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Friday, November 18, 2005 Nancy Pelosi waves the white flag But that's what limousine liberals do best. Ignore the pathetic MSM whining and go for the good stuff: House Republicans maneuvered for swift rejection Friday of any notion of immediately pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq, sparking a nasty, sometimes personal debate over the war and a Democratic lawmaker's own call for withdrawal.Gee I wonder what got into Plastic Puss. This ought to be a dream come true for her! By forcing the issue to a vote, Republicans placed many Democrats in a politically unappealing position - whether to side with Murtha and expose themselves to criticism, or to oppose him and risk angering the voters that polls show want an end to the conflict.Don't hold your breath waiting for the AP to parse that beauty. The fiery, emotional debate climaxed when Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio, the most junior member of the House, told of a phone call she received from a Marine colonel.Hey, Harold can we feel your muscle? Good thing the Marine wasn't there in person or some pansy ass would likely have been kicked. "I won't stand for the swift-boating of Jack Murtha," said Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004.As he stamped his expensively shod foot, no doubt. No worries there, Lurch, Murtha earned his medals and didn't denounce his buddies with bogus war crimes stories. It's just that he's gone squishy soft now that he's entered his 70's and there's nothing wrong with calling him on it.
More Wilson family fun! ![]() Pig recommends trough Now that "crack" prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has concluded his "big" investigation, folks he missed who knew that bloviating Joe Wilson's airbrained spouse was feeding at the CIA trough are coming out of the woodwork. Last week we had Patrick Fitzgerald Ignored Witnesses who Contradicted Wilson: Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's Leakgate investigation is coming unraveled, as witness after witness steps forward to challenge a key premise of his controversial probe.More following the link, but that was before Bob Woodward added his name to the list, which really has bloviating Joe in a tizzy. Cut to the always dyspeptic Wesley Pruden at the Washington Times: Mortuary Bob became a Washington legend for cultivating sources among both the quick and the dead, and he's guilty so far of no known crime. Well, except the crime of not taking seriously the game of who outed Valerie Plame, Washington's most famous airhead, as a covert operative of the CIA. That "crime" may yet get him "terminated" with extreme prejudice.More japery by following the link.
Think of it as the "Kennedy Plan" Island jail fit for a prince: Posh prison digs offer cable TV, sunset view: EDGARTOWN, MA – Lawyers for the Saudi prince who pleaded guilty yesterday to a misdemeanor charge – homicide by motor vehicle while operating under the influence of intoxicating liquor – were recently granted a guided tour of the ritzy Colonial house that serves as the Martha’s Vineyard jail so they could determine if it was fit for royalty.No word on whether they have a bar and let the inmates drive. John S. Alley, chairman of the county commissioners, said he was “flabbergasted” a defendant who confessed to mowing down a man in a drunken stupor would be housed in a jail built for nonviolent offenders.Actually, this is more like "Kennedy Plan B." Plan A is to come up with a preposterous story and then buy your way out of trouble.
Thursday, November 17, 2005 It may not be a hoot, but it sure merits a snicker Bloggers Break Sony: Sony made an unpopular product decision and got its reputation incinerated by waves of flaming bloggers. That's a lesson for other companies.If you haven't been following this one, the article has a nice summary. Best part: Alan Scott, chief marketing office at business information service Factiva, said, "I think that we're in an entirely new world from a marketing perspective. The rules of the game have changed dramatically. The old way of doing things by ignoring issues, or with giving the canned PR spin response within the blogosphere, it just doesn't work."Bzzzt, game over! Thanks for playing.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 I missed out on the hot party action again! ![]() I mean what's better than Vanity Fair flouncer, James "Shmoo" Wolcott? Kinda like the boar at full bore. Or is it the bore at full bore? Whatever, Protein Wisdom has all the details.
We don't see much of that around here Fraters Libertas astounds with the news that the Mayor of Minneapolis is undergoing surgery for an injury he received "diving off the Gay Men's Chorus float in the Pride parade."
Someone 'splain this to me Either I'm an old fogey or Microsoft should seriously consider hiring a new ad agency. Check out these Xbox 360 commercials (big bandwidth warning): Jump Rope and Water Balloons. Of course, they're building off a base of Xbox ads like Life's Short. I doubt I'm in the Xbox target demographic, but these make me wonder about those who are. Update: A reader points me to two more that have a higher amusement content: Uncle Randy and German Plane Race.
Today's computer tip Don't send your printer out for repair when it's jammed with counterfeit currency you were printing.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Monday, November 14, 2005 Here's a cool Euro solution! EC declared us mad so it could sack us, claim staff: The European Commission has been accused of trying to have troublesome staff declared mentally ill in order to provide an excuse for giving them the sack.Er, why not just fire them? The practice is alleged to have developed unofficially because the commission's generous employment terms make it all but impossible to dismiss staff. In the past, employees who have had run-ins with the commission, or simply underperformed, have generally had to be persuaded to leave by offers of expensive early retirement packages.Silly me! Of course it had to be a Euroweenie solution. Mr Sequeira, who worked in the commission's ministry for development, says he was astonished to read personnel reports which said his behaviour "sowed doubt regarding the state of his mental health"."Verbal hyper-productivity" and a "lack of conceptual content" in his speech? Sheesh, that should make him a standout performer in EU circles! Mr Sequeira, a career diplomat first employed by the commission in 1987, claims that his relationship with his superiors soured when they became wrongly convinced that he was planning to blow the whistle on an internal fraud scandal.Ruh oh! That would fray kleptocratic nerves! To prove that he was of sound mind Mr Sequeira underwent psychiatric tests at four different hospitals, seen by the Sunday Telegraph, all of which found nothing wrong with him. Their findings were declared inadmissible by the commission as it would accept testimony from only its own accredited medical list.He's got the perfect medical excuse - he's too well to work at the European Commission. More by following the link.
Good suggestion Powerline: Mr. Kurtz, please try this on for size: "Senior officials were trying to explain how an unqualified, recently dismissed Foreign Service officer was sent on a sensitive intelligence mission and left free to publicize it in the New York Times."
Sunday, November 13, 2005 Fun from all over! PoliPundit: Pat McNeil, administrator of the Underrepresented Fellowships Office at Southern Illinois University: “I’ll be upfront with you – no white male will get this award.”Unless he's wearing a dress, presumably. E-nough: "'Hell, if the last two world wars are any indication, I would expect France to surrender any day now,' said Bush. Joint Chiefs head, Gen. Peter Pace, warned the President that it might be necessary to send up to 5 Marines to get things under control. The general admitted that 5 Marines may be overkill, but he wanted to get this thing under control within 24 hours of arriving on the scene."(Via LGF) He's shocked, I tell ya!: I'm an anti-Bush guy, and I know Mary Mapes a little. She's a neighbor. But I hope you'll stick with me even if you're at the other end of the spectrum. Listen, some of my favorite neighbors are pro-Bush, and they're surprisingly decent people.(Via Wizbang) Texas Grannies with Large Caliber Weapons What part of "Bite me" don't they understand?: “We do believe that the church has a visionary role for reconciliation beyond that of any government,” one of the authors, Bishop Richard Harries of Oxford, told BBC Radio.Sheesh, the wingnuts are coming out of the woodwork: Car-b-q excitement grips Greek anarchists. And now there's a musical version! CHIRACJumping over a lot of good stuff... FINALE: THE AGE OF EURABIAHmmm, some of the songs seem a trifle derivative. Don't tell the United Nations weenies - they'll probably instituitionalize it: Sex for fuel. (Via Microsoft News Tracker) The best geek PR stunt that never happened: "By November, 1996, St. John had spent $2 million of Microsoft's money to rent an abandoned hangar at California's Alameda Naval Air Station and have Swiss design artists H.R. Giger conceive an interior mock-up of a spacecraft like the one he had created for the movie "Alien." St. John's plan was to hold a computer-game developers conference at a nearby hotel. During the last session, "armed" G-men would storm in, herd all the unsuspecting attendees at gunpoint into buses, and car them to a hangar called, of course, Area 51."And you thought Mary Mapes was bad? "Politics in France is heading to the right and I don't want rightwing politicians back in second, or even first place because we showed burning cars on television," Mr Dassier told an audience of broadcasters at the News Xchange conference in Amsterdam today.
"Pull up a chair and set a spell"
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