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Saturday, March 26, 2005 What is that Sally Struthers always whining about? L.A. Times on the “Euphoria” of Being Starved to Death: The L.A. Times has a story today about how much fun it is to be starved and dehydrated to death. I kid you not. The story describes the “characteristic sense of euphoria that accompanies a complete lack of food and water.”And the AP gets on the party train too, but doesn't even read it's own expert interview.
Job related injury alert! (Via LGF) Mark Dodd in The Weekend Australian has a more detailed report on the UN "peacekeeper" scandal in Timor which features this gem: The deployment of Jordanian peacekeepers to East Timor was probably one of the most contentious UN decisions to follow the bloody independence ballot. It was eclipsed only by the cover-up and inaction that followed when the world body learned of their involvement in a series of horrific sex crimes involving children living in the war-battered Oecussi enclave.It's great to see the United Nations at work! It certainly gives me hope ... hope that'll we'll dump the chumps. And what do you bet that either the US or Australian taxpayers or both paid to fly these two beauties home? Besides the low comedy, there's much more in the article about the United Nations "peacekeeping" in Timor. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride and the United Nations would be more than a sad, sick joke. In the meantime, why are we wasting time and money? But wait, there's more! Even UN bigs are having work related trauma - Depressed Annan close to quitting over UN scandals: KOFI ANNAN, the United Nations secretary-general, is said to be struggling with depression and considering his future. Colleagues have reported concerns about Annan ahead of an official report this week that will examine his son Kojo’s connection to the controversial Iraqi oil for food scheme.Sniff! Where's my violin? American congressional critics of the UN are already pressing him to resign over the mismanagement of the oil for food programme, and even his supporters have been dismayed by the scandals on his watch, including the sexual abuse of children by UN peacekeepers in Congo.And apparently just about everywhere else they've dropped by to "help". One close observer at the UN said Annan’s moods were like a “sine curve” and that he appeared near the bottom of the trough.Maybe he can compare notes with the little kids in Timor?
Friday, March 25, 2005 I'm so confused! Yesterday, The Sun said Chirac stabs Blair in back, but today the PM says he conned ole Jacques: TONY Blair yesterday claimed that Britain now has the power to force France and Germany to open up to foreign workers and accept the European Union Services Directive against their will.And here I thought the European "social model" mostly involved a leisurely lunch. But now they're going to do battle over it before enshrining the definition. Sounds like bureaucratic heaven to me! "Some, notably France, believe this model should remain in its existing form. Some, like Britain, believe firmly in Europe’s social dimension but want it updated to take account of modern economic reality," he said.Ruh roh! Sounds like a steel cage match is coming. Break out the pork rinds! In case this is all rather impenetrable, the real argument is the following: The EU Services Directive would mean that people who work abroad can abide by the regulations of their home state, not their host country. The aim is to create a free market in services, as exists with goods at present.Still impenetrable? The idea is that a French company could hire an Eastern European worker and only pay the salary and benefits enshrined in law in his home country which would be rather cheaper than hiring a French worker. You can see why some knickers are nastily knotted.
All the phony news that fits ![]() The Prowler: It's Rathergate all over again, and the same vigilant entities that brought about to the collapse of CBS News could now also cause heads to roll among Democratic Senate leadership staffers and further shame multiple news organizations that would appear to have fallen for another document hoax.The NYT can congratulate themselves for dodging this bullet, but ABC and the rest of the talking heads who transmitted it ought to be ashamed of their stupidity. We know they won't get worked up over their bias. And did you think they would be quick to issue corrections? Well, they're in good company - Air America's new star, Jerry Springer, took time out from his busy transgender lesbian mudwrestling schedule to blather about "the memo". UPDATE: Fred Barnes in The Weekly Standard - The ABCs of Media Bias.
Thursday, March 24, 2005 Always keep your eye on a snake How about these two prime specimens Tony Blair has to keep an eye on? (Both links via BrothersJudd - here and here.) Chirac stabs Blair in back: BACK-STABBING Jacques Chirac last night repaid Tony Blair for helping him by trying to sabotage Britain’s £3billion EU rebate.Wait for it. Mr Blair had been banking on France to help save the 20-year-old rebate.Maybe Jacques left his wallet at home? But then he always does. He went on to rub it in by accusing Britain and America of “fuelling dangerous global conflict” through free-market economic policies.And then he whines about where the money came from. I guess nothing breeds envy like success. Drat that pesky free market, eh Weasel Boy? Oh wait, we're doing snakes. Hours earlier, the PM risked EU fury by helping Mr Chirac to delay new Brussels employment rules while they are reviewed.Next time let him pick up the check. And speaking of the "developing world," They may be continents apart, but Mugabe blames Blair for everything: FORGET about education. Forget about job creation, even though unemployment is running at 80 per cent. The 2005 parliamentary election in Zimbabwe is all about the threat posed by a middle-aged man living thousands of miles away.We all know Bobby Mugabe and his entourage aren't the sharpest tools in the drawer, but how's it playing with the little people? The bizarre campaign has many urban voters perplexed. Foster, a security guard in Harare who did not want to give his full name for fear of reprisals, said: “Why is he talking about Blair when people are starving in this country?” Primrose, a young professional, said: “This has to be one of the most irrelevant platforms ever.” Munya, who owns an IT company, said the focus on Blair was “ nonsense propaganda”.Sheesh, who would want the place? The poor UK taxpayers are already footing the bill for the layabout Frenchies!
Air America gets a touch of class! Springer liberal talk radio show to expand nationwide: Trash T-V talk show host Jerry Springer is taking his liberal radio program nationwide.Good choice of start date. But ole Jerry won't be the same if he doesn't have fodder like: 3/24/05 “I Got Your Man”Deviates, pimps and whores - good practice for Air America. By the way, his radio show has a "blog" which, aside from some stale leftoid wingnuttery, has got gems like: Megan caught it and leaned over to me and motioned something. So I killed my mic, lifted my headset and she whispered, "The caller's in the bathtub. I hear the water slurping."It'd really be cool if she was using one of those vibrating cell phones, eh Jer?
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 No need to worry about a pondscum shortage How about making up a phony "Republican" memo and publicizing it via the usual MSM mouth breathers? Oh wait, ABC is getting a tad nervous. As well they should - they're supposed to be push polling for euthanasia, not touting bogus documents. That job belongs to CBS! Then ole A tax free, nonpolitical foundation, eh? That sounds familiar! Kinda like the nobs at the Pew "Charitable" Trust that Ryan Sager exposed last week. Other folks are noticing too, here and here: And the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:Why not pull the tax-exempt status from all of the members of the SPECTRE alliance?Pew did not hide the fact it was supporting the ultimately successful attempt to limit free speech to a whisper before elections. But Mr. Treglia said Pew did everything it legally could to hide the $40.1 million donated to front groups.These guys know how to party. Of course, if you want primo pondscum, there's always the United Nations. When their 3rd world peacekeepers aren't molesting all the local children, the higherups are busy raiding the till to pay the legal defense costs of their corrupt buddies. I mean, gosh, it's not as if the UN bigs didn't have other sources of income. But it's an equal opportunity ripoff as the Economist (via Viking Pundit) notes: In the run-up to the Iraq invasion, there was the revolting spectacle of Britain and France sucking up to Lansana Conté, the tinpot dictator of tiny Guinea, because the UN’s rules had given him one of the Security Council’s rotating seats.Now you know why Kofi's "big plan" involves expanding the "Security Council." There's gold in them thar seats!
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 I wonder what a job like this pays? NRO's Beltway Buzz: “I was walking through the Dallas airport with some colleagues and one of them recognized two of the same protestors we had seen outside the event in Albuquerque. We had some extra time, so we decided to talk to them. They were very polite and explained to us they had just come from protesting an event nearby. One of them very quickly identified themselves as professional protestors.”And here I thought they put ads in the local counterculture and Socialist newspapers and the usual suspects turned up with their costumes and fleas.
Can I get a witness? (Via Powerline) MoveOn held a tent revival meeting for wingnuts and Senator At times during's "Rally for Fair Judges," held yesterday at the Washington Court Hotel near the Capitol, it was hard to tell if the left-wing organizing group had planned a political rally or a revival meeting.Maybe ole Sheets would have calmed down if he had borrowed Ted Kennedy's pocket flask: Kennedy, for example, referred to Barbara Boxer as Barbara Mikulski. He referred to William Myers, the Bush judicial nominee, as William Morris. And he kept telling the crowd to "speak truth to justice," apparently confusing that with the more common liberal exhortation to "speak truth to power."More japery by following the link.
And speaking of international clambakes President Bush is hosting one Wednesday for just our closest neighbors and the usual suspects are all atwitter: Canada, the US, and Mexico should decide to hold annual trilateral summits. There is ample consensus on many issues that need constant refinement.I mean, gosh, it's a summit right? It must be good! And it's right neighborly. But there are a few flies in the love oil, particularly the neighbor on the south side who plays narcocorrido music all night; perennially wants to borrow stuff and never returns it; and whose kids are constantly playing in our yard and who we always seem to end up feeding. Like all bad neighbors, he has some rather strange fixations: Mexico wants its North American neighbours to move more quickly towards integration on a continental scale, the country's foreign secretary said on Friday.And he gets real mouthy about our lack of enthusiasm: President Vicente Fox said Wednesday that walls along the U.S.-Mexico border, such as one approved last month by the U.S. House of Representatives, "must be demolished" because they are "discriminatory" and "against freedom."According to him, it's not his fault he can't control his kids: Still, Fox said, it was impossible for Mexico to post military or police patrols all along the border to prevent crossings.But he likes to threaten to sic the law on our kids: Mexico's National Human Rights Commission recently issued a warning about several new grass-roots movements inspired by Arizona's Proposition 200. Other Mexican officials have cited the Minuteman Project, a plan by activists to patrol the Arizona-Mexico border during April, as a sign of rising extremism.But there is some good neighborhood news - Fox Calls on Bush to Halt Flow of 'Greenbacks': Mexican President Vicente Fox today called on the Bush administration to increase patrols along the U.S.-Mexican border in order to halt the immigration of so-called 'greenbacks' into his country.Oh wait, that's Scrappleface. Never mind.
Monday, March 21, 2005 Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic ![]() Kofi Annan launched his big plan today and he had his butt boy, Mark Malloch Brown, out dispelling those nasty rumors: He refuted press accounts suggesting that the report is “a panicked response to the current crisis affecting the UN.” To the contrary, he said the timing “is highly propitious because it allows us to lay out an ambitious agenda for the future.”I guess "ambitious agenda for the future" is Mark's quaint term for putting lipstick on the pig. Oh wait, I mixed my metaphors!
What, we worry? ![]() Wizbang! had a Weekend Caption Contest for this fetching snap with lots of good humor. But after the news today about the big EU summit coming up this week, a better line might be "Rules? What rules?": Germany and France simply will not abide by the fiscal rules that they had once conceived as a tool to discipline the "Club Med" countries on Europe's southern periphery, not as a weapon to be used against themselves. As Germany and France are too powerful to be coerced into tightening fiscal policy against their wishes, it is obvious that the old Stability Pact is dysfunctional. Whether the document is ignored, buried, changed or just re-interpreted to suit Paris and Berlin is only a secondary matter, to be resolved with appropriate diplomatic finesse if possible.The dynamic duo are real good at that finesse stuff. More here.
More proof that technology does not increase IQ's Dial E for extortion: After discovering that her cell phone went missing, according to KEPR-TV, a woman in Washington state dialed her own number, hoping a Good Samaritan had picked up the device and would offer its speedy return.On the other hand, it does wonders for your fashion sense. More here. Hey, maybe I could do a geek version of SondraK's fashion reviews!
Build a better mousetrap... Turn Them Off. Turn Them All Off. The subversive joys of TV-B-Gone.: Mitch's invention is called TV-B-Gone. He carries one on his keychain, as, God willing, you will someday carry one on yours. It fits snugly in the palm, a near-weightless lump of black plastic. Its shape vaguely suggests the Batman logo. A tiny diode rests on the very tip of Batman's head, between his pointy bat ears. Press a button and from this diode a beam of invisible light escapes that can turn off any television--any television--within a radius of 45 feet.Be still, my heart!
"THE STENCH FROM PEW" This story was broken last week by Ryan Sager and it's more than ripe. Today's NY Post editorial: Reports in The Post last week con cerning the political activities of the supposedly above-the-fray Pew Charitable Trusts were, in a word, shocking.With more than a little help from other leftoid tax-free foundations, good ole George Soros, and the dung flies at National "Public" Radio.What Treglia admitted to was an attempt to deceive Congress and the public within the limits of the law — quite a stunning bit of hypocrisy from a foundation ostensibly in favor of clean and transparent government. Pew — not to put too fine a point on it — has some explaining to do. And so do the politicians — such as Sen. John McCain, Sen. Russ Feingold, Rep. Chris Shays and Rep. Marty Meehan — whose speech-regulation schemes directly benefited from this scam. So, what did they know? When did they know it? It's time to find out.And put the hammer down on everyone associated with this monstrous attack on free speech. UPDATE: John Fund hits this in today's WSJ and has some interesting stats: Mr. Treglia admits that campaign-finance supporters had to try to hoodwink Congress because "they had lost legitimacy inside Washington because they didn't have a constituency that would punish Congress if they didn't vote for reform."More follow-ups at Ryan Sager's blog as well.
Sunday, March 20, 2005 Today's Hoot! I'll buy houses and a flash car, says yob awarded £567,000: A teenage criminal who received £567,000 in compensation after falling through a roof while trespassing boasted about his wealth yesterday, saying that he was looking forward to buying "a few houses and a flash car".What a good, caring lad!
More United Nations fun with Mark Steyn and John Bolton As I mentioned last night, tomorrow's the big day for UN weenies. You can just hear their hearts go pitter pat over the big bureaucratic doings at UN HQ. It's a summit, it's a commission, it's a Security Council resolution! Anyhow, Mark Steyn provides a useful antidote in another column on John Bolton, President Bush's nominee for UN Ambassador. As usual, it's hard to quote just a little, but here are some highlights: The New York Times wondered what Bush's next appointment would be:Why, indeed? Yet the assumption behind much of the criticism of Bolton from the likes of Kerry is that, regardless of his government's foreign policy, a U.N. ambassador has to be at some level a U.N. booster. Twenty years ago, Secretary of State George Schulz used to welcome the Reagan administration's ambassadorial appointments to his office and invite each chap to identify his country on the map. The guy who'd just landed the embassy in Chad would invariably point to Chad. "No," Schulz would say, "this is your country" -- and point to the United States. Nobody would expect a U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union to be a big booster for the Soviets. And, given that in a unipolar world the most plausible challenger to the United States is transnationalism, these days the Schulz test is even more pertinent for the U.N. ambassador: his country is the United States, not the ersatz jurisdiction of Annan's embryo world government.And that's the part that really sticks in their craw.
The horror! The WaPo laments the sad state of the nation in Conservative's Book on Supreme Court Is a Bestseller: The Supreme Court is not often the stuff of bestsellers, but in recent weeks a conservative lawyer's full-throated attack on the court has been flying off the shelves, reaching as high as third place on the New York Times bestseller list.What they really mean is in limousine liberal circles as the rest of the article reveals. Mark Tushnet, a liberal law professor at Georgetown University who clerked for the late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, said he has watched the rise of Levin's book with some bemusement.Perhaps Mark ought to broaden his horizons. And a Freeper recalls the famous Pauline Kael line - "I simply don't understand McGovern's defeat -- I don't know anyone who voted for Nixon!"
But I'm really a multilateral kind of guy That's why this just brings a smile to my face - Government kills food ads as ‘too British’: A £1m campaign to promote quality food has been scrapped after the government refused to support it, claiming a picture of Jersey cows in rolling green fields was “too British” and thus broke European regulations.Should have used a snap of a mound of Daisy byproducts. That would provide the proper Euro atmosphere.
Monday's the big day! For Kofi Annan's bodacious United Nations reform proposal, that is. And his toadies are out circulating drafts to the media. A few of the highlights: LA Times: Secretary-General Kofi Annan will propose restructuring a U.N. human rights panel, ask for a swift decision to expand the Security Council and request sweeping changes designed to prevent new scandals in a report Monday to the General Assembly on reforming the beleaguered United Nations.And keep the UN gravy train on the tracks. But scandal prevention intiatives are way cool! Annan has framed the plan as providing a historic opportunity to reinvent the U.N. to better meet the challenges of a changing world. But the plan is also seen here as a last-gasp bid to restore the organization's relevance at a time when both he and it are under heavy fire.Last gasp and then bury it. Many of the ideas in the document have been floated in recent months by special panels on U.N. reform and global development that Annan commissioned. But fierce reactions from some governments led Annan to temper a proposed definition of terrorism, stop short of requiring criteria for membership on the human rights panel and caused him to refrain from choosing between two options to expand the Security Council, U.N. officials said.Er, what exactly are the big reforms? Sounds like a typical UN deal - all chaff and no wheat. There's a bulletized list of the "initiatives" at the end of the article for our edification. Keep it handy if you have trouble sleeping. WaPo: Secretary General Kofi Annan on Monday will propose establishing new rules for the use of military force, adopting a tough anti-terrorism treaty that would punish suicide bombers, and overhauling the United Nation's discredited human rights commission, according to a confidential draft of a report on U.N. reform.Punishing suicide bombers? And Kofi is going to to have the thugocracies lay down rules for the United States on the use of military force? I can hardly wait. Annan cast his report as an attempt to reconcile the security interests of wealthy countries, which want the world body to focus on combating terrorism and stemming weapons proliferation, and poor nations, which are more concerned with the consequences of poverty and disease. He noted that a catastrophic terrorist act in a major Western city could cripple the economies of poor nations on the other side of the world while an outbreak of disease in a poor region could spread to the developed world.Wait for it. Annan said that wealthy countries must dramatically increase development aid and debt relief to poor countries that govern responsibly.Let's just say the UN definition of "govern responsibly" is a tad flexible, but they have a firm grasp on the concept of cash. UK Telegraph: The security of America and other wealthy countries will for the first time be declared a key priority for the United Nations under reforms designed to restore confidence in the crisis-ridden international body.You mean it wasn't before? Chidyan Siku, Zimbabwe's ambassador to the UN, gave the proposals a cool reception. "My feeling, and the feeling of colleagues from developing countries, is that the Secretariat is trying to please America by slanting towards the strategic agenda of the North. That will not find favour with us," he said.Gosh, months pass without my caring what the thugs ruling Zimbabwe want. So there it is. Better get out the hip boots for the PR campaign - it's going to be deep. Which makes me even more glad that John Bolton is going to be the new United Nations ambassador from the USA.
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