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Saturday, July 30, 2005 Today's Hoot! At State, Condoleezza Rice Takes Control of Diplomacy: On her first trip abroad, Rice warned the European Union not to lift an arms embargo on China, telling diplomats they would rue the day if U.S. troops ever faced European-armed Chinese soldiers across the Taiwan straits. Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, who then held the rotating European Union presidency, was so startled by her tough talk that he spilled his coffee in the lap of European foreign policy chief Javier Solana.Dang, where's the video tape?
Guess who? Via Viking Pundit: This fat bastard first bitched about not being able to get a table by the window then ordered enough food for himself to feed me for a week. After busting my ass trying to bring him the next plate before he finished the first he only leaves a dollar and some change for a tip... Dude wheres my tip?They should be glad they aren't the restroom attendant.
Friday, July 29, 2005 He's got the routine down pat 'Take your clothes off and come out': "Mohammed," shouted the police. "Take your clothes off! Come out with your hands on your head and you will be all right!"Quick, someone call Cherie Blair!
And speaking of both scrofulous hags and the "press" Everyone's favorite Syrian terrorist apologist, Helen Thomas, makes us a promise: Veteran wire reporter Helen Thomas is vowing to 'kill herself' if Dick Cheney announces he is running for president.Make a wish!
That does sound familiar, but it was long ago American Digest: I think I can recall, vaguely and only in shadows, the time when journalism was a decent profession. Now it seems to be mainly the refuge of demented columnists, aging Pulitzer puffers, latter-day traitors, and scum cast off from hapless and hopeless liberal arts colleges.While you're there, check out Truth in Packaging. I always wonder about folks who use their high school graduation photo as a publicity snap. When you meet them in the flesh, your first reaction is "Holy sh*t! What happened to you?" In the case of ole
Thursday, July 28, 2005 "I've got a little list" Actually, Bernard Goldberg does. It'll do for a start. (Hat tip: American Digest)
Today's Hoot! Allah: When the Bomb goes off in New York City, the last thought that passes through my mind before the fireball consumes me will be, "You know, I hope we don't bomb Mecca. I wouldn't want this war to get out of hand."What the heck - Arabia could use a new parking lot.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Today's Hoot! (2nd helping) Over in the UK a Thief 'drinks' work of art: An artist's latest work - a bottle of melted Antarctic ice - may have been stolen and drunk by a thirsty thief.Don't get all het up, Wayne! It was most likely just a thirsty literary type, parched by the profundities on display. Think how much worse you would feel if the contents of the bottle had "turned" yellow! Lots of luck with your insurance claim though, and I'll be glad to provide a replacement for a five spot plus shipping. You won't be able to tell the difference. And while we're feeling all arty, check out Chorus of loud boos: THIS year's edition of one of Europe's top summer arts events has been described as a pretentious catastrophe after angry audiences booed or walked out of a series of performances.Some of the lowlights: On Tuesday there were shouts of abuse during a show - part dance, part installation - by choreographer Christian Rizzo. Either the well was deep - a reference from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland - was accompanied by a cacophony of electronic noise that the audience found unbearable.Good question.
Today's Hoot! Mickey Kaus: And if reporters are willing to give Hillary credit for being "downright conservative" just because she uses the phrase "old fashioned values"--well, reporters are cheap dates!Not me! I want at least a movie and a classy restaurant. But then I'm not one of the MSM.
And speaking of leftoids feeding at the public trough Air America Took Money From Poor Kids & Alzheimer Patients: Radio Equalizer and Michelle Malkin have followed a scandal in New York that, given the involvement of the nationally-broadcast Air America, should have received national media attention by now. It turns out that the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Clubs almost had to shut its doors following a funding shortfall despite receiving a half-million dollars in grant money and much more in city contracts, getting rescued at the last moment by other independent groups. The $500K in grant money had been loaned out -- to Air America...Who knew you could fleece the taxpayers for wingnut media enterprises? Quick, someone tell Al Gore! So why haven't we heard about this scandal from the Exempt Media?Gosh, it sure is a puzzle!
Mad How disease strikes again! ![]() Betsy's Page: Red State links to John Cole at Balloon Juice for finding this whopper by Howard Dean. Dean is now blaming the Republicans for the takings decision by the liberals on the Supreme Court. Huh? The conservatives are the ones who voted against taking the private property in the Kelo decision.No shame or no clue? It's hard to tell with Mad How. But it does it make you wonder about his staff. Aren't they supposed to keep delusional boy reined in? Perhaps, there is an upside to this. (Besides that a party always loses when its leader is making such blatant lies.) If Dean thinks it is such a winner to be against the taking of private property to benefit some other private individual or corporation, perhaps the Democrats will get on board for passing laws in every single state to outlaw such takings.Since most urban Democrats (i.e. most modern Democrats) thrive off the chummy world of government contracts, government grants, and general nest feathering with the public purse, they better clue Howie in that he's endangering their golden geese.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 All duded up and no place to go ![]() Yet more evidence of the intellectual and moral decline of today's Democrat party - ON HIS NEAS: "He's out there on his own," says a far-left Democratic Senate staffer of People for the American Way's Ralph Neas. "He's not going to get much help, I'm afraid."But Ralph is such a fetching lad and so well coiffed! And let's face it - it's his job to attack any Republican judicial nominees that are to the right of Ted Kennedy. He's been collecting all those contributions to "People for the American Way" for years and now he's got to deliver. As for the usual run of the mill leftoid Donks, well, they're just slow off the mark: The ugliness of the Democratic attack so far -- attacking the Roberts family's faith, hinting that Roberts might be a closeted homosexual, attempting to link him to the Iran-Contra scandal knowing that it was a different John Roberts -- indicates how desperate some on the far-left fringe are willing to go to beat the Bush Administration.MoveOn? Third party community? Is there anything left of the Democrat party but rabid wingnuts?
Monday, July 25, 2005 Gosh, I must have missed it! The North Korean party animals are at it again: Pyongyang, July 23 (KCNA) -- Indignation meetings were held in different parts of Korea, resounding with yelling "Let us resolutely smash the Japanese reactionaries' hostile policy and moves for reinvasion against the DPRK!" and "Let us take revenge on the Japanese militarists hundred and thousand times for imposing all sorts of misfortunes and sufferings upon our people!" and so on.They still have their way with words. At meetings held at Kim Chaek University of Technology, Kye Ung Sang Sariwon University of Agriculture and the Wonsan Chemical Factory on July 21, reporters and speakers branded Japan as the most dangerous force of aggression as it took part in the Korean war as a shock-brigade of the U.S. imperialists' moves of aggression against the DPRK and has escalated its moves for reinvasion of the DPRK, evading the liquidation of the past and scheming to seize Tok Islet, inalienable part of Korea.I see that reporters are political participants over there too. And here's another one I missed: Pyongyang, July 24 (KCNA) -- A national meeting of anti-U.S. and anti-war activists was reportedly held in Namwon, North Jolla Province on July 16 and 17 under the sponsorship of the Solidarity Council to Oppose the U.S. and War and Demand the Withdrawal of the U.S. Forces from south Korea. It was attended by members of the same solidarity council active in different parts of south Korea, youth and students and artistes.Artistes! There were lectures at the meeting under the titles of "Let us usher in an era free from U.S. forces" and "How to greet August 15 for reunification and September 8 for independence".Maybe Jane Fonda was there!
Pondscum Chronicles Update On a previous Pondscum Chronicles story, Michelle Malkin has an update which includes this beauty: Brian J. Noggle observes: "When the first words of a personal message are FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, you know it's a poll-felt communication from a politician."
Daily Snooze From FR: "Hey honey, there's a gay Spanish guy on TV saying that we shouldn't be afraid of Arabs."Zzzzzz. It's swell that the United Nations has so many goodwill ambassador programs for washed up celebs. Keeps them from hanging about the highways with "Will preen for food" signs.
Break out the pointy toed boots! There are some roaches that need stomping. Res Ipsa Loquitur: Mark Steyn has an excellent as always article about the new multiculturism....and its pending death. (link via Instapundit) It also contains some information about the missed opportunities to have stopped Atta, et al, that I'd either forgotten or hadn't read. So I'd thought it would be fun to look at some other possible responses which might've been more effective.More by following the link, but the creepy "multicultural sensitivity" of the bureaucrat was always one of the more bizarre aspects of the 9/11 story. The point of Steyn's article is that there are hopeful signs that that sort of blind obliviousness to imminent danger is a thing of the past. About damn time too, because the Islamic wingnuts aren't shy about their intentions, either abroad or at home: In Washington, D.C., politics dominate even the most casual conversations. During a cab ride home from the movies, the cabbie remarked: "Bush used the wrong word when he said 'crusade.' That upset a lot of Muslims. You have no idea how many Muslims there are all around you. They will riot. You are in the heart of it ... where you live. You see, if there is a war, they will riot." He pointed out the window to a hill decorated with a large wooden cross. "I will see you there."Don't be late, pal. Of course, there are the jihad apologist groups who are perpetually aggrieved that anyone might actually suspect unassimilated wingnuts of plotting mayhem. Here's some Friendly advice to peaceful Muslims: There is a fast closing window of opportunity for the large majority of "peaceful Muslims" living in the United States and the United Kingdom.And that's the long and the short of it.
Sunday, July 24, 2005 Today's Hoot! Michael Kane at the NY Post test drives a Hummer Crusher around Manhattan: Hummers are for wussies.The spare tire weighs 90 lbs.
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