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Saturday, April 26, 2003 Today's Hoot! The Smoking Gun reports that Madonna has run into a spot of trouble with the hacker community: Days after Madonna took a sharp swipe at music file-sharers, the singer's web site was hacked Saturday (4/19) by an electronic interloper who posted MP3 files of every song from "American Life," the controversial performer's new album, which will be officially released Tuesday. The site,, was taken offline shortly after the attack was detected early Saturday morning and remained shut for nearly 15 hours.Follow the link for a screenshot. But this is more than just a web site defacement story: [It] is an apparent response to Madonna's move last week to seed peer-to-peer networks like Kazaa with files that appeared to be cuts from her new album. In fact, the purported songs were digital decoys, with frustrated downloaders discovering only a looped tape of the singer asking, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"The hacked site says "This is what the fuck I think I'm doing." Inevitably, Morgan has a blog.
Meanwhile back at the ranch I see that I have been neglecting domestic political hijinks lately. By way of remedy, did you catch the latest Hillary flap? Steven Brill: Hillary Fabricated 9/11 Records: U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton had her staff fabricate records of meetings and phone calls to families of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks to burnish her image as New York's leading politician on 9/11 issues, the author of a new book on how U.S. officials dealt with the aftermath of the attacks charged Sunday.That ole gal is sure handy! But don't worry about her - she's got a good left hook: After ignoring the story for five days, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton was finally forced to respond Thursday night to an allegation that she fabricated records of meetings with families of 9/11 victims - after Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly broke the mainstream media embargo on what some are calling the most serious charge ever lodged against the scandal-scarred former first lady.Hey, the records were just lost for a while, but they found them in her closet! Then there was the latest John Kerry brouhaha: Quoting unnamed advisers, the Times said the Bush campaign considers Kerry the most likely to win the Democratic nomination from the current field of nine candidates. The Bush team also believes Kerry is vulnerable because of his Northeastern roots and patrician air.Wanting to do my best to further the politics of personal destruction, I was getting ready to fire up Photoshop, but frankly Kerry would look really poor in a beret. Maybe a flannel shirt and tuque as Jacques, the French Canadian lumberjack, but the beret would just be too wierd. But then a better opportunity came along when Kerry's wealthy but wacky wife popped up to deliver: ``They'll probably say he's French, he's Jewish . . . he's a monkey,'' Heinz Kerry said of her husband, whose Jewish roots recently became a campaign issue.The only "issue" involving Kerry's "Jewish roots" is the humor surrounding the years Kerry spent telling everyone he was Irish. As Jay Nordlinger observes, I don't seem to recall any Republicans calling Joe Lieberman a Jewish monkey. However, what will likely be an "issue" is Teresa Heinz Kerry herself. Can you say loose cannon? I knew you could! Update: On the other hand, she should bring in the tin foil beanie vote. ![]()
Four of a kind alert! Merde in France and The Dissident Frogman have added some new cards to the Iraq deck. While you are visiting Merde in France, check out French culture shining blight. I thought we were scraping the bottom of the TV barrel over here, but using the "French Barney's" tail for a dildo on TV suggests that we aren't even in the running.
Friday, April 25, 2003 Gorgeous George Alert! That whining spiv, Georgie Galloway, has certainly turned out to be the source of much merriment. Warren Hoge in the NY Times: More recently, however, his act has lost its following. His fellow legislators now refer to him as "the member for Baghdad Central" and ridicule him for his expressions of admiration for Saddam Hussein and his frequent glad-handing trips to the Iraqi capital.But Georgie has always been quite a lad: His wife Elaine left him the same year after he confessed to having sex with two other women on a charity trip to the Greek islands.And a fast worker! It's really sad that he has been abandoned by all his old pals: Though the antiwar contingent in Parliament is large and vocal, none of the rebellious lawmakers have come to Mr. Galloway's defense. He has been discredited by frequently replayed television footage showing him in 1994 warmly greeting Mr. Hussein and praising him with the words, "Sir, I salute your strength, your courage and your indefatigability."Always buttering up the customers! But he still has at least one friend, teenybopper troller Scott Ritter: But I was also shocked because of the timing of these allegations. Having been on the receiving end of smear campaigns designed to assassinate the character of someone in opposition to the powers that be, I have grown highly suspicious of dramatic revelations conveniently timed to silence a vocal voice of dissent.Hmm, I wonder what's in Scotty's Baghdad file? So what's a flack for dictators to do when the main man goes down the hydroflush? Mark Steyn's given it some thought and provides - I have excellent Korea prospects - I mean career prospects: From: Bye bye!
He's back Has someone been slipping something in O.J. Simpson's Wheaties lately? First we were stunned by the the news of an OJ reality show, now OJ Wants to Cover Blake Trial for TV. At this rate, he'll soon be appearing naked with the Chicks.
He sobered up long enough to mount up Ted Turner managed to crawl up on his high horse again and Tim Blair has the ultimate response. (If permalinks are bloggered, just look for the really long post on Friday.) Ted, of course, has his own agenda. ![]()
Thursday, April 24, 2003 Today's Hoot! Jim DeFede in the Miami Herald - Hussein in Cuba? Let it be true: Saddam Hussein is alive and living in Cuba.
Gorgeous George The Instapundit points to a Christian Science Monitor story (via Jay Fitzgerald) that reveals some newly discovered Iraqi documents that indicate that George Galloway was the recipient of three separate payments of $3 million each from Saddam Hussein. Hey, even MP's need some walking around money! Meanwhile, Tim Blair has found some Galloway t-shirts. Frankly, they seem rather listless. How about this instead? ![]()
Yikes! BBC Chief Attacks U.S. Media War Coverage: BBC Director General Greg Dyke said many U.S. television networks had lacked impartiality during the conflict and risked losing credibility if they persisted with their stance.How embarassing! Greg must have seen CNN or caught Peter Jennings' act! Er, wait a minute. "Personally I was shocked while in the United States by how unquestioning the broadcast news media was during this war," Dyke said in a speech at a University of London conference.Having listened to a few of the BBC's
A modern miracle Cosas will burn prison if Winnie's sent to jail: Johannesburg - The Congress of South African Students (Cosas) threatened on Thursday to do "anything" in its power to keep its honorary president Winnie Madikizela-Mandela out of jail even if it meant burning the prison holding her.OK! But I feel bad for the other prisoners. "We are still convinced that Mama (Madikizela-Mandela) is innocent and she did not do anything wrong," Malema said.Sorry Julius, but Mama is an inveterate crook and thug. The miraculous thing is that she got convicted in the first place and that, so far, the ANC and related organizations have abided by the legal results. More details by following the link.
Grand Canyon Alert! The Dixie Chicks are appearing without clothes on the cover of next week's Entertainment Weekly: Band members Martie Maguire, Emily Robison and Natalie Maines say they dreamed up the gimmick to defend themselves against the backlash over Maines' crack ...Readers can indeed thank the usually corpulent Miss Maines for apparently bringing in a body double for the photo session. Hmm, is that what they mean by gravitas?
Wednesday, April 23, 2003 Making a buck off the pervs James Taranto at Best of the Web alerts us to the fact that The Independent is opening a peep show for a special clientele. Here's a preview of the featured act. ![]() Which reminds me, Salon's stock price is down to a nickel a share. (Hat tip to unknown graphic artist)
Get in the Rolls, it's time to go to McDonald's! (Via Drudge) According to CNN, O.J. reality TV show in the works: MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- O.J. Simpson -- acquitted in 1995 in the killings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman -- is preparing for his debut as the star of his own "Osbournes"-esque reality show.That'll certainly be "must see" TV. Maybe he and Anna Nicole can get together a tag team.
Piker alert! David Blair reports in the Telegraph - Memo from Saddam: We can't afford to pay Galloway more. What a cheapskate. Didn't he know Georgie had expenses? George Galloway shared the same barber as Saddam's psychopathic son Uday, according to a newspaper report.Hey, you have to look your best when you're trashing the West.
And speaking of San Francisco Terence Jeffrey at - Return of the San Francisco Democrats: It ought to be a maxim of Democratic strategy: Never send your presidential candidate to San Francisco.Maybe it's all the fog?
And speaking of boobs and tubes Bill Carter in the NY Times reports on Strong Ratings for 'Mr. Personality': Just when viewers who hate reality television shows were praying that the list of flops since January might kill the genre and make it safe to remove their hands from their eyes, Monica Lewinsky and 20 young guys in masks turned up on the Fox network Monday night, and, in the jargon of the business, popped a number.Er, popped a number? "Mr. Personality" brought in more than 12 million viewers, which placed it in the front ranks of Fox's lineup of shows. More important for Fox, it proved an especially strong draw with younger adult viewers, the group preferred by many advertisers.Much blather about "reality" shows and then: Then there's the Monica factor. "I think some people probably wanted to see what Monica was up to," said Mark Stewart, the executive vice president and director for strategy and channel planning at the big media agency Universal McCann...Dang, I guess I missed it. But all this reminds me of an email I got recently: Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, Idaho is planning to do its own show, entitled "Survivor - Idaho Style."Hmmm, doesn't sound very PC. They'll probably have to change the setup to contestants driving around San Francisco in an SUV with a "Nuke the Whales" bumpersticker.
Isn't that special? The AP enlightens with Malvo Freely Confessed, Even Laughed, Prosecutors Say: Prosecutors say the teenage suspect linked to a string of sniper shootings in the Washington, D.C. area, willingly confessed to some of the shootings during a police interview last fall.I wonder how laughing boy is going to like "Old Sparky"?
It's the boob tube Jose Martinez in the NY Daily News - Anchors riding Iraq airwaves: Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings and Dan Rather hit the Iraqi airwaves this week as part of a U.S.-led effort to use television to educate Iraqis about democracy."Might be?" Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, and PBS are propaganda. Just not American.
Tuesday, April 22, 2003 Look what's under the rock! The Sun weighs in (two articles) on the Georgie Galloway story mentioned below: There have long been questions over the way a nonentity backbencher like Galloway could afford his lavish lifestyle of fast cars and fast women.Well, that one's understandable - he's married to Yasser Arafat's niece. Georgie's always been a very busy boy: Galloway, 48, first entered politics aged 26 in his home town of Dundee - where he flew the PLO flag over the town hall and withdraw the city’s hospitality to visiting NATO warships.But he has a sensitive heart. ...he remarked about the shy, gentle way Saddam greeted him, eyes downcast in his desert bunker.Three guesses why the servants were sweating, dingbat. Your 15 minutes are way over, Georgie.
A modest proposal Charles Krauthammer in the WaPo - Lift the Sanctions Now: But if the State Department sentimentalists who worship at the shrine of the United Nations insist on a pilgrimage to Turtle Bay, we should go to the Security Council and submit a one-line resolution: "Whereas the sanctions were imposed on the regime of Saddam Hussein; whereas that regime is no more; whereas sanctions are now needlessly preventing Iraq's economic recovery; the sanctions are hereby abolished."More by following the link. And Jack Kemp in a similar vein - De nova in Iraq: Let's get one thing straight from the outset about Iraq. The Iraqi people need wait upon no one - military general, foreign government or international organization - to govern themselves, engage in commerce domestically and sell their property on world markets. Sovereignty resides in the Iraqi people and cannot be conferred by any outside entity or authority.Well that will certainly cut down on the UN bureaucrats' walking around money.
The Ellen Ratner Syndrome (Via North Georgia Dogma) Greg Pierce's Inside Politics column in the Washington Times reports on Cheering the enemy: Gary Kamiya, executive editor of the left-leaning Internet journal Salon (, confirms what some Americans have only suspected: Liberals were cheering for the enemy in Iraq.Gary, thanks for reaffirming our suspicions. Ratner later apologized, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for Gary to do the same.
Well looky here! Andrew Sullivan reveals Paid by Saddam: If this turns out to be true, it's a bombshell. The chief left-wing anti-war campaigner in Britain's parliament, Labour Party MP George Galloway, has his name on several documents discovered in Baghdad by the Daily Telegraph. The documents allegedly show a huge pay-off scheme from Saddam's oil profits to the anti-war activist - worth up to $500,000 a year - in return for his political work in defense of Saddam. Here are the relevant documents. Here are details of the alleged Jordanian go-between.More details by following the links. It doesn't surprise me, Georgie is one of those irrepressible types who always has a scam going. And he was also one of the characters who got together the weekend after 9/11 to form the Stop the War coalition. UPDATE: David Blair reveals How I found the papers in a looted foreign ministry office and Georgie opts for the tin foil beanie defense and threatens to sue. Hmmm, I wonder if he paid the taxes on his loot? UPDATE 2: I posted the Sun's take on Georgie up above.
Monday, April 21, 2003 Poor Impulse Control Alert! What's with the ladies and motor vehicles? Jealous Woman Crashes Mercedes Into Boyfriend's House: GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo. -- A woman crashed her Mercedes through her boyfriend's garage door Saturday and attacked him with a baseball bat after she became suspicious that he was with another woman, authorities said.Can you say hanky panky? Meanwhile, out in Oakland - Fan allegedly threw cell from second deck of stadium: A 24-year-old man accused of throwing a cell phone that hit Texas right fielder Carl Everett in the back of the head during a game faces a charge of assault with a deadly weapon.He threw his cell phone? And yes, spirituous liquors were involved.
Everyone needs a hobby Quebec man suing Loto-Quebec for not winning: SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP) -- A Quebec man is suing Loto-Quebec, saying it fooled him and that the provincial lottery only sells losing tickets.He shouldn't be such a piker. How about some punitive damages? And then in London. there's Fugitive caught after appearing on TV game show: LONDON (AP) - An Irish fugitive wanted on charges of causing death by dangerous driving was arrested by police in London after he appeared on a TV game show, winning its top prize.All dressed up and no place to go.
Sunday, April 20, 2003 All the usual idiots Grandstanding bloviator, Rep. Chris Shays drops into Iraq for a photo op: Bucking protests from the U.S. military and the State Department, Rep. Chris Shays, R-Conn., crossed over the Kuwait border into Iraq (news - web sites) Wednesday and complained that humanitarian aid isn't getting to the Iraqi people fast enough.Poverty in Iraq! I'm shocked! Fortunately Chris spared us a detailed account of his thought processes. I can't say the same for G. Pascal Zachary in the SF Chronicle who provides unintended levity with Secession! Why stick around? The Bay Area is already a nation unto itself: "I tell my friends I'm safe in the Bay Area," one German said. "People here even apologize to me for what Americans are doing in Iraq. They say they are sorry."Zack, don't let the door hit you where the Lord split you.
It's just our pals alert! David Harrison in the Telegraph - German spies offered help to Saddam in run-up to war: Germany's intelligence services attempted to build closer links to Saddam's secret service during the build-up to war last year, documents from the bombed Iraqi intelligence HQ in Baghdad obtained by The Telegraph reveal.My, my - someone's been naughty.
Ruh Ro! Chinese SARS patients hidden: BEIJING - Chinese authorities ordered doctors in Beijing to hide patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, from World Health Organization (WHO) experts last week in an attempt to downplay the epidemic, Chinese doctors and other sources said yesterday.As I have mentioned before, they also still just make up their economic statistics. Sounds like the bad old days. Hmmm, I wonder if it is safe to shop at Wal-Mart?
Comments are casters up My comment service, SquawkBox, has been down for the last two days. I have removed the links for the moment to improve page load times. We'll see if they recover on Monday.
No shame alert! Cuban intellectuals ask for end to criticism: HAVANA -A group of world-renowned Cuban intellectuals released a letter to their colleagues around the world Saturday, asking them to stop criticizing harsh measures recently employed here.Hey, we understand. Antonio Jorge, a Cuba expert at Florida International University, said he was not surprised by the letter.And we all know about those "goals and values".
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