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Saturday, January 29, 2005 It's a growth industry! Dr Who cut short: Filming of the new series of Doctor Who has been hit by a shortage of dwarf actors.Persons of restricted growth? Does that make Michael Moore a person of unrestricted growth?
What a maroon! It's ABC's Terry Moran again: At President Bush's press conference yesterday, ABC News reporter Terry Moran described the case of a Jordanian activist, Ali Hattar, who Moran said had been arrested and charged with slander for promoting a boycott of U.S. goods. Moran called it an "abuse of human rights," and invited the President to condemn it, saying, "If you won't, sir, then what ... do your fine words [about freedom] mean?"There's a Mad Hattar in this story too. It's Terry.
Nothing like some blogfodder ![]() Deano! CLINTON AIDE BACKING DEM DEAN: Longtime Clinton aide Harold Ickes yesterday threw his support behind Howard Dean for the Democratic National Committee's new chief, fueling the growing belief Dean is unstoppable.Howie! C'mon down!
"They baptized Hillary Clinton in Cedar Creek last Sunday..." That's not quite how I remember the lyrics, but I was put in a gospel singing mood by Gerard Baker's London Times send-up of Her Heinous trying out her sheep's clothing for the 2008 election - Hillary Clinton gets religion and an AK47: The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionI liked the part where she appeared at the NRA convention, too. (Hat Tip: Betsy's Page)
Friday, January 28, 2005 Culture Vulture News: A&E stinks out the joint again Tim Goodman in the SF Chronicle - A&E hits new lows with 'See Arnold Run'; see critic run even faster: As if the A&E Network hadn't proved conclusively in recent seasons just how far it has fallen -- it has a roster of dreck to which few can compare -- a new biopic on Arnold Schwarzenegger confirms that nobody at the cable channel has much taste or, for that matter, smarts.Much more by following the link, but once again I wish I had been a fly on the wall at the meeting where all the minions congratulated the Big Cheese on this swell idea.
Poseur Alert! ![]() Gosh, it's another one of those academic "revolutionaries!" When the revolution comes, Ward Churchill is more likely to be cleaning latrines. Badly.
I missed the fat old souse's rant ![]() But that's OK, Iowahawk has the details: It Is Finally Time To Exit The OldsmobileGood ole Ted! He never changes. He loves to abandon people.
Ain't we got fun! ![]() Red State fills us in on Roll Call Contributing Writer Stuart Rothenberg's deconstruction of the crack "campaign strategists" at a couple of prominent leftoid blogs including my personal fave, the Fat-faced Punk. Lots of good clean fun for the whole family: But when it comes to campaign savvy or understanding how the campaign committees operate, two of the most high-profile liberal bloggers have an exaggerated sense of their own importance and insights.Gosh, I thought Kos had the smooth moves down pat! As one of the commenters observes: "I only wish he hadn't written this piece, leaving our friends to blindly cut off their own legs. Then again, I've not seen anything to give the indication that they will be influenced by this article, anymore than they follow political history."Hey, split the difference like John Kerry! Be a flaming leftoid except when you are conning the folks to vote for you.
Thursday, January 27, 2005 Pond Scum Rope, tree, Fontan. Some assembly required. I must have missed the part of World War II where Ernie Pyle was embedded with the Gestapo.
Who left the door unlocked at the asylum? Sigh. I take some time off for remunerative employment and everything turns into a target rich environment. Hugo Chavez and Babs Boxer in passionate embrace. Who'd a thunk it?
Mr. Poor Impulse Control took time off from mourning the billion bucks he owes the United Nations to whine about Fox News: CNN founder Ted Turner has called the Fox television network a "propaganda voice" of the Bush administration and compared Fox News Channel's popularity to Adolf Hitler's rise in Germany before World War II.And don't worry about the billion, welsher! Kofi got his pal Jacques to put in a plea for United Nations taxes.
Then the Senate Democrats became unhinged and ran a hatefest for Condi Rice lead by the Kleagle himself, Bobby Byrd. Classy. But not as classy as the pet Latin American wingnut of the Democrat party, Hugo Chavez, who opened his yap to deliver this beauty: Just days after U.S. Secretary of State-nominee Condoleezza Rice said at her Senate confirmation hearings that Chávez was ''a negative force in the region,'' he suggested she needed the type of companionship he could not satisfy. ''I will not make that sacrifice for my country,'' he said Sunday.It's the dog with the smallest bone that's always barking. Someone must have handed Hugo a magnifying glass so he could remember what he was talking about.
Of course, not all the Donk Senators came off badly from their extended whine. Babs Boxer confirmed her position as the primo Moonbat Poster Child with a mailing from the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee that told of her courageous effort to abuse Condi. It's a two hankie job fer sure, and it even features her high school graduation photo instead of a more current snap like the one above. Maybe she can get together with Hugo Chavez and do a soft porn film? Even Hugo ought to be capable of that. Or a comedy routine.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 All in the family For a while it was looking good - POLS' BLOOD FEUD: They say it's not personal, but it is."Famed environmental lawyer?" Oh yeah, the goofy Kennedy progeny that said Iowa pork farmers were a "greater threat than Osama bin Laden" and is in favor of windmills except where he has to look at them. That is, when he drops by the Kennedy compound after flying in on his private jet. "One of the points that [U.S. Sen.] Hillary Clinton made to me when I met with her is that it would be important for a candidate to win statewide office on the issues of the environment and corporate control in this country, because it hasn't been done before," he added.Hmm, I thought he wanted to be New York State Attorney General? Anyhow, more spicy details: The Cuomos' nasty split — which followed tales of illicit love-nest trysts between Kerry and Bruce at Manhattan pals' pads — grabbed national headlines after lurid details of the married lovers' affair first surfaced in the summer of 2003.These limousine liberals certainly have interesting lives. And "careers." Well, it turns out we got our hopes up for nothing - RFK AVOIDS DIRT DEVILS: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. decided against running for attorney general as a whispering campaign alleging serious skeletons in his closet was already well under way.Ted probably told him that he should have stuck to Scotch. But it's not all gloomy, Kennedy fans! ... word comes that some Democrats are courting cousin Anthony Kennedy Shriver to run for governor of Florida when Jeb Bush's second term ends next year.Probably borrowed some of Bobby Jr.'s stash.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005 I'll be gobsmacked! al-Reuters does an interview with Lurch: Democrat John Kerry said on Tuesday he was setting aside disappointment from his failed White House bid to resume his "great job" as a U.S. senator...He misspoke - he really meant "no show job." I'm sure everyone was shocked to actually see him in the flesh. But here's a bigger shock! ... and to maintain his fight to expand health care for children.What's that, the sixth bill in his whole career? But even more intriguing - whatever happened to Teresa's Department of Wellness?
Today's Hoot! It's Australia Day tomorrow! More by following the link including the reaction of those with knotted knickers.Do you think the Diggers in the trenches were fighting for tofu sausages?"If I may translate for our American visitors: "Australia - f*ck yeah!"
Monday, January 24, 2005 A roundup of the usual suspects Her Heinous: America's leaders don't have a vision, and the economy may be on the brink of collapse, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday.Gosh! Jailed "Brinks Radical" Wants Freedom: A former radical serving 75 years in prison for the deadly 1981 robbery of a Brinks armored truck has asked to be released from prison.Prison's too good for Judy. Alexandra Kerry - she's the horsefaced one. Er, she's the horsefaced one with the see through dress: ALEXANDRA Kerry might not have made the most gracious presidential daughter. She waltzed into the Converse suite at the Motorola lodge and started demanding shoes. "The woman running the suite was helping someone else, but Alexandra didn't care," said our spy. "She just started pointing to all these shoes and saying really loudly, 'A 10! In those, those and those! Didn't you hear me? A 10!' " When the Converse woman told Kerry she didn't have her size, Kerry waggled her finger and sniffed, "I am NOT impressed with what's going on here." The woman sighed, "Well, then, you can leave — I am not impressed with you!"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but she apparently hasn't learned Poppa's favorite line: "Do you know who I am?" Babs Boxer: Sen. Barbara Boxer says she is the real victim of last week's confirmation hearing for Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice, yet continued yesterday to question the national security adviser's honesty.Someone get Her Wingnuttiness a big bandaid.
Who's up for an "End of the World" scam? Ruh oh! It's Countdown to global catastrophe: The global warming danger threshold for the world is clearly marked for the first time in an international report to be published tomorrow - and the bad news is, the world has nearly reached it already.Good so far - the "End of the World" has to be pretty close or no one would care. But hold on a sec! It has to be far enough away that the marks can be properly milked. The countdown to climate-change catastrophe is spelt out by a task force of senior politicians, business leaders and academics from around the world - and it is remarkably brief. In as little as 10 years, or even less, their report indicates, the point of no return with global warming may have been reached."Impeccable sources" and a comfy 10 year deadline - this is beginning to look promising, but where's the red meat? And it breaks new ground by putting a figure - for the first time in such a high-level document - on the danger point of global warming, that is, the temperature rise beyond which the world would be irretrievably committed to disastrous changes. These could include widespread agricultural failure, water shortages and major droughts, increased disease, sea-level rise and the death of forests - with the added possibility of abrupt catastrophic events such as "runaway" global warming, the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, or the switching-off of the Gulf Stream.All right, now we're talking! So after the marks are duly alarmed, you go for their wallets: The report urges all the G8 countries to agree to generate a quarter of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025, and to double their research spending on low-carbon energy technologies by 2010.They're for firewood and nuclear power! Er, probably not, but the main point is to get them to lay out some money, no matter how little. Then you keep going back for more. It also calls on the G8 to form a climate group with leading developing nations such as India and China, which have big and growing CO2 emissions.It's sure tough deciding which is most promising, being a diplomat organizing meetings of the "climate group" or a scientist fishing for grants to study the problem. Both seem pretty lucrative. Of course, the real fun is when the political loonies show up. Where's Jimmy Carter in his sweater? Or Babs Streisand hanging her wash on the line? Which reminds me - Hurricane Scientist Leaves U.N. Team: A federal hurricane research scientist resigned last week from a U.N.-sponsored climate assessment team, saying the group's leader had politicized the process.They're in on the scam, Chris! And they want a payoff now rather than later.
More brutality revealed! ![]() Time to slap Mom around again, eh Imaad? If you haven't yet seen Tim Blair's demolition of Washington Post reporter Jackie Spinner's risible maundering about American "brutality" in Iraq, give it a look. Too bad the WaPo doesn''t do video as I'm sure it would have been a crowd pleaser. The whole thing has that cheesy lowlife voyeur quality of a prime episode of Cops. Anyhow, Iowahawk has advanced the story with a little dumpster diving behind WaPo HQ where he found more tales of infamy which unfortunately did not make the cut. Here's a sample: Tales of embarrassment at the hands of American military forces abound in the capital city of Baghdad. Faisal, 19, recounts an episode last September as US Army troops were distributing food in the impoverished Sadr City section.Iowahawk does satire. Jackie Spinner does too, but unconsciously.
Sunday, January 23, 2005 Second Helping! Donald Trump's wedding was a tad bizarre, but did Katie Couric really have to wear a clown outfit? Now Playing: 'Anybody But Dean, Part 2'. C'mon Donks, don't be party poopers! Deano is da bomb! Update: American Digest has: Twenty-one subjects so tedious that the mere mention of them makes me want to unwind with a small shooting spree.And while you're there, check out Inaugural Leak: Iraq Exit Strategy Unveiled. Meanwhile Tim Blair has fun with the WaPo and The night the soldiers came: The Washington Post's Jackie Spinner meets a calm and reasonable Baghdad resident who turned against the US after ... well, you'll find out soon enough.No spoilers here! You have to follow the link. Let's just say that Imaad is a naughty boy! Update 2: You won't read anything stranger than this today.
Biscuits and Gravy - Jan. 23, 2005 Good Ole al Reuters - Survey Finds Church-Going Americans Less Tolerant Church-going Americans have grown increasingly intolerant in the past four years of politicians making compromises on such hot issues as abortion and gay rights, according to a survey released on Saturday.And speaking of the usual idiots - Austria urged to revoke Arnie's citizenship VIENNA (Reuters) - California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a citizen of both the United States and Austria, should be stripped of Austrian citizenship for allowing a convicted murderer to be executed, an Austrian politician says.This is revealing - FROSH AGREE TO TAKE IT OFF FOR TSUMAMI-AID CALENDAR, but better not try it if any of those intolerant fundamentalists are about. Oooops, wrong kind of fundamentalists! Concerning the right kind of fundamentalists to bash, MoDo phones another one in. As one of the Freepers observes: Here is her formula:But not to worry, when MoDo appears on FR, so does Catherine Zeta Jones. Meanwhile, Bubba and Her Heinous do Key West to pick up a little spare change. Nominally it's for her, but maybe it's for him: Political strategists are reportedly pondering a deal that would allow Bill Clinton to run for president again by getting Republicans to agree to a change in the constitutional ban on third terms.Sounds like a whole lotta wanking going on. Mark Steyn: I picked up the Village Voice for the first time in years this week. Couldn't resist the cover story: ''The Eve Of Destruction: George W. Bush's Four-Year Plan To Wreck The World.''Ann Coulter: In what The New York Times called Angola's "worst crisis" in "nearly 30 years" in December 1992, the country erupted into civil war. By January 1993, the streets were piled with thousands of dead bodies.Do the anarchists dress up for their ball? An impromptu demonstration by a crowd spilling from a "counter-inaugural ball" in Adams Morgan late Thursday turned into one of the biggest Inauguration Day disturbances, leaving windows smashed and nearly 80 people arrested.Bladh is evidently not the shiniest jewel in the case.
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