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Saturday, July 10, 2004 Fun with Opie! Mark Steyn provides much goodness in The Tearjerker. Sample: Where Senator Kerry's biography is full of problematic phrases like "Swiss finishing school", Edwards's is a classic American story - if one overlooks some of the details. According to Sidney Blumenthal, Clinton-stain-mopper-turned-Guardian-columnist, "He bears the memory of his father taking the family to a local restaurant after church only to leave when he realised he could not afford anything on the menu."They couldn't if you're telling fish stories, which Opie seems to be mighty good at. And I wonder how all the organized labor droids feel about it? "Opie's dad wasn't a millworker - he was one of the bosses!"
Limousine Liberals Gone Wild! If you want a complete review of Thursday's Lurch and Opie Fest, Matt Labash provides The Bon Jovi Advantage: John Kerry makes time with '80s hair bands. Sample: Kerry kicked off last week's concert by mounting the stage with new sidekick John Edwards, who has managed to transform himself into Mr. Electricity since the primaries, when many of us in the vulture class thought the too-smooth-by-half Edwards was less suited to sell us his vision of America, more suited to sell us an extended power-train warranty on a Camry. There they stood, two well-tailored, half-windsored Monsters of Rock, before they plunged into the audience.And as we all know, things went downhill from there. I sure wouldn't have passed that up for a briefing on terrorist threats, would you? On Friday, the hangover set in and the campaign went into damage control mode: The Kerry campaign's response evolved as the day went on -- from refusing to criticize the remarks to distancing the candidate from them.You can follow the link for the blather track, but you know you're in trouble when Tinfoil Teresa is the most sensible of the bunch: While the candidate did not directly address the issue, his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, told reporters traveling aboard the campaign charter that "some of the words were ones I would not have used."C'mon folks, share the good times with the little people - release the tape!
If you snooze, you lose When I saw this picture of Lurch and the Empress window shopping, I was going to lay a caption on it, but one thing led to another ... you know how it goes. Anyhow, In DC does it it up nicely: ![]() "Oh goodness gracious, mother; can we buy it? Can we, can we, can we?!!" Plus, maybe it's the post that got him disinvited from the Democrat Convention. No worries here though - I didn't apply for credentials because I was afraid Whoopi might hit me with a wine bottle.
The latest episode of "Boris and Natasha" From Ace of Spades HQ - Joe Wilson: Liar. But then we knew that, didn't we? Meanwhile, at Ipse Dixit, we have a report on activities across the pond - I Hate To Say, "I Told You So!" - Actually, No I Don't. Don't hold your breath waiting for this show up at your local big media outlet. As I've said previously, the biggest indictment of the current sad state of the CIA is that they employed Joe Wilson and his wife in any capacity. UPDATE: Instapundit - JOE WILSON LIED, REPUTATIONS DIED
Friday, July 09, 2004 Maybe he was having his hair done? Not to fear, America! The French guy is on the case: KING: ...Let’s get to, first thing’s first, news of the day. Tom Ridge warned today about al Qaeda plans of a large-scale attack on the United States, didn’t increase the—do you see any politics in this? What’s your reaction?Or maybe he couldn't wait to get to the party and knock back a few jugs of Ripple with Whoopi?
I'd sure like to see the tape! ![]() Who took my wine bottle? Apropos of the item below, Lurch doesn't want to release the videotape. C'mon, Lurch we could all use a good laugh! Besides, I'm sure us little people would like a little uplift too: Edwards said it was "a great honor" to be there and insisted, "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values."And hold the presses, Opie's genius spouse weighed in: "A lot of people are going to be angry - there's a lot to be angry about," she told reporters at a fund-raising breakfast on Manhattan's west side. "It's a free country and people are going to express that anger."So why not share it with the proles, Liz?
Dumber than a bag of hammers Sen. Barbara Boxer has always been one of the leaders in the contest for Stupidest Senator. Hugh Hewitt demonstrates why: Today, on the floor of the United States Senate, Barbara Boxer referred to the Madrid bombings as a "rail accident." Honest. A rail accident. Boxer is a Senate accident. What an embarrassment.Note that Hugh has a new book, "If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat: Crushing the Democrats in Every Election and Why Your Life Depends Upon It." True indeed.
Always a class act! The Hollyweirdos had a hoedown for Lurch and Opie last night and Whoopi Goldberg was the star attraction: Whoopi Goldberg delivered an X-rated rant full of sexual innuendoes against President Bush last night at a Radio City gala that raised $7.5 million for the newly minted Democratic ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards.Lurch gallantly defended his "campaign partner" however: The North Carolina senator's high-wattage smile seemed to fade a bit more each time Goldberg called out to him. When Kerry later spoke, he took pains to make it clear he had no kid on his team.Indeed, as the news photos Drudge and others have been featuring illustrate (click to supersize): ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'd been seeing stories that Lurch and Opie were being touted as the most "gay-friendly" candidates in history. I took that to mean they were supportive of the usual crowd of professional homosexuals, but now I'm beginning to wonder. Andy Borowitz attempts to elucidate: EDWARDS ASKS KERRY TO STOP GRABBING HIS ASSSheesh, what next? Last time they had Big Weird Al Gore stuffing rolled up socks in his pants to prove he was an "alpha male." Come to think of it though, it would have been cool to see FDR smooching John Nance Garner. UPDATE: Terspboy has some new snaps. UPDATE 2: Instapundit says, "Roll the Videotape!"
Thursday, July 08, 2004 Tracking the Moonbats Damian Penny has the goods on a couple of prime specimens, although I suppose that in my usual taxonomy, they're delusional pond scum. First, Matthew Parris: The Spectator has hit rock bottom. (I believe I expressed similar thoughts when they printed an article titled "Iraqis were better off under Saddam," but I mean it this time.) After returning from Russia, Matthew Parris praises the "hope and decency of Soviet communism".Follow the link for much more on Matt's epiphany, but I liked his great insight about St. Petersburg: Tsar Peter the Great, whose vision and creation this city is, would not have been a neocon.Hopefully Matt's not planning a career in rocket science. But if you really want to plumb the depths, there's Helen Caldicott who apparently never met a old fashioned, Stalin-Brezhnev style Commie she didn't like.
Better stay out of Ft. Marcy Park, Opie! Kevin at Wizbang spots a beauty: Clinton couldn't restrain a triumphant grin at the plight of a clear rival - in fact, one who is seeking the 2004 nomination. She spoke to him in a near shout - loud enough for the galleries to hear. “Just stand there and look pretty, John,” she said.
Fat, lying, and obnoxious is a heck of a way to go through life James Lileks takes crapsack Michael Moore to the woodshed. I can't begin to excerpt it, but I liked this part in reference to the new book, Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man: It unpacks the assertions made by his books and movies. It’s not a flame-throwing rant. It’s the brief for the defense - the client in the dock being America. Fans of Mr. Moore would be advised to read it, if only to get a head start on refuting its innumerable refutations. Plus, it has an essay by Tim Blair, who is crueler and funnier than Moore can ever hope to be. If Moore had Blair’s talent, Ralph Nader would not only be elected president but elevated to Global Pope-Emperor by a deafening national voice-vote.Whew! Good thing Tim isn't on the Dark Side!
It's a typical government program without the pretense From Down Under (in more ways than one) - Aunty's got wind and MPs cry foul: THE ABC has come under fire for wasting taxpayers' money on a new website which encourages children to "make better farts".Well, there was the time I had "5 alarm chili" for dinner and then ... . But wait, I'm not a celeb. Maybe we could get Ted Kennedy to play? That ought to clear the room. Lurch would be cool too, but he would likely blame it on a Secret Service agent - "I never fart - it was that SOB!"
Geeks Gone Wild! Gadget Geeks Unite In Techno-Sexual Movement Is it that important for a guy to have a stylish vacuum cleaner? It is apparently if you are a techno-sexual.Woohoo! The story seems big on technology and short on sex, but who knows? Maybe WiFi setup will replace "long walks on the beach" in singles ads. Then again, maybe not.
It's the room temperature IQ vote! Don't ask me why the Houston Chronicle is doing Ohio "man on the street" stories, but Ohio voters view Edwards as practical and engaging: Sheila Piner was so disillusioned with the presidential contenders that she considered not voting in November. But that changed this week when Democrat John Kerry named John Edwards his running mate.Maybe he'll drop by your place for some quality time, Sheila!
Wednesday, July 07, 2004 I guess he's just a regular guy! Kim Jong Il Introduces Hamburgers to North Korea as 'quality' Food: North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has introduced hamburgers to his reclusive, communist country in a campaign to provide "quality" food to university students, media reported Wednesday.Easy for them to say, I'm sure. But what did ole Wingnut have to do with it? Run around in a Hamburglar outfit? Although reports from the isolated country have in recent years mentioned the introduction of the American fast food classic, the latest announcement seems to credit the country's leader for their advent.I hope there was a burger in there somewhere! The government then built a hamburger plant and Kim Jong Il ordered officials to pay close attention to modernizing mass production, the report was quoted as saying by Yonhap.Well, yeehaw! Although a glance at ole Kim's profile makes one suspicious he has been quality testing the product himself. Alot.
Some things you just can't make up! Lurch has an eructation: "We've got better vision, better ideas, real plans, we've got a better sense of what's happening to America and we've got better hair"And in related news of the bizzare - UN: We Can Beat Spam in Two Years.
More Nuanced Hijinks with Lurch! Mickey Kaus notices an oddity with the big Lurch announcement of Opie as his VP pick: Kerry managed to choose John Edwards Tuesday without getting the traditional money shot of the both of them holding their hands aloft. NBC's Tim Russert told Brian Williams this was "very deliberate"--a carefully planned "rollout" designed to dominate the news for most of the week. They'll hold hands tomorrow! ... Aren't Kerry's strategists severely overestimating the excitement surrounding this ticket? They're also failing to take into account the public's increased ability to swiftly process a less-than-shocking story which will be yesterday's news--an hour and a half ago, actually. Today, the Kerry-Edwards money shot would surely have led all the networks. Tomorrow it might well air after the commercial break in a quotidian campaign story covering both sides. ... When do they kiss? This isn't Friends, where the suspense can be dragged out as the nation wonders when Joey and Rachel will hook up!I, for one, am overwhelmed by the suspense! Over at the American Spectator, the Prowler has a different take on the odd rollout of Opie: Surprisingly, Kerry was adamant about making the announcement without Edwards being present, an oddity in modern politics, even for a man such as Kerry obsessed with public image. The Kerry campaign spun Edwards' absence from the Tuesday morning announcement by first claiming that it was no big deal (Edwards did a phoner with reporters immediately after the announcement), and then, when that didn't fly, by claiming that the announcement was supposed to be on Wednesday, but fear of leaks pushed the announcement up.Ruh Oh! And things weren't helped by Teresa's dislike for the pretty boy based on some his comments about the Lurchster during the primaries. Developing!
Tuesday, July 06, 2004 Today's Hoot! The talking heads on MSNBC's Hardball observed tonight that Lurch did not make up his mind on his VP candidate until last night. It seems he really wanted Florida's Sen. Bob Graham, but he "failed the vetting process." That's why at the big announcement ceremony this morning, the campaign workers' signs said Kerry Graham on one side and Kerry Edwards on the other! ![]() Just the kind of decisive leadership one would expect from Flipper.
It would be like Disneyland for wingnuts! Iranians want to bury their war dead in London: British officials were taken aback yesterday by a plan to unearth the remains of Iranian soldiers and rebury them in the grounds of Iran's London embassy.Boy, that really ought to pack 'em in! But I bet they'll get all grumpy about hot dogs at the refreshment stand. He said there was nothing unusual in the request, pointing out that there were several hundred Commonwealth graves of soldiers from two world wars in a British diplomatic compound in Teheran.The operative criterion is generally that they are buried more or less where they fell. I must have missed out on the fighting on the London front of the Iran-Iraq war.
Look at what just crawled out from under the rock! It's the Mad Mullahs of Iran - Iranian Intel Officers Captured in Iraq: American and Iraqi joint patrols, along with U.S. Special Operations teams, captured two men with explosives in Baghdad on Monday who identified themselves as Iranian intelligence officers, FOX News has confirmed.Er, "protect its interests" seems to involve wholesale murder. Hang 'em high! Meanwhile, back at the loony bin: Syrian President Bashar Assad, at the end of a two-day trip to Iran on Monday, said developments in Iraq are "the most important issue" for Syria and other neighbors of Iraq, including Iran.If a cruise missile with your name on it is important, you're probably right, Bashar.
It's the billionaire boys' big hair club! Despite the NY Post's putative Gephardt scoop, all the newsies are now claiming that Lurch has selected the Breck Boy as his Veep candidate. Thank goodness, the suspense was simply awful! Zzzzzzz. ![]()
Monday, July 05, 2004 More Half Assed Democrat "Triangulation" Attempts On Saturday, the Democrats released a draft of their 2004 platform: The Democratic Party pledges an unrelenting struggle against terrorism and a commitment to seeing Iraq succeed, according to a statement of election principles shaped heavily by national security crises.Yup. Sure. We believe you. But it's a tad puzzling that if you're all so even-handed, why all the Donk bigs are busy sucking at Mikey Moore's ample teats not to mention the dung flies of the Donk establishment hanging around his butt. Aside from the "big" committment to national security, the platform has the usual Donk bromides, but a few surprises too: On the environment, the platform pledges Democrats will "restore American leadership on global issues such as climate change." It does not mention the Kyoto treaty rejected by Bush.The ecoweenies will be all atwitter! But they couldn't resist some new foolishness: It drops any reference to support for the death penalty — a feature of the past two Democratic platforms when Clinton and Al Gore moved the party toward the center on crime. Kerry opposes capital punishment except for terrorists."Victims should be heard" - that's really swell. This article doesn't mention it directly, but others note that the platform is calling for 40,000 more active troops and better equipment for the military. Not a bad idea, but all this whining from the usual suspects about their newfound support for the military has brought back an updated version of an item that was hot around election time in 2000: Guess What Country This Is?Hey, Bubba had to pay for all those swell programs and services somehow! It's funny though - I can't remember any of them.
Sunday, July 04, 2004 More Campaign Hijinks with Lurch! It isn't what it looks like! ![]() Lurch is still on his tour of the flyover states with predictable results. More grimacing action here. Of course, he's not likely to drop by anyplace where they are firing some of those evil "assault weapons" or even worse - machine guns! And here's a shocker - it turns out that Lurch is really a country boy at heart! Reuters provides the predictable 'Kid from the East' Kerry Feels Farmers' Pain: John Kerry, veteran senator from Massachusetts, New England blue blood and Democratic White House hopeful, learned to swear from a farmer, loved to drive a tractor and once had a passion for plowing.Around here. we'd say he was full of more crap than a Christmas goose. And he stepped in one of those "aromatic" meadow muffins when he had to defend his support for the Northeast Dairy Compact. Anyhow, it sure is swell that Lurch is dropping by to visit the country folks before he gets back to civilization: John Kerry may be only a candidate for president, but he and his entourage travel like kings. A month ago, his campaign began chartering a gleaming 757, packed with first-class seats, fine food, sleeping accommodations - even a stand-up bar. They hardly shy away from fancy hotels, like the Four Seasons in Palm Beach and the St. Regis in Los Angeles.Maybe he lets the country cousins look in the windows of his bus!
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