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Saturday, May 29, 2004 Friday, May 28, 2004 Yeehaw! It's a Big Weird Al Roundup! Cut to the Photoshops! Gore Finally Lets It FlyAnd how about the commentary? Gore Goes Ga-GaYep, we were damn lucky in 2000. Here's hoping we're still lucky in 2004.
You think crabgrass is bad? You could live in New Zealand where Geyser erupts in back garden: The concept of an eye-catching water feature took on a new slant for Shaun Payne when a 25-metre geyser blew its stack in his back garden near Lake Taupo.Speaking of which, aren't geysers like, er, volcanic in origin? Though specialists were being called in today to try and deal with the geyser, Mr Payne said he had been told to keep a careful ear on events during the night and to evacuate if the rumbling and trembling under the house got any worse.Ya think? One also wonders how a "specialist" deals with a geyser. Do they try to fill it up with cement or just toss virgins in? The possibilities for hold-my-beer-and-watch-this moments abound.
Thursday, May 27, 2004 Bubba's Looking for a Love Shack! West Side Bubba: The hourlong commute from Chappaqua in Westchester County to New York City may have finally gotten to Bill Clinton.Yeah, it's the commute, I'm sure. That's what all the suburban hubbies say when they try to get their spouses' approval. While the gregarious Democrat has been busy penning his much-anticipated book in the tranquil confines of his upscale home in Westchester, friends say he's yearning to have a pied-a-terre where he could move and shake in Manhattan.Move and shake it, indeed. But while he's throwing the bucks around, maybe Bubba could spare some chump change for his brother Roger. Apparently Rog has run through all the loot he scammed selling pardons from Bubba and now he's got to come up with $24,000 or he's headed for the hoosegow.
We're having a party and Capt. Hook is invited! The BBC reports Radical cleric Abu Hamza arrested: Controversial cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri has been arrested on an extradition warrant issued by the US government, which is said to relate to terrorism.Stand by for the ear splitting whines from the usual suspects. On the other hand, maybe Kerry has found his VP candidate.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 Today's Hoot! Mickey Kaus reveals Lurch's clever plan: I was initially skeptical of the delayed-acceptance idea myself, thinking it too clever by half. But that was before I realized its diabolical tactical brilliance. You see, Kerry's handlers have clearly been busy analyzing reams of scientific opinion research--and they've reached the same conclusion that pollster Scott Rasmussen reached a couple of weeks ago:But wait, there's more!Senator Kerry loses a few points every time the spotlight focuses on him. Kerry's numbers bounce back when the focus returns to the President.Indeed, Kerry has been virtually invisible on the national radar screen lately--and he's been slowly climbing in the polls. By delaying acceptance of the nomination, Kerry can encourage speculation that he might just turn it down! Why, he may not be the nominee at all! This will result in wild journalistic scenarios about possible "Torricelli options," distracting public attention from Kerry's spirit-sapping persona much as chaff dropped from an airplane causes anti-aircraft missiles to veer off-target. Kerry's vice-presidential pick, in particular, will get star treatment from the press--another plus, since he or she will almost certainly be more appealing than Kerry himself. Perhaps Kerry's lawyers can even figure out a way for his vice-presidential choice to formally accept the #2 slot while Kerry delays--making the vice presidential candidate, in effect, the top standard-bearer and spokesman of the Democrats for a few precious weeks.More by following the link including a bonus suggestion: If they could take Wonkette's advice and have Kerry delay accepting the nomination until, say, November 1, it might actually work. [She said Nov. 3, not Nov.1-ed. Right! Democrats could urge Americans to vote for a nominee to be chosen after the election by U.N. special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi!}Now that's what I call nuance!
Line of the day From WND: "Many people mistook the learning experience of pornfest for a big group of people watching porn together."
Aren't his 15 minutes up yet? It's Big Weird Al again - Democrats unleash Gore on Bush: Al Gore will try to boost his party's chances of regaining the White House by criticizing President Bush's Iraq policy in a speech today, in which he will call for the resignation of five Bush administration officials and one military leader.You know you're in trouble when you go to roll out the big guns and all you find is a loose cannon. Who's so thick as to think this is a smooth move? The event, sponsored by the political action committee of the liberal group, seeks to motivate the Democratic base.Should have known - George Soros' Dung Beetles - Berkeley branch. But they better be careful of the feared "tonsil hockey of death" effect: In December, Mr. Gore endorsed presidential hopeful Howard Dean, a vocal critic of Mr. Bush's Iraq policy. Many viewed the endorsement as a mistake, and Mr. Dean lost the presidential nominating contests to Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat.Speaking of Al and the wingnuts at MoveOn, Al seems to be joined at the hip to them. He just got finished endorsing their big global warming scare effort based on the movie, The Poseidon Adventure, or something like that. Joyce Wadler covers the NY kickoff: The film shows LADY LIBERTY up to her neck in tidal waves, and New York City in the grip of an ice age so intense that the grid of Manhattan is turned into a giant ice cube tray. So, in keeping the mood alive, the film's promoters judiciously decided to bank the arrival line with piles of snow.Sounds like a real hot time. But the fun was just starting: But frivolous us. Here we were about to natter in our usual fashion about movie stars when we should be telling you about "A Town Hall Meeting on Global Warming" with AL GORE, ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. and AL FRANKEN. It had been planned to coincide with "The Day After Tomorrow" - the film's director ROLAND EMMERICH attended - and was presented by MoveOn.Org and Environmental Media Services on Monday afternoon at the Fourth Universalist Church on Central Park West. We saw Mr. Gore speak, accompanied by a slide show of charts and graphs.If only we didn't have Big Weird Al ranting on. Hmm, maybe it would help if Andy Borowitz scripted his lines? Former Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore raised a warning flag about the candidacy of John Kerry today, telling reporters that the Massachusetts senator "is not sexy enough to be president."That would get the troops fired up!
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 Lurch finds a "Big Issue" Unfortunately for him, it's whether he should delay "accepting" the nomination until after the Boston convention. The Boston Globe tries to spiff it up in Kerry justifies idea of nomination delay. I'll spare you the usual nostrums, but there are a couple of new wrinkles. First the Donks are taking government cash for a "nominating" convention: At the same time, two prominent campaign finance watchdogs questioned whether it would be legal for the host committee to spend $15 million in federal funds to stage the Democratic National Convention if the event does not produce Kerry's nomination.Not to worry, anything is legal if you are a Donk and no rain forests are hurt. Sometimes even then. But what about Lurch himself? Well aside from rambling on and on about the various options, he let this escape: "Once again, the Republicans don't know history, and they don't know facts," he said. "The truth is that it used to be that the convention, after nomination, traveled to the home or the state of the nominee to inform them they've been nominated. Woodrow Wilson was at his house in Princeton, N.J.; Harry Truman was in Independence," Mo., he said.Woohoo! Next he'll be telling us how great it was that folks used to crap in pots. But wait a sec, don't Lurch and the little woman have a palace in Boston? You know, the one he mortgaged for twice its value to finance his campaign and where he is registered to vote? I know Boston has a lot of traffic, but how long does it take to go crosstown?
It is a puzzlement Collin Levey in the NY Post: WE felt a little like we'd fallen down a rabbit hole last week on hearing that an artillery shell that tested positive for sarin had been discovered in a roadside bomb in Baghdad. It wasn't the nasty stuff itself that was curious - as Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld intimated, some stray chemical munitions could signify any number of things, or not much at all. The extraordinary part was the tizzy the media and various noteworthies were in to discount it .Hey, Collin - you have to go with the talking points, no matter how ludicrous they seem.
It's that time of year again! When the moonbats show up for well paying gigs delivering harangues at graduation ceremonies, that is. Although he doesn't need the loot, Ernst Blofeld showed up a week ago at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs where his delusions were right at home: Indeed, Soros declared, the War on Terror has claimed far more innocent lives than the terrorist attacks on 9/11 — an event that "could not have changed the course of history for the worse if President Bush had not responded the way he did."One can't help but wish that Georgie and the dung beetles in the audience get to meet some Islamofascists up close and personal. But not all moonbats are so well received. Aging poseur E.L. Docotorow got the bird at Hofstra while devoting his 20 minute turn on stage to attacking the President. Today, Peggy Noonan takes Eddy to the woodshed - Doctorow's Malpractice: Hofstra students use boos responsibly. The best part: I want to explain to Ed Doctorow why he was booed. It was not, as he no doubt creamily recounted in a storytelling session over drinks that night in Sag Harbor, that those barbarians in Long Island's lesser ZIP codes don't want to hear the truth. It is not that they oppose free speech. It is not that the poor boobs of Long Island have an unaccountable affection for George W. Bush.And good riddance to the vapid punk.
He's as moderate as all get out! Over at there's a good discussion of the Pew Research Center political survey of big media journalists and everybody's fave, Dan Rather. My favorite part: Although he likely was not surveyed by the Pew Center, Dan Rather's attitudes toward himself and the press are strikingly similar to the national journalists who were polled. Like many of them, he insists that he is a moderate and is seemingly oblivious to the idea that the press is dominated by liberals who often inject their opinions into their stories.A concise summary of ole Dan.
Monday, May 24, 2004 Seems to me I've heard that one before! Tin foil beanie Teresa is featured in USA Today and NewsMax notices an inconsistency - Heinz Kerry: SUVs Are Safer: To the environmentalists she funds with her billion-dollar philanthropy, SUVs are public enemy number one. But when it comes to her own personal driving needs, Teresa Heinz Kerry says she drives SUVs because they're safer.OK by me, Terry! But that one usually prompts howls of angst from your ecoweenie pals. How come I can't hear any now? There is a nuance, of course. The would-be first lady is said to be "angry that U.S. car manufacturers have taken so long to build a fuel-efficient four-wheel-drive vehicle." So she's now planning to buy a gas-electric hybrid Ford Escape.She's probably upset that they haven't built her a flying saucer yet, either.
Time for a pictorial pop quiz! Which is freakier - the techno fan or the bike dyke? Of course, they're both mild by comparison to the "American" media. Sorry, no pictures of them.
Sunday, May 23, 2004 Flipper may be serious! Delegates receptive to nontraditional convention, even if it would lose some of the fun : Democratic activists say they are receptive to the idea of eliminating the nomination from their nominating convention to give John Kerry a better financial shot against President Bush.Steffie was apparently talking about Lurch although that description makes it hard to tell. Meanwhile, Gary Ficken, a delegate from up the road in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, said, ''I think it will be boring. I can't imagine attending a convention and him not formally accepting and giving a speech.''Bwahaha! Why not? And Boston's mayor weighs in: A frustrated Mayor Thomas M. Menino yesterday urged Sen. John F. Kerry to make good on plans to accept the Democratic presidential nomination in the Hub, bluntly telling Kerry to ``just do it.''But Tom, that wouldn't be properly nuanced!
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