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Thursday, November 02, 2006
Now I remember who James Webb reminds me of!

I was getting a laugh out of the takedown of raving Mike Stark, the Chief Bicycle Seat Sniffer in Donk Senate candidate James Webb's Flying Monkey corps as he made a frenzied rush at the opposition candidate, when it finally occurred to me who James Webb reminds me of. You know, the round pumpkin head, the weird pompadour, and the little beady eyes plus the fact that he has "issues" dealing with women and intense interest in peculiar sexual practices. Yep, who else but Kim Jong Il!

James Webb, separated at birth from Kim Jung Il?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Today's Hoot!

A pleas to Battling John Kerry for help Via Drudge.

Er, Senator Kerry, just one thing

An oldie but goodie from the Terpsboy.

Kerry still a lying traitor after all these years

I guess they didn't send John Kerry the Democrat party memo that says you're supposed to pretend to support the troops. They should have remembered that the bogus warrior has never been shy about stabbing American soldiers in the back.

Monday, October 30, 2006
Today's Hoot!

Would be Democrat Senator from Maryland, Ben Cardin, gets a real whupping:
Did you see that debate on television the Maryland Senate race between the Republican Michael Steele and the Democrat Ben Cardin? Steele ate Cardin alive! Ate him for lunch! And as a result, Cardin didn't show up for a debate the next day.
Also, is there a nastier piece of work than ole Pumpkin Head, er Democrat Senatorial Candidate James Webb in Virginia? It's sad though that he had to give up his old pals on Facebook. I'm sure he's quite the party animal.

Big wanker flock spotted!

Yep, it's junket season and what's higher on the list of must-attend events than the United Nations sponsored Internet Governance Forum in Athens:

The inaugural meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be opened today at 10am by the Greek prime minister in Athens, starting the gun on four days of discussion that many hope will provide answers to some of the internet's biggest problems.

With even the speakers and moderators only agreed upon at the last minute, the IGF is a daring experiment in "multi-stakeholder" discussion, where governments will sit alongside business, international organisations and academics to thrash out ideas for dealing with problems as diverse as spam, cybercrime, freedom of speech, privacy, multi-lingualism and the availability of net access across the planet.
Bwahaha, they're kidding, right? It's mostly an excuse for the Euroweenies and Third Worlders to whine about why they should control the Internet via the drones at the United Nations. Sometimes, they aren't even subtle about it:
During the Tunisia summit, nations like Cuba, Iran and Zimbabwe blasted the United States for supporting free speech on the Internet--and called for more regulations under the aegis of the United Nations. "Those who have supported nihilistic and disorderly freedom of expression are beginning to see the fruits" of their efforts, said Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, whom Amnesty International accuses of using police to torture dissidents.
Sheesh, that's just one of Bobby Mugabe's little pecadillos. Anyhow, you'll be happy to know that the junketers are thinking of little ole you and me:

The main sessions of the meeting will be webcast, with audiocasts of the three workshops rooms also provided. In an effort to provide the maximum number of people with input into the discussion however, the IGF will introduce comments from the wider internet into the process itself.

A collaborative website to help build and encourage discussion online has been set up at, complete with full information on what is happening in Athens. Those that sign up to the site are given their own blog which feeds into the process, as well as the ability to take part in discussions and forums with those in the room and across the world.
In point of fact you can blog and also edit the conference wiki and based on some of the blog posts so far it may even be uncensored, er ungoverned since they involve the fact that the wankfest started an hour late and they couldn't fit all the junketers in the room for the big kickoff. Hey it's the United Nations, what else would you expect? But don't anyone tell the spammers or the blog will be filled with Viagra, p0rn, and organ enlargment ads. Hmm, that's what is typically on the mind of delegates to United Nations conferences anyhow, so it would fit right in.

"Pull up a chair and set a spell"

"It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out."

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