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Saturday, October 19, 2002 Nice to Know Franklin Foer astounds in the New Republic with Air War: How Saddam Manipulates the U.S. Media: If the bombs begin falling on Baghdad, a broad swath of the TV-viewing world will quickly become intimate with Jane Arraf, CNN's Iraq correspondent for the past four years. Arraf files her reports from the third-floor landing of a blocky white building a few hundred meters from the Tigris River, with the ancient city's minaret-filled panorama behind her. CNN shares the building with the BBC, Associated Press, Reuters, and the handful of other news organizations that have a permanent presence in Baghdad. But there's an uncomfortable fact about this building to which these tenants don't often call attention: It's the Iraqi Ministry of Information.A real eye-opener. The Iraqi thugs are all over everything the Western press does there. Hey, can I get another report on Saddam's 100% victory in the presidential referendum?
Sounds Like Treason To Me (Via Daily Pundit). Even I didn't think Jimmy Carter was this low, but I should have known better. Peter Schweizer, a Hoover Institution research fellow, has just written a new book, "Reagan's War: The Epic Story of His Forty-Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism."More chilling Democrat party revelations by following the link. And buying the book, of course. Then there are the Clintons. I wonder when the Chinese will declassify those files? Or just threaten to send Charlie Trie back to the USA to testify?
Talk Radio For a variety of reasons, I am not a fan of talk radio. However, several times this week I found myself in the car when a local station was airing the Laura Ingraham show. I've admired Laura since her 80's Dartmouth Review expose' of a leftist music professor's political rants in class. Sounds like small beer, right? Well, in the way of all modern American campuses, it turned into a big deal. She went on to throroughly irritate the port siders as editor of the Dartmouth Review, Reagan speech writer, and in various broadcast journalism roles. If you like hammer and tongs idiotarian smiting, give it a try - it will usually make you smile. Here's a long Real Audio program clip inspired by a Bobby Byrd rant over a break in the pork flow from the delayed Homeland Security bill. Which reminds me, did you know that the King of Pork has a radio telescope named after him?
We're Still Waiting Well, now that N. Korea's "little secret" has been out for a few days, where are the public comments from the architects of the disasterously failed Clinton administration policy? Jimmy Carter - nope. Must be too busy being a Nobel laureate. Bubba Clinton - nope. Must be too busy ... er, personally probing something. Madeleine Albright - well she did have her yap open on NBC News, but it was to whine about Iraq: "I don't think there has to be such a rush," says Albright. "I think the American people and the rest of the world is really owed a better explanation as to why this has to happen this minute."She apparently has no conception of the urgency in preventing a major league wingnut from getting nuclear weapons like she allowed her pals in North Korea to do. And the NBC newsdroids didn't ask the pompous loon if she had any synapses firing that might connect North Korea with Iraq - you know like delusional dictators, weapons of mass destruction, danger, Clinton stupidity. So far, the only Clinton apparatchik to speak up has been Albright buttgirl, Wendy Sherman, who stated that the Clinton crowd knew nothingTM. The only problem is that Congress had been on Bubba's case as early as 1998 that there was apparent evidence that the NKors were cheating. So the bottom line is that we're still waiting. When are Bubba, Jimmah, and Halfbright going to explain their actions on North Korea? C'mon people, you can open your mouths to whine, now open them to explain to the American people.
Some Words of Advice The NY Post disgusts with Terrorist taunts Bali Kin: Convert! The radical cleric suspected of masterminding the horrific Bali blast has a cruel and unthinkable message for relatives who lost loved ones - convert to Islam.Well, do tell! Advice from a talking woodchuck. Abu, since we're "sharing", here's some advice for you. Don't bother running, you'll only die tired.
Friday, October 18, 2002 What a Hoot! Dick Armey had some good lines yesterday: "America sits and wonders why is it that al Qaeda, this rag tag bunch of terrorists scattered all over the globe, can reorganize themselves ... and the United States government cannot reorganize itself.
I'm So Surprised! Niles Lathem and Marsha Kranes in the NY Post reveal Osama's Riflemen: An al Qaeda suspect in custody in Belgium told American investigators he saw members of the terror organization training snipers in preparation for attacks on U.S. soil, a source told The Post last night.Paging Chief Moose, please pick up the courtesy clue phone! And the Feds shouldn't get away free either - they left Moose in charge of this hoedown.
Roll Call! (Via InstaPundit) Andrew Sullivan has a nice roll call of the N. Korea mooncalves. As Glenn Reynolds observes, they are "people who should be eating crow over North Korea's admission that it has a nuclear weapons program. "Should be" being the operative phrase, apparently. (Via ColdFury) The Invisible Hand does the honors as well: Gosh, it seems that North Korea actually lied to Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright and Wendy Sherman when it agreed to stop its nuclear weapons program in exchange for billions of dollars in food aid.We'll all hang out around the radio with bated breath waiting for them to apologize.
Thursday, October 17, 2002 Thank the Three Stooges Yup, it was Jimmah, Bubba, and Maddie Halfbright that sold us down the Yalu river in 1994. Let's trace this tawdry tale. First there was Jimmah providing peace in our time in July 1994: The Korean crisis is over--or so says former President Jimmy Carter, who took the settling of it into his own hands and returned from Pyongyang claiming to have turned away the wrath of North Korean dictator Kim Il-Sung with a kind word. It is not totally impossible that Kim was willing to back away from his program to develop nuclear weapons in exchange for economic aid and other concessions. That, however, would have been contrary to everything we knew about Kim and his flaky regime. More likely, the good-hearted Mr. Carter got snookered, and the United States along with him, while North Korea gained time and cover to finish the job.Mooncalf Jimmah always gets snookered. It's what he does. It's all he does. Via Jonah Goldberg - an October 1994 NY Times editorial: Diplomacy with North Korea has scored a resounding triumph. Monday's draft agreement freezing and then dismantling North Korea's nuclear program should bring to an end two years of international anxiety and put to rest widespread fears that an unpredictable nation might provoke nuclear disaster.Then Maddie had a nice yuk with the head wingnut to seal the deal. What a pair! Now fade to 2002. When President Bush had the audacity to include N. Korea in the Axis of Evil, Halfbright filled her Depends: On February 1, when interviewed by the American Broadcasting Corporation, Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State, described Bush's "Axis of Evil" remark as "a gross mistake". She said that the principle Bush currently uses in handling foreign affairs has caused the international community to think that the United States is doing things "in an utterly disorderly way" and has "lost reason". She said: "putting the three countries together is a gross mistake." She is particularly opposed to listing the DPRK (North Korea) in the so-called Axis of Evil, saying that Bush's way of doing things will possibly cause the United States to lose popular support among the international community. Albright particularly noted that she had contacted and reached agreement with the DPRK. Whereas Bush has "single-handedly destroyed" the initial relationship she had established with Korea during the Clinton age.Oh and what's their story now that the N. Koreans have revealed that they kept their nuclear weapons program going despite the "deal"? You guessed it - No Sign of N. Korea Nuclear Program Under Clinton: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton's administration did not see evidence that North Korea was pursuing a uranium enrichment program for nuclear weapons that Pyongyang now admits it is operating, a senior Clinton aide said on Thursday.Since they couldn't find their collective butt with a catcher's mitt, that's no surprise. I'm not a big fan of Sen. John McCain, but he called this one (via Rod Dreher): On October 19, 1994, on the occasion of the Clinton Administration announcing its agreement with North Korea, Sen. John McCain said: "On at least eight previous occasions, North Korea has lied to the Clinton Administration. With this agreement, Administration officials have willingly acquiesced in Pyongyang's almost certain further deception. Yet again, the Administration has mistaken resolving the North Korean nuclear crisis with merely postponing its apogee. ...I suspect that the Administration's willlingness to delay the resolution of this crisis is premised on their presumption that the bankrupt North Korean economy will force the regime's collapse before they violate the agreement. Unfortunately, their economy may be salvaged during the interim period by the hallf a billion tons of oil they will receive annually, the opening of trade relations with the U.S., and greater trade with its Asian neighbors, which the agreement [provides for]. Thus, the Administration has accomplished the remarkable feat of allowing the North Koreans to have their carrot cake and eat it too."The real question is whether the three stooges are traitors or merely fools. And Jimmah, shove your Peace Prize where the sun don't shine. If there's room there alongside your head.
Inspector Clouseau Alert! FOXNews reports today's comfort filled news conference of Chief Moose and friends, Police Deem Some Sniper Witness Accounts 'Not Credible': Investigators pulling out all the stops in the hunt for the Beltway Sniper still have no suspect composite, no weapon type, and on Thursday had to retract a witness account of a cream-colored van.Emphasis added. I wonder if a Kruger Mini-14 is like a Ruger Mini-14? You mean all those press conferences with "evil looking" assault rifles were just so much bull? What happened to all the confirmatory "ballistic evidence"? When is Chief Moose going to admit the possibility that this might be a terrorist hit squad?
Airhead Alert! Martin Sieff, "UPI Senior News Analyst", takes a truly fanciful leap with Bush tough talk backfired on NKorea. Marty thinks that it's President Bush's fault that N. Korea has been cheating since 1994 on its promise not to develop nuclear weapons. Hey Marty, next time pick up the clue phone when it rings.
No Kidding! Steve Dunleavy in the NY Post comes to the logical conclusion, WAKE UP! THIS TERRORIST IS NO NATIVE: It is time to suspect the unthinkable and the suspicion is this: This city has been paralyzed by terrorists.Even worse, I found something to agree with in the latest screed from MoDo: Chief Moose says he's looking for "closure." I wish he'd simply look for sniper.Since Chief Moose won't release a description of the perps, I thought I would do my part - here's a composite of the shooter created from press accounts. He's lately been spotted in Bali and Yemen when he isn't partying with friends in Baghdad or Ramallah.
Some Virtual Ink for Kim du Toit! Michael L. Betsch at Cybercast News Service reports National Ammo Day Targets 'Gun Grabbers': A coordinated effort has been launched to place billions of bullets in the hands of American gun owners to protest the politicians and "gun grabbers," who according to the organizer of National Ammo Day, want to disarm law abiding citizens by over-taxing their ammunition.Kim's weblog is in the sidebar and there is also an Ammo Day site.
Porkbarrel Luau Alert! John Fund reveals that there is Trouble in Paradise: This year, political reporters have been trooping to Hawaii to see if the entrenched 40-year-old Democratic Party machine--dubbed "Hawaii Four-O"--will finally lose a race for governor and open up the Aloha State's politics.I already mentioned the disgraceful Patsy Mink death story, but for the latest update see On Being Mink from This really is a cast of thugs.
I also have a bridge for sale The Telegraph (UK) reveals IRA suspects 'were studying peace': Three Irish republicans charged with training Colombian rebels have issued a statement insisting they were in the country to observe the peace process.Shure bhoys, we believe ya!
Pond Scum The NY Post disgusts with US Traitor Proud She's Cuban Spy: A U.S. intelligence analyst yesterday defended spying for Cuban President Fidel Castro, as she was sentenced to 25 years in prison.Maybe she'll get shot while trying to escape. "OK Ana, you get 30 steps before we start shooting. That's right neighborly, don't you think?"
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 Speaking of Islamofascist Thugs A little noticed article from Joseph Farah in WorldNetDaily from Sept. 4, 2002: New al-Qaida training tape shows another side of terror An al-Qaida training videotape, captured in Afghanistan, shows Osama bin Laden's terrorists are not only planning attacks with weapons of mass destruction but are preparing to kill Americans with drive-by shootings and home break-ins, through ambushes of law-enforcement officers and targeted assassinations on golf courses, WorldNetDaily has learned.Sound familiar?
Tim Blair Says It All From the Australian: Australians who worry about offending murderous lunatics and urge silence on issues like terrorism are acting as though we've already been defeated, as though terrorists are rational people, who pay close attention to reasonable arguments and make considered judgments.But it leads to great clarity for everyone but the terminally ignorant. Either we kill these thugs or they'll kill us.
Are They Bloody Nuts Alert! More on the EU from the Telegraph (UK) who amazes with Labour's blueprint for EU constitution: The Government sketched out its plans for a European constitution yesterday, agreeing to put justice and home affairs under Brussels control for the first time and to avoid any action in defence, foreign policy and economics that goes against the collective interest.Looks like the Labour hacks are a little shy too.
Welcome to the EU Alert! The Telegraph (UK) provides a grimace with Church bells are silenced in fear of EU law: Complaints by new residents have silenced the church bells in a small country town after the vicar feared the chimes could be breaking European law.I suppose the Rev is a little shy about asking them what part of "ingest excrement" they don't understand. And "smell pollution"? Looks like the end of baked beans!
Release the descriptions now! (Via InstaPundit) Paul Sperry reports Police suppress terrorism angle - ATF official: Releasing descriptions of Mideast suspects would cause 'panic': Several witnesses to the Beltway sniper shootings over the past two weeks have described suspects resembling Middle-Eastern men, but authorities have played down the Islamic terrorism angle to avoid mass "panic" in the area, an ATF official told WorldNetDaily.Well, Grandma Moses didn't do it, she's dead. I really don't care what the suspects look like or what ethnic group they might belong to - release the damn descriptions now so that the public can help bag them.
Dog Bites Man! The AP astounds with Saddam Wins Presidential Referendum: Saddam Hussein won another seven-year term as Iraq's president in a referendum in which he was the sole candidate, taking 100 percent of the vote, the Iraqi leader's right-hand man announced Wednesday.The amazing thing is that anyone takes anything these thugs say seriously.
Mr. Peanut R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. has his way with the Canoist Without a Paddle: If anyone has doubted the growth of Anti-Americanism in Europe, their doubts surely were silenced when the Nobel Prize Committee gave its "Peace Prize" to Jimmy Carter. For over twenty years every American who loves this country and takes pride in its achievements has avoided mentioning Jimmy as president, perhaps as carpenter, perhaps as peanut farmer, but not as president, and surely not as diplomat or peacemaker. Practically every country he leaves after his peace posturing he leaves a corrupt despotism or perhaps at best a corrupt oligarchy.He forgot butthead.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch Ben Shapiro analyzes why the leftists have their panties in a knot over talk radio and the Internet in Left behind: the democratization of the media: On the 'Net, liberal failure has been just as complete. While Matt Drudge's Web site receives nearly 5 million hits per day, liberal news sites are virtually non-existent. is going the way of the dinosaurs, and is a mere facade. The only liberal Web sites that get any hits are established television channels like BBC, CNN and ABC News. There are no major leftist commentary sites to compete with conservative monsters like and, where normal news followers can post their opinions on the story du jour. The left has been left behind on the Web.Ah, Peter Jennings! The quintessential empty suit.
What do you get when you cross an Ecoweenie and a Euroweenie? The BBC provides us with a vision in The high price of low-cost airlines: Booking a low-cost flight is seldom as cheap as the headline figure, with taxes, handling fees and surcharges. But there's one fee you won't find on your ticket - the cost to the planet.Zzzzzzzzz......
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 Pond Scum (Via Gareth Parker). Guy Rundle deposits a steaming load of "it's all our fault" in the Sydney Morning Herald: Militant Islamic fundamentalism is a potent ideology for people battered and humiliated by the extension of Western power and money into every area of global social life. Because it gives meaning to lives thrown into disarray by these forces, people are willing to die for it.Guy, as is customary with the apologists, provides no factual basis for his whine which basically amounts to "West bad, killers good". He's as compulsively illogical as the Islamofascists and has only a slightly different religion. Guy, we're fresh out of sackcloth and the only ashes are of our friends. Take your sorry ass back to whatever hole you crawled out of.
A Fisk, a barrel, and a smoking gun Glenn Reynolds coins a new term, barrelfisking, for Eugene Volokh's analysis of the latest McGrory swill.
Yep From Peter Kerr at Mebourne Truth/Monaro: It's time to stop fucking around. Time to untie the hands of our authorities. Time to stop pretending there are no terrorist cells in this country.
Monday, October 14, 2002 Our Pal Hugo The President of Venezuela yesterday appeared in public in his trademark red beret with a parrot also wearing a red beret. Must be another use for superglue. Don't worry Hugo. He's not dead. He's just pining for the fjords! And why does Hugo appear to be wearing the national flag as a cape?
Sunday, October 13, 2002 We've Got a Winner! Tim Blair has already got the answer to the question posed in the post immediately below. And the winner is Robert Fisk! I'm so surprised! I bet Bobby creamed his jeans at the first report of the bombing.
Terrorist Murderers Alert Tim Blair is covering the Islamofascist murders in normally peaceful, Hindu Bali. He asks the dreaded question: We're probably less than 12 hours away from the first opinion piece arguing that the attacks were the logical consequence of supporting the US in the war against terror, and that we'd be better off staying quiet and not upsetting anybody, especially Islamic murderers. I wonder which dumb fuck will write it?And I wonder which US surrender monkey will be the first to pick up the refrain? Prof. Bunyip observes: At least 160 people dead, the majority Australians, most of them young, all of them innocent. When the Mannes and the Kingstons start asking why they hate us (the first of those columns is probably being written this very minute), here's the one and only answer:They've been using this routine on the civilized world for over 30 years and no one has had the cojones to object until now. There's nothing more peaceful than a dead terrorist.
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