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Saturday, April 16, 2005 You want something done, you call a Wise Guy ![]() Fuhgeddaboutit! And In Nevada, Reid Is the Name to Know: WASHINGTON --- It was the kind of legislation that slips under the radar here.Just walking around money for these swells, I'm sure. Seeking favors is as old as the Capitol, but the new tendency to come at it from the side --- through family members --- may be a consequence of campaign-finance reform: As restrictions have tightened on traditional political giving, interest groups have cast about for new ways to ingratiate themselves.Click through for more details from this 2003 article by Chuck Neubauer and Richard T. Cooper at the LA Times. I guess the editors didn't spike it because they didn't know what renown Senator Harry Reid would achieve in Donkdom. Don't hold your breath waiting for the Soros funded pressure groups to start complaining. (Hat tip: FR where some folks are wondering whether ole Harry would adopt them.) Update: What would a story about one of the "families" be without some colorful nicknames? That's what I thought, so I updated the photo.
Friday, April 15, 2005 It's Happy Hour! Actually, it's a tad early, but it's too late for my usual breakfast or lunch titles for this collection of tasty morsels: Don't show up unarmed at a gnome fight Maybe If Sandy Berger Had A Texas Oil Connection More People Would Know What He Stuffed In His Pants. Not to worry though - they've got time for John Bolton's haircut - REMIND US AGAIN WHY NO ONE RESPECTS THE PRESS?. Lebanon captures canine infiltrators from Israel Bummer!: Nowadays, however, everything's changed. The good vibrations are nicht so gut anymore. The scene is dominated by the bleakness twins -- Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer. Those Sisters of Mean can put a downer on everything, know what I'm sayin'? Well, maybe not the bank account of a half dozen or so Beverly Hills plastic surgeons, but everybody else. And this has been going on for too long. It's getting so serious I'm in danger of having my Frank Zappa MP3s erased.John Kerry will be the official starter of the wheelchair division race at the Boston Marathon on Monday. Gosh, I wonder if he's going to wear one of his cool outfits? And who knew ole Lurch pretended to be a marathon runner too? There Is No Such Thing As "Jobs Americans Won't Do" One phrase you often hear tossed around during immigration debates is, "Illegal immigrants do jobs Americans won't do."Where's my shovel? Actually, based on the example of NY Times, some folks are willing to shovel manure for considerably less. Must be another Zionist plot! Has Manischewitz gone meshugah?: The 117 year-old company best known for its matzah, canned kosher chicken soup and jarred gefilte fish preserved in goo is setting its sights on a new demographic: Heavy metal enthusiasts.Click through for the photo.
We're so darn diverse Illegal alien, 17, ran down hero officer: A Salem patrolman decorated for bravery last year is expected to make a full recovery after being struck by a car driven by a 17-year-old illegal immigrant from Brazil who didn't have a license, authorities said.Thankfully, while he was in critical condition, it now looks like he'll make a complete recovery. Lopes, who stands 5 feet and weighs only 98 pounds, appeared distraught as Judge Santo J. Ruma held her without bail at her arraignment at Peabody District Court. She pleaded innocent to unlicensed operation of a car and negligent driving.There's a good laugh. Lopes was detained April 4 by the U.S. Office of Immigration and Naturalization after sneaking over the border in Texas with her father, prosecutor Cesar Archilla said. She was released, but ordered back for a hearing.It's the famous Illegal Alien Catch and Release Program! If caught by the border patrol, just tell 'em that you are from some country other than Mexico and they will release you and tell you to come back at a future date for a hearing. That's sure an effective plan. One Brazilian woman from Newburyport said she visited Lopes shortly after the arrest.Send him a post card when you get back to Brazil, Leila. That's unlikely, I know, but I can always hope. But not much - 11 illegal aliens fail to appear for court date: Eleven illegal aliens who were released by federal authorities after a traffic stop in Fairfax County on Sunday did not show up for immigration proceedings yesterday.I find it amazing that 70% actually show up on the first pass. I wonder if Manny is funnin' us? Federal authorities will now issue a notice that will be sent to an address the aliens had given to ICE officials. If the aliens do not show up at any immigration proceedings, a judge will issue an order for their deportation.I wonder how many aliens named "Vincente Fox" with last known address of "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC" they are currently looking for? Turn's out it's not too many as revealed in Authorities free 1 million aliens amid proceedings: Mr. Sessions said ICE is far behind in entering the names of the 465,000 alien fugitives into law-enforcement databases, which means that if those people are picked up in another arrest, they would not be turned over to immigration authorities.So they haven't even finished entering all the Vincente Foxes in the database. Is this a great country or what?
Thursday, April 14, 2005 It doesn't get any better The Russians will send the Constitution into space: The Italian astronaut Roberto Vittori will be carrying a copy of the as yet unratified Constitution for Europe (presumably it will be wheeled along in a trolley) as he boards the Soyuz rocket that is due to take off tomorrow from Baikonur in Kazakhstan.More japery by following the link. And while you're there, check out Rigging the debate: Chirac is, according to The Daily Telegraph returning to the fray tonight, in a televised "debate" on the private TF1 channel.Only if you have a very broad definition of "entertainment." Of course, you'd have to have an even broader definition of "information."
This just in! Thailand to Host World Toilet Summit: Thailand plans to upgrade hygiene in its public toilets to meet international standards as it prepares to host the World Toilet Summit next year, a health official said Wednesday.It's run by the World Toilet Organization, but don't tell the lefties. Just say the WTO is planning a big meeting in Bangkok in May, 2006.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Fun from all over The wages of Socialism: No word yet on whether Congressman Chris Shays will call for Sanders’ resignation—though a source close to the Connecticut Republican noted that “he may as well, now that the grandstanding douche has gone and shot his mouth off about Tom DeLay.”BASSACKWARDS: The solution to the problem of kids drinking and driving was so obvious it was ignored--keep the drinking age at 18 but don't let kids drive until their 21. Behind the wheel they're menaces even sober.Also see ANYONE THINK A BAN ON PENILE IMPLANTS WOULD STAND? LGF Has People Making "LGF Minion" Leather Biker Jackets, And I Can't Sell a $15 Schmatta People asked if I was in a depressed mood, as they thought that Nietzche quotes were a subconscious cry for help.Doing The Hippy Hippy Shake In The Senate: Rich Lowry has some hysterical, and at the same time maddening, posts at The Corner about the most recent controversy over the Bolton appointment. It seems that John Bolton actually puts his hands on his hips, speaks in a low voice and asks tough questions from time to time.I wonder how long these namby-pamby Donk Senators would last down at our local hardware store where there's a "Don't Spit" sign on the indoor ashtray. LA Times: "Jews" Target Killdozer Day: Once in a while, the LA Times manages to uncork a headline so tone-deaf and subconsciously nasty that it leaves their biases standing revealed. Here’s the headline for Teresa Watanabe’s highly sympathetic coverage of the moonbat campaign against Caterpillar: Jews Target Caterpillar Shareholder Effort.Funny, I don't look Jewish. Hmm, that reminds me! Where'd I stash the Rachel Corrie photoshops? Not to mention the pancake jokes. UPDATE: Here's a good one from the folks on FR: ![]() Which reminds me that Arafat thought they gave him some disease.
Vroom! Vroom! BORN TO WALK: New improved Green Bruce:New Bruce same as the old Bruce. What a tool.She’s a slow-moving hatchback with continuously-variable transmission
Morford's panties are in a bigger knot than usual Ths SF Chronicle's wingnut online columnist, Mark Morford, is all atwitter - Earth To Humankind: Back Off: Say good-bye to your car, computer, everything. We are burning up the planet too fast to hang on. Do your part, Mark! Turn that computer off! Mark's probably worried about what he'll use to power the sex toys which are a regular feature of his screeds.
Hillary! C'mon down! Minutemen Mulling Hillary Invite: The lead organizer for the border patrol group the Minutemen said Tuesday that he wants to invite New York Sen. Hillary Clinton to come to the Arizona-Mexico border this month to review their operation, which has so far netted the arrests of more than 300 illegal immigrants.She's been "broadening her appeal" lately - why not? Gilchrist's decision to invite Clinton was likely prompted by her tough comments on border security - remarks that place her sharply to the right of the Bush administration on the issue.Unfortunately, Hillary's idea of a tough decision is likely how much money to give illegal aliens, but I won't prejudge. C'mon Hillary, show your stuff!
Don't you just love it! LGF provides some multilateral amusement - UN springs into action. From the Reuters article: The 191-member U.N. General Assembly approved a nuclear terrorism treaty on Wednesday that would oblige governments to punish those who illegally possess atomic devices or radioactive materials.Ya think? The document, after seven years of negotiation, is the 13th anti-terrorism convention and the first completed since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.Dang, they're like greased lightning! The pact will be open for signature on Sept. 14 in New York, during a high-level summit ...I guess it takes time to organize a fancy shindig with all the requisite expense account padding. You just can't make this stuff up.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005 More multilateral fun! MEPs say "Let's go for the gold!": Members of the European Parliament rejected moves yesterday to clean up scandal-ridden arrangements for their travel allowances and expenses. Their decision prompted anger and disbelief from British MEPs, who voted for proposed reforms.More hijinks by following the link. I especially liked the way a MEP can fund his pension from the paperclip money. Of course, there's a reason for the rapacity in the multilateral bureaucracies as explained by Peter Dennis in The U.N., Preying on the Weak: Anyone who was shocked by the most recent revelations of sexual misconduct by United Nations staff has never set foot in a U.N.-sponsored refugee camp. Sex crimes are only one especially disturbing symptom of a culture of abuse that exists in the United Nations precisely because the United Nations and its staff lack accountability.When's the last time you saw one of the kleptocrats doing the perp walk?
Number 1 is going to be grumpy about this! Soros Shadow Party Stalks DeLay: Soros’ power grab was ten years in the making. Beginning in 1994, he began pouring millions into the campaign finance reform lobby. The result was the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), commonly known as the McCain-Feingold Act.I call it SPECTRE. Much more by following the link. And I guess that's what the Soros minions at his affiliate mean when they say they "bought it" and "own it." Looks good for the minions so far - they got their boy, Howie Dean, as head of the Democratic National Committee. And, gosh! The Christian Science Monitor even noticed in an otherwise fairly sappy article about Tom Delay: In recent weeks, Democrats and activists who helped fund the 2004 presidential campaign have created their own "good government" coalitions to target DeLay. Billionaire George Soros's Open Society Institute has contributed some $2.5 million to ethics coalition groups.I bet they aren't going to like it when Number 1 chews them out!
Ta ta, Zsa Zsa ![]() All good things must come to an end and while I have enjoyed the patronage of Empress Teresa for many months, different voices are now calling to her and to be cold about it, she's not really relevant anymore. Therefore, although I'll keep a warm spot in my heart for her, I have removed her mug from the side bar. Of course, it's not as though my many tributes to the Empress really paid off - not even in squishy plastic packets of tomato byproducts. But I'm very hopeful now that I have installed the primo patron of world wingnuttery to take her place. When SPECTRE speaks, I listen! And while I was spiffing up the sidebar, I added Sean Gleeson's Autorantic Virtual Moonbat. Who needs the unwashed folks on Democratic Underground when you can have a nice clean robot deliver the equivalent drivel?
Rev. Al Alert! There's one politician who always has his priorities in order: The FBI, as part of an ongoing criminal investigation into the Rev. Al Sharpton, secretly videotaped him pocketing campaign donations from two shady fund-raisers in a New York City hotel room and then asking for more, it was reported yesterday.I'm sure he was just taking the loot to the bank. An FBI wiretap picked up Hawkins telling White he believed they had raised more than $140,000 for Sharpton in the previous quarter — but Hawkins fretted because Sharpton had reported only about $50,000 on his federal election filing.Ruh oh! And you knew the Rev's answer to this, didn't you? Sharpton ripped the federal probe and the secret videotaping of the hotel meeting, saying, "Can you imagine what would happen if it was a white presidential candidate?"Good question, Al. We'd laugh their porcine butts out of town, but I expect you'll be able to dine out on this one forever and likely increase your cash flow. Thanks for asking.
An idea whose time has come Tamar Jacoby at the Union Leader: Last month, House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner succeeded in attaching his Real ID Act to a must-pass Iraq appropriations bill. Now that spending measure is coming up in the Senate, and though it’s unclear how the upper chamber will handle the congressman’s proposal, members are girding for an all-out fight over immigration.Yup. The unavoidable answer — albeit deeply unpopular in this country — is a credible “employer verification” system: one that replaces existing fraud-prone employment practices with a better way of ensuring that businesses hire only legal residents.Gosh, it sounds like Polipundits longstanding proposal.
Monday, April 11, 2005 Today's Hoot! Viking Pundit: “But the United Nations is more than a debating club or a bureaucratic agency.” True, they also have a gift shop.They also employ the otherwise unemployable.
Smells like a "Pew Job" to me Only this time the target of our betters in tax exempt foundation land is Tom Delay. It's going just as outlined by Ryan Sager in the "campaign finance reform" disinformation campaign (much more at his blog): Step 1: Have the tax exempt organizations like George Soros' Open Society Institute fire up their flying monkeys in an alphabet soup of "government watchdog groups" with antecedents that are mysterious, when they aren't pure leftoid Democrat. For garnish, trot out some old line liberal groups like the Campaign for America's Future and have them spend some union members' dues on running ads denouncing their target. The only novel twist this time is that they laundered some of the money through the 527's like MoveOn and ACT, which they created in the original Pew Job. Step 2: Call in the peanut gallery in the mainstream media to add their one-sided yapping. This NY Time's vignette is special too. Step 3: Keep the big name Donks under cover, although a few little pissants like Ronnie Earle who likes to indict anyone he doesn't like are OK. It's a popular groundswell, dontcha know! Step 4: Convince a few RINO's to join in the moanfest. And there ya go - a perfect recipe. Just sit back and watch it bubble. The only thing that seems to be missing is the Pew foundation itself, although who knows what a little digging would turn up. But that's OK, they've got George Soros, so why settle for second best. The only problem with this swell plan is that all the complaints are about activities which aren't unethical and which pale by comparison to the Democrat leadership. My favorite whine is that Delay's daughter and wife are on his campaign payroll for the munificent sum of about $40K each a year. These aren't no show jobs - they do run his campaigns and it's a common practice in Congress to have relatives working on campaigns. Why not? I seem to remember ole RFK ran JFK's Presidential campaign. Now if you want to haul down really big bucks for your relatives, you can do what Senate Minority leader, Harry Reid does - have a crop of family members running lobbying operations. The other big whine is that Tom Delay took some trips paid for by lobbyists. Sorry to break the news, but that too is business as usual in Congress. Sheesh, Democrats went along on the trips they are whining about! I'd say he's got a ways to go to approach Nancy Pelosi's finder's fee, but the MSM doesn't seem to be chasing her with pitchforks. Why am I not surprised? The real question is whether our betters' estimate of the American public is correct and a "Pew job" this lame will succeed.
Nothing is as appealing to leftoids as a good vote fraud (Via BrothersJudd) Labour to halt postal vote fraud but only after election: LABOUR is planning to legislate to stop cheating in postal voting immediately after the general election in spite of repeated assurances from ministers that the present system is safe, The Times has learnt.But they have a swizzle in the UK that the whiners over here haven't thought of yet: Government sources last night confirmed that all the evidence showed that individual registration, where everyone in a household has to register separately, reduces the number of people who vote.Gosh, I wonder why that is? The measures have become a priority as Labour was thrown on the defensive over the issue. Two judges in the past week have said that the system was wide open to fraud after scandals in Birmingham and Blackburn, where Labour stole thousands of people’s postal votes in local elections.But at least it's refreshing they haven't bought into the whine, so common in the USA, that asking registrants to actually provide some proof of identity somehow violates their "rights."
Keep sending those cards and letters, folks! Big Bad John: At half past nine this morning, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will meet to begin considering the nomination of Big Bad John Bolton to be our next ambassador to the United Nations. The mere thought of Bolton being our UN ambassador has driven the Mooron Dems into a frothing rage. They can't stand the thought of an ambassador to the UN who isn't a shill for Kofi and the rest of the Turtle Bay crime family.I think the Frenchies call that "nostalgie de la boue." The rest of us call it plain nuts. UNconvinced? Just look at the New York Times' condemnation of Bolton. Its opposition editorial of April 8 said that Bolton was unqualified for the job because, "at a minimum, the United States representative to the United Nations should be a person who believes it is a good idea." UNsurprisingly, this is the principal argument the "Citizens for Global Solutions" organization makes in its anti-Bolton "briefing book" published on its "Stop Bolton" website website. The CGS -- actually the old one-world government whackos operating under a new name -- is, naturally, more crafty and dishonest about it than the Times.What a hoot - the World Federalists Assocation had a makeover and their old web site (see the top link) now points to an evangelical church in Delaware! Last week, on Greg Garrison's radio show, I interviewed Mort Halperin (he of Pentagon Papers infamy, now an employee of George Soros), who is leading the hard left's campaign against. He said that President Bush has decided to support the UN and work with Kofi Annan, so Bolton can't be the ambassador because he opposes Bush's policy. Huh?I don't think ole George is getting full value for his money. More fun by following the link, but here's the nut and its all about the Republican Senator from Nebraska, Chuck Hagel: If the Bolton nomination makes it to the Senate floor, he will be confirmed. But because the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has too many wobblies and RINOs, confirmation remains a big "if." That's why the hardest-core lefties are working feverishly on Lincoln Chafee (RINO-Rhode Island) and the ever-wobbly Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. Committee Chairman Dick Lugar of Indiana isn't a tower of strength either. If the vote on Bolton fails in committee, it is possible that Lugar could try to bring the nomination to the floor with a negative vote, but that would face a certain filibuster. Would Bill Frist risk the nuclear option to save Bolton? We may find out.Think about it, Chuck. Do you feel lucky?
Sunday, April 10, 2005 Who's up for a boondoggle in foreign parts? Clinton To Serve 2 Years as U.N. Envoy: UNITED NATIONS, April 9 -- Former president Bill Clinton will spend at least two years in his new role as the top U.N. envoy promoting recovery in tsunami-hit countries and demanding accountability for the unprecedented billions of dollars donated by countries and individuals, his deputy said.Maybe he'll join OJ at the golf course? OJ can look for the real killers and Bubba can look for missing bucks. I don't remember the watchdog role being part of Bubba's original brief for this gig, but who's more watchful than he? ![]() Inspector Bubba on the job By the way, the "deputy" is ole Erskine Bowles who ran for the Senate twice in North Carolina and pretended he didn't know the Clintons. Now he's got a different gig on the gravy train: Bowles, who was Clinton's chief of staff at the White House from 1996 to 1998 and is now the United Nations' deputy special envoy for tsunami recovery, traveled to Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives in March for a firsthand view of the devastation while the former president was recovering from surgery.But not to worry, Bubba will be reporting for duty shortly: Clinton is scheduled to make his first public appearance as a U.N. envoy Wednesday.Get 'er done, Bubba! Just like the swell display you put on at the Pope's funeral.
Someone 'splain it to me! Table Candy: JANE Fonda and Sally Field will lead the Hollywood contingent at this year's White House Correspondents dinner at the end of the month as guests of Knight Ridder. Donald Trump, Jack Welch, Robert Duvall, Georgette Mosbacher and Patricia Duff are guests of John McLaughlin. Newsweek has secured the company of Richard Gere. "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone will be guests of the Denver Post. The dullest table could be ABC News, featuring liberal windbag Al Franken.Why are these room temperature IQ preeners attending the "White House Correspondents dinner"? Well, it is getting harder to separate the reporters from the thespians. Of course, it'll be all right if ole Sally reprises her "You like me! You really like me!" speech.
Revised career path alert! An odd twist for an ex-dominatrix: When Susan Peacher hung up her latex evening gown and wooden paddle for a job with the federal government, the former dominatrix thought she was done with abuse.And to make a long story short, he was no better than he should be. Only in San Francisco. But speaking of fancy dress, Roger Simon points to an article by Mike Adams which discusses one of the nation's "educators" who has a web site with a fetching snap of herself and some chums fitted out as terrorists. The picture is small and rather grainy, but there are some obvious oddities in the poseurs' outfits, most particularly that Jihad Jane's head mask doesn't seem to be an ordinary balaclava. Instead, it appears to have a zipper up the center. It's nice to make a career change where you can recycle your old gear.
Same old, same old Michael Wines in the NY Times - Tough on Togo, Letting Zimbabwe Slide: Even the heads of state who were its members called the old Organization for African Unity a dictators' club, one reason why it was replaced three years ago by a new African Union that was modeled, in name and purpose, on Europe's own union.Funny though, it has the same old members. The old O.A.U. fulminated about colonialism and liberation, but was often silent on human rights and the consent of the governed. The new group, bowing to a democratic breeze blowing from Mali to Mauritius, stood for the premise that the rule of law is in, and despotism out.More like "stood for putting lipstick on the pig." So when Robert G. Mugabe attends the next meeting of the African Union, will he have to stand?No peeking to see the answer! Why do African leaders who no longer tolerate a Togo coup blanch at denouncing Mr. Mugabe's strongman tactics? The question seems almost nonsensical, given that Zimbabwe's political and social implosion has flooded its neighbors with unwanted refugees and made the nation a potential vector for regional instability.It's a trick question, right? Foremost, perhaps, African leaders fear that the defeat of a serious ruler like Mr. Mugabe may help spread the notion that any entrenched leadership can be unseated by a committed opposition. In Africa, where most democracies are effectively one-party affairs, such a notion can be dangerous.Ruh Oh! Of course, what he really meant was: "In Africa where dictatorships pretend to be one-party democracies." Maybe that helps explain why South Africa endorsed the Zimbabwe vote even more warmly than did the African Union, and why its president, Thabo Mbeki, has emerged as Mr. Mugabe's most powerful ally.Quite a choice - Thug A or Thug B. But not to worry, the Times has a multilateral solution from an anonymous AU staffer: The African Union can put down a coup in Togo, he said, because its charter explicitly permits intervention in a member nation's affairs in the case of a coup. But the charter is silent on whether the bloodless theft of political power by, say, stealing an election, is a coup in all but name.It's a joke, right?
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