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Saturday, March 15, 2003 Marching Loons At least he's got an excuse - if he doesn't march, the Mukhabarat will pay him a visit.
That Special Relationship Orrin Judd expresses something that has startled me too: You often read in profiles of George W. Bush's extraordinary loyalty to friends and allies, but we're unaware of any other time in great power history when a leader has been so deferential to the internal political needs of a fellow head of state, especially not one of the opposite political party (broadly speaking). The delay in beginning the war, the search for a UN resolution that explicitly authorizes war, and this announcement of plans for a Middle East road map are all of them gracious and unnecessary motions that George Bush has engaged in solely for the purpose of aiding Tony Blair's personal political fortunes. That's remarkable.
Bye Bye! Gwyn Prins in the Guardian says Farewell to the old world - Iraq is the catalyst for the draining of power from the UN, EU and Nato: But Iraq is simply a subplot within the play, whose major theme is the definitive end of the post-cold war interregnum, and the opening of the American imperial moment. We are at the passing of the age of Middle Earth. All the agents and the institutions of that age will be profoundly affected.If you dress up the court jester, he's still the jester. Chirac has trapped France on the narrow summit of his own rhetoric. So unless quick footwork can sidestep that prospect, and also the unseemly scrabble for the nine votes, the second resolution becomes less about repetition of the "678-687-1441" mandates than precipitating the UN's "Abyssinia moment".I was wondering if anyone was going to mention those betrayals. But the biggest miscalculations of the past few weeks have been about the EU. The EU constitutional convention, as now drafted, is straightforwardly federal. Not a word of what the British and other sceptics said was entertained. When Giscard d'Estaing presented the clauses, he did so with a brutal frankness: this is the future and those who do not like it are free to leave. The assumption is that this is a deadly threat - to be cast out into the cold. But is it?France achieves continuing irrelevance. Film at 11.
Full frontal nudity alert! (That ought to do wonders for my search engine hit count!) Tim Blair has all the dirty details: YIKES! This cheesy Australian porn site has set up Nude For Peace, where naked freaky hippie chicks get to ... well, I'll let them explain:Can you say skanky?We just thing that Bush is a fucking idiot for his 'kill 'em all' rehotric. We all are in favour of a UN ratified solution. If you feel stongly about peace, we urge you to write a message on your body, and send it in more info on the site.
Friday, March 14, 2003 Shhhh! The United Nations at Work (Via Gweilo Diaries) Marcus Warren reveals that Gossip feeds the chaos and confusion at UN: In the febrile atmosphere sweeping the building the whisper that Guinea would vote against the US on the advice of its president's witch doctor provoked new excitement.I'll try to restrain myself.
Today's Hoot Ben Macintyre in the UK Times amuses with Le Bulldozer takes up tap dancing and learns to love himself: "The President is in ecstasy," one aide remarked as M Chirac began collecting the bouquets and billets-doux from an adoring French media. "He’s like a man smoking a cigarette after making love." The Lothario who did not love himself has now fallen head over heels, and is playing the moment for all it is worth, unconcerned about the wider outcome: the impact on the UN, the long-term crisis in relations with the US and Britain, and the wreckage of the concept of a European foreign policy. The roar of the crowd is deafening. For the first time, M Chirac is playing to packed houses, a bulldozer tap-dancing in the spotlight.Explain to me again why we're supposed to care about this wanker?
Emperor Kofi's New Duds! U.S. Protests Annan's Naked Appearance at U.N.: The U.S. Representative to the United Nations lodged an official protest yesterday claiming that Secretary-General Kofi Annan appeared at a Security Council session naked.It's ScrappleFace.
Bon voyage, ladies One of many - KC Radio Stations Dump Dixie Chicks: If you tuned in to any of Kansas City's country music stations Thursday, you did not hear the Dixie Chicks.That's one way of describing it. "If you guys play another Dixie Chicks song, we'll never listen to you again," one country music fan told KBEQ. ![]() Bye bye!
Stealth Meme Alert Hop on over to, home of one of the more hilarious counterprotest efforts: ![]() They'll never see it coming.
Thursday, March 13, 2003 Stop, you're breaking my heart! Shrill Sheen loses TV ad gig - "Visa has been getting tons of complaints based on his war stance." Which reminds me of pot-bellied songbird, Natalie Maines ![]() whom I mentioned last night. Can you say "reduced airplay"? Which in turn reminds me. John Fund has an interesting article today in the WSJ Opinion Journal - Stars and Gripes: Hollywood celebs aren't antiwar. They just hate the president. They had no problem with Bubba intervening in various hotspots without the U.N. seal of approval, but now their knickers are tightly knotted.
Subhuman Shield Alert! Time for an update on subhuman shield impresario, Ken O'Keefe - 'Human Shield' Volunteers Out of Iraq: AMMAN, Jordan - Five volunteers who went to Iraq to serve as "human shields," including two Americans, were forced out of the country because they were critical of the government's choice of sites to protect, the head of the group said Wednesday.Too bad Ken didn't get to visit Uday's torture dungeon and meet Mr. Nutcracker. "The Iraqi government was acting absolutely very stupid," O'Keefe said, dressed in a long Arabic dishdasha robes while talking to The Associated Press at a small hotel in downtown Amman.Ken, your 15 minutes are up. It's been real.
Doing the PIRG hustle Radley Balko at Fox News on Nader Scams College Kids: Each semester, Meremac Community College in St. Louis, Mo., charged Crystal Lewis for a service called "MOPIRG." "I hadn't the slightest idea what it was," she says. The fine print on her bill read: "If you opt not to support MOPIRG, please deduct this amount from your payment." So she did. But she still wasn't sure what she was no longer paying for.A bad memory returns. The PIRG idea was born in the late 1960s, but really caught on through the 1970s and 1980s. It has again picked up momentum in the last few years, due mainly to the publicity that accompanied Nader's presidential campaign. The scam varies from campus to campus, but it basically works like this:I can recall demanding and receiving my money back more years ago than I care to count. What's remarkable is the blatant, transparent hypocrisy the PIRGS use to defend their tactics. The USPIRG Web site claims that mandatory student fees earmarked for liberal activism are "protected by the First Amendment," and are intended to "foster a marketplace of ideas."All good con artists can lay down a snappy patter.
I've got a solution Mary Jordan of the Washington Post reveals Legacy of Jesse James lives on along Mexico border: CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico - The Mexican bandits wait in the darkness for the sound that tells them pay dirt is approaching. And right on schedule, the Union Pacific train whistle cuts the darkness, shrill and clear, and a slow-moving freight train rumbles around the curve.OK, I get the picture. So after nightfall Sept. 12, Crawford put into action a joint sting operation. About 70 FBI and U.S. Border Patrol agents lay hidden, some in container cars of a train, some near the tracks. On the Mexican side, 70 Juarez police and federal customs agents, also hidden, waited as a half-mile-long freight train chugged toward bandit territory.And all the usual whiners have their knickers in a twist. My clarifying suggestion: Instead of wrestling with thugs armed with baseball bats, it's situations like this for which 00 buckshot was invented.
Wednesday, March 12, 2003 Missing clue alert! George Neumayr in the American Prowler relates a Spike Strip Tragedy: Last Sunday 22 illegal immigrants from Mexico piled into a stolen Chevrolet pickup and led the California Highway Patrol and the U.S. Border Patrol on a chase near San Diego which reached speeds of 95 miles per hour. The wobbly vehicle darted on to a central divider, traveled eastbound on a westbound interstate, and then spun out of control after the driver tried to bypass a police spike strip. The car flipped, resulting in the death of the driver and one other passenger and injuries to the other 20 passengers, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Inmates running the asylum alert! The Curmudgeon alerts us to the latest foolishness imposed on the US military in Can you spell F-R-A-G?
Lurch alert! Here's the latest scoop on Mr. Ketchup. Kerry has a bad case of the sulks: JOHN KERRY and his staff have got their . . . um . . . Austrian up. Kerry to skip St. Pat's Day political roast: His White House ambitions and a lack of Irish heritage make him the perfect target at Sunday's St. Patrick's Day political roast, but U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry apparently won't be there to take the heat.Meanwhile over at The Corner, Andrew Stuttaford is having a laugh at the Kerry puff piece in Vogue. Aside from posing in a wetsuit, Mr. Ketchup drops various pearls including that Pablo Neruda is his favorite poet. Apparently none of his handlers told John that when you pick a Communist for poesy, you have to put up with stuff like this tribute to Stalin on his demise: "To be men! That is the Stalinist law!Hmm, no mention of warfarin in the vodka. Oh yeah, Brainiac took time out from his fund raising to bless us with his wisdom - "Visiting New York to raise cash, Sen. Kerry (D-Mass.) contended Bush should delay war and agree to more weapons inspections if that would result in more countries supporting military action." Zzzzzzz.
Tuesday, March 11, 2003 Something in black Tim Blair's latest column in the Bulletin is filled with all sorts of goodness including interviews with idealistic youth. However, I was deeply saddened to hear of Phatty's latest travail: Will the torment of Phillip Adams never end? The columnist and broadcaster has been in dispute with the owners of Sydney's Lord Dudley Hotel, which adjoins Phillip's Paddington house, over such matters as laneway access to his property, noisy drinkers, and so on. Now, thanks to Italian airline Alitalia, Adams faces an influx of raucous, temperamental, gesticulating Catholics. The airline's web site lists the Lord Dudley among its "must see" Sydney nightspots, along with the Balgowlah RSL and the Revesby Workers Club. Hilarity will ensue when one of the tipsy visitors mistakes the large, hairy, perpetually black-clad Adams for a grieving Calabrian widow and attempts to buy him a consoling drink. ![]() Mama mia! "Beer goggles" alert!
Thunder Chunder Alert! If by chance you need a powerful emetic, check out Anti-war hero Chirac finds his destiny: JACQUES CHIRAC was basking in ecstatic praise from virtually all of France yesterday after his Monday night pledge to defy America and veto a war against Iraq.Every flyblown pest hole is on some map. "Maybe Chirac stumbled into this, but the old dodger has finally done something great," was a common refrain among intellectuals who had long regarded him as an unprincipled opportunist.And we now regard them as unprincipled opportunists. Le Monde, which until elections last year had led the campaign to expose M Chirac as corrupt, hailed the "nobility" of his cause in defending the international order against "the neo-imperialist Americans". Libération, another perennial opponent, the left-wing daily, marvelled at the way in which he was leading the world towards his vision of a multipolar, international order in the face of superpower hegemony. Serge July, Editor of Libération, said that M Chirac’s intransigence was aimed at saving America from its own "fatal unilateralism".Thanks pal, we'll pass. More by following the link, but grab a barf bag first. Hmm, what more could they do to live up to the stereotype? Beats the hell out of me. ![]()
Tell us how you really feel alert! James Bone says in the Times (UK) that Blix should turn the 'smoking gun' on his own head: Hans Blix has just renewed his contract as chief UN weapons inspector for Iraq until the end of June. He says that summer would be a nice time to return home to Sweden. Why wait, Hans? You can resume your retirement at your retreat on the Baltic island of Graesoe in time for spring. It is time to resign.Hasta la vista, Hans!
Today's Hoot An item I overlooked in January - Libertarian Vin Suprynowicz has a cross cultural moment in the Las Vegas Review-Journal: The real lectures to our staff about our "racism " and our abominable "lack of sensitivity" were delivered by tax-succored government school bureaucrats who are retained to run expensive special programs teaching Mexican kids in Spanish, and by Fernando Romero, a longtime agitator and 54-year-old executive for The Mirage, who categorically denies any "undocumented workers" are employed in the Las Vegas hotel industry.Fernando must not get out of his office much. These professional whiners insisted that neither Mr. Ward nor the rest of us should "lump together" the diverse Hispanic community, which includes American-born persons of Hispanic descent, legal immigrants and "undocumented workers."Seems that Fernando is a tad "sensitive". Note the euphemism. I repeatedly asked -- since our guests had insisted we should not "lump together" all the diverse elements of the Hispanic community -- whether they would then join with me in calling for the rounding up and deportation of all illegal aliens.Much more japery by following the link.
Iraqi Hijinks Alert! (Via Rantburg) Some selections from UPI hears....: Reports from Paris say that President Jacques Chirac, fearing that intense U.S. diplomatic pressure is having its impact on the wavering votes in the Security Council, is privately urging Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to make a grand gesture. Chirac is proposing that the Iraqi leader convene a big news conference in Baghdad -- including the CNN, BBC, and al-Jazeera TV cameras -- and announce the dismantling of a headline-catching weapons system as a concession to the U.N. inspectors. The only problem seems to be Iraq's previous statements that it has no remaining weapons systems to hand over -- despite the small print of the 173-page UNMOVIC inspectors' report that Hans Blix failed to specify in his U.N. address Friday.Don't worry Jackanapes - if you talk fast, no one will notice. Intelligence reports of Iraqi troops placing explosives in the oil fields around Kirkup, apparently preparing the well-heads for demolition, come with the disturbing footnote that local sources claim the troops are not Iraqi soldiers, but Iranians from the Mujaheddin-al-Khalq (MKO). Fierce opponents of the ayatollahs, the MKO have long been given protection, including bases, arms and training grounds, by the Iraqi regime. MKO defectors in Tehran last month told reporters from Britain's Sunday Times that Iraq had hidden large underground laboratories beneath a swimming pool at Ashraf, the MKO's main military base 43 miles north of Baghdad. U.N. inspectors have been barred from Ashraf, because Baghdad says the MKO bases are the sovereign territory of the Iranian government in exile, claiming it has no jurisdiction over them.Saddam's employment of foreign thugs is no surprise, but I like the extraterritoriality claim for their bases. And, of course, Hans Blix and the UNsters bought it. You truly can't make stuff like this up.
More Work for Kofi Annan! Crash-prone Thomas frightens kids: LONDON (Reuters) - Thomas the Tank Engine shows too many crashes and may be making children frightened of going on a train, according to a psychologist.This ought to be worth a United Nations directorate and a world summit every 3 years or so.
Out of the mouth of babes alert! The AFP quotes Kofi Annan: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said any veto in the Security Council of a second resolution on Iraq would not spell the end of the world body, the Dutch news agency ANP reported.Fer sure, dude!
What he said! Mark Steyn requests Bring on the war - for everyone's sake: Is there a columnar equivalent of Viagra? I mean, I started writing about the impending war with Iraq in late September 2001 and after a year and a half I'm beginning to flag. I don't think I've had a new thought on Iraq in months. I agree with what I said about toppling Saddam on this page way back on September 27th 2001. Don't bother looking it up. I've said the same words in a slightly different order a gazillion times since and, even taking the President at his word that this is Saddam's last last chance, that still gives me a couple more weeks or so to say it another half-dozen times. I'm like Tony Orlando in Atlantic City, getting older and sadder singing the same song every night.And the clincher: The Iraqi Army is begging to surrender en masse. Why torment them for month after month? This interminable non-rush to non-war is like a long, languorous, humid summer where everyone's sweaty and cranky and longing for the clouds to break and the cool, refreshing rain to fall. Bring it on. Please.It's long past time to stop shifting the manure around in the United Nations and get it done.
Clare Short says "It's all about me" Clare Short's memory is failing her. In 1999 it was Short: No going soft on fascism while today it is Clare Short threatens to quit over Iraq. Then again she's got a history: After all, Ms Short had hinted as long ago as last summer that she might go over Iraq and even a cursory glance at her career shows she has resigned, or at least threatened to do so, more than just about any other living politician.I wonder if she is allowed access to sharp objects?
By the way Yesterday, Kofi Annan took time out from reuniting Cyprus to whine about the USA. In case you are wondering how the reunification business is going, Michele Kambas reports for Reuters that U.N. Abandons Cyprus Peace Effort After Talks Fail: Peace talks between the Greek and Turkish leaders of Cyprus collapsed on Tuesday and the United Nations announced the end of its efforts to reunite the island before it accedes to the European Union.Looks like they are batting 1000.
Where are the inspectors? (Via Tim Blair) The Viking Pundit: To the Subscription Department of the New York Times:More by following the link.
UN Motto Alert DaghtatorBlog reveals that the United Nations' old motto was "stop! ...or we'll yell stop again!"and points to the Skeptician who has the scoop on the new motto and logo: The resolution authorizing the new logo and motto was passed 14-0, with only France abstaining from the vote. France had threatened to veto the resolution, but chose instead to protest through abstention.Hmm, I thought the new motto was "Closed by the Board of Health".
Monday, March 10, 2003 And now for something completely different The AP stuns with Jerry Springer registers Ohio poll's highest unfavorable rating in 14 years: Talk show host Jerry Springer, who has said he might run for the Senate, scored the highest unfavorable rating in the 14 years that the Ohio Poll has been taking the state's political pulse.Well, he has excellent name recognition!
Worm boy says no Reuters alerts that France's Chirac promises veto in U.N. Iraq vote: French President Jacques Chirac said on Monday France would use its U.N. Security Council veto to block a resolution authorising war against Iraq.Well, I guess that's that. As they say over at PaveFrance: Paving begins in eight minutes.
Mommy, Daddy, can we tell them to screw off yet? (Via InstaPundit) Max Boot in the Financial Times says America must not be tied by Lilliputians: The Security Council does not seem to have got the message. On Friday, it reconvened for another endless round of palaver over the pace of weapons inspections, presided over by the resplendently-robed foreign minister of Guinea. No doubt his countrymen would have been mighty proud of François Fall's star turn on the world stage. If only they had seen it.But serving at the UN is really cushy duty! The UN isn't entirely useless. A quick perusal of its website shows that it has a lot to keep it busy. "UN agency to launch a new sports and environment initiative for youth," reads the headline of one press release. Another trumpets: "UN banks offer cut-rate loans for solar power development in India." While the UN pursues those weighty projects, the hard work of making the world a bit safer for democracy will be performed, as it always has been, and always will be, by America, Britain and their allies.Ah! Full employment for 3rd world diplomats! Until we turn off the funding spigot
Sophie Cannon Alert! The majordomo of the East River talk shop waxed lyrical today on a visit to the Hague: U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan warned the United States and its allies Monday that the legitimacy of a war to disarm Iraq without U.N. Security Council backing would be "seriously impaired."Ruh Oh! The prospect is keeping me awake nights. "If the U.S and others were to go outside the Council and take military action it would not be conformity with the (U.N.) charter," said Annan, who was in The Hague for peace talks to reunite Cyprus.Zzzzz. Time for another resolution. The success or failure of the international community to achieve unity on Iraq would have a major impact on its ability to resolve problems in Korea, Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Annan said.And a really swell job the UN has been doing in those places too, Kofi. "The better the consensus, the better the chance we have to come together again and deal effectively with other burning conflicts in the world, starting with the one between the Israelis and the Palestinians," Annan said.You've got to admit he has a talent for coming up with this stuff. Maybe he can get a gig at a comedy club?
Lurch Alert! (Via InstaPundit) Erstwhile presidential candidate and occasional Irishman, John Kerry, demonstrates his foreign affairs gravitas: "What I do regret is that this administration has not lived up to the standards of diplomacy set forth in the resolution," Kerry told the Des Moines Sunday Register. "The president's diplomacy has been completely lacking."Our allies undoubtedly thank Johnny Boy for his consideration. I wonder if he would like some cheese with his whine?
Roasted peanut Jimmy Carter's delusional ravings continue apace, but Steve Dunleavy has some perspective in the NY Post in Busybody Jimmy Carter a Man With No Ex Appeal: ALEXANDER Hamilton, who founded this great newspaper in 1801, said, "Once presidents complete their terms, they should leave the country. Otherwise, they would be a great mischief."As easily the most incompetent President of modern times (Bubba included), Jimmy ought to shut his yap and be thankful a vengeful citizenry didn't give him what he really deserved.
I'm shocked! Sky News stuns with Soldier's Chilling Warning: An Iraqi defector has told Sky News that Saddam Hussein will use chemical weapons if the country is invaded.I thought Saddam told the UN that he had destroyed all his chemical and biological weapons. You don't think he was lying, do you?
It's deja vu all over again George Kerevan in the Scotsman reminds us how much the UN resembles the League of Nations in The UN's weakest link: its inability to take action: The original UN was never intended as a talking shop. It was crafted as an organ of world collective security whereby the aptly-named Security Council would wage war against aggressor nations. That is why Sweden was originally excluded from UN membership because she was not prepared to abandon her neutrality if the Security Council took military action.Let's put the UN out of its misery.
Sunday, March 09, 2003 Uh Oh! Breaches In Kuwaiti Fence to Bring 'Wrath of U.N.' on U.S.: Reports of U.S. troop incursions into the United Nation's demilitarized border between Kuwait and Iraq could "bring down the full wrath of the Security Council" upon the the United States.It's ScrappleFace.
Today's hoot! John Derbyshire at The Corner: Just watched the much-touted Clinton-Dole exchange on 60 Minutes. What a flop! Clinton: "Tax cut for the rich, blah blah blah." Dole: "We know how to spend our money better than Washington, yada yada yada." You'd think a guy who'd been POTUS and a guy who'd been in the Senate for 150 years would have something interesting to say. I hear better stuff than this standing on line at K-Mart.
Gratuitous link alert! Acidman seeks a spouse, but the ladies frown over his tone, demeanor, and general attitude. What a rascal - using reverse psychology like that!
Whine-a-roni, the San Francisco Treat C.W. Nevius in the SF Chronicle provides a Bay area view of the rise of NASCAR as a spectator sport in: NASCAR RISING - Why are sports' newest superstars paunchy white men? And how did they take over your TV? But there's lots of amusement among the angst-laden, liberal handwringing about "diversity": In some ways, the Bay Area is the test tube for it all. There is no more unlikely place for the rise of a Southern-based, self-proclaimed "redneck" recreation than sophisticated San Francisco. Sure, every major sport would like to have a presence in the fifth-largest population center in the United States, but isn't NASCAR a better fit somewhere more removed than the Napa- Sonoma vineyards?I'm sure that's a shock for the oh-so-sensitive ones. Lasseter, the Bay Area filmmaker, recalls a pilgrimage back to the famous Charlotte track. Although he watched most of the race from the owner's box, he was also escorted into the vast infield and taken to a small rise known proudly as "Redneck Hill."Yep, a shock indeed. Ole C.W. also has some thoughts on NASCAR's appeal: There's also the possibility that what is going on is less about race and more about the perception that wealthy professional athletes in traditional American sports have come to see themselves as rock stars.Ya think? There is also a school of thought that says the average fan is finding it harder and harder to identify with today's athletes physically.Well yee haw! Much more by following the link.
Radical tinkerers at work The ecoweenies have a perpetual knicker knot because all the citizens of the USA aren't living in Bauhaus warehouses in large cities. So they have been busy legislating land use restirctions in states across the country under the guise of preventing "sprawl". Peter Whoriskey provides an interesting review of how things are working out in the Washington DC area in Density Limits Only Add To Sprawl - Large Lots Eat Up Area Countryside: More than half of the land surrounding the nation's capital is now protected from typical suburban housing development, according to a Washington Post review of land plans in 14 counties in Virginia and Maryland. Restrictions in these "rural" areas limit home builders to no more than one house for every three acres, with several counties curtailing development even more.So what's the result? Recent limitations in western Loudoun County, for example, have helped push builders into West Virginia, while developers in Montgomery have migrated to Frederick and Washington counties in Maryland.Lots more by following the link, but the bottom line is that all kinds of wackiness is going on because the benighted citizens uniformly don't want to live in DC itself and are flowing around the obstructions provided by the "antisprawl" laws. So what's a good central planner to do? Efforts at protecting open land grow out of a planning philosophy known as "smart growth," which holds that housing should be directed into compact, efficient nodes close to job centers. Theoretically, this reduces auto travel and land consumption while preserving outlying land in a natural state. The most frequently cited example is Portland, Ore., which maintains an urban growth boundary, outside of which building is sharply limited.Yep, install regional planning and prohibit building residences outside an "urban growth" boundary. But just think how much "better" it would be if they did all this planning and regulating at the national level? Now there's an issue the Democrat party can really get behind!
Who'd have thunk it? Andrew Curry provides an interesting biographical piece in US News on Victor Davis Hanson: SELMA, CALIF.--Victor Davis Hanson's grape farm here is 3 miles straight down Mountain View Road from the Sun-Maid raisin plant his vineyards supply. Orderly rows of Thompson grapevines, dry and bare in the chill of California winter, surround a modest, two-story gray farmhouse. Inside, black-and-white family photos stretch back five generations, evidence of a family clinging to this land since the railroad brought them from Missouri in 1872.
Early bird alert! (Via Drudge) Saddam's Soldiers Surrender: TERRIFIED Iraqi soldiers have crossed the Kuwait border and tried to surrender to British forces - because they thought the war had already started.I hate it when people show up before the party has started.
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