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Friday, September 08, 2006 There's just no fun in "global warming" Usually, I'm in complete agreement with Australian PM, John Howard, but I think he missed out on a great opportunity here. Girlie global warming show too hot for Australia: The Australian government has withdrawn funding for a climate change conference after organisers booked lingerie models for a raunchy dinner show.Woo hoo! How about, "Is that Al Gore in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?" Or, "Just call me Gaia, the earth mother. Wanna get earthy?" Dancer Rebecca Gale said the balloon dance was harmless "bump, grind and shimmy" that did not include any nudity.That didn't keep AFP from illustrating it with a bare midriff file photo though, which you'll see by clicking the link. (Hat tip: Global Warming News Site where global warming humor is regularly displayed unintentionally.)
Thursday, September 07, 2006 I guess we don't get to see all the details ABC should have done it right in the first place, which is damning enough, and then told the Donk saber rattlers to stuff it. It would have been a "hot" story even if they didn't have that bureaucrat's wet dream, Jamie Gorelick, building the "wall" (1, 2, 3) so as not to offend any terrorists. Anyway, I'm with the Curmudgeon: Yeah, well the left are always surprised and incredulous if the Drive-by Media, of which ABC News is a charter member, doesn't tow the official party line, so I, like you, am surprised and incredulous too, LOL.
Today's Hoot! Democratic Senators Hug Their Beloved Pal, Joe Lieberman.: Right now, all across the left side of the blogosphere, there are undoubtedly keyboards being pounded, Indigo Girls CDs being thrown across living rooms, and doves who won't even swat mosquitoes are wishing horrible and foul dooms on half the Senators in their own party.Follow the link for all the messy details and imagine how messy it will be when Joe gets re-elected as an independent.
Monday, September 04, 2006 Darn those pesky citizens! It seems that over in the UK, they're having a spot of trouble with participatory democracy coupled with the Internet - British MP falls foul of wiki-d pranksters: A British Government Minister may have thought he was keeping up with modern trends when he put a draft policy on the Internet on Friday, but he was soon left red-faced when hundreds of pranksters defaced it.While there were some monkeyshines, a number of additions rather improved it: Under a list of things citizens should do, one wag added: "Pay a higher proportion of their income to the government, and see little tangible improvement in their standard of living".I guess the little people just don't understand the big picture even when the swells explain it to them carefully. Of course, there's an alternative explanation.
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