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Saturday, August 09, 2003 Notes from all over Arkat Kingtroll is first out of the gate with Arnold bumperstickers. John Cole has a rundown on the fund raising peculiarities of the Democrat party. It's always been a hoot the way they depend on fat cats and money extorted by labor unions from their members, but now the usual suspects are creaming their jeans over shady intenational speculator George Soros who has offered up $10M to defeat President Bush. Tim Blair observes that Mark Morford has been mixing 'shrooms and Viagra again. Here's the 'shrooms: And here's the Viagra:You cannot reach me, Dubya.We all need to know about "higher winking". And finally:Here is my porn collection. Here are my divine sex toys and my lubricants and my leather strappy things and my collection of happy open-minded perversions and my active account at and my tattoos and piercings and love of massage oil and vibrators and things that go ooooh in the night. Come on over, Mr. Ashcroft, I have something to show you.If I was reading this in 1973, and if I was an elderly woman, I might be mildly startled by that paragraph. Tim's being polite. Check out the hilarious comments too.There is so much more going on down here than is dreamt of in your bitter and small-minded philosophy. I, and millions like me, sense a more luminous undercurrent, a wider spiritual lens, a richer sensual mother lode. And speaking of Tim, Professor Bunyip observes Ever since Tim Blair swore off his Margo habit, blogdom has been the poorer. The Professor enjoys the Diarist's unique style as much as the next fellow, but it certainly requires a concerted effort to sift the daily slag for the the real gems in those collapsing sentences of somebodies and mystery pronouns coming in to look beyond the spin for what they're not empowered to ask when Polly's on the phone and dear Jack is all overboard, despite the Yank's, for stopping them yesterday with Saint Kevin and Marge from the Gassy Knoll talking to Greens and rolling our own smokes.If you don't know who Margo Kingston is, this may seem opaque. Let's just say she's the Australian equivalent of Mark Morford, presumably without the collection of porn and sex toys.
Friday, August 08, 2003 Music News Hoax Alert! Kieren McCarthy at The Register amuses with Cherie Blair dance track hits Number One: "Will you still love me, will you still hug me, when I'm number 1?" read a story in The Independent on 4 August, which revealed the startling news that Cherie Blair, wife of the Prime Minister, was to become the summer's biggest dance hit sensation.Sounds like "Purple People Eater" to me - time for a snooze. But wait, there's more: Except, except, except. Five days after the sensational news was revealed to an astonished world, has anyone actually heard this incredible summer hit? Thousands of clubbers are, even as we speak, dancing to it, yet no one save a so-called Radio 1 spokesman and a "music industry source" has had anything to say about it. And - possibly the final proof - it hasn't appeared on any of the file-sharing networks.He also notes that the exception [is] the BBC, which appears to have learnt from its numerous previous cock-ups and gone with the headline 'Mystery of Cherie's Ibiza 'hit''.The BBC link also has a snap of Cherie belting out the tune. Looks like she's calling pigs. So are the Independent and the other newsies blushing or will Kieren and the BBC be the chumps? Enquiring minds want to know, but not necessarily hear Cherie sing.
Passing strange Frankly, who the American Episcopal Church chooses as a bishop rates rather low on the care-o-meter with me. But the guy they picked with all the hoopla as their first gay bishop seemed to be a rather odd choice for a poster boy. James Lileks says it better than I: This story has irritated me from the start, and it has nothing to do with Rev. Robinson’s sexual orientation. The guy left his wife and kids to go do the hokey-pokey with someone else: that’s what it’s all about, at least for me. Marriages founder for a variety of reasons, and ofttimes they’re valid reasons, sad and inescapable. But “I want to have sex with other people” is not a valid reason for depriving two little girls of a daddy who lives with them, gets up at night when they're sick, kisses them in the morning when they wake. There's a word for people who leave their children because they don't want to have sex with Mommy anymore: selfish. I'm not a praying man, but I cannot possibly imagine asking God if that would be okay.Donald Sensing too: There is no way on God's green earth that Robinson would have been elected bishop by his own diocese, much less the entire denomination, if he had left his wife for another woman. Lileks is right: he moved in with a man, and the church has endorsed all of it: his past sexual infidelity, breaking his marriage vows, and his continued enjoyment of illicit sex. All have now been given the Episcopal Church Seal of Approval.To my mind, the whole thing merely illustrates why there is a continuing decline of the mainstream Protestant denominations in the USA. After all, if you're going to go to the trouble to be religious, it might be nice to have something to believe in.
It's Big Weird Al Again The Union Leader editorializes on yesterday's eructation from the Goron - Delusion-Al: Gore speaks nonsense in New York: Occasionally history produces moments that make one pause and give thanks that some past event turned out the way that it did. Al Gore’s speech at New York University yesterday was one of those moments. It made us very thankful that George W. Bush won the 2000 Presidential election.Amen, brother! There's just something about that smarmy Gore goof that makes one want to put a boot print on his butt. But hey, at least he lost the beard! Howard the Duck chimed in, saying that Prince Al is a swell guy. One wonders how long the love-in will last if Al is really testing the waters for his own presidential run.
Every man for himself! Arnold Schwarzenegger's entry into the California recall election has overshadowed the DemocRats who are leaving Gray Davis' sinking ship: Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante and Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi broke with party unity to announce they would run.Sure you are, Cruz. Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more. And Grayout Davis still doesn't get it: He said he wished that fellow party members had followed his plan to stay off the ballot, but said more Democrats could lure more voters to the polls.Dream on! In case recollections of the exploits of Cruz Bustamante don't exactly float to the the top of the bowl, here's a picture and some highlights: Davis, who preceded Bustamante as lieutenant governor, and Bustamante have had their scrapes. Early in Davis' first term, Bustamante criticized a Davis policy on immigrants, and Davis responded by eliminating some of Bustamante's staff parking spaces in the Capitol.Woohoo! Hot steaming bureaucratic infighting! Thursday morning, Bustamante criticized a car tax increase approved by Davis and the Legislature, saying it hurts working families.Someone get a stopwatch - he's breaking all records getting away from Davis' vicinity! The lieutenant governor caused a stir two years ago when he used a racial slur against blacks in a speech to the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. But the remark was largely forgiven after he apologized for it as an out-of-character slip.He's of the party whose racial slurs are always forgiven. As lieutenant governor, Bustamante chairs the state Senate and sits on several boards, including the University of California regents, the California State University board trustees and the State Lands Commission, which manages 4.5 million acres of public lands and waterways.Zzzzzz.
Dang, just dang! There's so much goodness over at Samizdata this morning that I might as well just copy all their posts. In Iraq, The Queen's Lancashire Regiment bagged a biggie; there's a heart warming story over at the dissident frogman; and surprise, surprise there's a big US State with a balanced budget - Texas. It seems they adopted the novel expedient of cutting expenditures. The latter reminds me of a comment I heard last night from Rep. Tom Feeney while I was channel surfing past O'Reilly - The difference between the spending habits of sailors on shore leave and Congress is that sailors spend their own money.
Wednesday, August 06, 2003 More nominations for the "Full of more crap than a Christmas goose" contest I missed Supeme Court Justice Ruthie Ginsburg's remarks to the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, a new organization of "progressive" lawyers. Ruthie apparently jumped at the chance to illuminate her activist judicial attitude for her fellow radical tinkerers: The Supreme Court is looking beyond America's borders for guidance in handling cases on issues like the death penalty and gay rights, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Saturday.I wonder if she also led 'em in chorus of Kumbaya? I've noted this perversion previously, but it's always nice to hear it from the horse's er, mouth. However, Ruthie's got some tough competition from Her Heinous: U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton inadvertently insulted hundreds of thousands of people who have purchased her memoirs during an appearance on the "Tonight Show" last night, telling host Jay Leno that many of her fans had never bought a book before purchasing her tome.Pure bull, but what a fantasy! Some possibilities are positively enticing.
An incredulous Leno erupted in laughter. "They're an adult and this is their first book? Doesn't this say something about our educational system?"Puhleeze!
Letters - we send letters! Holly Ramer at the AP reports that the Kool Aid drinkers are keeping busy in Howard Dean's campaign to send out personalized letters from fans: CONCORD, N.H. -- Personalized letters from fans of Howard Dean's presidential bid will be filling the mailboxes of New Hampshire voters next month.But it turns out that some of those who "genuinely care" about Howie aren't so favorable as a Letter to the Editor of the Daily Iowan (terrible free registration system) reveals: The true face of Howard DeanUh Oh! Looks like someone beat Howie's spinners to the punch.
I see that IQ's didn't increase while I was away Zsa Zsa will declare her candidacy for California governor today. And there are more to come apparently. Stand by for extreme hilarity. Meanwhile in Arlington, VA the County Board voted to build a $110,000 pavilion (with $30,000 per year staffing and additional police patrols) where illegal immigrants can hang out waiting for jobs. The residents of the local community where they used to hang out (and I do mean "hang out") are mostly relieved, Residents of Nauck, an historically African-American community, have clashed frequently with the day laborers, who are largely Hispanic. Nauck residents have complained about trespassing, public urination and acts of petty crime, which they pinned on the day laborers.but the local "public" broadcasting weenies are all upset: If the decision to move the facility south of Four Mile Run Drive pleased the residents of Nauck, it positively infuriated officials of WETA, the public broadcasting giant that operates out of several buildings in Shirlington.C'mon Sharon, put your party duds on and welcome the new neighbors! But a question occurs - why not just call the INS and ask 'em to pick up the illegals? Hmmm, never mind.
A few more notches for the Ecoweenies John Berlau reports in Insight magazine that the Columbia and Challenger space shuttle disasters are both directly attributable to the substitution of unsuitable materials based on typical Ecoweenie whining. But many experts looking at the tragedy that killed seven astronauts say there is a deeper cause. They say that the metaphorical smoking gun should be painted green.Meanwhile over at the Guardian, they've discovered the Weather Gods are angry at the USA. Their screed is fetchingly titled The climate must change: And reform must start with America. Maybe the gods would be placated if we threw a few Ecoweenies in a volcano? It's certainly more pleasing than dead astronauts.
Back from the hinterlands "When the van is full, it's time to head home." At least Mrs. Philosopher didn't spot a U-Haul dealer before we were well on the way back to the barn. Now I'll have to wait a month before she fully removes the selection of prime junque which she acquired on our jaunt. Next year she's threatening a a visit to the Route 127 yard sale. My observation is that unless she learns to drive a 18 wheeler, she won't last more than a mile or two. As for politics, we didn't go looking for it and mostly it didn't find us. I would have to say that small town America loves the troops based on the copious displays of flags and yellow ribbons at homes, businesses, and schools. (Apparently the NEA hadn't gotten to the latter.) However, standing in line at an old mining town's Volunteer Fire Department sale of fresh cooked bleenies, the locals were grousing about the useless mayor, the incompetent police department, and President Bush wasting money on rebuilding Iraq and fooling around in Liberia. Mrs. Philosopher innocently inquired whether that meant they were Hillary fans and the howls of distaste for "that crook" amazed us. When asked who they did like, the Volunteer Fire Department seemed to be about it. That's the kind of folks I like - grumpy. Blogging will recommence shortly at a suitably mellow pace.
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