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Saturday, June 10, 2006 Today's Hoot! Potfry stuns with Illegal American Immigrants Protest in Mexico: Inspired by the large scale immigration protests in the United States, all 13 illegal American immigrants in Mexico marched on Mexico City yesterday, demanding that they be granted citizenship, that their contributions to Mexican society be recognized, and that locals stop calling them “those silly gringos.”
John Murtha, the sleazoid who would be majority leader ![]() Story here and a brief history of Sleazy John here. Kids, can you say "so low that ants piss on him"? I knew you could!
Friday, June 09, 2006 It's been a long dry spell Powerline amuses with Return of the Nude Protest: A few years ago there was a worldwide epidemic of nude protests. Those with strong feelings about everything from war to fox-hunting experienced an unaccountable urge to disrobe so as to call attention to their favorite cause. I guess that was the idea. Anyway, in our scruffier early days we enjoyed covering and commenting on such protests.We're still scruffy here at the Store, although we can't help but wish for a higher physical standard amongst the nude moonbats. For a while they seemed to die out. But now, we are about to experience the Return of the Naked Protest...Hit the link for more, but it features nude bicycle riders protesting international oil consumption as told to a journal called "Redeye." Hmm, that reminds me - I wonder if the bike riders believe in seats? Don't get anything important caught in the spokes, kids!
Today's Hoot! ![]() Scrappleface - Democrats Vow to Fight On After Zarqawi Loss: As Blackberry devices and cell phones on Capitol Hill hummed with news of the death of terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi yesterday, Congressional Democrats vowed that despite the loss they would fight on in “the war on the war on terror.”Never forget that the wingnuts in charge of the Democrat party support the troops. Just don't ask 'em which troops.
Ya gotta love it! Counterterrorism Blog: In fact, a few hours ago, while an Al Jazeera journalist was interviewing Abu Kadama, Zarqawi's brother-in-law in Zarqa, Jordan, the broadcast was suddenly interrupted, most probably by Jordan. Because when the journalist came back on the air, he said that Abu Kadama had just been arrested by Jordanian services. Then a second sudden interruption occured, and when the Al Jazeera anchor appeared, he announced that his journalist colleague had also been arrested by Jordan.Don't forget the terrorists employed by the AP or al-Reuters! Not to mention the enablers.
Thursday, June 08, 2006 They don't get any smarter, do they? Dog Feces Left at Congresswoman's Office: Republican U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave's re-election campaign was already heated, and it just got smelly as well: Her staff accused a Democratic activist Thursday of leaving an envelope full of dog feces at Musgrave's Greeley office.Par for the course when dealing with "the party of the people", but wait, there's more! Kenney said most of the preprinted return address was blacked out, but staffers used the nine-digit ZIP code to trace it to Kathleen Ensz, a Weld County Democratic volunteer.It turns out Kathleen is "vice chairwoman of a state Senate district committee for the county Democratic Party." Apparently having an IQ that doesn't challenge room temperature with the air conditioning on is no impediment, but then that's the way it's been ever since the wingnuts took over the party.
Another grease spot on the highway of life ![]() Video of al-Zarqawi earning his 72 raisins. Congressman Jack Kingston (via RWN): One of the most brutal, heinous, and horrendous terrorists was killed last night when the U.S. Armed Forces delivered 500-pounds of justice to Iraq’s ‘Prince of Al-Qaeda’ on behalf of Nicholas Berg, Jack Armstrong, Ken Bigley, Jack Hensley and the thousands of others who were beheaded, tortured, and killed by Al-Zarqawi and his henchmen.Actually, it was a double tap, so he got 1,000 pounds of justice.
Today's Hoot! Steve: "Now he'll be a martyr." We're supposed to kill all our enemies except Muslims, because Muslims become martyrs. And martyrs have super powers. I guess. Personally, I think we should make all of our enemies martyrs. Seems to work real well.
You can run, but you'll only die tired ![]() Seems that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head al Quaeda terrorist in Iraq, had a job related accident: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq and the driving force behind the foreign insurgency in Iraq, died in an air strike at a safe house while holding a meeting with his lieutenants. The announcement from Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki came early this morning, and subsequent reports detail the identification through scars and fingerprints.Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 Bloated, arrogant United Nations bureaucrat alert! ![]() I know, what other kind of UN bureaucrat is there? But get this: Kofi Annan promoted Mark Malloch Brown to Chef De Cabinet (i.e. head butt boy) after some of Kofi's other close chums (and relatives) got caught with their hands in Saddam's cookie jar. Brown was apparently supposed to clean things up at HQ, but I guess he thinks he's all finished shoveling out the feedlot, since he's got time to bite the hand that feeds him: The United States demanded Wednesday that U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan repudiate a speech in which his No. 2 official broke with tradition and accused the United States of undermining the United Nations.Better get back to shoveling, Mark - the United Nations already gets more respect than it deserves based on its record of fraud, crime, and incompetence. I also wonder who was footing the bill for ole Mark to attend this fun fest with George Soros' flying monkeys at the Center for American Progress, but not too much - I'm sure it was those benighted Middle Americans in the heartland. There's some good news though, US UN ambassador John Bolton is administering the spanking.
A chip off the old blockhead ![]() Howard Kurtz shocked us all last month with an unkind word or two about Teddy Kennedy's little boy, Patches: It's hard to imagine that Patrick Kennedy would have gotten elected to Congress a dozen years ago without his last name.But he's a wingnut favorite just like dear old Dad. There was some some good news for the Republic over the Memorial Day weekend though - 'Kennedy Sobriety Checkpoint' Big Success: Today, a non-profit group, Public Advocate, announced their "Kennedy Sobriety Checkpoint" has been a success. Checkpoints on Capitol Hill in Washington to protect citizens against Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy (D-Ma.) or Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) resulted in no impaired drivers named Congressman or Senator Kennedy being stopped this weekend.They should add "With your hands up." All of which brings us to the latest in the Patches saga - Treat me like I'm black, sez Teddy's son: Fresh from rehab, Rep. Patrick Kennedy said yesterday he wants to be treated like an African-American from Washington if and when he gets charged for crashing his car on Capitol Hill.None of which have been done yet? It's still not clear whether Kennedy will be called to account for smashing his Ford Mustang into a barrier near the Capitol building at 2:45 a.m. on May 4. He was driving without headlights and nearly collided with a police cruiser.Offhand, I would say he was being treated like an African-American from DC - Vernon Jordan. Photo credit: FormerACLUMember
I guess Francine couldn't find enough illegal aliens ![]() Republican wins bellwether House race although the AP couldn't resist calling a more than 4% margin, "narrowly beat." Heck, Bilbray kicked Busby's ample behind and would have done so by nearly 10 points if there hadn't been a separate anti-illegals candidate. Photo credit: Norm's Revenge.
Good in so many ways In Raligh, North Carolina - Construction workers plead guilty to illegal entry: Six men arrested last month at Carter-Finley Stadium have pleaded guilty to immigration charges and are slated for deportation, according to federal officials.Wait until the bleeding hearts get on this one. North Carolina is still paying for its years of lax standards for granting driver's licenses. Not only do they have an incredible number of illegal aliens, but also a lot of folks not overly familiar with the operation of internal combustion powered vehicles.
Monday, June 05, 2006 Lurch hasn't gotten any smarter, has he? ![]() John Kerry: Bush A Criminal, Looting Country: Failed presidential candidate John Kerry blasted President Bush on Thursday as a "criminal" who has been "looting the country."Zzzz. As opposed to looting Teresa's trust funds, I suppose, but tell me more. The Massachusetts Democrat offered the incendiary comments during an off the record meeting with liberal bloggers after a speech in Los Angeles to the Pacific Council on International Policy.Snort. Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas. Lay down with leftoid moonbat bloggers and get up with an STD. Blogger "Hollywood Liberal" reports that Kerry "agreed completely with someone's assessment that everything that Bush does is solely for the purpose of looting the country."I'm surprised he didn't give them all hummers. And I don't mean the SUV.
Doing the jobs Americans won't do - like voting ![]() Francine Busby is the Donk candidate in tomorrow's special election for Congress in California, but she's having a problem with a pesky Freudian slip: If an election can turn on a sentence, this could be the one: “You don't need papers for voting.”It's clear, Francine - you're recruiting illegal aliens to vote for you and work on your campaign. The recording, which was played yesterday on Roger Hedgecock's radio talk show, jolted the campaign.You notice she didn't say, "Sorry sir, but since you are an illegal alien, there's nothing you can do." Of course, I prefer "The border is just 30 miles away, head for it," but expecting a Donk to give up a potential "client" is always too much to ask. Update: Even better, here's a transcript of ole Francine: 0:41 Busby: Yeah, you don't need papers for voting. You don't need to be a registered voter to help.
Lurch is up to his old tricks again! Er, not those old tricks - the Angolan pepper pot might cut him off without a dime! I mean his all time favorite trick of lying about his Vietnam service and subsequent disservice, now with the help of some goofy organization called "the Patriot Project" and brown noser Kate Zernike at the NY Times. Thomas Lipscomb applies the clue bat in The Truth, John Kerry, and The New York Times: Kate Zernike's story on the front page of the Memorial Day Sunday New York Times, "Kerry Pressing Swift Boat Case Long After Loss," is an unfortunate reminder of the Times's embarrassingly poor coverage of Kerry in the face of the Swift Boat Veterans' for Truth charges in the 2004 election. Now as then, the Times acts as if the issues involved were between Kerry's latest representations of his record and the "unsubstantiated" charges of the Swift Boat group. The Times used the term "unsubstantiated" more than twenty times during its election coverage and continues to make no discernable effort to examine any of the charges in detail.If ole Kate is buying the magic hat story, one can't help but wonder how many New York bridges she owns, but follow the link and you'll be certain that she's the biggest owner of real estate in New York City. Sticking with the hat, though: It is time we all got to see a picture of the famous Kerry "lucky hat," rather than another account by the latest star-struck journalist.I'm curious about that too and wonder why a snap of the this marvel hasn't surfaced yet. I'm guessing that it looks like this fetching number offered by Communists for Kerry: ![]() Update: There's more at Power Line.
Sunday, June 04, 2006 Today's Hoot LGF: Yesterday we noted a Canadian report on the jihadis arrested in Toronto, expressing shock that these young Canadian-born Muslims had “somehow become radicalized.”Golly! And I thought that it was just a diverse cross section of idle youth that hadn't been given enough support by the stingy Canadian government.
You learn something new every day The Online Laws of Love: They are widows and married millionaires and Yalies . They are Christian nonsmokers and truckers and Republicans . And they all want to date you. Well, maybe not you. But someone you could pretend to be, with a little imagination and a working laptop.I guess folks aren't getting any smarter, but there are more shenanigans than just personal "exaggeration" and the occasional outright fraud: Lawsuits against Internet dating sites for the false statements of other customers have mostly gone nowhere, in part because Congress basically immunized such Web sites with the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which says providers can't be held liable for the lies of third parties. That makes some sense. Why shoot the messenger? But a new crop of suits is being pressed by disgruntled customers angry not about false claims by third parties, but about false third parties allegedly created by the companies.I wonder what the job description is for the employees who write "fake flirty e-mails" or hot profiles? More about the whole business by following the link.
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