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Saturday, November 15, 2003 But are you hungry a half hour later? Some Chinese Mete Out Rat Poison Revenge BEIJING - Each story is ghastlier than the last. A shop owner poisons the snacks at a rival's store, and 38 people die. A widow spikes the lunch at her husband's funeral, killing 10. A man seeks vengeance against his married lover by targeting her children.But there's a problem: Wang Shizhou, a Peking University law professor, attributes part of the problem to the way rural China operates. It's rife with toxins such as rat poison, pesticides and herbicides, and villagers get little training in their use.Hmm, sounds like some state education shortfalls to me.
And speaking of the media ... The WaPo's Dana Milbank has a hissy fit over President Bush giving an exclusive interview to the (U.K.) Sun - Prez in Topless Tabloid: London Paper Nabs Rare Bush Exclusive. Word on Fleet Street is it's an obvious payoff to the Sun's owner, Rupert Murdoch, the conservative publisher behind many Bush-friendly news outlets such as Fox News. Officials at the White House acknowledge that it was a reward to the Sun for its unstinting support of the United States regarding the war in Iraq. (The Sun's pro-Bush stance also got it an interview with Vice President Cheney in late 2001.)Ruh Oh! It must be the VRWC at work! But Bush aides also said it was done on the recommendation of Tony Blair, Britain's Labor Party prime minister, who has worked hard to bring the Sun away from its Tory Party roots.Or something like that. Bush, meanwhile, has given no solo interviews this year to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Time or Newsweek. And he hasn't given an exclusive interview in his entire presidency to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe and dozens of other major publications.Do I detect a bit of envy? In any case, most US papers don't need interviews. It's easier to make stuff up.
TV Snooze TV's bad reception Quick, can you name a new hit show this fall?Nope and not for about the last 20 years either. Is Bonanza still on? No? You're not alone.Whew, that's a relief! There aren't any.Ruh Oh! In a fall season that usually showcases network TV at its boastful finest, the words "disconcerting," "depressing" and "malaise" are on the lips of network executives as new series falter and returning hits fade. Fox's critically praised Skin, NBC's massively hyped sex comedy Coupling and WB's heroic Tarzan — each considered a network best bet as the season began — are among the first casualties.Since I'm one of the older folks, I'll take that as a compliment. I must be more trendy than I thought. The article has lots of theories about the "problem" - DVD's, the Web, video games, cable - but lingers lovingly on the angst about "content" . "To win back viewers in a big way, broadcast networks need to try shows that are creatively adventurous," Fox Television Entertainment Group chairman Sandy Grushow says. But in a business in which four out of five new shows fail, networks are hardly in an adventurous mood. "It begs the question of what's the right space for broadcasters."The farm report is nice.
Walking Wine Vat Speaks! Kennedy Calls Bush Minority Nominees 'Neanderthals'. Details over at Sacred Cow Burgers. And while you're visiting SCB, check out the hip, trendy, youthful types at Block the Vote.
It's our little pals again Suicide Car Bombers Kill 15 in Turkey This isn't going to end until every nut case takes a hollow point in the brain. And in related news - U.N. experts say only technical know-how prevents al-Qaida attack with chemicals, bio-weapons. Yuh think?
Friday, November 14, 2003 No bad idea goes unemulated Latin American States Give Aliens ID Cards in U.S.: Several Latin American countries plan to follow Mexico's example by issuing consular identification cards to illegal immigrants in the United States, despite FBI warnings that the cards pose a security threat, officials said on Thursday.What! You don't recognize an Elbonian ID card!
The World Is Good Hands I've mentioned this before, but I like it so much - Smoke 'em if you got 'em: The United Nations is perhaps the last public space in New York where one can light up a Camel over coffee, or even a Cuban cigar after lunch. And diplomats from a dozen foreign nations are working to keep it that way.Read the whole article for all the legal details - if you have a hard time getting to sleep. The UN should resolve this any decade now.
Ruh Oh! Students call Dean posters a hoax: ![]() "Whoever is doing this is engaging in the most negative form of campaigning imaginable or participating in the most awful sort of prank," Heintz said.Maybe, unlike the Deanie-Weenies, they just have a sense of humor?
I didn't think they made movies like that any more! Charles Krauthammer reviews Master and Commander: Even better is the fact that the hero in his little British frigate is up against a larger, more powerful French warship. That allows U.S. audiences the particular satisfaction of seeing Anglo-Saxon cannonballs puncturing the Tricolor. My favorite part was Aubrey rallying the troops with a Henry V, St. Crispin's Day speech featuring: "Do you want your children growing up and singing the Marseillaise?" It was met by a chorus of deafening "No's." Maybe they should have put that in the trailer too.
Thursday, November 13, 2003 The East German Women's Shotput Team was just ahead of their time! IOC OK Transsexual Athletes in Olympics Athletes who have undergone sex change operations will be eligible to compete in the Olympics for the first time under new rules being finalized by the IOC.Pat's damn diverse, isn't he? But here's the best part: Until 1999, the IOC conducted gender verification tests at the Olympics but the controversial screenings were dropped before the 2000 Sydney Games.I'm so confused! Why not skip all the fooling around and just have unisex competitions?
It's a pond scum smorgasbord! And Best of the Web has the selections! Yum, I'm hard pressed to decide between the anti-American journalists at Newsweek and the NY Times with an anti-Bush garnish from Reuters or the Pennsylvania librarian who won't allow an American flag in the library because it might offend some patrons. Of course, if you like California cuisine, there's the war protestors in Sebastapol, California who poured concrete in 200 holes used for Veteran's Day flag poles.
When there's a casino on every corner, what are they going do? Tribe members face ouster over recall try: They may not have a casino yet, but leaders of the Enterprise Rancheria certainly know a thing or two about political hardball.I was planning to start a tribe with just one member, but after reading this maybe I'll start the "Inclusive and Diverse" Tribe. You know, open to all citizens.
Durn Wimps! (Via Spoons) You call this a filibuster? The U.S. Senate has scheduled a filibuster for Wednesday night so senators can talk themselves blue in the face about who's to blame because Democrats won't allow some of President Bush's judicial nominations to come to a vote. We're not going to debate the merits of the issue today--of course every nominee should get a vote. This time, we'd rather complain about the wussy nature of this filibuster.That's what we really need - a real "no holds barred" filibuster! I want to see Teddy Kennedy pissing in a water jug behind the lectern after a 10 hour speech. Er, I don't actually want to see it, but I want to know that's what he's doing when he crouches down behind the podium and his sigh of relief sounds like it's coming from a barrel. Wouldn't it be great if there was a double secret plan so that when the 30 hours are up, the Donks all file out and the GOP calls a snap vote? I doubt there is, so we'll just have to extract amusement where we can - Call Democrat Cloakroom 202-224-4691, Ask Senator Byrd To Send Over Some Clean Sheets For GOP Cots. "He's a Kleagle, he's the guy who hands out sheets."
What about Fire Ants? My interest in Paris Hilton is exceeded by my interest in most insect pests, but Howard Veit points to an article that provides stuff you just can't make up. The story, of course, is that "socialite" (i.e. more bucks than brains) Paris is in a tizzy over the public disclosure of an amateur porn tape she made with pal Rick Solomon: As for Solomon, who recently launched a clothing and video venture titled Beverly Hills Pimps & Hos, which is described as an A-list version of Girls Gone Wild, one would think the leaked sex tape would serve as marketing gold--particularly since he bragged about the tape's existence earlier in the year.We're dealing with a classy bunch here! In the meantime, merchandisers and pranksters have decided to use the media frenzy over the tape to make hay while the sun shines.Glad to see somebody's got it right.
Wednesday, November 12, 2003 With his hearing aid off, he can't hear the clue phone Over in the UK - No obvious limit to immigration, says Blunkett: David Blunkett blew open the political debate over immigration last night when he said there was "no obvious limit" to the number of foreigners who could settle in Britain.Does he mean what I think he means? With figures today expected to show that net migration is running at a record level, the Home Secretary conceded that in some areas people felt swamped or overwhelmed by new arrivals. However, he declined to say how many people he thought Britain could comfortably accommodate.Something to look forward to, I'm sure. But why?
Publishers insult Prophet (pbuh)! ![]() The usual suspects are having turbo wedgies because an ancient drawing of Big Mo has some nekkid women faintly in the background. Woohoo! Looks like pr0n to me! Also, despite one's first reaction, pbuh is not an expletive. LGF has all the details. I'm just doing my part to make sure everyone sees this scandalous example of non-PC behavior! "Hey Mo, is that a banana in your pocket?"
Dang, where'd I put the tin foil beanie? Now here's the story. First, you have a Jewish billionaire who's been involved in a bunch of financial hanky-panky around the world which has actually shaken national governments. He also funds a worldwide political organization with branches in over 50 countries. Then he turns up at a public conference and opines that he is one of the reasons that anti-Semites are claiming that "Jews rule the world". But he puts most of the blame for anti-Semitism on the governments of the USA and Israel. To top it all off, he declares war on President Bush and makes big bucks contributions to the USA's "party of the people," skirting the campaign finance laws via donations to various soft money sinkhole organizations like everyone's favorite foreign front group, Now all I have to do is come up with an ending and get it all typed up and my fortune as a Hollywood screenwriter is assured! You don't think the plot is too far fetched, do you?
Vanguard of the proletariat alert! (Via Gweilo Diaries) Party inquiry after communist chief dies on golf course The head of the Chinese Communist party in Chairman Mao's home town has died on a golf course, prompting a full investigation into his presence at such a potent symbol of capitalism.Hey, even commies need a hobby.
Hot steaming chili alert! Faked chili lands joker in hot water: It started as a prank, said Don Eastep, an Illinois retiree. When his brother Larry couldn't attend the Terlingua, Texas, cook-off, Eastep went under his brother's name.Isn't the state motto 'Don't mess with chili"? Suspicious contestants told the judges that no one had seen Eastep cooking chili. When confronted, Eastep fessed up and turned over his winnings -- trophy, engraved necklace and hand-painted stove -- to the runner-up, a Dallas dentist.OK, but what about the implications of "super combo chili" tasting better than any of the entries of the individual contestants? Have the chili gurus been funnin' us all these years?
Tuesday, November 11, 2003 The clue phone is ringing but no one is home Other than in passing, I didn't mention the 9 Dwarves debate last week sponsored by CNN and "Rock the Vote" for reasons amply described by Matt Labash. Not only is "Rock the Vote" a partisan Democrat operation, but the forced "hipness" of the Mouseketeers that run it and the Well, golly! Lookihere: CNN planted question at debate, student says: CNN planted a question about computer preferences at last week's debate of the Democratic presidential candidates at Faneuil Hall in Boston, according to the student who posed the query and wrote about it yesterday in an online forum of the Brown (University) Daily Herald. During the debate, cosponsored by the nonprofit Rock the Vote organization, Alexandra Trustman asked the candidates whether they preferred the PC or Mac format for their computers.How classy! Actually, if the Brown Daily Herald's server isn't still overloaded, you can read the full original letter which is rather plaintive. Excerpts (with some format improvements): I'm writing in response to the Daily Jolt forums, the student dialogue and The Herald representation of me and my question at CNN's Rock the Vote. I'm extremely disappointed in the student body's reaction, especially because they weren't privy to the circumstances under which I had to ask the question, a situation that occurs daily in the media.Sounds like Alexandra is catching some flak. There's hope for the Republic yet! To clear things up, I was called the morning of the event and asked by the executive producer of the show if I would ask a question at the forum. I was told the question would probably be something about Macs or PCs, but that, once I arrived in Boston, we could amend what I would ask. Immediately, confused by the question's relevance as well, I tried to think about ways to make it seem applicable. I thought perhaps CNN's aim in wanting the candidates to answer their computer preference was really a way to breach the topic of technology. So, I constructed a much more relevant question, about how, if elected, the candidates would use technology in their administrations. Once in Boston I was handed a note card with the Macs or PCs version of Clinton's boxers or briefs question. After reading it, I told the executive producer that I didn't see the question's relevance and had thought of one that I would like to ask instead.Er, the reason is that they're asshats, Alexandra. Of course, Alexandra doesn't exactly have a career in rocket science pending: Loyalty to my commitment and the opportunity to be involved in Rock the Vote outweighed any criticism I thought would come from the question. Granted, I wish I had been able to ask something else, but when put into perspective, there are many questions I could have asked that would have yielded a much more negative response. It's not as if what I said was inappropriate or politically incorrect. As the New York Times put it, Rock the Vote was "intended by its organizers to offer a somewhat offbeat view of the candidates by having them answer questions from young voters. And there were, indeed, the offbeat questions, like whether the candidates … preferred PCs to Macs." It's unfortunate that the candidates were unable to take advantage of the question to try to relate to the young viewers by extrapolating their answers. In effect they missed the opportunity to reveal an aspect of their offbeat, youthful side.You've been conned, Alexandra. Deal with it. And if you're going to spend much time dealing with the Donks, get used to it.
Monday, November 10, 2003 This guy looks familiar! Only bigger. ![]() ![]() And looking at the background reminds me of the old saw about scoundrels wrapping themselves in the flag. But since MoveOn was a sponsor, shouldn't there have been some foreign flags?
Meanwhile back at Fantasy Island, Weasley spots "Da Plane" In the New Yorker, Peter J. Boyer interviews asshat brasshat Wesley Clark: When I asked Clark how he explained being fired by Clinton after winning a war for him, he said that he didn’t believe that Clinton had anything to do with it. The President did indeed sign the order that mandated Clark’s early removal from the SACEUR post, but Sandy Berger later explained to Clark that neither he nor the President knew what they were signing. It was, Clark says, a setup, engineered by Cohen’s office and by the Chiefs. As for Clinton, “He was hornswoggled.”While the concept of the horndog being hornswoggled definitely amuses, last week Weasley was saying that he hadn't been fired. So which is it, Weasel Boy? Meanwhile, Tommy Franks has some words on Weasley: WASHINGTON - Gen. Tommy Franks, who retired after leading the first stage of this year's war against Iraq, says in a new report that Wesley Clark, another former general, would make a lousy president.Stick a fork in him, he's done.
Sunday, November 09, 2003 Today's Hoot Babara Amiel in the Telegraph tells us about A breakfast lesson in the art of friendship, Prodi-style. In case you've forgotten, Romano Prodi is the head Euroweenie and while the whole article is amusing, I really liked this: It was left to the head of Fox News, Roger Ailes, to get to the key point.And this: In the crusade to be non-discriminatory in passenger profiling, American airports are second to none. So it was that the 64-year-old, white, Italian president of the European Commission was pulled out of line for a full security check. There is no record of just how "extensive" that check was, but one fears the worst for the EU-US alliance.OK, who's got the shoulder length latex gloves?
Expense Account Augmentation Alert! The United Nations hasn't held a "Summit" lately, so can you say "Road Trip"? I knew you could! Agenda Lacking As U.N. Tech Summit Looms: UNITED NATIONS - Who controls the Internet and how richer nations should subsidize its growth in poorer countries are central issues dividing planners a month ahead of the first U.N. summit on information technology.Both of which make me think the UN should just butt the hell out. More than 50 heads of states have confirmed their attendance for the Dec. 10-12 Geneva meeting but there's still no agreement on what they'll be asked to consider.Aside from the menu and the goods in the shoppes. With expectations low that much of substance can be achieved at what has been christened the World Summit on the Information Society, organizers are stressing the complexity of the issues.Plus lots of good shopping, I'm sure. Hmm, I wonder who'll be there? But U.N. officials say they now have confirmation from the French prime minister and the German chancellor, among at least 56 world leaders expected. Stauffacher said he expected 5,000 to 6,000 people to attend, representing government, business and civic sectors.Jacques, Gerhard, and 5 to 6 thousand people to do nothing? You have to give them credit for knowing how to throw a party. I just wish the taxpayers weren't footing the bill. President Bush is not yet among them.Smart move, but stay tuned for the whines about unilateralism. You really have to read the whole article to get the full flavor of the "issues". It's that bad United Nations taste again. Basically, the one donkey countries want control of Internet technology and content plus lots of cash. Gee, that's a big honking surprise. And here's the best line: Andrew McLaughlin, a former ICANN official now fellow at Harvard focusing on global telecommunications policy, dismisses the summit as a "blabberfest that is not likely to produce results."It's what they do. It's all they do. has a lot of friends in foreign places A poster on FR had some interesting comments about this article in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. Well, I don't speak Swedish so I did a little Googling for co-author Hanna Armelius, and, lo and behold, here it is in English: Democracy aid to the USThe theories are tedious as expected. But here's the big plan: Soon there will be another election, and the campaigning has already started. An estimated 100 million Americans (half of those who are eligible) will cast their vote. As always, there is a vast amount of money involved. However, in our view the greatest scandal is not that American Presidents can be bought -- but rather that they are so cheap. One dollar per EU-citizen would suffice to raise more money than the entire Bush campaign budget for the elections in 2000.OK, but exactly how would a good leftoid do this? In the light of the above, we would like to bring attention to an organization that makes it possible for non-American citizens to contribute to Bush's defeat, and thereby indirectly support democratic values, in the US as well as globally - It is not tied to any particular political party. Due to the wide international breakthrough of their peace campaign, "9-11", foreigners now constitute one third of their network of 2 million. It is illegal for American presidential candidates to receive contributions from other countries. However, all private citizens can make donations to as an organization. Currently they are buying TV commercial time to criticise the Bush administration. There is also a petition that anyone can sign, that calls for the resignation of US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.Emphasis is mine. Think about that when you hear about the Goron's speech this afternoon. Of course, Prince Al had a lot of practice with this kind of thing down at the Buddhist temple. The Swedish meatballs also provide a convenient link for MoveOn contributions.
MoveOn Morons Hype Gore Bore! From one of my nearly forgotten email accounts: To: xxxxxxxxxxCall Guinness, it's a circle jerk record! One striking theme emerged: the deep concern Americans have with the Bush administration's attacks on our cherished liberties, in the name of security.Yikes, the button-down shirted thugs must be everywhere! Since June, we've been looking for a powerful way to respond to this clear mandate, and when former Vice President Gore asked us to co-host a policy address on Freedom and Security, we jumped at the chance.The ankle biters swell with pride when the celebs notice, even if it is Big Weird Al looking for a handout. You are invited to view this important speech on Sunday, November 9 at 2pm EASTERN by web cast, or on Link TV.I've mentioned Link TV before under it's old name WorldLink TV. If you have never seen it, think of it as al-Jazeera for leftoids. Thankfully for my blood pressure, they took it off the satellite our dish is pointed at. In Washington DC, this event will be attended by local MoveOn members and by members of our partner in this effort, the American Constitution Society.Mentioned them before too - "progressive lawyers". Unfortunately, all seats for the event are filled.Despite the button-down shirted thugs! But we encourage you to tune in this Sunday, at 2pm Eastern, by going to: (webcast link removed)All across America, the progressive forces will defy the "Administration's assault on our civil liberties" by huddling around computers and TV sets in darkened rooms listening to the call of freedom from Big Weird Al. If they don't fall asleep. Sincerely,A team of wacky Berkeley software millionaires and their dingleberries. Or you could always watch football.
It's the Bish! Our local "big city" newspaper today ran Gene Frankels's Saturday WaPo puff piece about Archbishop Rowan Williams of the Anglican Church - Anglican Head Seeks 'Middle Way'. The gist is that the sincere but harried cleric is trying to keep things together despite the rancor over gay clergymen: Friends say Williams is deeply frustrated that the church is obsessed with this issue when he would prefer to focus on poverty, AIDS and the impact of globalization. But they insist he will continue to try to work through it by buying time and keeping the two sides from leaving the church.Translation: he wants to keep the cash cows from leaving the barn so he can continue to pursue his hobbies. I know, old snooze. But the best part is that along with: The archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the world's 70 million Anglicans, has called himself a "hairy lefty," ...they ran what has to be the most unappealing picture of the Bish I have ever seen. I could't find it on the web, but this one will give you the flavor.
Interesting, if true Daniel Drezner says Must be a full moon, because I agree with Robert Reich: Mickey Kaus links to this Robert Reich commentary that took my breath away because it was both blunt and correct. The key parts:The only problem with this and all other economic analysis is the poor quality of economic data. As for China, I've noted before that they apparently make it all up. That being said, the idea that manufacturing employment is falling worldwide just as agricultural employment fell throughout the developed world in the last century has a variety of interesting implications. If we don't grow food and we don't make stuff, what do we do? I'm going for overrated and annoying conceptual artist myself.America has been losing manufacturing jobs to China, Latin America and the rest of the developing world. Right? Well, not quite. It turns out that manufacturing jobs have been disappearing all over the world. Economists at Alliance Capital Management in New York took a close look at employment trends in 20 large economies recently, and found that since 1995 more than 22 million factory jobs have disppeared.
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