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Friday, September 22, 2006 Hugo does the Big Apple ![]() If there's anything good about having the United Nations in New York City, it's that periodically the various Third World dictators take time out from abusing their subjects and drop by to show the American citizenry up close and personal what kind of moonbats they are: In case you somehow missed it, Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, provided entertainment for the United Nations body this week. After Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad clearly disappointed the United Nations body with his uncharacteristically (and ridiculously) sappy “we love everyone, even Jews--so why can’t we have nukes” speech, the United Nations was desperate for fireworks and entertainment of some sort from somebody. ![]() I suppose, but at the UN it's mostly comedy anyway, so it's hard to tell. But wait, there's more: The following day, Chavez appeared again, this time in Harlem. Hollywood socialist big shot Danny Glover crawled out from behind his Beverly Hills security gates to open the show and Chavez returned for a encore performance of his best applause line from the day before, getting an even better response from Harlem residents as he warmed up the cheering crowd who were about to be sold a fat dose of “let the communist save you from the capitalists.”In particular, the impoverished Venezuelans must wonder why ole Hugo is giving away their cash, but they still haven't shot him. Yet. Which reminds me: ![]() But I digress, and the best was yet to come: Democrat House leader Nancy Pelosi and representative Charles Rangel from Harlem felt having the dancing monkey parrot their favorite lines was bad for business with an election coming up and of course they're right. Aside from a few moonbats beloved by the Democrat party, Americans don't particularly care to see a puffed-up foreign lunatic running his mouth over the President and if he's reading from the DNC playbook, what does it say about the Donks? Now Chavez, like his pals Castro, Morales, Ahmadinejad, and Mugabe, is looser than lamb poop, but why did he choose this particular time to go off on a bender? I'm surprised that none of the leftoids have come up with the obvious solution: ![]() Bwahahaha. Thanks, Hugo.
Thursday, September 21, 2006 Google is watching you Dutch TV hounds Google Earth topless sunbather: Here's a cautionary tale for those of you who like to indulge in a bit of light sunbathing in the privacy of your own patio: make sure you ring Google to see if they're planning a satellite pass-over before whipping off your top.Click through for the photo which I suppose is technically NSFW, but could just as easily be an inflatable. The satellite resolution isn't that good. Yet.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 Today's Hoot! WHICH WOULD EXPLAIN CANADA'S FERTILITY RATE: CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) chairman Guy Fournier recently told a French-language radio station that bowel movements are better than sex. [...]That would also explain a lot of what one sees on the CBC. The original article also explains that the reason Mr. Fournier was being interviewed by the radio station was to make amends for having previously made the claim (which he found on the Internet) that: In Lebanon, the law allows men to have sexual relations with animals as long as they are female! Doing the same thing with male beasts can result in the death penalty." That explains the remainder of CBC content.
Never bet on the weather if you never go outside Fund Flameout: Hedge fund giant Amaranth Advisors was clinging to life yesterday as its traders scrambled to sell holdings after a harebrained wager on natural gas cost the firm roughly half of its $9.5 billion portfolio - the second hedge fund disaster this month caused by the volatile energy markets. Looks like the city folks' computer told 'em it was going to be a really hot year. I wonder if ole Al Gore was helping 'em out?
Sunday, September 17, 2006 It's the ROPB again Religion of Persistent Brutality. I bet that really buffed up their their rep down at the madrassa. ![]() Best response yet. How long before folks figure out that you can't reason with mad dogs? The Nostradamus award goes to Rod Liddle (via Tim Blair's TALIBAN FEELINGS HURT): You can bet your life that by the time you read this, some Catholic priest toiling away in a godforsaken, dusty hellhole — Sudan, perhaps, or Turkey — will have been smacked about a bit, or had his church burnt down or been arrested without charge. The Pope should have been aware that Islam always reacts to western allegations that it is not a peaceful religion by mass outbreaks of vituperation, denunciation and acts of jihadic violence.See, they even foam at the mouth.
Edward R. Murrow should have joined the SS That way he could have been a "good journalist" like the folks over at the Associated Press.
"Pull up a chair and set a spell"
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