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Saturday, April 02, 2005 Pope John Paul II, RIP ![]() There were giants in those days: Ronald Reagan died just one day after President Bush bestowed the Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, on Pope John Paul II for his heroic efforts to topple communism. Those two men, together with Margaret Thatcher, deserve much of the credit for the West's success in the Cold War.John Fund, June 7, 2004
I'm feeling real multilateral today! How about you? But I doubt I'll pass the "global test." Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't have to worry though - Justice Ginsburg Backs Value of Foreign Law: "The notion that it is improper to look beyond the borders of the United States in grappling with hard questions has a certain kinship to the view that the U.S. Constitution is a document essentially frozen in time as of the date of its ratification," Justice Ginsburg said.Zzzz - it's a barking dog story. We already knew about Ruthie's favorite chew toy. Then there's ole Dileep Nair who is one of the featured players in the 2nd Volcker report on United Nations corruption: U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan yesterday launched disciplinary action against the man in charge of ethics at the United Nations, as the Iraq oil-for-food scandal continued to sweep through the world body.Regardless, there will shortly be a vacancy in the executive suite at the United Nations and EU Referendum gives us a hint as to who is in line for the job: Word reaches us from another blogiste-confrère that there might be an interesting development in the career of one Franz-Hermann Brüner, at present Director-General of OLAF, the Commission’s own anti-fraud unit, that has been embroiled in more scandals than Enron.Sounds like a perfect candidate! Finally, Joseph Kahn at the NY Times breathlessly informs us that If 22 Million Chinese Prevail at U.N., Japan Won't: A grass-roots Chinese campaign to keep Japan out of the United Nations Security Council has gathered some 22 million signatures, increasing the chances that China will block Japan's bid to join the elite group, organizers and analysts said Thursday.Sheesh, it's a Web petition. I was going to make fun of Kahn as a clueless n00b who didn't know that Web petitions aren't worth the paper they aren't printed on, but the Chinese and Japanese governments aren't any better: By allowing millions of people to sign their names to a petition against Japan, Beijing's new leadership seems determined to show that recent Japanese actions have so inflamed popular sentiment that China has no choice but to adopt a tougher diplomatic line.Ya think? The effort to rally anti-Japan sentiment in China began in late February, when several overseas Web sites began circulating a petition directed at the United Nations, which is currently debating a blueprint for changing its governing structure.Duh! Sheesh, toss me a few bucks and I'll provide as many signatures as you want. Toss me a few more and they won't all be named Hugh Jorgasm or Ben Dover.
Friday, April 01, 2005 These aren't April Fools' jokes The Telegraph amazes today with a bumper crop of beauties. How about UK challenges subsidy for elite Euro-schools? The Government is preparing for a showdown with its European Union partners over the more than £14 million that Britain spends every year subsidising a network of elite schools for the children of EU bureaucrats.Sounds like the Soviet Union - the children of the apparatchiks go to special schools where they are indoctrinated in the dogmas of the Party: The European schools teach a special curriculum with a strong emphasis on foreign languages, as well as the culture and values of the EU, leading to a unique "European Baccalaureate" qualification.Then there's RAF 'not good enough' for SAS parachute training: The Special Air Service is to move its parachute training to the United States because it believes that the Royal Air Force no longer has the skills to train its soldiers in Britain.And I like Police officers tell robbery victim to carry out the investigation herself: Linda Currie, a 49-year-old shop assistant, said the two officers dispatched to her off- licence in Liverpool declined her offer of taking away security footage of the incident.Gosh, they did show up 25 minutes after she called the emergency number when the guy was pounding on the glass partition! No word on whether she has to try, convict, and carry out the sentence too. And how about a little UN fun - Lack of gipsy sites 'breaches UN racial guidance': A fresh row over gipsies' human rights loomed last night after claims that failure to provide accommodation sites could breach UN rules on racial discrimination.Hey, we have gypsies and travellers in the USA too! Who knew that it was the duty of us in the "settled community" to provide campgrounds for nomads? While you're there, don't miss the effort to get a pardon for Anne Boleyn and do check out the psychologists studying why men go to lapdancing clubs.
I wonder how much newspapers pay to subscribe to the Washington Post News Service? I hope it's not a lot. I guess being the WaPo means you never have to say you're sorry for bogus stories.
Nerds gone wild! The folks at Microsoft have been so intent on beating Google at Internet search that MSN Search is plumbing previously unknown nooks and crannies in the Web and folks are getting caught in the mud splatter - Horrible Scandal Kills My Career: I'm not sure I can continue blogging (or even working within the North American continent). Apparently, MSN Search discovered some horrifying and embaressing sites with my name all over them. Someone forwarded me this search for "Nathan Weinberg" on MSN Search. The MSN Search spiders are so powerful, they are detecting things I thought would be buried forever.Ruh Roh! Look at some of the stuff it digs up on Kofi Annan: Results 1-12 of 20733 containing Kofi Annan (0.23 seconds)
Be careful out there! It's April Fools' Day and I know what you're thinking, Bucky: Although slightly dampened by the prevailing culture of hair-trigger litigation and political correctness, April Fools' Day is still the only acceptable occasion to humiliate friends and employers in front of as wide an audience as possible.Well, be warned: Would-be pranksters beware, however. April Fools' Day-related lawsuits are not uncommon, and lawyers and psychologists say that the damage from a prank gone awry can be lasting and costly. "Some people are fragile and some people aren't; it's important to know the difference," said Dr. Robert R. Butterworth, a psychologist who specializes in trauma and who truly exists. "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt."More anecdotes by following the link including the always exciting April Fools' Day parade in Manhattan, which this year features: SpongeBob SquarePants and impersonators standing in for former Gov. James E. McGreevey of New Jersey and the filmmaker Michael Moore, who will goad spectators to spar him on his own "wrestling float."
Thursday, March 31, 2005 Web fun alert! American Realpolitik points us to some web gadgetry with a variety of uses. How about Mars attacks moonbat Margo? (Fetching Margo Kingston garments link via the vast fashion collection of Tim Blair.)
Today's Hoot! From the transcript: Host: "Is there anything nanotechnology can do about Kofi Annan?"
Punk wish fullfillment RIP Terri Schiavo. I tend to think of Mikey as Joey Buttafucco with a marginally higher IQ. (Graphic from original post here.)
It's too early in the morning for stuff like this Ward Churchill at Anarchist Bookfair: LGF operative zombie’s photo essay on Ward Churchill’s appearance at the Anarchist Bookfair is now open for viewing, and the freakishness on display cannot be overstated. You’ll learn more than you ever wanted to know about San Francisco’s latest body modification fad.There are lots of candidates for the coveted King Freak award (including ole Wingnut Ward), but the "scrotal inflation" guy takes the prize on my scorecard. Is that a cantaloupe in your shorts or are you just glad to see Ward?
Wednesday, March 30, 2005 I don't want to know what they are going to outsource next Outsourcing phone sex from call centers in India!
It's deja vu all over again! Another day, another scandal for UN: A RISING United Nations star who played a key role in organising the Iraqi elections has been accused of running an office in which favouritism, misuse of funds and sexual harassment were rife.I expect her "setting up of Iraqi elections" was rather like the way the United Nations "organized tsunami relief" - they held the press conferences. But let's get to the juicy stuff. And I do mean juicy: The report, by the Swiss consulting company Mannett S.A.R.L., found the work environment in Ms Perelli’s unit to be “offensive” and “abusive”.Woohoo! Ole Carina is just friendly, I guess. Such behaviour included “unwelcome advances/sexually suggestive behaviours”, “unwelcome sharing of sexual behaviours and exploits” and even references to a “dominatrix” in an office exam. Staff also complained of “references to and inquiries into the most intimate details of the sex lives of staff members”, including public humiliation with respect to their responses to those inquiries”.Party animals fer sure! And then there's the little stuff: The report accused Ms Perelli and some other officials of using at least one political affairs officer and some secretaries to run personal errands. It also raised concern about the “perceived misuse” of UN funds for travel.Hey, what's a UN gig without expense padding? But not to worry, fun lovers! Ms Perelli, 48, who holds the high UN rank of D2, allegedly boasted: “There’s nothing they can do to me. I’m the youngest D2, a woman from a developing country.”"She'll have fun fun fun 'til her daddy takes the T-Bird away."
I was going to rant about it ... But John Hawkins does it more crisply - When Reporting The News Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Report The News.
Don't go home mad, just go home 11 Passengers Taken Off Plane As Suspected Illegal Immigrants: RALEIGH, N.C. -- Nearly a dozen passengers were escorted off a Southwest airlines flight Tuesday and taken into custody, suspected of being illegal immigrants.Wait for it. The other passengers reportedly cheered when authorities removed the suspected illegal immigrants.They'll probably be released on their own recognizance shortly. Meanwhile in Virginia: Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) signed a measure Tuesday that tightens laws prohibiting illegal immigrants from receiving public benefits, including Medicaid and public assistance.Ole Wally must be confused - he clearly meant "anti-illegal alien sentiment." And I wonder why he thinks it's a bad thing? Of course, the really big bucks go to education and regular medical care for our "new neighbors," but the judicial elite has decreed they're entitled, so there isn't much us serfs can do about it. Speaking of which - Judge Bars Transfer of 13 Gitmo Detainees. Who knew a DC Federal District Court judge had jurisdiction over Guantanamo? Give 'em time - they'll be whining about shooting terrorists without reading them "their rights" soon.
They're the United Nations - they're here to help! Help themselves, at least. But when they aren't distracted by Kofi Annan's mood swings and Iqbal Riza's excessive paper shredding, they can always find some busywork as James Morrow describes in The Australian: But even if Annan's days -- if not those of the UN -- are numbered, that does not mean that the busybodies of Turtle Bay, New York, and Geneva, Switzerland, are not still finding plenty of things to do. Like meddle in Australian politics, for example. In a fantastic example of being critical of the speck in someone else's eye while missing the plank in one's own, the UN's Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has come to the conclusion that human rights and multicultural tolerance in John Howard's Australia are as rare as Tasmanian tigers.And those pesky Aussies have a bad attitude too! Alexander Downer had the courage to say: "We are a democratically elected government in one of the most liberal and democratic countries you will find on earth. And if a UN committee wants to play domestic politics here in Australia, then it will end up with a bloody nose."Ruh roh! Hey, not to worry! Perceptions will change when the UN takes over the Internet.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Is the United Nations a neverending source of entertainment or what? ![]() Today the second Volcker report was released and Roger Simon has read it so you don't have to: UPDATE: I have been reading the report. So far I can say this much -- anyone who thinks Kofi Annan is the man to reform the United Nations has the intelligence of a gnat or the morals of Saddam Hussein.If you're unfamiliar with the term "Chef de Cabinet", it basically means he was Kofi Annan's chief of staff. I don't how good he was at that, but good ole Iqbal sure knew how to cover his nether region! And then there's the goods on Kofi's son Kojo's little "business venture" with the Oil-for-Food program including this revelation: The report indicates that Kojo Annan is no longer cooperating with the committee. According to my sources... and you know who they are if you have been following the posts below... this has been true since November.Gosh! Why would that be? As for the old man: U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, asked Tuesday if he would resign after a critical report concerning the oil-for-food scandal in Iraq, replied, "Hell, no."I guess ole Kofi's not paying attention. Either that or he's on the "up" part of his mood cycle.
Spring Break Alert! And now it isn't for students only - Profs Gone Wild! Extreme Ultimate Spring Break Volume 6: Get ready for even more of the ultimate spring break intellectual experience! You won’t believe the academic insanity as Iowahawk’s Dave Burge and his inquiring camera crew catch real live college faculty getting their freak on at the beach… in the clubs…. even the hot transgressive action back in their hotel symposia! From Rocky Mountain ski lodges to the beaches of Florida and Cuba, to the hot sun of Texas and across the border to Mexico where anything goes, this all-new video is the biggest, craziest, most blazing Profs Gone Wild spring break video yet! Profs Gone Wild: Extreme Ultimate Spring Break Volume 6 – It’s Hot, Tenured, and Out of Control!Ruh Roh! Much more by following the link.
Didn't she used to be in ABBA? We benighted rednecks in the states don't get exposed to the finer things in life like Margot Walström, the Swedish Socialist blonde joke who is now the EU Commissioner for Institutional Relations and Communication. That's apparently the fancy name for head spinner in the campaign for the EU Constitution. Or as Margot says: "Europe builds roads, bridges and railways in order to bring people closer together. Now we have to strengthen contacts between people."Woohoo! Anyhow, as with all trendy politicians everywhere, ole Margot has a blog to spread the joy, but there's trouble in Happyland: It appears that that the "colleagues" are getting a little nervous about the proliferation of free speech on the Margot Walström Blog.Calling all bureaucrats! Grab your coffee mugs and man (or woman) the rail to repel boarders! Interestingly, while the payroll vote is being mobilised to lend support to the fragrant Margot, we note that the one person most notably reluctant to face the sceptics and "answer their very probing questions" on the comments section of the Margot Walström Blog is er… Margot Walström.Politicians and blogs - there ought to be a law. Wait, don't tell the EU bureaucrats that! They might try to regulate it.
It's not all bad news! (Via LGF) Phony Indian, phony artist, and phony scholar Ward Churchill showed up in San Francisco last week to peddle his book and swap a little spit with the resident moonbats. LGF reader zombie files a report complete with photos. Is that a cross cultural experience or what? But there is a hopeful note - they clearly know which end of the chicken produces the manure.
Monday, March 28, 2005 Self inflicted injury alert! The Sunday Telegraph had an article titled Free Saddam and jail Blair? describing the turmoil in UK government circles over whether the war in Iraq was "legal" under some nebulous definition of "international law" and how this provides a nasty problem for Tony Blair who loves the International Criminal Court. Frankly, the whole thing struck me along the lines of the old joke about the fellow who complains to his doctor that "It hurts when I do this." His doctor sensibly advises him, "Then don't do that." But unfortunately, Tony Blair and the Labor party are enamored of the fantasy of "international law". Take it away, EU Referendum: In the first place, what is international law? Until recently, it consisted of various agreements between countries or organizations that dealt with matters such as maritime rules, airlines, radio wavelengths etc etc. On top of that there are commercial agreements and conventions. All this clearly comprehensible.Hey, why not? They're real familiar with sexual and financial criminality! The argument that something is legal because a bunch of politicians, international lawyers and civil servants, all of whom have a vested interest in constructing more and more international organizations, say so is illogical by any definition. That is why it leads inexorably to the conclusion that Saddam Hussein should be restored in Iraq and Tony Blair tried by an international court.Easy solution, Tony - stop doing that. Mark Steyn also weighs in with Blair? Once a lawyer, always a lawyer...: Every couple of months I pick up a paper and read something about Lord Goldsmith's view on the likely illegality of the Iraq war. And I think, "Hang on, didn't I read this story back in January?" - or October, or June, or whenever this indestructible "controversy" last reared its head. And I get to the bit about Baroness Kennedy calling for an investigation into what Clare Short has revealed - or possibly vice versa - and my eyes glaze over and round about paragraph four I flip to the books page and Barry Norman's review of Halliwell's Illustrated Guide to Great Lesbian Movie Scenes.Once again, Tony, stop doing that. Two years ago - March 15, 2003 - I wrote in this space that Bush had been prevailed upon to "go the UN route" to give his closest ally some (pseudo-legal) cover and "the end result is that we'll be going to war with exactly the same participants as we would have done last August, and the one person weakened by going the UN route is the very one it was designed to protect: Mr Blair. The best way to help Blair would have been to get the war over six months ago."Tony, you really have to stop doing that. As usual with Steyn, you need to read the whole thing.
Sunday, March 27, 2005 Today's Hoot! (Hat tip: Slashdot) Two weeks ago I didn't get around to the story about Jacques Chirac's knickers getting knotted over the Google plan to put a large number of English books online with the help of some American and UK universities. Well, now the big counterattack has been revealed - Europe's response to Google to be managed by... Microsoft?: ...but I was brought up short by the end of an article by Béatrice Gurrey et Emmanuel de Roux in Le Monde on 3/16/2005:More fun by following the link.
Forget the violin - a whoopee cushion is better for this "tale of woe" The Salt Lake Tribune alerts us to another tale of illegal alien angst - Driving cards force some tough choices: In 1990, Hilda Werner spent roughly $7,000 to be smuggled into California, where she and her two young boys ran across the U.S.-Mexico border in the rain.Earth to Hilda! You aren't a citizen of any kind! But don't let us keep ya. The last straw was Utah's new law that denies a driver license to undocumented immigrants and provides instead a driving privilege card.Has to be a typo - they must have meant anti-illegal immigration legislation. I'm sure The Salt Lake Tribune couldn't really have confused legal immigrants with illegal aliens. The Utah law, prompted by Senate Bill 227, allows only people with a Social Security number to get a state identification card or driver license, leaving residents who have a U.S. visa - and roughly 60,000 undocumented residents - with only one alternative: If they want to drive legally in Utah, they need to get a driving card.Earth to Hilda! You're not paying attention! Like many other undocumented residents, Werner said her license makes her feel "secure" and part of the community. Without it, she'll feel "useless." Werner is scared that people might discriminate against her if she uses a driving card as a form of identification to write a check. She said she feels like she doesn't belong here any longer.Any longer? Do you think she has ever seen a clue? While an extreme example of the illegal angst story, it's still fairly typical, right? Wait, there's more: Werner, who married a U.S. citizen four years ago, said she is giving up on trying to obtain legal status because of the long process and confusing paperwork as well as the new anti-immigrant laws popping up across the country.So she could be a citizen, but can't be bothered to fill out the "confusing paperwork". Makes you wonder how she did on the traditional American confusing paperwork that comes due every April 15. I've been working on mine and I get the feeling I paid for too many Hildas this year. I also wonder whose Social Security number she used for her various places of employment. There are more anecdotes by following the link and I'm sad to say "anti-immigrant" is used incorrectly throughout, including by a BYU immigration-law professor who should know better. But it's not all bad - there's actually a quote from someone who noticed the basic problem with this whole deal: Hatch, a 67-year-old retired teacher, said he can't believe the Legislature passed a law that recognizes undocumented residents and gives them the right to drive.I was wondering about that too.
Some day Bobby Mugabe will get what he so richly deserves Quiet chant of 'hungry, hungry' rouses a nation to oust Mugabe: IT STARTED with a whisper, a mother besotted with grief at losing her son, people said afterwards. As she muttered the single word "hungry", the crowd around her shifted uneasily and looked scared. Nobody wanted a night in a Zimbabwean jail.Hope springs eternal. Bobby won't go quietly, but that's OK - as long has he goes.
Just trying to help! Florida Cracker points out a problem with Harper's latest cover: The cover of the March issue of Harper's magazine shows a group of Marine recruits. One of them is fading.She's got some more suggestions too. I always like to help out, so above is my contribution for a dynamite Harper's cover featuring their wingnut editor, Lewis Lapham. Looking good, Lewis! Michelle Malkin has more.
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