lot of time on their hands Game maker sues over nude volleyball: Game publisher Tecmo announced Wednesday that it has sued users of an Internet message board that distributes hacks for its games, including several that remove the bikinis from players in a popular volleyball game.I'm a tad puzzled as to how their copyright is being violated but lawsuits aren't about logic, in the USA at least. On the other hand, who's got nothing better to do than "spice up" the characters in some Xbox game?
There was at least one Oscar highlight But Rodger beat me to it. Who knew there was a clown category?
Wilbur! ![]() Let's have Herr Ed for dinner! From the UK - They eat domestic solipeds, don’t they? Eurospeak for "horses", just in case you were wondering, and from today it becomes law of the land that every horse should be the proud owner of a passport, courtesy of our government-over-the-water in Brussels.Pray tell, how could they conceivably need passports? The reason for this delicious piece of nonsense – to use an unfortunate phrase – is that the EU wants to keep track of medication administered to horses in case they subsequently end up in the food chain...I'd like a Black Beauty Burger please!
Sunday, February 27, 2005 Multilateral hijinks! Bono, World Bank chief? A Los Angeles Times editorial proposes a new gig for the U2 frontman. "Don't be fooled by the wraparound sunglasses and the excess hipness," the Los Angeles Times said. "Bono is deeply versed in the issues afflicting the least-developed nations of the world."The taxpayers of the developed world kick in dough to World Bank bureaucrats who make "loans" to 3rd world thugocracies who have no intention of repaying them. Then after much wailing, the loans are "forgiven." Might as well flush the greenbacks down the toilet. Gosh, I think Bono could handle that! Bono, the rock star and celebrity, Martinez said, might be able to shame the rich nations into meeting their devlopment [sic] aid goals, he told Reuters.Or he might finally convince the taxpayers to deepsix this loser. Meanwhile on the EU front - U.S. can sit back and watch Europe implode Lester Pearson, the late Canadian prime minister, used to say that diplomacy is the art of letting the other fellow have your way. All week long President Bush offered a hilariously parodic reductio of Pearson's bon mot, wandering from one European Union gabfest to another insisting how much he loves his good buddy Jacques and his good buddy Gerhard and how Europe and America share -- what's the standard formulation? -- ''common values.'' Care to pin down an actual specific value or two that we share? Well, you know, ''freedom,'' that sort of thing, abstract nouns mostly. Love to list a few more common values, but gotta run.Since it's Mark Steyn, I digress, but here's where I'm headed: The president, in other words, understands that for Europe, unlike America, the war on terror is an internal affair, a matter of defusing large unassimilated radicalized Muslim immigrant populations before they provoke the inevitable resurgence of opportunist political movements feeding off old hatreds. Difficult trick to pull off, especially on a continent where the ruling elite feels it's in the people's best interest not to pay any attention to them.Of course, the clueless weenies at the State Department had other plans - How British and American conservatives united to stop Bush endorsing the EU constitution as favour to Blair Leading British Euro-sceptics were enlisted to help win a battle within the White House over how far Mr Bush should go in endorsing a more unified EU, after reports began to circulate in Washington that his planned speech would express backing for the constitution.But I'm a hopeful kinda guy. Maybe they'll come to their senses - Exit Strategy: The continent of Europe changed on 10 June 2004. On that day the frustration of ordinary people at autocratic rule from Brussels finally made itself felt. The surge in the Eurosceptic vote may have been fuelled by different priorities in different lands (the desire for outright independence in Britain, concern at the cost of modernisation in the Czech Republic, alarm at Germans buying farms in Poland, and hostility to unfettered immigration in Greece), but it was still a firm vote against integration.A possible blueprint by following the link.
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