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Saturday, August 30, 2003 The rats are leaving the sinking ship! Carl Limbacher amuses with Hillary to Gray Davis: You're on Your Own: It looks as if politically doomed Democrat Gov. Gray Davis won't be getting any more help from U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, who has apparently written off his chances to survive October's recall vote.Real warm of the witch. But wait, Christopher Ruddy points to an even more sinister turn of events in Why Gray Davis Is Toast: Gray Davis is toast, but apparently no one has told him just yet.Don't worry though, the Curmudgeon has a clever plan. As for me, I think a politician with Aztec warrior fantasies fits right in with the California ambiance.
Today's hoot From NZ Pundit: All star Iraqi blogger, the uptight and frequently overwraught Salam Pax, had his parent's home raided by the US troops. Although he wasn't there he claims they knicked his father's Johnny Walker and the troop's informant confused some African carpenters with a Sundanese terrorist group.Shhhh, Gordon! You're not suposed to ask.
It's our little pals again (Via The Tocquevillian) Four With Al Qaeda Ties Arrested in Najaf Mosque Bombing: NAJAF, Iraq — Iraqi police have arrested four men in connection with the bombing of Iraq's most holiest Shiite Muslim shrine, and all four have connections to Usama bin Laden's Al Qaeda terror network, a senior police official told The Associated Press on Saturday.It's what they do. It's all they do. Until they're dead.
Friday, August 29, 2003 Her Imperial Heinous Alert! Sky News says Hillary to run in 2004. Rush Limbaugh says I told you so. Scrappleface says: The so-called 'blogosphere' today released an official statement on the potential 2004 presidential candidacy of Sen. Hillary Clinton. The complete statement reads as follows:I say, "Shall we dance?"
It's that annoying violet sniffer Kenneth Timmerman has the skinny in French Propose Their World Order: In an Aug. 25 speech that was almost surreal for its flighty idealism, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin called for a "new world organization" to replace the United Nations as it is currently structured.He's channeling Napoleon again. The new collective-security system should be "founded on collective responsibility and world democracy," de Villepin said. In particular, he said that France was now looking favorably to the idea of enlarging membership of the U.N. Security Council and vesting it with expanded powers. While he provided no specifics in his speech, aides later said that he believed Germany, Japan, India, Brazil and a major African power such as Nigeria all should be given permanent seats on the council, along with veto power over all Security Council resolutions, including those authorizing the use of force.Translation from diplospeak - an enlarged peanut gallery will tell the USA what to do and it'll have to obey. And pay for it too, I'm sure. Dream on, Dominique.
And speaking of wankers with weird hobbies Drop on by for a laugh: 430 days from now, U.S. citizens will elect their new President. The outcome of these elections directly influences the lives of citizens around the world.Much like MoveOn's "electronic primary" it's a glorified online poll with mailing list building overtones. I'm so excited.
Aztec Warrior Alert! The best thing about Cruz Bustamante and his membership in the MEChA/Aztlan gang is the whole Aztec imagery shtick. This seems to involve a lot of Aztec warriors vowing revenge (or something) over swooning maidens like this and this. It sure is swell that Cruz has a hobby. ![]()
It had to happen - Allah has a Blog In the name of Myself, the compassionate, the merciful, the perpetually enraged, Allah inaugurates this blog and declares it now and for eternity for the glorious ummah, the fruit of Islam, the sons and daughters of Mohammed (PBUH), the Muslims of all nations. AND NO ONE ELSE. Allah wants to be crystal clear on this point because if any Hebrews show up later and start acting like they own the place, Allah is just going to LOSE HIS SHIT.Ruh Oh! It's complete with links to "Satans who make Allah feel a little funny in the pants."
Ewwwwww! Matthew at A Fearful Symmetry reveals The Kiss Worth Missing. Apparently at the MTV Music Awards, in a scripted spontaneous moment, that skank Madonna put a heavy duty lip lock on Britney Spears and then Christina Aguilera. I'm so shocked! Actually, I mostly hope they don't tell Al Gore and Tipper or who knows what we'll see at the next Democrat convention.
You read it here first! Some "experts" from the "Smart Growth" crowd hit the wires yesterday with a new study Sprawling Suburbs May Help Fuel Obesity and the Kool Aid drinkers in local newsrooms are lapping it up. Sprawling suburbs that make it harder for people to get around without a car may help fuel obesity: Americans who live in the most sprawling counties tend to weigh 6 more pounds than their counterparts in the most compact areas.OK, I'll bite - how big's the problem? The nation's most compact areas were four boroughs of New York City — Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens; San Francisco County; Jersey City, N.J.'s Hudson County; Philadelphia; and Boston's Suffolk County.Well that's a huge honking problem, fer sure! Zzzzzz. And I'll eat vegetables any day rather than live in the Bronx or Jersey City. These "Smart Growth" weenies won't be happy until we are all living in Bauhaus boxes. But one thing puzzles me. Why not examine people who live in real sprawl country - farm country? They have to drive everywhere because there is nowhere to walk to if they cared to. It wouldn't be because farm people live rather less sedentary than the rest of the population, would it? That and the fact that they want to condemn suburbs. The AP article obfuscates the source of this stuff, but the base Press Release makes it clear: The study, Relationship between Urban Sprawl and Physical Activity, Obesity, and Morbidity is being published in a special issue of the American Journal of Health Promotion. Smart Growth America and the Surface Transportation Policy Project have issued a companion report, Measuring the Health Effects of Sprawl ...I'm so surprised.
Auld Lang Syne Alert Molly Hennessey-Fiske in the Raleigh News & Observer provides a blast from the past in The Russians are cunning: RALEIGH -- The former Soviet general -- the spy, the turncoat -- came to town Wednesday to warn against his own.Sheesh, why did they bother? Out homegrown leftoids are perfectly capable of figuring out how to backstab the nation on their own.
Good thing there's not a tin foil shortage! AnalogKid at Random Nuclear Strikes nets a beauty: I'm sure you've all heard about the blackout in London yesterday, but have you checked your local Indymedia sites?I didn't know Hillary posted on Indymedia! I bet she looks quite fetching in her foil chapeau. Which reminds me, as long as it's fancy dress, I better order an "I am the VRWC" tee shirt.
Thursday, August 28, 2003 The Cruzer has some 'splaining to do! ![]() Snort. They also love militant Islam and hate Jews. And Cruz Bustamante won't say a bad word about them. Full details at Spiced Sass. UPDATE: Cruzer makes it official - Bustamante Won't Renounce Ties to Chicano Student Group: California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, the grandson of Mexican immigrants who counts improving race relations among his biggest pursuits, refused Thursday to renounce his past ties to a little-known Hispanic organization considered by critics to be as racist as the Ku Klux Klan.And what an education it is: MEChA has used violence in the past to make its case. At a July 4 celebration in 1996, members of the group, who call themselves Mechistas, were videotaped attacking black and white Americans protesting illegal immigration. In 1993, students at UCLA caused $500,000 worth of damage during protests to demand a Chicano studies department. MEChA has also been associated with anti-Semitic groups like Nation of Aztlan.That sounds inclusive. UPDATE 2: But wait, there's more - Bustamante Seeks to Regulate Oil Industry in California. The Butterball wants to regulate gasoline prices in California and had a big sad on because of those evil capitalists: Bustamante did recognize that the oil industry adds significant revenue to the state's economy and employs thousands of well-paid workers in refineries. But he said because of the environmental damage that California faces as a result of being the home to these companies, the state deserves to get something back.And weird gasoline blends used nowhere else. Even more unfortunate for the fussy little fellow is the fact that California refines less than a third of its gasoline and brings the rest in from out of state refineries. Hmm, aside from Cruz lacking any clue, this could be a laboratory for practical economics. Kind of tough on the natives though.
Mugabe's Pleasure Dome (Via Rantburg) Everyone's favorite wingnut African dictator, Bobby Mugabe, has the nesting urge - Mugabe's $9m pleasure dome: Robert Mugabe is building a lavish $A9 million palace on the outskirts of Zimbabwe's capital, Harare.Bobby is a busy guy with all that thuggery he has to organize. I guess he feels he needs a few perks. Construction of a helicopter pad and extensive communications lines at the new site casts doubt on Mr Mugabe's intention to retire, suggesting that he intends to continue running the country from his new home.Dictators don't retire if they would like to die in bed.
Piscine Payback! Crazy Carp Have Invaded Missouri's River: Crazy carp have invaded Missouri's rivers. Two species of nonnative carp have been jumping into boats, injuring occupants and damaging the watercraft.Who would have thought you would need a shotgun loaded with birdshot to go fishing? Don't forget to lead 'em!
More on Sparkler Boy I was so intrigued to hear that Howard Dean was a "national advocate against sparklers" that I did a little Googling and found Dean under fire from Vermont firefighters: Facing criticism by the top firefighters union official in his home state, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean agreed yesterday to clear the air in a meeting with officials of the New Hampshire firefighters union.Hey Howie, is that a sparkler in your pocket or are you just glad to see us?
And speaking of Hillary and Howie From Richard Johnson's Page Six column in the NY Post - Dean Lead Helps Hillary: August 28, 2003 -- With Howard Dean sprinting away from the rest of the Democratic presidential candidates, Sen. Hillary Clinton can now relax and start planning for 2008 - confident that Dean will go down in flames. "Dean is McGovern without the folksy charm," said one observer ...I think of Howie as McGovern with the charm of a telemarketer.
Another hoot Emmett Tyrrell at So it looks like Dr. Howard Dean is not going to get the feminist vote. In his party, that is a large percentage of the vote. Now what if Senator John Pierre Kerry takes the gay vote? And what if the environmentalists go to Congressman Dennis Kucinich? We know that the unions lean toward other candidates, and very few African Americans appear in Dr. Howard Dean's spontaneous crowds.Hey, you can't be a Democrat anymore unless you have a big sad on!
Today's hoot! The NY Post editorializes - Hillary Knows Conspiracies: August 28, 2003 -- "I know a little bit about how White Houses work. I know somebody picked up a phone, somebody got on a computer, somebody sent an e-mail, somebody called for a meeting, somebody, probably under instructions from somebody further up the chain, told the EPA, 'Don't tell the people of New York the truth,' and I want to know who that is."Still playing the same old tune on her fascist banjo.
Howard the Duck alert! Deborah Orin's NY Post article, Dean Machine Makes Mincemeat of Routed Rivals, has the latest on Howie's Hijinks including this gem: All of which has rivals desperately seeking a "silver bullet" to shock Dem activists into thinking twice about Dean - who does have some awkward points in his record as Vermont governor.There's a bold position for you!
Wednesday, August 27, 2003 It's awful! Over at Give War a Chance, Emily puts the hammer down on whining crapsack Arthur Miller in "Help, help! I'm Being Oppressed!": Does anybody else recall their own trepidation following the "disappearance" of Maureen Dowd? What about when Noam Chomsky's limp body was discovered in a roadside brush, a single bullet to his temple? The country coiled in shock when it was announced that traces of arsenic were discovered in the empty box of Krispy-Kremes that ultimately killed Michael Moore. As this is written, a Dixie Chick sits in a dark cell, living on peckings, uncertain of her fate, while Janeane Garofalo hasn't been given the opportunity to co-star in a shit film since literally the start of the so-called "war on terror". When will the nightmare end?You go girl! All these wusses mewling about the chilling of dissent are basically complaining that someone had the temerity to disagree with their pontifications. I wonder what they would do if they met up with some bona fide nasty types like Bobby Mugabe or Saddam Hussein? Probably have a mob scene trying to kiss their feet.
Danger! Donks at work! Craig Cantoni on the Phoenix "gas crisis" and Arizona's primo Donk governor - Gaseous rhetoric from crisis: There has been no shortage of gaseous rhetoric from Gov. Janet Napolitano, a lawyer by trade, about the gas shortage. Like most liberals and other economic illiterates, her immediate reaction was to blame private industry.But Craig, I'm sure the desert is the only known habitat of the fulminating sand flea. Digging a trench in the sand and putting the sand back might upset their delicate mating dance and harm the species. Future generations would lose the genetic diversity that might provide humanity a cure for tennis elbow!
Bali bomber thanks anti-war protesters The man who helped mix the deadly one-tonne Bali nightclub bomb Sawad, alias Sardjiyo, yesterday said he wanted to thank the Australian people who had supported his cause during recent Australian anti-Gulf War protests.I'm sure they think you two winguts are quite welcome. It's great when all the asshats get together.
Tuesday, August 26, 2003 That must be it! Over in Germany that is - Bad Feng Shui Blamed for MPs Lacking Ideas: BERLIN (Reuters) - If German politicians lack ideas for reforming the country's struggling healthcare and pensions systems, they can now blame an adverse flow of energy in their workplace.And I thought it was just because there were so many leftoids hanging about! So what's the solution? To keep the energy inside, the dome should be coated with a protective foil, he said.A giant tin foil beanie! What a plan - it'll defeat those CIA mind control rays too.
Clue Shortage Alert! NOW/PAC Endorses Carol Moseley Braun for President: "Today, Women's Equality Day, the National Organization for Women's Political Action Committee is proud to announce our endorsement of former Ambassador and Senator Carol Moseley Braun for president of the United States. Both the National Women's Political Caucus and the National Congress of Black Women join us in endorsing.I guess gender is more important than honesty to the harpies.
Tired of those "ethical investing" weenies? You know. The wankers who want you to invest in tofu stores, sandal manufacturers, and organic bean sprout farms. Well you can forget that wussy crap, because UK broker launches 'vice' fund: Brokerage firm Willis Owen has unveiled plans to launch a 'vice' fund dedicated to putting money in companies shunned by ethical investment campaigners.Hot dang, time to shift the retirement funds!
Naughty, naughty Cruzer! Barry Witt and Howard Mintz at the Merc reveal that Bustamante using donor loophole: Despite a voter-approved measure that was supposed to keep big money donations out of California politics, Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante is exploiting a gaping loophole in the law that will allow him to collect up to $4 million in large sums from a handful of special-interest donors.Say what? The 2002 election committee? But Bustamante can legally transfer the money to his 2003 ``Yes on Bustamante'' committee, formed this month to support his campaign for governor in the Oct. 7 recall election, according to the Fair Political Practices Commission, which governs California election finance.Oh yeah, the Sycuan Band has 120 members. And a big honking casino and a resort/country club. Good thing the Democrat party is the party of the people or I'd think they might be in the hip pocket of special interests! BTW: The article has a nice snap of Cruzer too. Wotta guy!
Monday, August 25, 2003 It's War! The first shot was fired by Tony Ball of BSkyB - BBC 'should sell popular shows': The BBC should be made to sell its most popular programmes to its commercial rivals and concentrate more on its public service obligations, the chief executive of BSkyB said yesterday.It must be grating to have to pay a television license fee to the BBC. It would be like National Public Radio collecting a fee on every working radio in the USA. But then there was a counterattack - BBC launches public attack on Murdoch 'imperialism': The controller of BBC1 launched an unprecedented attack on Rupert Murdoch yesterday, calling the media billionaire a "capital imperialist" who wants to destabilise the corporation because he "is against everything the BBC stands for".That's certainly not much of a recommendation. And we're also pleased to hear: The BBC has been alarmed by the increasingly close relationship between the Government and Mr Murdoch's British newspapers, at a time when the BBC's relationship with New Labour is strained as never before. The frostiness of the relationship has raised speculation that the Government will consider abolishing the licence fee in its forthcoming review of the BBC's charter.Now we're talking. And I'm puzzled by the BBC honchos' pretensions to some sort of policy making role. They merely run a TV network on the backs of the taxpayers. Of course, I should not be surprised - that's what the public broadcasters do in the USA too except they have pledge drives. And finally, the Guardian is in full BBC defense mode. They have to protect their allies in the leftoid media.
Geeks and Chicks Alert! Ashlee Vance has fun in The Register with Anna K sends Amazon CEO into shock: CEO Jeff Bezos appeared to enter "sexpot shock" while joining tennis star Anna Kournikova for the Friday opening of the NASDAQ exchange.Obligatory Anna snaps by following the links in the article and also here.
Sunday, August 24, 2003 Party Hearty Alert! Tony Paterson in the Telegraph - Schröder's artist friend caught in sex, drug scandal: A leading German artist, befriended by Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and commissioned to paint his official portrait, is at the centre of a scandal after being caught hosting a cocaine party with nine prostitutes.Party on, Dude! The police, who were apparently tipped off by a rival prostitute who had not been invited to the party, found a further 10.6 grams of the drug in Immendorf's atelier nearby.There's always a wet blanket! But what's the connection with Mr. Grecian Formula? Lurid newspaper reports of the arrest have scandalised Germany, and put a question mark over Mr Schroder's surprising decision to engage Immendorf to paint the portrait which will hang alongside those of other post-war chancellors in the Berlin Chancellery.Wotta guy!
Today's Hoot Eric Raymond has an An Open Letter to Darl McBride. The first part: Mr. McBride:If the crew at SCO had the faintest clue, they would have noticed that messing with the Linux crowd is like sticking your hand in a hornet's nest. Then again, the path to profits through lawsuits requires its devotees to be startlingly obtuse.
Please leave the robot at home! No, it's not Al Gore. Robot Shows Prime Minister How to Loosen Up: PRAGUE (Reuters) - A robot with impeccable manners charmed guests at a state dinner with his wisecracks and dancing, outshining Czech Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla and showing up his often-mocked social stiffness.It seems to me that talking to robots is like talking to ventriliquists' dummies or puppets - it's OK for kiddie shows, but not something that adults do. I guess I can't muster up the necessary suspension of disbelief. They should have asked Junichiro to park the robot in the coat room.
Euroweenie Alert! In France, Nothing Gets in the Way of Vacation PARIS — Don't get sick in Paris in August.Much more by following the link, but here's a beauty: The Italian media were full of reports this month about Maria Di Dio, 82, a widow from Caltanissetta, Sicily, and mother of 12 grown children. The police detained her son Salvatore after he deposited his mother on the doorstep of his brother Leonardo in 105 degree heat, before departing for his August holiday. Salvatore argued that it had been Leonardo's turn to care for their mother, even though he admitted knowing that Leonardo had already gone on vacation.Warm, real warm. Speaking of which - Europe Reacts Coolly to Bush's Call to Freeze Charities' Assets PARIS, Aug. 23 — Europe has reacted tepidly to President Bush's call to freeze the assets of four European charities said by the administration to be sending cash to Palestinian militants. That sets the stage for another trans-Atlantic rift over Middle East policy.Sure, I believe it. The political wing doesn't know a thing about what the military wing is doing. When monkeys fly out of Chirac's butt.
Naked Protestor Pics! Apparently in San Francisco, the circus is in town. Then again, in San Francisco the circus is always in town.
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