Country Store
Saturday, April 24, 2004 Naughty Lurch! Kerry's SUV habit fuels a `trust' gap Now we've truly heard it all. Rising gas prices are the latest John Kerry campaign theme, so naturally the senator was asked this week about his personal vehicle usage.You mean "nuance" doesn't mean "lying through your teeth"? Who knew? And that's without mentioning the other gas-guzzlers this candidate and his family enjoy, all the while posturing about reducing the nation's dependence on foreign oil and fuel efficiency.Yeehaw! And you learn something new every day - there's a car with worse gas mileage than a Suburban. Yet there he was yammering on to reporters Thursday about making a hybrid (powered by gas and electricity) his ``campaign car.''Dang, the High Bogon Flux alarm just went off! It's probably not politically correct to refer to the senator as the head of the Heinz Kerry family.Probably not accurate either. But last we checked, he is a part of it, no? Kerry's prevarication is trivial in the context of terrorism, the war in Iraq, the economy and all the serious issues this country - and its next president - will confront.Bzzzt, thanks for playing, Lurch!
Georgie Porgie Alert! ![]() Saddam's butt boy, former Labor MP George Galloway, is on the list of folks getting oil vouchers under the UN's "Oil for Crooks" program. He famously claims he's never seen a barrel of oil. The folks at the Sun decided to broaden his horizons - Galloway rolls out barrel: SADDAM-supporting MP George Galloway blew his top yesterday after The Sun sent him a barrel of OIL.Several different adjectives come to mind. When we asked if he would comment on why his name had appeared on the list put before the US congress, he said: “I don’t have to explain myself to The Sun. I’m not going to talk to you. Why talk to guttersnipes?”Georgie sounds a tad bitter that there's no check from Saddam in the mail! Nice snaps of Georgie with his oil barrel by following the link.
Friday, April 23, 2004 Even the New York Times! ![]() In a typically smarmy editorial yesterday, even the NY Times says that Teresa should release her tax returns. Of course, that was before today's news.
Good news for Earth Guy! From ScrappleFace - Kerry Gets Permission to Drive 'Family' SUV: Just hours after telling reporters that he doesn't own an SUV but his family does, Sen. John Forbes Kerry announced today that he had gained permission from his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, to drive the family's Chevy Suburban on brief trips to the grocery store or dry cleaner.More by following the link.
Here's a good scam! Heinz Kerry delays filing 2003 tax forms: Teresa Heinz Kerry has filed for an extension on her 2003 US income tax forms, giving her husband John F. Kerry's presidential campaign until mid-August to decide whether to make her tax records public, as some Republicans and newspaper editorial boards have demanded.I'm sure that Teresa is just burning the midnight oil with a calculator and a bunch of sharp pencils trying to get 'em done too! C'mon Teresa, the accountants are on retainer anyhow - tell' em to work faster! And by the way, here is her latest excuse for not releasing the eventual returns: Speaking to reporters in Beverly Hills, Calif., yesterday, Heinz Kerry said she did not want to make her tax returns public because it would violate the privacy of her three sons. "If some god of taxes would want to come in and look at all of my portfolio, I'd let them," she said. "But I don't think I have the right to put my children's privacy out into the open."Somehow I don't think ole Teresa is just worried about the tykes finding out whether she correctly counted her dependents. Can you say "Trust Fund Babies"? I guess that wouldn't fit in with the "Man of the People" story line. Also being the Boston Globe, they have to bring in an "expert" dismissal from a "pundit": One political analyst, Larry Sabato at the University of Virginia, dismissed the matter as a silly distraction from key issues like national and economic security.Three-quarters of Japan would be unimportant? I wonder what Larry would consider to be important? How about campaign law violations by funneling money to her husband's campaign? How about illicit support of left wing political groups? How about a "rich and shameless" lifestyle replete with tax loopholes while her hubby is going for the wallets of regular people who work for a living? Naw, Larry probably wouldn't consider those important either. UPDATE: Maybe this is why Teresa is so shy about her taxes - Teresa Heinz-Kerry Loses Fortune and Senatorial Sleeping Privileges: Teresa Heinz-Kerry, wife of Democrat presidential frontrunner Senator John Kerry and the widow of the late Senator John Heinz, has lost her estimated $600 million fortune due to speculation in commodities futures, according to a report to be published tomorrow in The Wall Street Journal. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Minority Leader Tom Daschle have issued a joint communiqué in which they state that Ms. Heinz-Kerry will no longer be afforded sleeping privileges with senators from either party.
Hoist with their own petard From Rantingprofs - Which Cliche to Choose?: Honestly, the mind races. How about, "charity begins at home"? or maybe, "what comes around goes around"? Nah. That gets us dangerously close to "well the chickens have certainly have come home to roost." But it is a little hard to avoid at least thinking about that one looking at this marvelous headline from today's Times, "Saudis Support a Jihad in Iraq, Not Back Home." Gee, really sorry that hasn't worked out y'all. Guess it's dangerous to grab a tiger by the tail. (Oops! There goes another one!) But apparently what's good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander. All right, all right, I'll stop. But you tell me if that isn't exactly what this means:If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.In Saudi Arabia, a strategic ally of the United States, violence against the occupation in Iraq is seen by many as jihad, or a holy struggle, but virtually no one accepts violence as jihad when it unrolls here at home, in the heart of what is supposed to be the most Muslim of countries.
The Empire Strikes Back! Emperor Kofi I flaps his gums - U.N. Chief Rebuts Critics of the Iraq 'Oil for Food' Program: Secretary General Kofi Annan struck back Thursday at critics of the United Nations and his leadership, saying they were treating unproven charges as facts and ignoring the good that the "oil for food" program brought Iraqis despite its scandal-ridden management.I guess as long as ALL the money wasn't stolen, it was a good deal! I feel so much better. But the big news is the answer to my question yesterday, "Where's Bennie?." It seems he's back from the fleshpots - U.N. Big Still Denies Oil Rig: Annan: The head of the scandal-scarred U.N. oil-for-food program was back at his Manhattan office after more than a month in hiding yesterday and is continuing to deny he took oil bribes from Saddam Hussein, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said yesterday.Fer sure, dude! No word on how fuzzy ole Bennie's memory is. Hey, he's a busy guy and may have forgotten little details! Like where his millions of Saddam bucks went.
Richard Gere disproves rumors! In a NY Daily News gossip column, we find Gere slams Bush for runaway pride. Egotistical delusions of a room temperature IQ by following the link. But at least Richard has finally laid to rest all the stories about his intimate relationship with gerbils. With his head up his butt, there isn't room for anything else.
Thursday, April 22, 2004 That Lurch is a real Earth Guy! In the Guardian, no less - Kerry Says His 'Family' Owns SUV, Not He. And a Chevy Suburban to boot! Afraid that they might revoke his Birkenstocks, Lurch claimed it was Teresa's. Hmm, the Boston palace is half his and the Adam Willaerts painting was a quarter his. I guess the car wasn't part of his allowance. But wait a minute! I thought Teresa was a big ecoweenie too! After all, she first hooked up with Lurch at an Earth Summit. I guess this is one of those Barbra Streisand clothesline deals - the little people should do as the bigwigs say, not as they do.
Today's Hoot ![]() "He thinks that empty slogans like the 'Clear Skies' initiative and the 'Healthy Forest' initiative -- that somehow names that would make George Orwell rise up and cheer -- that those names will make people forget what is really happening in our country."Better look again, Lurch! Actually, the caption to the "original" snap was pretty good too: Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry speaks to a gathering of local fishermen during a tour of coastal waterways at Shell Beach, Louisiana April 21, 2004. The Mississippi River Gulf Outlet is a long way from the Mekong Delta, but it brought back memories for the Vietnam vet.How's that? Were there some war crimes going on?
Senator's Wife Gone Wild! or Earth Day Rage! (Via FR) Senator's Wife Charged With Assault Sources: Dispute Started With Garden MulchNow I've heard it all. Mulch rage! WASHINGTON -- The wife of a U.S. senator is in trouble with the law.You can view snaps of the couple by following the link. And if you don't remember Wanda, take a trip down memory lane: In his reelection campaign last year in conservative Montana, Sen. Max Baucus did everything possible to associate himself with President Bush and fudge his identity as a Democrat. Now that U.S. soldiers are dying and bombs are falling on Baghdad, the 62-year-old five-term senator "believes strongly that Saddam Hussein and his regime must be disarmed and removed from power," his chief of staff, Zak Andersen, told us yesterday through a spokesman.Except where mulch is concerned, I guess. She said it was she, not her husband, who put up the sign.Don't break your streak, Wanda! "I don't think we have any business being in a preemptive war against Iraq," she said. "Anytime you drop bombs, there are going to be a lot of innocent people hurt. A billion Muslims all over the world are in pain to see their brothers losing their homes and their families losing the stability of their civilization."Not to mention seeing their mulch scattered! She added: "Baghdad is where the beginning of civilization occurred, literally where the wheel was invented, where the very first city was built, where writing began, and it has a very deep and profoundly beautiful history -- which we should never take lightly, no matter who the existing president is."And their mulch!
Where's Bennie? As mentioned in an ABC report on Tuesday, Benon Sevan, the former head scammer of the United Nations "Oil for Crooks" program is on an extended holiday out of the public eye: As for Sevan, when news of the scandal first broke earlier this year, he took a long vacation to Australia.The news reports all seem to be rather coy about the identity of the "luxury casino resort," but c'mon, us little people want to know where the big wigs hide out after they get caught with their meat hooks in the cookie jar! Is it the Crown Towers or the Burswood or somewhere else? Some holiday snaps of Bennie by the pool or at the roulette table would really be nice!
Tsk, tsk! Tim Blair alerts us to the current dustup Down Under over opposition leader Mark Latham plagiarizing a speech by Bubba Clinton: Clinton: "Every 12-year-old must be able to log on to the internet."Lots of potential there, mate! Clinton: Every world leader needs a fat hottie to bring him a pizza and show him her thong.
Earth Day Alert! (I don't want to know their position on toilet paper) Diaperless Babies Seen As Earth-Friendly Solution As environmentalists celebrate the 34th annual Earth Day, some in the green movement are now advocating "diaper-free" babies to help save the planet.Er, enquiring minds want to know, "What's the alternative plan?" "There is a way to have a baby and NOT use diapers," says one website advocating diaperless babies. Parents are urged to get in tune with their infant's body signals and hold babies over toilets, buckets and shrubbery or any other convenient receptacle when nature calls.An appealing prospect for passersby. Hmm, I wonder if they are obligated to scoop afterwards as many cities require after one's dog makes a deposit? One advocate suggests bringing a "tight-lidded bucket" along to serve as a waste receptacle when mothers take their babies out in public.Hmm, another appealing idea! More than you want to know by following the link, but here's a sample: Scott Noelle, editor of the Continuum Concept website and a father, explained why he eventually stopped using diapers on his infant daughter Olivia, in a web essay titled "Going Diaperless."Keep banging the rocks together, Scott!
Wednesday, April 21, 2004 Now the party can get started! Ireland On-Line reports Streisand to join Kerry's election campaign Barbra Streisand is planning a huge fundraiser to support US Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry.Does Babs s**t in the woods? She’s reportedly hoping to sing herself at the event, if she can overcome her fear of performing in front of crowds.The greatest hits from Yentl? Don't strain yourself, Babs! The star, who has made no secret of her contempt for the policies of the Bush administration, is apparently pulling out all the stops and has persuaded her Hollywood friends and colleagues to pitch in to make it a massive success.Hey, hey, it's Hollyweird! It is likely to take place at the star’s Malibu estate early next year.They seem to have an imperfect grasp of American electoral scheduling over in Ireland. Either that, or Babs does. But speaking of the estate, Babs had better watch out because someone else wants a sizeable contribution.
Today's Hoot! James Lileks - Regarding the Kerry Plan to Restore America's Place in the World: At least now we know where John Kerry is meeting these unnamed foreign luminaries: "I mean, you can go to New York City and you can be in a restaurant and you can meet a foreign leader," he said on "Meet the Press."Dang, I wondered who that feller was down to the barbeque shack last Saturday! In the same interview, Kerry repeated his constant campaign theme: his intention to drop to one knee, Jolson-style, in the United Nations General Assembly and beg for forgiveness. "Within weeks of being inaugurated, I will return to the U.N. and I will literally, formally rejoin the community of nations and turn over a proud new chapter in America's relationship with the world."Mammy! It plays to the base. The left is terribly worried about what the popular kids are saying about them in the United Nations.Bwahaha! The United Nations is more like remedial art class. All of which says something about Truffle Boy. And what it says isn't too nice.
It's good work if you can find it Brian Ross at ABC has an update on the United Nations "Oil for Crooks" scandal in Monumental Rip-Off? but I was entranced by the part involving ole Benon Sevan, the In an interview with ABCNEWS last year, Sevan denied any wrongdoing.Be careful what you wish for, Bennie! But documents have surfaced in Baghdad, in the files of the former Iraqi Oil Ministry, allegedly linking Sevan to a pay-off scheme in which some 270 prominent foreign officials received the right to trade in Iraqi oil at cut-rate prices.Ya think? So where's ole Bennie now? As for Sevan, when news of the scandal first broke earlier this year, he took a long vacation to Australia.I'm sure the American taxpayers are pleased that they are giving this guy walking around money. Of course for a prolonged stay at a "luxury casino resort," he's probably dipping into his oil bucks too. It's nice that he has a nest egg for his old age.
Mass hysteria alert! Here's a triple shock since it comes from from the AP via the SF Chronicle! Colleges perfect milieu for hate crime hoaxes: More than 20 hate crime hoaxes have been suspected or confirmed at college campuses nationwide in the past seven years as students draw on the socially conscious atmosphere of a college campus to perpetrate their fraud.What a surprise! All along I thought that college campuses were hotbeds of hate! "A person who is a victim of a hate crime can probably expect to get almost universal sympathy on a college campus. Out in the world at large, that's not necessarily true," said Mark Potok, who has researched hate crime for the Southern Poverty Law Center.Southern Poverty Law Center! It's a quadruple shock! "But on a college campus, you are very likely to get the support of the administration, the faculty and virtually all the students. It tends to put you in the limelight very quickly."It doesn't hurt that most campus leftoids think that any disagreement with them is a "hate crime." More by following the link, but here's my fave: Sometimes hoaxes are staged for what seem like relatively trivial reasons. A San Francisco State student, Allison Jackson, now 21, reported to police in September that someone wrote a racial slur on a dorm room door.At least she didn't burn down the dorm!
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 Don't let the garage door hit ya on the butt! Middle Earth Exodus: For many, New Zealand is the new utopia If California was where people migrate to reinvent their lives, the Bay Area was the mecca for doing it according to a wild utopian vision. Coming here offered the politics of eternal liberation, a culture of uniqueness, a nature of staggering beauty and a hell of a lot of hype. But now that the Gap and Starbucks rule the landscape and other places have embraced queer politics, environmentalism and alternative you-name-it, the Bay Area can no longer claim to corner the market on cultural idiosyncrasies. Nor can it claim to be the most beautiful metropolitan area, now that the nature has been partially ravaged by sprawl, traffic and an abundance of Superfund sites. Most of all, real estate prices have made living here so difficult, well, let's just say the hype has piped down.Don't forget to tell all your chums! Woodley adds that many factors -- political as well as economic -- have contributed to the surge in interest. "Since Sept. 11, foreigners have increasingly seen New Zealand as a safe haven," he says. And New Zealand's culture is especially appealing to left-leaning coastal Californians such as my niece: The government there opposed the war in Iraq and maintains a no-nukes policy. Home to many utopian eco-villages, the country has a powerful environmental tradition. And its gender politics have more in common with San Francisco than with Des Moines -- the Kiwis voted a transsexual into Parliament and have elected two female prime ministers in a row.Yeehaw, break out your Birkenstocks! On, a Web site for recent and future immigrants to New Zealand, a discussion by Californians moving to New Zealand centers on escaping the state's increasingly conservative political climate. "Now that the Terminator is in charge, I'm afraid that's what he'll do to the Golden State!" writes one Californian who plans a move this spring. "That's why NZ is soooo appealing ... reminds me of CA about 30 years ago, with even fewer people!"Dumb and dumber. Arnold is only conservative to barking moonbats and 30 years ago a real conservative, Ronald Reagan, was Governor of California. Last October, the Los Angeles Times Magazine reported on the phenomena that Californians are moving to New Zealand in search of a better, um, California. Seeing the affinity between the two cultures, the New Zealand government has even begun actively recruiting denizens of our West Coast. A new immigration point system that gives special weight to highly skilled professionals benefits middle-class Californians, and New Zealand's prime minister, Helen Clark, is bullish about the influx of new immigrants from the Golden State.Hmm, I thought ole Helen was super politically correct? Why isn't she busy recruiting folks from the usual 3rd world pestholes? Maybe because they don't have the cash to drive up real estate prices as the rest of the article relates. Frankly, this is swell! But couldn't they take some of their illegal aliens with them? I'm sure Helen Clark wouldn't mind.
I don't know art, but I know what I'd like! And that's some Mozambique wingnut throwing walking around money at me! I knew it wouldn't be long until the art world chatterboxes started talking about Lurch's Great Investment and here's the first installment from the Boston Globe - John Kerry cashes in on art: How unsurprising that the John Kerry campaign isn't eager to provide additional details about the senator's second-largest source of income in 2003: the $145,000 capital gain from the sale of his one-quarter ownership of a famous Dutch masterpiece, Adam Willaerts's "The Arrival of Frederick and Elizabeth, Prince and Princess of the Palatinate, at Flushing, 29th April 1613." Is selling 17th-century artwork for profit perhaps too . . . aristocratic for the friend-of-the-people image our junior senator would like to project?Heck no, us little folks are always dealing in fancy pitchers! We get 'em off eBay! And actually, it's his largest source of income - the reduction for other losses comes later. In his 2003 tax filing, released last week, Kerry reported $147,000 of income from his day job in the US Senate and the hefty capital gain from the sale of the Willaerts. The form indicated that his share of the painting was acquired by Kerry in 1996. The facts are even more complicated. Teresa Heinz Kerry was a one-half owner of the painting, with art dealer Peter Tillou, when she assigned one half of her interest to Kerry, whom she married in 1995.No word if the ink is still drying on the "assignment". "She and I bought it in London about 10 years ago," says Tillou, whose base of operations is now in Litchfield, Conn. "We're very good friends, and she said, `Peter, let's buy it together.' It was an investment for her." The painting never hung in any of Kerry's or Heinz Kerry's domiciles in Boston, Pittsburgh, or Washington, D.C. Tillou kept it in Litchfield or in New York, or showed it at exhibitions, like one held at the Chrysler Museum in Virginia four years ago.Here's the net: Teresa gave Lurch $500,000 which turned into $675,000 when it was sold. I guess we now know about the hidden assets Lurch is going to use to pay off the $6.4 million mortgage he took out on the Boston mansion in which Teresa also gave him a half interest. But not to worry folks, Teresa isn't using her fortune to support ole Lurch's campaign! Much.
French eye for the stiff guy! ![]() Alain de Chalvron, the Washington bureau chief for France 2, the French equivalent of the BBC, hasn’t had an easy time since he came to America, last fall. ... So when John Kerry became the front-runner for the Democratic Presidential nomination de Chalvron and other French journalists in Washington were understandably excited. They knew about Kerry: he went to a Swiss boarding school, he has a cousin who ran for the French Presidency, and he supposedly wooed Teresa Heinz by impressing her with his fluent French.Woohoo, he must be one of them sophisticated fellers! But here's the bad news: Everything changed, though, when, in recent months, Republicans started intimating that Kerry was too Continental.Fer sure, Alain! I think it would really, really help if you gave ole Lurch a French makeover! The home folks could really get into that. As you can see from the snap, Sacred Cow Burgers already has made a start on it! And Alain, you really ought to show the Towel Boy video around - it'll be hot!
They're savages, but then we knew that Officer's body burnt in 'Islamic revenge' The body of a police special forces officer who died when Islamic terrorists blew themselves up in Madrid was taken from its grave, mutilated and burnt yesterday.
What's wrong with these pictures? In Arlington, Virginia - Day-Laborer Site Runs Into Trouble: County officials say that the taxpayer-funded “pavilion” for day laborers, which opened in Shirlington late last year to complaints that it was an incentive for illegal immigrants to congregate, has already shot past its anticipated budget and is facing problems of unruly behavior at the site.Lots of angst in the story including the difficulty in hiring county employees to keep order in the joint. “We don’t have any police powers, and we don’t want any,” Tobar said. “Every morning, we’re dealing with 50 to 80 guys that might not have seen work in weeks or even months – we need more than a bouncer, we need someone to facilitate discussion.”Not to mention leading the choruses of Kumbaya. In Searcy, Arkansas - Illegal aliens suspected of fraud go free: Four illegal aliens suspected of felony crimes walked free from White County Sheriff's offices Wednesday after federal immigration officials explained the U.S. government cannot automatically expel the men just because they are illegal.And from Houston, Texas there's the latest meme in the fever swamps - Immigrants' voting rights becoming a major issue "It's always interesting. The genesis of these proposals seems to be there are people on the city council who see a lot of people in their communities who would probably vote for them but aren't citizens," Stein said. "That's a heck of a reason to dilute the concept of citizenship."It's a "major issue" among the lowest form of politician.
Meanwhile, down at the United Nations the manure is piling up Pete Du Pont at the WSJ - Oil Is Not Well: Kofi Annan can run, but he can't Hyde: "The U.N.'s mechanisms for controlling Oil-for-Food contracts were inadequate, transparency went by the wayside, and effective internal review of the program did not occur. . . . If the United Nations cannot be trusted to run a humanitarian program, its other activities, including peacekeeping, arms inspection regimes or development projects may be called into question."Hell, no. Latest on the slush fund debacle by following the link, but my favorite is: Most stunning is Benon Sevan, the U.N.'s assistant secretary-general, whom his boss, Kofi Annan, designated to run the Oil-for-Food program. Mr. Sevan was allocated 14 million barrels of oil and disposed of 7 million of them.Hmm, lots of perks in being a UN drone I guess. And the net? As all this information became public over the past year or so, U.N. lawyers refused to allow identification of the kickback firms; it was, they said, "privileged information which could not be made public." Mr. Annan then suggested "an independent high-level inquiry" to clean up the U.N.'s sordid image. Absolutely not, said France's U.N. ambassador, Jean-Marc de la Sabiliere, for the U.N. Iraqi accounts were managed by a French company, BNP Paribas. The Russians didn't much like the idea of an investigation either. Last Friday the they blocked a Security Council resolution giving an investigating commission headed by Paul Volcker authority to conduct a complete investigation. All of which may explain why France and Russia so vigorously opposed the liberation of Iraq a year ago: They didn't want their very lucrative and very illegal kickback scheme to come to an end.Maybe because those folks love the idea of the UN so much that they don't notice the dirty reality?
Monday, April 19, 2004 Ruh Oh! Spoons startles us with a Confession: For some reason which is quite unfathomable to me, certain sections of the blogosphere are all abuzz over the question of whether coed blogger, "Hot Abercrombie Chick," might really be a a dude.More than you want to know by following the link. And in the spirit of full disclosure, I have to confess that I'm not actually from around here.
There's good news.... Which Nations Will Go Forth and Multiply? When asked how long it will take for the world's population to double, nearly half of all Americans say 20 years or less. That's hardly surprising, given the crowding many of us encounter in everyday life and the reports we hear of teeming Third World megacities. Yet forecasts by the United Nations and others show that world population, currently at a little over six billion, is unlikely to double—ever. Indeed, demographers at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, a nongovernmental research organization in Laxenburg, Austria, predict that world population will peak at nine billion within the lifetime of today's Gen Xers and then start shrinking. Meanwhile, the average age of the world's citizens will advance dramatically. This aging will happen fastest not in the developed world, where we are used to fretting about the graying of society, but, astonishingly, in the Middle East and other underdeveloped regions. By the end of this century, even sub-Saharan Africa will probably grow older than Europe is today.Of course the bad news is that they'll all be in the USA to fill those "jobs no American will do" and take advantage of free medical care and schooling. Hmmm, maybe they would like Europe better? More seriously, hit the link for the factual details and make what you can of the philosophizing at the end.
Naughty Kofi Alert! Claudia Rosett says it wasn't all high living in Oil-for-Terror? Beyond the billions in graft, smuggling, and lavish living for Saddam Hussein that were the hallmarks of the United Nations Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, there is one more penny yet to drop.And then there's ordinary garden variety thuggery too - Killer Got U.N. Oil Reward: In a sinister oil-for-murder plot, Saddam Hussein used the scandal-plagued U.N. oil-for-food program to set up the assassination of a prominent Iraqi exile politician, the slain man's family has charged.Just call him "Kofi the Bagman."
He gave at the office! Last week, Viking Pundit was curious about John Kerry's missing Massachusetts state tax return: Massachusetts has an “optional tax rate” of 5.85% instead of the normal 5.3%; thus, if you are “blessed to be wealthy” you may feel compelled to voluntarily increase your tax burden to help out the state.Well it looks like Howie Carr found the answer as he relates in A Flying Squirrel: Weary of liberals always clamoring for higher taxes on other people, an anti-tax group managed to place a line on the tax form giving Bay Staters the option of paying at the old, since-repealed 5.85 percent rate, rather than at the current 5.3 percent rate.C'mon, Long John! Practice what you preach! Lots more laughs by following the link. Like: You can learn a lot about a politician by studying his tax returns. In John Kerry's case, one thing you can quickly figure out is what years his name actually appears on the ballot. If it's an election year, he makes charitable contributions. Last week, for example, he claimed $43,735 in charitable donations for 2003, more than he'd given in the prior two years combined.Maybe, like Bubba, he had a load of used underwear he'd been saving up to donate to charity? But the best stuff is missing until Teresa's returns are released. Until then, Howie dug through some other sources to come up with some gems. How about a list of the Kerry palaces (in the USA at least) which included: On Nantucket Island, for a $9.1 million beachfront "cottage," technically owned by Windy Point Trust, she pays $23,552.09 a year in property taxes.Hey, isn't everyone's $9M beachront palace owned by a trust? And saving the best for last: Less noticed has been Teresa's much more expensive plaything - a Gulfstream V private jet. It's named the Flying Squirrel, not after Bulwinkle's pal Rocky, but after her favorite ski run in Sun Valley.Darn, I thought she had named it after Lurch!
Sunday, April 18, 2004 Jaime says she didn't have sex with that woman! I was going to say something unkind about Jaime Gorelick's self-aggrandizing whine in the Washington Post, but Big Trunk has already handled it at Power Line in The Clinton Shuffle. A brief excerpt: Jamie Gorelick purports to tell "The truth about the wall" in a column for the Washinton Post this morning. The column performs an exercise in bobbing and weaving that recalls the glory days of the Clinton administration and that can stand as a lesson to spinmeiesters everywhere.Why was Jaime on the commission in the first place? And why is she still there?
Latest SPECTRE News! In SPECTRE it's tough not being Number 1 like That's why I thought it was really swell of the Atlanta Journal Constitution to do a profile on one of SPECTRE's USA honchos, Peter Lewis - Pot fan puts up cash to help defeat Bush: A chief contributor to a Democratic shadow campaign to defeat President Bush is a 70-year-old marijuana enthusiast who made a fortune selling car insurance to so-so drivers.Be still my heart! He is also:Woohoo! Don't bogart that joint, Peter! But saving the best for last: Meanwhile, he cruises the world's waters on "The Lone Ranger,' attended by a crew of 18.And he'll be even happier after he and the rest of SPECTRE buy this country.
Dog bites man! Assassination violates law: Annan UN Secretary General Kofi Annan today condemned Israel's assassination of Hamas leader Abdelaziz Rantissi, calling on the Israeli government to "immediately end" the practice of "extrajudicial killings".No word on retard suicide bombers. And speaking of retards, here's some more UN news from the always unintentionally amusing St. Peterburg Times - Man's vision could put wheels on U.N. ideals: When he was a schoolboy from the Bronx, Malcolm Taaffe took a field trip to the United Nations in New York City. Inside, he saw mementos from countries from around the world, like a gas mask used in wartime.Some folks are easily amused I guess. So what to do, eh Malcolm? With the endorsement of the United Nations, Taaffe is raising money to bring the world peace-keeping organization to schoolchildren around America.Be still my heart! The senior vice president of Morgan Stanley in Tampa wants to raise $1.5-million from corporations and private donors to build and send a 53-foot mobile classroom on tour by September.They misspelled propaganda. Plans for the truck, called the United Nations Mobile Education Centre, are on the drawing board.I can think of a few more "organs" starting with ventral orifice Kofi Annan, but frankly this sounds like a real snoozefest. Recently, Taaffe applied for a patent on a machine that will blow a puff of smoke in the shape of a peace sign from atop the vehicle every five minutes.Woohoo! I certainly wouldn't want to miss that! The only thing better would be a troupe of naked peace protestors!
Someone needs a new hobby! Activist accused of smuggling 2 into U.S. A high-profile Latina activist upset over a series of deportations involving young, undocumented Phoenix residents was caught Thursday trying to smuggle two of them back into the United States from Mexico in the trunk of her car, officials said.It's not clear how they can be characterized as "students," but let's hear more about these unfortunate tykes: Since then, 19 youths, including 14 minors, have been sent back to Mexico after they were found living in Phoenix without papers, said Russell Ahr, a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.Ah yes. Well, we wouldn't want to have a shortage of gang members. And how about ole Ana herself? Ramon de Harvey came to the United States illegally in her late teens and became a citizen in 1993. Her work with LULAC and the Phoenix Police Department's Hispanic advisory board has made the native of El Salvador a well-known face in the immigrant community and on the political scene. She has worked to solicit input from the Latino community on public safety issues and to tear down cultural barriers, friends said.A heartmarming story of an illegal alien making good, I guess. In the old days "making good" meant building a business or becoming respected in a profession. Nowadays it means noisily sucking at the taxpayers' teats.
Look what's under this rock! (Via On the Third Hand) Jack Kelly: Iran around Much more is happening in Iraq right now than most of us realize. The peril is greater than most of us imagine. Things are likely to get very much better -- or very much worse -- very soon.Much more by following the link. And don't forget the boy dictator of Syria: Meanwhile, the Marines report that many of the "insurgents" they have killed in Fallujah are in fact Syrian. Though Iran's mullahs are militant Shiites, and Syria's Baathist regime is secular in a predominantly Sunni country, there has long been strategic cooperation between them. They jointly sponsor and succor the terrorist group Hezbollah, which operates primarily out of (Syrian-controlled) southern Lebanon.It's time to cut the heads off these snakes too.
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