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Saturday, August 20, 2005 Today's Hoot! NewsWeek Reporter Frets Pope Too ... Catholic In the eyes of the MSM, Pope Benedict XVI has a problem. He's too darn . . . Catholic.I bet Katie thinks that's real icky.
Here's a poser Charles at lgf: I propose a thought experiment. Suppose Western media really was deliberately trying to subvert democracy and aid terrorism. How would the coverage differ?Beats the heck out of me!
Your United Nations contributions at work ![]() I posted this a couple of weeks ago, but now that we have the first UN Ambassador since Jeane Kirkpatrick who has a set, it's come up again - Funding of Palestinian Propaganda By U.N. 'Unacceptable,' Bolton Says: The United Nations' funding of a Palestinian Arab propaganda campaign timed to coincide with Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip has increased tensions between the U.N. and American officials.Nice to know the UN has spare bucks for this kind of stuff. In a letter to the American Jewish Congress, which had decried the funding of the propaganda materials, a UNDP administrator, Kemal Dervis, said it was "not at all acceptable" that the agency's logo was placed on the propaganda.More by following the link - the UN weasels were glad to fund the message. They just didn't want their name on it. And, of course, it's really our check book.
Friday, August 19, 2005 Thank you, Jaime Gorelick! ![]() Fun at the InstaPundit: I'VE SUDDENLY STARTED GETTING A LOT OF EMAILS LIKE THIS ONE:Turns out it was the flying monkeys at which is one of the corporate offshoots of the George Soros' funded Center for American Progress. In case you don't recall them, here's Spinsanity's summary:I am disturbed by your continual smears of honorable Americans like Jamie Gorelick. If you disagree with the opinions of Ms. Gorelick, then please voice that at your discretion, but engaging in personal smears campaigns at the behest of Karl Rove and Grover Norquist really do a disservice to your readers. Jamie Gorelicks memo did not disallow sharing of information between the military and the FBI. Please issue a correction in your next blog.The thing is, I haven't written anything about Jamie Gorelick and Able Danger, so I guess I'm dropping the ball in the "continual smear" department. This post by Ann Althouse from when I was on vacation a week ago quotes an Investor's Business Daily editorial that mentions her, but that's the only mention of Gorelick on InstaPundit in over a year. The Center for American Progress and its sister organization, the American Progress Action Fund, are at the vanguard of liberal attempts to regain the initiative in the national political debate. Founded in 2003 with millions of dollars from donors hoping to more effectively counter the Bush White House and conservative groups, CAP relentlessly attacks conservatives and distributes talking points to its ideological allies.They clearly aren't too bright either. If they want to see some abuse of Jaime Gorelick, they ought to come here. I wonder if George knows how they're spending his loot? (Hat tip for the graphic: iHillary)
Bourgeois revolutionaries alert! Or is it limousine liberals? Check out this meeting notice from Code Pinko Texas HQ to the vanguard of the proletariat in Crawford: Subject: [codepinkaustin] CODEPINK Breakfast Saturday Morning in Crawford Reply-To: codepinkaustin@yahoogroups.comI guess ham and eggs and a cup of joe with the locals at Spanos Coffee Station just don't cut it for the Pinkos. Sheesh, can you imagine a coffee shop full of them in their pink outfits sipping their lattes? It would be like a Barbie impersonators convention, if Barbie looked and sounded like Fidel Castro. As for the "Slumber Party," I won't go there.
All dressed up and no place to go ![]() The crew of freaks showing up in Crawford to support St. Cindy, that is. That's because Cindy had to head home because her mother was ill: As word spread through the ramshackle campsite, Sheehan's supporters expressed concern that her absence would also mean the departure of dozens of journalists who have been broadcasting her vigil to the world.Not to mention the outlay on their party duds! Sheehan's partisans also have become increasingly critical of the news media, complaining that reporters have questioned Sheehan's motivations and inquired about her family, her taxes and her husband's request for a divorce.The aroma around St. Cindy got so bad that the MSM finally caught on? Can't prove it by me. Women gathered in a tent for Code Pink, a peace group, looked ashen on hearing that Sheehan was leaving. A few began to cry as one spoke up to complain that the news media were trying to divide Sheehan's family. After a moment of silence they began singing We Shall Overcome.No Kumbaya? The Code Pinkos shouldn't worry, they have People's Weekly World and Worker's World firmly on their side. (Hat tip: FR poster JohnRoss for wading into the commie cesspool. Here's another that I didn't mention.)
Thursday, August 18, 2005 And speaking of Cindy Sheehan I don't know about you, but I was all upset when I heard that Cindy says she's protesting by not paying her taxes for 2004. My fear was that the hiccup in the revenue stream from Cindy not paying up on her moonbat media whore earnings would imperil the continuing operation of the Republic! Or at least some of the Federal facilities named after Robert Byrd. But one of the FR folks discovered that based on her tax liens, ole Cindy doesn't seem to have been paying her state and Federal taxes regularly since at least the mid-90's. (Try looking up "Sheehan, Cindy" yourself.) I wonder what her beef was then? I also wonder whether she tried deducting tin foil as a business expense?
When are they going to notice that she's a nut? Cindy Sheehan, of course. It looks like even Chris Matthews (never the brightest bulb on the string) may be getting a hint: Here's an indication of how radical Cindy Sheehan's views are--and a glimpse into why mainstream Dems won't go near her. This is from Mrs. Sheehan's appearance on Hardball (yeah, I know) last night. I will let it speak for itself. Hat tip: Reader R.L. Ward:One of Michelle's readers highlights the "they told us was responsible for 9/11" which is truly the cherry on top. As for the rhetorical question in the title of this post, I'm sure the MSM will hold their noses and continue dealing with her because "Cindy's fake but accurate."MATTHEWS: Can I ask you a tough question? A very tough question.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 It sure is a puzzle Polipundit: Bless Debra Burlingame's heart. Why is she not being championed by the media as one grieving a lost loved one. Doesn't she have the same "moral authority" to speak out about the war on terror, or at the very least the memorial at Ground Zero?Lorie links to this post at Ankle Biting Pundits: Showing a fervor not seen since Augusta National Golf Course refused to admit women, The New York Times editorial board once again takes aim at the courageous Deborah Burlingame, and her refusal to let a small minority of politically correct, anti-war Bush-haters turn Ground Zero into a "Why They Hate Us" memorial.Read the rest, it'll get your heart started this AM. Maybe if she blamed the Jooz? Yeah, that would do it.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 Today's Hoot! Dept. of I Didn't Know There Were So Many Dentists: Although circulation for newsweeklies remains flat or is dipping, I am still astonished that Time reports a circulation of 4.05 million copies. Are those real sales or do they give most of them away? I haven't read a copy outside a doctor's office in years.Me too, and I'm always gobsmacked by the atrocious content when I pick one up in a waiting room. Time looks the way People used to, and People resembles some awful tabloid.
Monday, August 15, 2005 Christopher Hitchens applies the clue bat Cindy Sheehan's Sinister Piffle: Here is an unambivalent statement: "The moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute."More schooling for MoDo and her ilk by following the link. Even moonbats can have relatives killed by Islamic terrorists as the "Jersey Girls" proved years ago.
If his lips are moving, he's lying Little Dickie Durbin, that is. Michelle Malkin: Check this out. Law professor Jonathan Turley, one of the most personable and mild-mannered people I've met in Washington, lays the smack down on Sen. Dick Durbin in the Washington Times this morning. Hard.And Prof. Turley has tape.
Speaking of aging moonbat media whores It's never to soon to start planning for a big shindig like Jane Fonda's Magic Mushroom & Mazola bus tour even though it's not 'til March 2006. Ted Turner may not want any part of the hootenanny, but some of the lads in Tikrit are doing their bit to welcome Hanoi Jane:
Higher Education Alert! Mike Adams keeps the benighted taxpayers of North Carolina up to date with The University of Nude Copulating Asians: This week's column features an interview with Mark Ruscoe, a resident of Asheville, North Carolina. As a father of two (one a college-bound teenager), Mark decided to check out a diversity event at UNC-Asheville. He wanted to learn about the quality of education at UNCA, should one of his children decide to attend the taxpayer-supported institution of higher learning. You don't want to miss this one.Indeed! I learned of the event after I had dropped my daughter off for swim practice at UNCA one afternoon. I looked down on the sidewalk and saw a promotional pamphlet for the film. On the front was a photograph of an Asian couple having sex with a shot of Dr. Hamamoto lecturing behind them in front of a chalkboard. The pamphlet described the basic premise of the film, which was that Dr. Hamamoto felt Asian-American men had become emasculated by popular American culture, and that this project of his was supposed to somehow change that.Mark sounds like he's channeling Dave Barry. ... apparently he views the American porn industry as racist, in that it has historically excluded Asian-American men. But Asian-American women have been adequately represented by his account. The pamphlet I found on the sidewalk indicated that this serious exclusion had produced a psychological problem--their emasculation, of sorts. He intended to rectify this situation with his project, which was to film an explicit sexual encounter between an Asian-American male, whom he had recruited, and an Asian-American female porn star. As I say, the whole premise was so unbelievable it almost seemed funny - except for the very excited and motivated crowd of college students who showed up for the production. They thought it was serious business, right down to the fellow two rows in front of me who took off his clothes halfway through the film while sitting next to his girlfriend.Woohoo! Audience participation! I'm surprised the prof didn't discover that the porn industry excluded aging Asian-American academics too. Much more hilarity by following the link, but as usual the joke is on the citizenry who are paying for this tripe.
Sunday, August 14, 2005 That Cindy Sheehan is certainly a moonbat magnet! Now she has professional white person David Duke and professional black person Maxine Waters on her side. How cool is that? Maxine can tell everyone that black voters are disenfrachised and David Duke can explain why they should be! And when you're a sucessful media whore, I guess the big leftoid offers just come rolling in. Take this one - STOP THE WORSHIP OF THE GODS OF WAR where ole Cindy is going to be a featured speaker at a protest of a Blue Angels airshow. That'll be a crowd pleaser, fer sure! Over 100,000 folks at the air show and 20 smelly hippies listening to Cindy assail the "Joos".
It's a joke, right? Rick Klein at the Boston Globe entrances with Democrats embrace tough military stance: After months of internal debate and closed-door discussions, Democrats have begun to develop a more aggressive foreign policy that focuses heavily on threats they say are being neglected by the Bush administration, while avoiding taking a contentious stance on Iraq.Gosh, they better hope the moonbats at MoveOn don't find out! And who's going to tell Gerhard Schroeder? Senator Evan Bayh, Democrat of Indiana, hit the presidential proving ground of Iowa early this month to warn that ''people don't think we [Democrats] have the backbone" to deploy the military, and said Democrats must overcome that perception to be successful in future elections.Watch out, Ev! Cindy Sheehan is headed your way and she's foaming at the mouth. Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has laid out a doctrine of rebuilding alliances while making clear that ''force will be used -- without asking anyone's permission -- when circumstances warrant."What happened to John Kerry's "Global Test?" Of course they're lying, but it's amusing that they have to pretend.
It's a family affair ANOTHER ANNAN IN U.N. OIL SCANDAL: The $21.3 billion United Nations oil-for-food scandal has now widened to include the brother of U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.It's great the way the United Nations brings the most endearing features of Third World governments to "world government." And speaking of senior U.N. officials, I've been woefully neglecting the latest UN hijinks. I don't intend to try to catch up now, but I have to mention the travails of Iqbal "Shredder Boy" Riza. First he loses his job as Kofi's right hand man because he's shredding every "Oil-for-Food" document in sight down at UN HQ. Then then he comes back as a "dollar-a-year" employee (retaining his diplomatic immunity) to just help out. Helping out apparently consisted of shredding more documents: According to the eyewitness, a U.N. staffer who works on the same floor as Riza, the retired cabinet chief arrived within days of leaving his old job, loaded down with many cartons of papers and files.I'm certainly laughing - ole Icky is quite a lad!
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