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Saturday, November 22, 2003 Ruh Oh! Man gets "spam rage" over penis ad SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Call it spam rage: A Silicon Valley computer programmer has been arrested for threatening to torture and kill employees of the company he blames for bombarding his computer with Web ads promising to enlarge his penis.C'mon Chuck, don't be shy! Tell us how you really feel! But wait - there's more! The object of the Californian's anger was Douglas Mackay, president of DM Contact Management, which works for Albion Medical, a firm advertising the "Only Reliable, Medically Approved Penis Enhancement."Whew! That would be tough to do!
And the party's just getting started The media and the Donk candidates have their panties tightly knotted now that the Republican National Committee has started firing back. Helen Kennedy at the NY Daily News delivers Dem fury over GOP attack ad: WASHINGTON - The 2004 battle for the White House was joined yesterday when the GOP opened fire on Democrats with an ad calling them terrorist lovers.Good start, Helen! Your future in Big Media is secure. After months of Democratic attacks on President Bush's decision to attack Iraq, the Republican National Committee decided to fight back.Most were crazy long before that. Check out the reaction from General Jack D. Ripper (ret) from Burpelson Air Force Base: "We're not concerned because he's attacking terrorists - we're concerned that he's not!" retired Gen. Wesley Clark told reporters. "He promised us Osama Bin Laden dead or alive. We have neither." Like most of the Democratic candidates, Clark argued Al Qaeda should have been the key target, not Iraq.He's still oblivious to the international brotherhood of Islamofascists and all the connections between al Qaeda and the Saddamites. But at least there was no mention of "precious bodily fluids". However, some of the candidates kept their eye on the ball: Campaign aides of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, noting that every time their candidate is attacked his supporters send more money, turned it into a fund-raising tool.Woohoo! Ernst Blofeld already gave at the office! Shall we dance?
Can you say dysfunctional? I knew you could! U.N. report shows sad chapter for Arab books CAIRO -- According to the holy Quran, the first message delivered to the Prophet Muhammad was a command: Read.That's one possible explanation, but not a particularly good one. Ibrahim must be unacquainted with Spengler's Decline of the West. Across the Arab world, a region of 280 million people, a best seller is a book that sells just 5,000 copies. Translation of foreign works into Arabic lags far behind the rest of the world -- one-fifth the number translated each year into Greek, a language spoken by just 11 million people. Some of Cairo's most storied old booksellers have given up entirely and been replaced by cell phone vendors, clothing shops and shoe stores.Those are better explanations as the rest of the article describes. And in related news, check out Best of the Web's (scroll down to "Muslim Moon Moan") review of the Council on American Islamic Relations' discovery of the big conspiracy over at Johnny Hart's B.C. comic strip to besmirch Muslims. Who knew what crescent moons on outhouse doors really meant?
Friday, November 21, 2003 Cruel and Unusual! Colgate Kicks Out Fraternity for Hazing HAMILTON, N.Y. (AP) - Colgate University has kicked a fraternity off campus because of hazing new members, college officials said.That's pretty tough hazing fer sure! College officials said it was preceded by underage drinking.Ya think?
Time for a checkup from the neck up German Sept 11 theory stokes anti-US feeling A former German cabinet minister is drawing huge crowds and stoking the fires of popular anti-Americanism with a book arguing that the US government mounted the September 11 attacks in a plot to win global domination.I'm afraid to ask who Andy thinks is responsible for the bombings in Indonesia, Turkey, Israel, and elsewhere. Or when his saucer is coming to pick him up.
Here's big news! I never see People magazine except in dentist's waiting rooms, so I'm indebted to Kathryn Jean Lopez for noting that People has determined that James Carville is one of the "Top 10 Sexiest Men in America". Personally, I like the stories about the Ragin' Cajun that appear in that other weekly better.
It's those wacky UN diplomats again! U.N. DIPLOS GET A KICK IN ARREARS November 21, 2003 -- Some permanent missions to the United Nations aren't so permanent after all.No phone or electricity must have made them feel right at home.
Thursday, November 20, 2003 Can you spot the wingnut? Don't worry, any choice is fine. Schroeder "desperate and depressed" by Istanbul attacks NEW YORK, Nov 20 (AFP) - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, arriving here on a trade mission, said the suicide bombs against British targets in Istanbul that killed 27 people Thursday had left him feeling "desperate and depressed."No word if his nose grew any longer. But then there's that deep thinker, Weasley Clark - U.S. candidate Clark wants 'Greater Middle East' plan NEW YORK - Presidential hopeful Wesley Clark contrasted his foreign policy on Thursday with President George W. Bush's occupation of Iraq and said if elected he would extend U.S. and European military and security partnerships to countries of the "Greater Middle East."I always love the latest from Burpelson Air Force Base! Keep 'em unpolluted, Weasley! These fellas are just another illustration of the "reputable left" being all for a War on Terror as long as no one actually does anything. Unfortunately, that's rather cold comfort when some knuckle draggers are trying to blow you up for watching Britney Spears. Then there's the disreputable left - they're egging the bastards on.
Who's got the Kool-Aid? The Patio Pundit spots something really bizarre amongst the Deanie Weenies: Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean: "He's definitely hot right now. It's like his supporters are a cult. At the Jefferson and Jackson dinner in Des Moines last weekend, it was tons of screaming kids, but they weren't from Iowa. They'd been bused in from across the Midwest, and they didn't clap for anyone else - only Dean. Afterward, there was a party at the Fort Des Moines and they acted out Dean's stump speech, waving their arms and mouthing the words, like it was 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show.' Dean was there, and at first he was smiling, but after a while he looked pretty freaked out.Sheesh, they're going to need tank cars full of the stuff.
More protest snaps! Here's one in Paraguay by children for child labor. I'm so confused! And here's a novelty, fashion photography with a riot police backdrop.
Wednesday, November 19, 2003 Half Naked Protestor Alert! Sorry London lefties - all the action was in Miami. Actually there wasn't much going on there either, but the press had hopes. Also present were an alien from an old Star Trek Show and some sort of large parrot.
Ruh Oh! We gave pig meat to halal sheep, say activists Sydney - Animal rights activists claimed yesterday to have fed pig meat to 70,000 sheep awaiting shipment to the Middle East in an effort to render them unsuitable for consumption by Muslims.Er, how can you tell? I guess it's the thought that counts.
Trouble in Donk paradise alert! Gainful employment beckons, so I don't have time for a rant about the AARP, socialized medicine, cross border drug pricing, and yadda yadda. But I have to laugh at Candidates chastise AARP for backing Medicare reform: BEDFORD — Five would-be Presidential nominees, including Howard Dean, opened an AARP pre-primary event at the Wayfarer Inn yesterday by chastising the 35 million-member (210,000 in New Hampshire) group’s leadership for backing a GOP Medicare prescription drug bill.So why are their panties in a knot? Take it away, Dickie Gephardt: “This is a bad bill. It’s a Republican bill. Therefore, it’s a bad bill,” said Missouri Rep. Richard Gephardt.There's an incisive analysis! To be fair, Joe Lieberman was the voice of relative sanity, as usual: Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman refused to criticize the bill or the AARP. “Too soon to say,” he said. “The fact is it will provide 10 million senior citizens, more than 80,000 in New Hampshire, who don’t have any prescription assistance, with those benefits. I’m not going to give a knee-jerk, reflex reaction and say, ‘no way.’”Joe's clearly not with the Donk program. Much more whining from the rest of the dwarves by following the link, but the best part was when Howie Dean said "Let's play doctor!".
Tuesday, November 18, 2003 John Burton leads trump and it's the race card Senate leader contends effort to kill license law is `racist' SACRAMENTO (AP) - Senate leader John Burton charged Tuesday that attempts to overturn a new law allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers' licenses were being fueled by racism, but he stopped short of saying that was Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's motivation.I think Johnny just said that membership in selected races should be a "Get Out of Jail Free" card. And in related news - Northwestern Student Charged With Faking Racist Attacks: Suspect Says He Wanted To 'Motivate' Minorities On Campus.
David Frum does the London protests Why this protest is deeply shameful As slogans go, "Hands Off Nepal" has a lot to recommend it: it's simple, direct - and yet at the same time, touched with a certain exotic romance.Whew, that's a relief! Good to see that the wingnuts showed up though. The anti-Bush demonstration in Lincoln's Inn Fields was called for six o'clock, but at the appointed hour, journalists and camera crews substantially outnumbered protesters.Yum! More hijinks by following the link, but here's the best line: But not as good a point as this one I heard from a young member of the Socialist Workers Party, standing underneath a clutch of red banners. I goaded him a little: "Wouldn't Trotsky describe your allies in this coalition as religious obscurantists? And isn't the history of the Middle East that religious loyalties count for a whole lot more than ideology?"Ooops!
People, listen up! Spelling out words with your bods is all very well, but for it to count you have to take your clothes off!
And speaking of birds... Did you see the Guardian article in which prominent British citizens wrote welcome notes to President Bush? Surprisingly for the Guardian it wasn't exclusively wing nuts, but there was certainly a good crop of them. How about Harold Pinter? Dear President Bush,Sounds like Antonia has been hiding Harry's meds again! And don't forget Mickey, age 12: I would just like to say how much I hate you. You have done nothing positive in your whole time as president. You are the reason for the poverty in the Middle East. You have no idea what you are doing. You're killing loads of people, and that is not excluding your own nation too. There are still lots of very poor people in America, and they are getting poorer.The kid's ready to be a Democrat presidential candidate! Much more manure by following the link.
Memos, we've got memos! First a memo surfaces that reveals how the Donks on the Senate Intelligence Committee are playing politics with Iraqi intelligence information. The Donks are outraged that their "clever plan" was revealed, but won't disavow it. Then we find out that there's a memo that lays out the connections between Osama and Saddam and which is known to all the usual Donk suspects, who blithely ignore it as they rant on. That doesn't make the front page, but now we get to hear all about the big investigation to find out who spilled the beans. Then some memos turn up that reveal that the Donks are merely sock puppets for a motley collection of pressure groups when it comes to minority judicial nominees. Not to worry - Sen. Dick Durbin has got the posse all saddled up and ready to ride to find out who turned them in. Can you say pond scum? I knew you could!
Monday, November 17, 2003 Higher Education? Double-meanings deep-six U of I officials' nicknames IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) - A creative idea to make meetings between University of Iowa officials and students more fun...I have a bad feeling about this! ...quickly changed directions when jazzy nicknames chosen for top administrators were found to have undesirable multiple meanings.Say what? It turns out that pizzle is a term sometimes used to refer to a bull's sex organs and that dizzle - according to one dictionary on urban slang - refers to an alcoholic redneck.Anyone care to assess the maturity level of everyone involved?
What a hootenanny! Kevin at hit the big Donk shindig in Iowa: Now, it was time for the big show. After dispensing with the formalities, including the Governor leading the crowd in The Pledge of Allegiance, in which he left “under God” in (boy that really got the lefty crowd out of sync), it was time to introduce the guests of honor. One by one the dwarfs came down the aisle to cheers and handshakes. Then it came time for Howard Dean to make his entrance. Of course Dean wouldn’t be outdone. Rather than walk the aisle, Dean was in the crowd, in the upper deck, shaking hands and waving. Once again, Dean appeared as the outsider and upstaged everyone. After Howard was some former Ambassador who is apparently running for the nomination as well.Much more by following the link.
Wing Nuts Come Together Braun Hires Ireland to Head Campaign Democrat Carol Moseley Braun has hired former National Organization for Women president Patricia Ireland to head her presidential campaign amid questions about the future of the long-shot bid.Now there's a dynamic duo. Maybe the deck chairs will look better on the other side of the Titanic.
Wing Nuts Fall Out Al-Jazeera fires Ridley Yvonne Ridley, the former Express journalist who was kidnapped by the Taliban in Afghanistan and subsequently converted to Islam, has been sacked as editor of al-Jazeera's English-language service.Yeehaw!
School Daze Students' kiss not just a kiss You've seen Britney and Madonna. Now a US high school has seen two 17-year-olds, Katherine Pecore and Stephanie Haaser, lock lips on top of a lunch table.Good ole Henry David! He still gets the juices flowing in jaded English teachers after all these years. No word on what the teacher will ask the tykes to do when they read Macbeth.
Who the hell is Laura? No, I don't know what's the matter over at but Laura seems to be getting lots of links. C'mon Laura and Tim, put up something worth reading! Strike while the iron is hot!
Nostalgia News An Open Message for Bill Clinton: Your Neighbors in Harlem Miss You Like Crazy Consider this an open letter from the citizens of 125th Street to former President Bill Clinton. Its message is simple: Mr. Clinton, please come home.Violins no less! And presumably Kool-Aid for all. The former president and Harlem seemed the perfect match. Both were in the early stages of a renaissance. Both loved soul food. Both had ties to the South. Speaking to his adoring audience that day more than two years ago, Mr. Clinton made a promise. "I want to make sure I'm a good neighbor in Harlem," he said.Bubba has lots of experience ducking in back doors, but if he hasn't been at the office, what has the beamish boy been up to? This year alone, he has traveled to Los Angeles to campaign for Gov. Gray Davis, to Kosovo to visit American soldiers serving with the United Nations peace-keeping force and to China to press its government to confront a growing AIDS crisis.And piping up from the peanut gallery whenever he gets a chance. A spokesman for Mr. Clinton's office pointed out that while Mr. Clinton has certainly been on the move, he has still had time to visit Jimmy's Uptown (three times), the Sugar Hill Bistro, the Bayou restaurant, Londell's restaurant, the Studio Museum in Harlem, Dance Theater of Harlem, Roberto Clemente Elementary School, the Frederick Douglass Academy, the Apollo Theater (three times), Sylvia's restaurant and Dee's Card Shop (for some Christmas shopping), to name more than a few.Ah yes, the memoirs. I can hardly wait. Over all, 125th Street still remains a thriving chapter of the Bill Clinton fan club, and there are those on the street who consider themselves lucky to actually have seen the man in recent weeks.Kinda like me and Elvis. Sharon Alexander, 43, rode in the elevator with the former president last month as she was heading to work at the Department of Veterans Affairs.Don't disappoint them Bill! And don't bother the rest of us.
Front Group alert! Cynthia McKinney to speak in Gainesville Former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney - a lightning rod of controversy while a member of the State House of Representatives and the U.S. Congress - will speak in Gainesville next Saturday, November 22.I didn't know wingnut Cindy was a gardener! Well, she's not: The florist club began in 1950 as a place where people in the Newtown community could turn for flowers in times of illness or death in their families, but has evolved over the years into a civil rights/environmental justice organization.I'm sure they'll have plenty of Kool-Aid to go around.
At last, some good news! Guinness good for you - official The old advertising slogan "Guinness is Good for You" may be true after all, according to researchers.The researchers claim that Guinness helps out with hardening of the arteries - in dogs, at least.
Whatever happened to "Miracle on 34th Street"? Rod Dreher at The Corner: HOLLYWEIRD
Sunday, November 16, 2003 It's Wing Nut Marching Time, Kids! I guess I missed the big hoedown in Paris: Tens of thousands of opponents of war, discrimination and corporate greed from more than 60 countries paraded through Paris Saturday in a show of grassroots force to Europe's power elite.Woo hoo! But they'll be out in force in London for the visit of President Bush. Andrew Sullivan: It's lockdown time in London. The anti-war left, who let the visits of Mugabe and Assad pass without much protest, is galvanizing to bring the country to a standstill during Bush's visit. The BBC is in the vanguard of anti-Bush hysteria.I knew there was a reason that NPR hired the BBC to provide news on our "public" radio stations. But as it's November, our hopes for naked protestors will likely be dashed. Here are some partial substitutes: Naked sushi kicks up stink in US northwest SEATTLE, Washington (AFP) - A US restaurant that boasts a house special of sushi served on a naked woman has sparked furious protests by Asian women's groups, but eager diners are jostling for seats.Dozens Sign Up To Strip Naked And Sing Call it freedom of expression, or just the booze talking, but so far, dozens of patrons have signed up to sing nude at a karaoke event proposed by a local bar.
Prolonged Whine-a-thon Alert! Some Chicago Tribune reporters have coughed up a new entry in the Illegal Alien Angst category: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- The 75 passengers on the Icelandair jet sat strapped to their seats, cloth bands cinching their arms to their waists for all but the final descent of the three-leg, 20-hour flight.Sounds like the average plane trip in economy class. I'll save you the time to read the article: lots of "good hearted" illegal aliens are kicked out of the USA every year and since 9/11, the number from Islamic countries has increased. Some people in Islamic countries are grumpy. You can follow the link for more bathos, but here's the nut: In fact, while three of the Sept. 11 hijackers had overstayed their visas, a sweeping, bipartisan congressional probe later cited shoddy intelligence work, not poor immigration enforcement, as being at the root of the nation's vulnerability that day.While that conveniently obscures the incredibly slipshod nature of the USA's legal "immigration programs" (student visa anyone?), how does it imply that immigration laws shouldn't be enforced? Exactly what part of "illegal alien" don't they understand?
Shocking News Alert! College students chug big mugs College students drink much more alcohol than they realize, a new study suggests, raising questions about the validity of widely cited surveys on campus drinking.I'm waiting for the study that reveals that respondents to surveys might er, lie.
It's Her Heinous! She's here to help! Candidates Feel Hill Prez-ence in Iowa DES MOINES - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton had the look, the message and even the campaign theme music for a White House run, but last night she was content to merely slam President Bush.Same old tune, but what were the words this time? Clinton, speaking before thousands of Iowa Democrats, said she was "embarrassed" by Bush and charged him with draining the reservoir of good will America held after the horror of Sept. 11, 2001.You really have to be sh*tting me. And in a subtle dig at the nine declared Democratic wannabes seeking to unseat Bush, Clinton advised them to offer voters something more than just complaints about the way things are.Pot, kettle, black. But here's the best part - Hillary has dueling groupies! Prior to the dinner, Clinton's two competing backers sold buttons and greeted some of the 7,000 people who attended the event as they walked into the auditorium.That's OK, they had a big pitcher of Kool-Aid. And one more thing: Each candidate picked different music to blare as their theme song; Clinton had her own, choosing U2's "It's a Beautiful Day," which is one of her favorite songs.I wonder how long it took the focus group to come up with that one?
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