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Saturday, February 28, 2004 Here's two more members of the club Mugabe hailed as a 'freedom warrior' Caracas - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, under fire at home and abroad for his intimidation of domestic opponents, was feted as a "warrior of freedom" on Thursday by Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez.Who knew? I thought he was merely a psychotic thug. The 80-year-old African leader, who is barred from traveling to the European Union by EU sanctions, was warmly received by left-winger Chavez after he arrived in Caracas to attend a two-day summit of developing nations.And a nice bunch of soul mates they are, Hugo. How about this? President Robert Mugabe's government has set up secret camps across the country in which thousands of youths are taught how to torture and kill, the BBC has learned.Hugo probably wishes he thought of it first.
The leftist thugs hang together SA to take arms to Haiti Pretoria - A South African air force plane will leave for Haiti early next week to support the country's government.They have to because they are all afraid of hanging. Here's more from Hillary Clinton's To help accomplish this, Talbott pressed for the use of the U.S. military to restore an extreme leftist, defrocked Catholic priest Jean Bertrand Aristide, to power in Haiti in 1994. Confidential documents from the U.N., publicized by AIM at the time, said that Talbott and other officials viewed an invasion as “politically desirable.”Sounds like a warm kind of guy. And of course, the prize goes to U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown, a Democrat from the designated black seat in Jacksonville, FL: U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown verbally attacked a top Bush administration official during a briefing on the Haiti crisis Wednesday, calling the President's policy on the beleaguered nation "racist" and his representatives "a bunch of white men."Ah, the race card, the first refuge of all scoundrels. I guess the usual suspects get a tad cranky when one of the leftoid club gets the boot. Here's a snap of the winsome Corrine whose congressional web site describes her as a "a public servant who prides herself on delivering the goods and services of the federal government to her constituents." Sounds like a mission statement for the Democrat party!
Friday, February 27, 2004 Is that one of those "nuanced" positions? Kerry, Edwards Differ on Trade, Death Penalty Kerry, who has dominated the Democratic race with wins in 18 of the first 20 contests, said he favored the death penalty only in cases of terrorism. But asked in the debate at the University of Southern California about a child killer, he said he would "want to strangle that person with my own hands."Hmm, I wonder how that works? Maybe he's running for executioner?
Ruh Oh! Terpsboy blew through his monthly bandwidth allocation at his regular site so now he's holed up at his old blogspot digs until next month. Drop by and check out the goodness (and give him a hard time).
Paul Krugman Sics FBI on Blogger (Via FR) It's that butthead Krugman again with his soiled knickers in a twist. Check out this comment by zee (from Spiced Sass) over at Little Green Footballs: OTWhile I don't know what zee's missive said, here's today's lesson, kids: Don't y'all go callin' Paul Krugman an inflamed hemorrhoid on Terry McAuliffe's ass, or suggest that he has carnal knowledge of canines, or even speculate that he ingests excrement; because he'll sic a tired FBI agent on you, who should be tracking down Islamic terrorists. Pond scum. UPDATE: Now there's a full thread on this at lgf.
It's good work if you can find it! Castro a Multi-Millionaire Fidel Castro rules the poverty stricken population of Communist Cuba where the average citizen scrapes by on starvation wages while managing to become one of the world's richest men.And if you claim to be "a man of the people," you can get the US media to help you achieve your dreams.
Thursday, February 26, 2004 More Haiti Hijinks! The NY Post gives Lurch a swift kick in Kerry's Haitian Hooey February 26, 2004 -- Sen. John Kerry has tried to blame the crisis in Haiti on President Bush, claiming that the administration fostered the instability that led to the uprising against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.If you've missed the leftoids' support for Bertie, check out this outrageous whitewash at - "Aristide, a populist, leftist, charismatic leader of the poor." You get the idea although they aren't too much at message control at CommonDreams as their inclusion of this Guardian article reveals: With no army and only a few thousand poorly trained police, Aristide has relied on armed gangs to sustain his authority. In 2000, he rigged parliamentary elections in favor of his own party, sparking outrage and laying the basis for a broad-based opposition, which has gathered pace and strength in recent months.A man of the people fer sure! But back to the Post: Now one of those same violent street gangs - the "cannibal army" from Gonsalves - has turned against its patron and is leading the rebellion.Indeed. But the first lesson in Third World Dictators 101 is to claim to be a leader of the poor and downtrodden. It gets you a pass for all kinds of abuse as southern Africa, Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro have been illustrating for years. The Bush administration has dealt with the uprising correctly - by pushing for a diplomatic solution together with the Caribbean and international communities.John Kerry is the guy who was famously enamored of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua. Is there a leftist thug anywhere that he doesn't like? Just wondering. UPDATE: I forgot to mention one other group that never met a leftist thug they didn't like - Black U.S. Lawmakers Try to Help Haiti. Of course, to the AP, "black lawmakers" means the race pimps in the Congressional Black Caucus and their cronies. The last time democracy fell apart in Haiti, black Democrats launched a very public campaign to get the Clinton administration to return Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power.Quick, pull down the shades and turn off the TV! But isn't the president doing the multilateral thing all these leftoids love? The president said he supports creation of an international security presence in Haiti to maintain order if a political settlement is reached.Sounds like a double standard to me! Now they want immediate unilateral action. And it's nice the way Jesse can ferret out "democracies" that everyone else misses. But I'm curious. Aside from a common leftoid persuasion, why do they love this guy so much? Could some cash be involved?
Wednesday, February 25, 2004 Prime Time Snooze Looting Erupts As Foreigners Leave Haiti PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Foreigners tried to flee Haiti on Wednesday, some guarded by U.S. Marines, as looting erupted in the capital and pressure mounted for international intervention in the 3-week-old uprising against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.Pressure? I must have missed it. I'm not feeling any pressure. Panic overtook the city, although there was no sign of the rebels who have overrun half of Haiti and are threatening Port-au-Prince.Sounds like a typical day in Haiti. Oh wait, here's some pressure from the violet sniffer: And French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin urged the "immediate" dispatch of an international civilian force to restore order in its former colony.I hope the "civilians" have rifles and lots of ammo. Grenade launchers would be good too. France also said it wants human rights observers sent to Haiti and a "long term" engagement of international aid aimed at reconstructing its economy.Kind of like what has been going on there for decades.
It's another pesky clarification! Kerry defends security fence: US Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, the frontrunner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, described Israel's construction of a security barrier as a "legitimate act of self defense" after Sunday's suicide bombing in Jerusalem, clarifying a position he took in October when he told an Arab American audience, "We don't need another barrier to peace."I'm just waiting for the revised clarification.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004 And I thought it was my fault! (Via Ryne McClaren) Democrat Kerry Blames Bush 'Neglect' for Haiti Crisis.
I'll be gobsmacked! I would Fisk the hell out of this, but I can't work up the energy. John Derbyshire at The Corner - Why I left England: For readers who enjoyed Mark Steyn's piece in the London Daily Telegraph this morning, here is a picture of the young lass he's writing about. I understand that she is open to proposals of marriage... so long as it does not involve her actually DOING anything.I liked the picture of her and mom the best.
It's that Lurch fella again! Sydney Schanberg in the Village Voice - When John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A. Senator John Kerry, a decorated battle veteran, was courageous as a navy lieutenant in the Vietnam War. But he was not so courageous more than two decades later, when he covered up voluminous evidence that a significant number of live American prisoners—perhaps hundreds—were never acknowledged or returned after the war-ending treaty was signed in January 1973.Nice illustration of Lurch as well. In the end, the fact that Senator Kerry covered up crucial evidence as committee chairman didn't seem to bother too many Massachusetts voters when he came up for re-election—or the recent voters in primary states. So I wouldn't predict it will be much of an issue in the presidential election come November. It seems there is no constituency in America for missing Vietnam P.O.W.'s except for their families and some veterans of that war.Hey, according to Lurch they were all baby rapers anyhow. That boy sure is pond scum.
He's didn't go to Canada after all! Fearless Leader ALEC Baldwin isn't suffering from any lack of self-esteem. In A&E's "Biography: Alec Baldwin," premiering tonight, the bombastic actor compares himself to Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, who wrote "Soul on Ice."Did Eldridge beat his wife too? Baldwin recalls that when he was younger, "My dad said to me, 'If you were black . . . with your personality,' he said, 'Do you think you would be Martin Luther King, or would you be Eldridge Cleaver? Would you be patient and wise, and kind, and peaceful?' He said, 'Or do you think you'd really, really get out there and . . . exert yourself a little more in order to leverage change in our society?' And I knew the answer . . . I knew the answer was the latter."Based on the picture accompanying the article, it looks like Alec's main exertion is calling over the dessert cart for another helping.
Monday, February 23, 2004 What's wrong with this picture? The Raleigh News and Observer delivers in its usual style with More need help in Spanish: Triangle tax firms are maneuvering to capture one market that never stopped booming.Good news you say? Consider that this is the Raleigh News and Observer who wants us to "welcome the new neighbors," honor matricular consulars as identification, and can't seem to get out the words illegal alien. Here's their poster boy "immigrant": Roman Acosta-Zuniga, 37, a construction worker from Honduras, followed a Spanish-language handbill and a nephew's recommendation to Liberty Tax Service's Wake Forest Road office, where he was filling out tax forms recently.Indeed. The rest of the article is about all the tax preparation businesses courting the "immigrant" customers. But there are some problems: Tax firms are increasingly reaching across the language gap to capitalize on this growth, despite complications of documentation and identity that snarled many returns for Hispanic taxpayers last year.Er, there might be more than one reason for that, pal. Ever hear of phony or stolen Social Security numbers? But actually our beneficent bureaucrats have provided an alternative - IRS seminars, IDs help illegal immigrants pay US taxes: It's been just an hour, but tax counselors at a recent IRS seminar at an immigrant community center have already seen 100 people and are facing an overflow crowd in the waiting room hoping for tax help.And some say it's a sign that the bureaucrats and their enablers in the Donk party are completely out of control. They're probably registering the illegals to vote too.
It's not over until the fat lady ... Hits her transvestite boyfriend with a chair. Jerry Springer Opera Scoops British Theater Awards. But deep in the article was the biggest shocker: Judi Dench, known to cinema audiences around the world as James Bond's spy chief "M," received a special award in recognition of her contribution to British theater."Judi"? I guess I haven't seen a Bond film lately. I thought that M was always played by Bernard Lee.
Sunday, February 22, 2004 Today's Hoot Mark Steyn, of course, who asks So which would America rather have: Pretty Boy or Long Face? So the race has come down to a weak default candidate v a glamorous insurgent who is not quite glamorous to insurge sufficiently. Other than that, there is not much to choose between them. Both men are enormously wealthy. Kerry was a blueblood of relatively minor means who married a woman worth $300 million and then traded up to a woman worth $500 million. If I were Teresa Heinz Kerry I'd be worried, now Massachusetts is introducing gay marriage, that hubby may start giving the come-hither look to some of the state's elderly bachelor billionaires.Only if he gets a percentage.
Follow the money Remember the 270 foreign weasels who Saddam was paying off under the "Oil for Food" program? It didn't get too much play in the USA since it was an "incovenient" story for the media leftoids. But the foreign press has been following up on some of their local bigs who were on the list. Here's one from South Africa featuring the pompous thugs at the African National Congress - Shady Iraq oil deals: The ANC connection Top brass flew to Baghdad with publicity-shy empowerment businessmanRunning an "empowerment" business sounds like a good gig! I wonder how you start one up? The Sunday Times has uncovered several overseas trips on which Majali accompanied Motlanthe and Msimang. Imvume also paid a R40 000 bill in July 2002 for the ANC to host a dinner in Johannesburg for Aziz, who was in South Africa as a special guest of Deputy President Jacob Zuma.I believe that is called "splitting up the loot". Kind of gives a new perspective to all that South African "holier than thou" whining about the USA picking on poor widdle Saddy, doesn't it? But don't worry, the ANC politicos have an explanation for all their trips to Iraq: Motlanthe this week confirmed that he had accompanied Majali to Iraq at least twice. "My job as the ANC secretary-general is to do party-to-party negotiations to strengthen our relationships with other parties.An understatement.
The sharks smell blood in the water Beer may suffer the Joe Camel effect: Suit against brewers sounds very familiar If a new class action lawsuit forces Anheuser-Busch Inc. and Miller Brewing Co. to pay billions of dollars in damages for alleged marketing to underage drinkers, it will be because the nation's two largest brewers were linked with an advertising icon-turned-villain: Joe Camel.If it's a cartoon, it must be targetting tykes! Bad news for animators, good news for the "Swedish Bikini Team." Hmm, maybe they're directed at kids too? How about Dr. Ruth for Miller Lite? "This is about pitching your product expressly or implicitly to underage people," said Robert Carey, an attorney with the Hagens Berman law firm, which filed the suit earlier this month in Los Angeles County Superior Court. The Seattle-based firm has built a reputation as one of the nation's top tobacco litigators.It would save a lot of time all around for serious people if we just had a national "sin tax" on booze, butts, fast food and other designated sins and transferred the money directly to a slush fund for lawyers. Then let them sue each other to divvy it up.
He's back And he's got a big sad on! Former President Carter says Americans generally oblivious to suffering elsewhere in the world NORTHFIELD, MINN. -- Former President Jimmy Carter delivered a Saturday sermon to a standing-room-only crowd at St. Olaf College, condemning the American people as much as their leaders for what he called their indifference to the disease and despair that prevail in much of the developing world.Nice to see that the mooncalf is bleating the same old song. And he had a receptive audience: He was greeted with foot-stomping rapture, applauded not only in the college's Skoglund Center gymnasium but again in the lobby by audience members who disobeyed a request and sneaked outside to watch him be escorted to his car."I saw Jimmah get into his car!" Must have been tasty Kool-Aid. Jimmy's solution, of course, is for the taxpayers to fork over. He also opined He said he believes that the Bush administration has squandered the opportunity offered by the global outpouring of goodwill after Sept. 11, and it now needs to exit Iraq with as much dignity as it can manage, while remaining responsible for the security of that nation's people.Typical Jimmy moonshine, but hey, he's an expert! Although Carter is remembered for his emphasis on human rights and peace, he also emphasized, in a question that challenged him on the need to maintain military strength to maintain peace, that he is a veteran. Indeed, among presidents since the Civil War, he said, he ranks second only to Dwight Eisenhower, supreme Allied commander in Europe in World War II, for his number of years of military service.Based on his record as president, we're lucky he didn't blow up the submarines he served on. Or turn them over to the locals in some pest hole to use as a greenhouse.
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